I have managed to put the jigsaw outline on top of the image ( couldn't upload it, file to big) anyway i don't know how to cut around the outline successfully. Is there an easier where to have jigsaw pieces?
I have an image that I want to automatically cut into smaller pieces, probably all with the same width and height. For example, when I have an image of 1000x1000 pixels, I need/want to "slice" it into many 50x50 pieces (as if I would cut along an imaginary grid). Since this process could end up with many such small pieces, a manual approach would take me some time (at least I think so).
Thus, is there an easy/automatic way of how to accomplish this task?
My logo is made of 9 boxes. I want to create an intro where the blocks of the logo are joining / sliding from different directions outside the view to make one image (full logo image).Like in PowerPoint but in a biot more controlled way.
In a nutshell - I am a seamstress attempting to make a pattern. Well, I have made the pattern - drawn it out on a large sheet of paper. I have manually "cut" it into letter-sized parts and scanned those parts onto my computer (with hash marks so that the parts can be matched back up to make the larger whole pattern).
I have spent a lot of time redrawing the lines in paint.net so they are neat and clean and more even. But then I went to print them and sizing is totally messed up and I am just not able to get my brain around this sizing thing. I need to be able to send these files to customers so they can print them out, put them together and have a pattern.
So, in effect, I have a large image that I want to print in puzzle pieces but they must maintain their *real* *life-sized* size. I'm attaching one of the individual files. What I need to do to it to make it be 8.5" x 11".
Back in Photoshop CS2 or CS3 I found a Plug-in for a Filter of a jigsaw puzzle piece. I am now using CS4 in Windows and am unable to find that plug-in any where. Can you tell me how I can get it back?
I am trying to do a jigsaw picture. Everyone ( well, not everyone but lots ) are telling me that this is included ( but not loaded ) in CS5. I have looked in my Adobe folders and there is not even a textures folder, Let alone the jigsaw texture itself !
creating your own templates for jigsaw puzzle pieces? So far, I can create these in CS6 (no longer seems to have Texturizer with a jigsaw puzzle texture like earlier PS versions) by using a single template (found with a YouTube video on this topic) for a specific number of pieces, confined to the one template.
I would like to make jigsaw puzzles with a variety of pieces, so it would be useful if I could create my own templates with different numbers of pieces. There are PS plugins but these have costs associated with them, especially if used commercially. If possible, I'd rather create my own templates (in PS or AI). For example, I'd like to create an "easy" puzzle template with 20 pieces.
If none exist, an option would be to re-install PS CS 4, 5 or 5.5, alongside CS6. Not sure which is the last version to have Texturizer with a jigsaw texture, but it may be CS4 (by additional download for CS5). But, not having seen or used it in earlier versions, I also wonder if it has sufficient configuration options to choose the number of pieces for a jigsaw? As mentioned, would like to create a range of templates all with different numbers of pieces.
For a promotional campaign I'm working on, I'd like to take a picture and "break it up" into puzzle pieces, then move those pieces around to mimic the look of them floating into place as the image is completed.
I have a great handle on the "move them around" and "float into place" parts, but I'm having no luck with the puzzle piece end of this, that I did previously using blocks. It's the right effect, but I really want that jigsaw puzzle look to this next one.
How do I crop a photo into several pieces like a puzzle. It doesn't matter what shape the pieces are, so long as they will all fit together again. When I use the crop tool, it takes one piece and deletes the rest... Somebody told me to make a duplicate image and crop that way, but how will I know I'm cropping in the right place?
I would like to take a thick ring and cut it into even pieces that will afterwards be their own seperate layers.. I have tried to just cut a ring myself freehand, but its not coming out even
The closer I got to the same look was to create a brush with the size of 1 pixel and 500% spacing, but it's still a bit slow to get even a small area looking like it's been sprayed. Plus, in the end my pattern looks too regular, not very natural. Here is part of the image whose look I'm trying to recreate (400% and 100%).
How come pieces of a model disappear when I try to edit the model?As you can see here there is a base to this counter.When I edit the counter in place, because it was modeled in place the base disappears? What's going on?
I recently downloaded and installed Photoshop and I am having trouble opening anything. Any image that I try to open wont show up,I can see if fine in the thumbnail on my layers palette but nothing on my actual workspace. Sometimes it will open but it will only show part of the image and as soon as I try to move it or even click on it, it disappears. Also if I open the image in a separate tab and try to drag it to my original work space, it will show up in pieces or sometimes like a tiled image. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Im hoping it is a setting or something simple..
I have a picture and I used photoshop's elliptical marquee tool to create a circle. I used the circle and cut and paste so that I have a circular chunk of the photograph.
However, when I copy and paste the circular patch into MS Word or PowerPoint, I get a WHITE rectangular box surrounding the circular photograph.
Is there any way to separate a sweep into all its adjoining pieces? I really want to get all the pieces and their miter angles in order to dimension properly, in order to make an assemble manual.
I am running ACAD Mech 2012. Our LA office has ACAD LT. Every single letter, line, symbol, etc is made up of a bunch of different pieces. I found that the word SPARE was made up of 46 pieces! I have attached a portion of the drawing. I have never seen anything like this and I can't even imagine how this could be made or changed into this.
Ubiquitous Information: Adobe Illustrator CS6 v. 16.0.3 (32-bit) Win XP sp3 OS
I have a vector art file of puzzle pieces (connected as though the puzzle has been assembled) that I would like to use with an image file. If I wanted the entire image to appear finished, I would simply place this vector layer above the image layer and voila...finished puzzle. However, I would like to use the 3D effects in Illustrator to make it appear that some of the pieces are not yet seated into place. I know how to do this with the puzzle vector art, but how do I attach or clip the image layer to it so that it rotates, bevels, etc. with the individual puzzle pieces I want to treat in this manner?
I need to be able to take a design that is in outline format such as this for an example:
Converting it to an outline is really easy and I have no problems with that. However, I need each individual piece of the design to be separated out as an individual object as certain pieces would get cut out of different materials.
What is the easiest way to convert this design from one big outline design, to individual components?
I'm wanting to know the best way to make different game outfits for a character. I want to be able to switch out between a couple different torsos and still have the same head model and rigging with animations still working.
I'm not sure if this is the best way or not but I detached a cylinder into two separate pieces.
Then I skinned and weight painted one half of the cylinder, weight painting the seam 50% to both bones and decreased that amount as I went father away from the seam. Then doing the same thing to the other half of the cylinder.
For example if this was the game character I would detach his arms, legs, and head from his torso and do the same thing I did with the cylinder.
I've included a link to a video of the cylinder bending.
I have 20 pieces of geometry that when assembled create a single object. In my layers window, it shows all 20 pieces under a single layer. When i attach all object so create a single object, all the layers "sub-layers" stay intact.
I have never noticed this before, but would have assumed that the layer would have been consolidated to reflect the singular object in my viewport. Is Max acting the way it should?