I just downloaded paint and am giving it a whirl at my company. We're trying to move away from old programs we still somehow use. My question is if I have a piece of line artwork that's 7x 8.5, the standard font size we use is 12. Yet when I type it into the artwork, it looks like it's size 6 comparatively.
I made orange letters in a font sized 142. But when I made a new layer and then made white letters to put on top of the orange ones--I also use font size 142, but it was smaller than the orange font. So I couldn't put it one top of the other letters for the 3-D look.
It's close, but not quite close enough to fit as it should. Do the differing colors make a difference in how the font of the same size is different? Or is it using different layers?
When I put orange gabriola font, 144 size, Bold effect on a canvas--and then try to make it 3-D by adding white. The white is smaller --not the same size as the orange--yet everything else is the same!
I tried measuring them together by putting the white behind the orange (it is smaller!) by going back to a file I'd resized before making the white (in case I did) --same thing. Made new layer, duplicate layer, put the active layer below, above..nothing would make them the same size!
Not that the actual letters are so badly different is size, but the spacing appears to be wider in the orange than in the white--which means that the white doesn't fit on the orange.
I need to get my manuscript published. And after all I've had to do to learn to get as far as I have, I sure don't feel like having to repeat if for one contrary white font!
I am trying to make a logo size of 1500 bye 400 when i go to colour it all in black its ok but when i add text its fine then when i go to add photos to it.keeps going on to double size page
I like to have more than 2 photos in the logo
Do I need to change settings as it was working fine for me before as am trying to make logos for my envision free board.
i want to make a TEXT ONLY LAYER.if i want change a font or size, just click a layer and change a font or size. like-photoshop.but, not same-photoshop. i think layer is make a ONLY ONE.
In PSP 8, if I have many text entries within a single vector layer, all with same font size and type, is there a way to change the font size for all of them at once?
I have added 9pt vector text in multiple places of an image. Now I realize it should have been 8pt. I can add new text as 8pt but cant figure out how to change the point size of vector text that is already on the image. If I select a vector text object and then change the point size on the "Size" drop down menu at the top nothing happens. If I right click the vector object and select Edit Text I can change the actual text but not the font or its size. If I right-click the vector object and select Properties I can change stroke, fill, line style etc but this window does not include font or size. How do I change the font and point size for existing vector text objects?
I need to generate some decent grain/noise bakground for web page of size 128x128 or similar size.
I found - Grain Generator at [URL] ...... but it does not allow setup a spicle/grain size only 1pixel. I want dirrerent and random sizes from 1x1px up to 4x4px size.
Can it be simply generated in PSP X2/X4 or some good even online generator?
I create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.
I ask someone to design a boxshot in PSD. In the boxshot, there are two text layers. Both text layers use the same font and size. But the actual text looks differently in size in my computer(after installing the required fonts). And the designer said in his computer, these two texts looks in same size.
when I create a template, and start dimensioning, the font size are always set to the default (.2) is there a setting to choose to make the font size relative to the size of dwg so that I do not have to increase the size of the fonts each time I do a dimension or any text.?
I opened a pdf page in Illustrator to extract the image. Missing font dialog box was not shown while opening the pdf page but junk characters (box-like) appeared in the file.
The font used for these characters is Times New roman composite True type. This font could not be replaced with Times new roman true type font. how to avoid the junk characters while opening the pdf page in Illustrator
We are overlaying a word or two on jpg's. In the settings bar along the top, the font is set to 8pt.That has worked seamlessly, for some time. Suddenly, though the pt setting is not changed, the actual text over the photo is larger - much too large to fit. But changing the pt setting to a lower number still results in something too large.
is the sudden change in outcome, when there has been no change in the setting. And no ability to get a correct font size.This is in Ps CS4, on Mac 10.6.8. I have checked the font in Font Book (Myriad Pro), and no corruption appears for the font.
why 25.5 by 33 inches has become the default page size in Draw? It's set at letter but the ruler shows otherwise and the snapping function is totally gone.
This happened yesterday as I was creating a custom document- I wound up uninstalling the whole suite and reinstalling today and within half an hour it happened. (after editing a bitmap from within Draw).
I need to design my first template using photoshop. the content area of the web site will be 980px ( width ) ..
I like to add border to each side ( left and right ) .. i seen many sits using background image that spans the entire screen and has left and right boarder added to the background , which effectively looks like border on each side of content area.
however, i was not able to figure what would be the best canvas size for this . as each site i looked at , background was set to different size ..
my main content will be in center of the monitor .
Is there a way to set what the default page size when you start XP&GD 2013? It always starts with a page size of A4 which I never use. I have a custom template that I would like to set as the default page size.
Is there a workaround to get other page sizes then the few ones Lightroom lets me choose in the Book module?Or is there a way to start off with one of the baked-in sizes and adjust it to another size, say 20 x 15 cm?
How come my page size keeps changing back to the default (Din A4), even thought I've changed it and clicked either 'done' or 'print', even on the very same document? How can I have Photoshop CS5 remember the page size and the other variants?
Haven't had this issue until today (after I installed the recent patches)
I created an image 3.004" x 2.0"
I go to print, select my plotter, select print range "selection", go to preferences>advanced, set my paper size to PostScript Custom Page Size, make my paper 3.05x2.05 for a little extra boarder. Back in Print I set my Layout to Preposition to Center of Page which un-greys the position options and now it tells me my image size is 5.1"x2.0 and the Print Preview is showing the center of the image beginning at the left edge of the page...
Mind you, this is the same style of setup I've done numerous times per day for the past 5 years with x6 and x4...magically today it does not center my select graphic to the center of the page. If I put the graphic in the middle of the workpage and tell it to position as in document, it is not an issue, but if the graphic is else where on the workpage, it refuses to center..
I try Xara Designer Pro X9 and use PDF Export Options with selected objects for page generation (PDF Export Options).
After PDF export done page size is A4 with my rectangle drawing instead page size with my rectangle size. How can I export to PDF selected rectangle with rectangle page size?
I have just switched to using Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 6 for my graphics design needs. Is there any way to create a default page size so that no matter when the program is opened it will always open up to that particular page size?
I am used to working and creating on a full "blank canvas" or pasteboard, rather than using page sizes that Xara seems to prefer. Every time I open the program I have to return to page options to re-set all of my workspace parameters and it gets frustrating after awhile.
For example, my preferred page settings are as follows: Page Size=A0 (which provides me all white space to work in); Outer Margin=0in [8in is always automatically pre-set by the program]; and I always choose Landscape, but the automatic pre-set is always Portrait.
There should be a way for the user to control how the workspace appears each time the program is opened, but how to make my page settings "once" and then have those settings be the default from there on out. It's just time consuming to go into Options every time I open the program and have to re-set everything all over again.
When I open a photo from one of my files in PE10 and want to print it at 4x6 (which I properly indicate in the appropriate box,) it will do that if I keep the photo centered on the page. But if I move the photo to the top of the page so that I can print two photos on the same sheet, it will crop the photo and reduce the size to 4x4 1/4".
Is there any way of keeping the size at 4x6 at the top of the page, or can I print only with the photo centered on the page?
Im not even sure if Illustrator is the program or if i should use Indesign but im trying to create a single folded wedding invitation and be able to print on both sides. i want the invitation to be 14cm x 14cm and like i mentioned open up like a card and print on the front and on in the inside. Can you pleasssseeee direct me to some instructions or tell me which program would be best to do this. Im guessing that since its smaller than an A4 page size then i will need to cut it down after printing. To be able to do this do i need to make the canvas the size of a A4 page and then put my size of the invitation on this??
I have a 5 section book which I need to print. I usually export to a PDF then re import into a single indesign document. Then use print booklet to print the book. My problem is that I need bleed on my pages so I have set my page size to O/S A4 (32*22.5) When I export to PDF the pages end up A4. How can I export so the page size remains the same?
Come across this really irritating bug in Ps CS6 x64 ... I can't set the size of a text layer - it jumps back to the above size. I have quit and reloaded PS CS6 but the same happens.
It was working OK earlier, but this has started happening - On Win 7x64 with latest PS CS6 update.
I go to Preferences>Interface>Text>UI Font size and change it to Large. After a PS restart, the UI font is large and readable. But after a few PS openings and closings it always reverts back to the default Small size. It never seems to remember my setting.