CorelDRAW X6 :: Image Size In Print Is Different Than In Page?
Jul 17, 2013
Haven't had this issue until today (after I installed the recent patches)
I created an image 3.004" x 2.0"
I go to print, select my plotter, select print range "selection", go to preferences>advanced, set my paper size to PostScript Custom Page Size, make my paper 3.05x2.05 for a little extra boarder. Back in Print I set my Layout to Preposition to Center of Page which un-greys the position options and now it tells me my image size is 5.1"x2.0 and the Print Preview is showing the center of the image beginning at the left edge of the page...
Mind you, this is the same style of setup I've done numerous times per day for the past 5 years with x6 and x4...magically today it does not center my select graphic to the center of the page. If I put the graphic in the middle of the workpage and tell it to position as in document, it is not an issue, but if the graphic is else where on the workpage, it refuses to center..
My current photo editing software (Microsoft PhotoDRaw) has the ability to do this and wondering if I can achieve the same in CorelDraw X5 or PhotoPaint Pro X3. I just reinstalled both and need to start using them since PhotoDraw only work up till Windows XP and I use Virtual Machine to run it.
Here you go. If say I open a new project to any page size of my choice and import any image (any size) into the page. Is there a way I can automatically fit the page to the image size in either CorelDraw X5or PhotoPaint X3? That is, if my default page size is letter (8.5"x11") and I import an image that is 2.2"x5", can I automatically fit the default page to the fit the image at 2.2"x5"? Really very handy too. Can I also do the reverse image to paper size? If I can do either, where do I go?
In both my Indesign and Illustrator (CS6), I can set up the document as tabloid size but when I try to print there is no Tabloid or custom size available under paper size of print setup and it will only print smaller. I need to print a page that is 8.5X14 as 11X17 with marks and bleeds. Urgent (for work).
When I try to set a large page size (13X19) in the print screen from GIMP, it will not go beyond 8 X 11. What do I have to do to set up to print larger. When I do page set up, it always reverts to defaults.
Size of page differs in page size dialogue box to that listed in print options box. I changed computers and it works correctly in the second one in that the page size is the same in both boxes, but I still cannot get it to work in the original pc. Both the file and the printer are common. Reinstalling Xara does not work. It looks like it is not installing correctly, even though it appears to be.
I have always been able to print (FIT TO PAGE) 8.5 X 11 (LETTER SIZE) PHOTOS in PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS! I recently downloaded version 10 and it will not print full page photos. How to achieve printing full size page photos with no white borders around the photo in version 10!
Printing pdf's to an HP Designjet 1055 using the new Acrobat X version. I can't change the page size from 8.5x11and nothing comes out at the 1055. Works fine to our Xerox 6204 printers. Looks like I could be going back to Acrobat 9.4...
I have a set of Lightroom Print templates that I am trying to use, that are all for a 4x6 print. I can't get it to work because my page setup in the print module defaults to letter size. When I go in and change the page setup, it messes up the template and it gets all jumbled. Then when I go on to the next template, it switches back to letter size again. I want to create and hold a 4x6 canvas so these templates can either be saved to a 4x6 .jpg or printed on 4x6 paper. I know I can save a printer and page layout as part of a template by clicking the "update settings" once I have it all as i want it, but I can't even get that far because it messes up the template as soon as I change the page settings to 4x6. How do I get the canvas to 4x6 on templates that are already created so I can save them as a 4x6 .jpg or print to 4x6 paper?
I even just installed a printer that only prints 4x6 to see, but again, when I change the page layout it completely messes up the template.
Every time I wish to print a docu and I press the print command
I get the specific Page numbers to be printed instead of current document or selection for e.g. If there are three pages in the document and I press Print it takes the page no. 5-6 by default even though I have only three pages in the document & I do not see anything in the preview pane
so I have to manually select the current document or the selection option to print
Previously I could choose a large paper size on my printer select fit to page and the document would scale up to printer out on paper large than than the design page. When I try this with X6 the image disappears. Is this a known bug?
I am putting together a form for a soccer team, where I have a number of players with their info put into a nice table for scouting college coaches to have at their fingertips. It would be nice to automate this, but I don't see how to merge say 8 players' info onto one page. Any thoughts?
I was playing around with my settings and did something that is keeping me from printing. When I go to print preview, the page is blank. I have tried opening up jobs that I successfully printed before and they also show and print blank. Everything looks normal in the work area. I just can't print.
why 25.5 by 33 inches has become the default page size in Draw? It's set at letter but the ruler shows otherwise and the snapping function is totally gone.
This happened yesterday as I was creating a custom document- I wound up uninstalling the whole suite and reinstalling today and within half an hour it happened. (after editing a bitmap from within Draw).
i am using autocad 2014 when i am try to print the image in big page such as 24 X 24 inches my image will scatter, the curve lines are look like zig zag lines and texts are faded, how to increase the resolution of the image so that i can print it in large printer is not connected to my computer that's why i have to convert the drawing to jpeg image, and my resolution become very low to print in big size paper.
I just upgraded to x5 and can no longer export a file as an eps and hold the custom page size. In x4 I could export as an eps to a custom page size of 2.5" by 2.5". Every time I try to upload the file it is seeing it as an 8.5' by 11". I am selecting page size in advanced tab
I am looking for a macro for nesting different shape panels to a specific page size. each panel must have a clearance of 5mm all around. and cannot rotate. must be stay within the grain.
I am currently preparing a brochure and need to have one page (of six) in DIN A3 instead of A4 like the others. But I find no possibility to change just the page I need into A3.
I have CS5.1 on a Macbook Pro.I have an incredibly frustrating problem. I've seen similar questions, but not an answer that has resolved this for me. I have an image I have sized to fit an 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Canvas and image size all indicate my image is sized at 7.33 x 11 inches. It is at 300 dpi. Print size view indicates full space is utilized on either side….BUT…
When I go to print, I click "scale to fit media" (which is an 8.5 x 11 paper sitting in printer) image prints smaller with a bar on one side. . When I uncheck STFM, I get: scale - 92.67%,
I want to create a image file with six passport photos on a 4x6 photo print page. To do that I was asked to do the following:
take a photo yourself, crop it down to a 2x2 square, then copy and paste this into a 2 by 3 tile pattern (4x6 in. canvas size). You now have them print out a 4x6 photo
I am using Corel draw x6 to build a new website for my company. I have tried everything I can find but after exporting to html The resulting web page does not fill the different size screens in the office.
I have two documents, both with 300 DPI. The first is a 4x5 image and the second is an 11x17 page. I am trying to drag the entire 4x5 image (it's composed of several layers) onto the 11x17 page and keep it the same size. However, when I drag and drop, the 4x5 image is enlarged to fill the full width of the 11x17 page. This happens even if I hit shift. I recently upgraded from PSE10 where I did this regularly and can't figure out how to do it in PSE12. I have an iMac with OS 10.8.5.
I am attempting to print an artwork that is 100 cm long, however when we get the print out, we see that it is not correct to size. Instead the print out is approximately 93 cm long.
I am using Photoshop Elements 10 on Win 7 PC. I am trying to print multiple copies of one image on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper? The images are artwork for buttons (to be used in button-making machine) so the dimensions must be exact on the duplicated images. When I select Picture Package, the images are resized to fit the dimensions in the picture package. When I select Contact Sheet, the images are resized to fit the number of columns I selected. Neither is acceptable. How can I repeat the same image on a single piece of paper without having the system re-size the image? I know that I can manually create a new PSE file and manually insert the images into this file. This is what I have been doing as a work-around.
My CorelMacros.CreateColorSwatch macro has stopped dumping the swatches into whatever blank Letter-sized document I have open (which is how it used to work) and instead it is creating a new document, at 4.25" wide x 7" high, and dumping the swatches into that. Using Pantone Solid Coated, but it's doing this regardless of what palette I choose.
There is no option in the Macro's dialog box to alter or even instantiate a page size, and I cannot find in the code of the macro where to set this variable.