Photoshop Elements :: Drag Entire 4x5 Image Onto 11x17 Page And Keep It Same Size
Oct 24, 2013
I have two documents, both with 300 DPI. The first is a 4x5 image and the second is an 11x17 page. I am trying to drag the entire 4x5 image (it's composed of several layers) onto the 11x17 page and keep it the same size. However, when I drag and drop, the 4x5 image is enlarged to fill the full width of the 11x17 page. This happens even if I hit shift. I recently upgraded from PSE10 where I did this regularly and can't figure out how to do it in PSE12. I have an iMac with OS 10.8.5.
I have a copy machine that staples automatically but i dont want it to staple all the time. I made two page setups 1 called toshiba 11x17 and one called 11x17 stapled. However every time i go into the properties for them whatever i do to one effects the other. I just want one to be stapled one to not be stapled and everything else to be identical.
how to scan an old 1888, 10x12 photo in two halves (left and right), and used the Elements Photomerge to combine the two shots. It worked quite well - slightly askew at the top edge, but the rest of the image appears to be well-stitched - to the naked eye, at least.
After sharpening the image, I went to Guided Edit and began using the brush to "heal" a few of the old marks on the image at full size - that worked well!. Until I moved my brush into the area that had been the left side, that is.. The brush no longer worked. Then I noted that the about 1/3 of the left side was not sharpened like the right side was, either! To test it further, I changed it to a black & white photo. Only that larger right section changed to black & white, and the left part of the image stayed it's old sepia color. I saved the images, closed and re-opened Elements - but had the same results. The left side just can't be edited.
Isn't there a way to edit the entire merged image?
I've saved the image as a high-quality JPEG, and also as Adobe Elements format - but they still won't fully edit. The two are large files - I was thinking that I'd need to save it at high-quality in order to end up with a nice retouched & sharpened 8x10, suitable for framing.
Also, I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit on one laptop, and Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit on another..(I'm trying to get by with the Elements version I have, due to finances.)
When I open a photo from one of my files in PE10 and want to print it at 4x6 (which I properly indicate in the appropriate box,) it will do that if I keep the photo centered on the page. But if I move the photo to the top of the page so that I can print two photos on the same sheet, it will crop the photo and reduce the size to 4x4 1/4".
Is there any way of keeping the size at 4x6 at the top of the page, or can I print only with the photo centered on the page?
I have just purchased photoshop elements 11. It has been ok for past 10 days or so but now I have a problem when tring to clone. I select the area by alt+click but then what happens is that the whole picture moves and in fact duplicates itself
Windows 7 - 4 gig RAM I use expert mode hand tool is selected, but it will not drag image. I can vertical scroll with mouse wheel. I cannot select scroll bar handles,but I can scroll by clicking blank agacent space. I have reset preferences to defaults but no change.
Why is it when i drag one image from the bottom panel over to another picture(solid color) i will only get 50% of the image and not the full image. Same thing when i copy and paste that image over the gray solid colored image also i will get only 50% of the image. The original image of the cat(full view) is about 24.79% and picture is 11.733 x 15.644 in size. the other image (solid color) is at 43.63% or 6.667 x 8.889". size is in inches. Do i have to resize the images and if so how as i am a stupie in this matter. The images are aligned side by side on the main panel or display.I am trying to place the cat over the gray background image and with a layer mask delete the present baackground of the cat to uncover the gray of the bottom layer.
I'm new to Maya, so this is likely something I'm just missing or that I've done without realizing it, however...
I've created a scene with a few polygonal objects. As an example, imagine a house with plants around it and a cloud above. The plants are spaced evenly along a curve, and the cloud is also made using a Paint Effect with a Modifier around it to control it's shape using slight forces, etc.
However, when it's done and I select the entire group of objects to drag to a different position, weird things happen. The plants seem to move much more quickly in that direction, so that soon they're no longer positioned where they should be at the base of the house, and the clouds move in the opposite direction from where I'm dragging (i.e. down not up). What I'll call the 'normal' polygonal objects (e.g. the house, car, etc.) all move fine, but I cannot figure out how to fix the other items so everything maintains its relative position, or lock the whole scene together to move as a group.
I've tried to combine them, and even 'parent' everything to the house, but I suspect I've changed something like a control handle position or rotated something that now moves opposite the normal xyz directions.
I have always been able to print (FIT TO PAGE) 8.5 X 11 (LETTER SIZE) PHOTOS in PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS! I recently downloaded version 10 and it will not print full page photos. How to achieve printing full size page photos with no white borders around the photo in version 10!
I upgraded from PSE 10 to PSE 12 this week and am confused about a change in behavior.
I create a large blank document (3600x3600 pixels, scrapbook size) and then drag other items onto it to create new layers.
In PSE10, the items I dragged in kept their original size. In PSE 12, they get resized to match the size of the document I'm dragging them on to.Is there a setting I need to change? Can't find it.
When I try to drag an image out of project bin to an image in the workspace my program crashes. I have reinstalled the program but still doing this. All updates are done and I'm at a loss as what to do.
Haven't had this issue until today (after I installed the recent patches)
I created an image 3.004" x 2.0"
I go to print, select my plotter, select print range "selection", go to preferences>advanced, set my paper size to PostScript Custom Page Size, make my paper 3.05x2.05 for a little extra boarder. Back in Print I set my Layout to Preposition to Center of Page which un-greys the position options and now it tells me my image size is 5.1"x2.0 and the Print Preview is showing the center of the image beginning at the left edge of the page...
Mind you, this is the same style of setup I've done numerous times per day for the past 5 years with x6 and x4...magically today it does not center my select graphic to the center of the page. If I put the graphic in the middle of the workpage and tell it to position as in document, it is not an issue, but if the graphic is else where on the workpage, it refuses to center..
My move tool does not work other than selecting the entire page. It does not let me to select anything inside the page or drag and select anything inside the page.
I am trying to invert the entire page. All of my artwork and words are black and the page white. I want to turn the page black and everything else white.
My current photo editing software (Microsoft PhotoDRaw) has the ability to do this and wondering if I can achieve the same in CorelDraw X5 or PhotoPaint Pro X3. I just reinstalled both and need to start using them since PhotoDraw only work up till Windows XP and I use Virtual Machine to run it.
Here you go. If say I open a new project to any page size of my choice and import any image (any size) into the page. Is there a way I can automatically fit the page to the image size in either CorelDraw X5or PhotoPaint X3? That is, if my default page size is letter (8.5"x11") and I import an image that is 2.2"x5", can I automatically fit the default page to the fit the image at 2.2"x5"? Really very handy too. Can I also do the reverse image to paper size? If I can do either, where do I go?
I am in the create Photobook portion of Photoshop elements. In the photobin if I right click on a photograph and then left click the option "use image as page background". It deletes the current background and inserts the photo that I have selected but it seems to be about 50% opacity. I can see the photo and it is half faded with the white and grey square background.
How do I get the background photograph to show fully (or 100% opacity?) I can not find any where to set this?
I've completed my flyer and everything looks great in Illustrator, however when I save the document as a PDF the entire thing turns a dark shade of blue. It almost looks as though the whole page as been highlighted. This only happens when it's opened as a PDF and not in Illustrator.
I have just started using Photoshop Elements 10 after having worked with Elements 6 for some time. I cannot print the same image more than one time on the same page. It prints out on separate pages. I was able to print the same image several times on the same page with Elements 6..
I am wondering how to resize an image using the points around the image when it is on a blank file. (I have multiple pictures on a page I've created - for a scrapbook) Currently, when I use the middle points on an image, it stretches the picture and distorts it. How do I get it so that when I use these points it doesn't stretch the image, but crops it to a different size. (And by doing this, parts of the image is lost, but thats ok)
I have Photoshop Elements 9. I want to put a bar code jpeg image on the back cover of a book which I am creating and save it as jpeg and send to printer.
I am using Photoshop Elements 10 on Win 7 PC. I am trying to print multiple copies of one image on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper? The images are artwork for buttons (to be used in button-making machine) so the dimensions must be exact on the duplicated images. When I select Picture Package, the images are resized to fit the dimensions in the picture package. When I select Contact Sheet, the images are resized to fit the number of columns I selected. Neither is acceptable. How can I repeat the same image on a single piece of paper without having the system re-size the image? I know that I can manually create a new PSE file and manually insert the images into this file. This is what I have been doing as a work-around.
I am makeing an image for a customer. I am looking to take some text that was made on one art board and move it to another where I am assembling the complete image. However when I drag from one art board to the other the size of the cut and pasted art changes and the look of all its effects change as well.
The two documents have the same deminsions and the same resolution and color profiles. why this might be happening? Here is an example:this is the original
this is after I drag it or I cut and past it into another documentI am using photoshop cs5 on mac os 10.6.8
New to Adobe, I have had several issues with consumers images. I can not find how to save as jpeg and keep photo intergrity. Either the processer (local pharmacy, big name store.. etc) is cropping my images badly. I have been told this is my problem when I save in jpeg format. How do i protect my image? Resize with the pixels? P