CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Convert All Outlines In Page / Entire Document To Objects
Jun 25, 2011Is there any free macro or any script in this forum to convert all the outlines (in a document or page) to objects .
View 4 RepliesIs there any free macro or any script in this forum to convert all the outlines (in a document or page) to objects .
View 4 RepliesWhen I export a page as Illustrator CS4, I choose the option "Convert outlines to objects" but it doesn't seem to do what I expect. It does fix the issue of missing arrowheads on lines, but it doesn't convert the outlines to fills as I expected -- is that correct? I wish there was an option to convert lines to fills on export.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow to convert all the outlines to objects at once or to applies particularly for selection only?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
I am using CDR X5 SP1.
Outlines don't scale globally with objects. I have a crest with a bunch of elements in it. Some have outlines and some don't. It's 3 inches. I would like to enlarge it to 10 or whatever. If I select the crest and enlarge it, the outlines don't scale. The only option I've ever known of was to take them all individually and check off the scale outline on each object. It's a real workflow killer.
I spent the day reacquainting myself with CorelDraw. This and other similar show stoppers remind me of how difficult it is to make the switch from Illustrator back to CorelDraw. So how are people dealing with this? Are you simply taking however much time it takes to change each individual element to scale with object or is there a preference somewhere that I'm missing? This is a big stumbling block for me. There are a lot of major features I know I'd be leaving behind but there are others that I'd have access to. It's the little things like this that allow me to fly rather than crawl.
I wanted to know if there is a way to convert my pdf to two page spread pngs as it is laid out? So far I can only convert it to individual pngs.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to assign a type of link to an object or text where the user can open the document and click on the object which is on the first page and it will take them to a specified page set by the link? This is kind of like web design but not, know what I mean?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to replace a common image on every page of a 32pp document. The reason being the original one has no bleed on. I have retouched the image to include bleed, but how do I replace or re-link the new one?
There is no links showing up in my links dialog docker at all..?
Zero point.JPG
When a new page or document is created, by default the zero point is set at the bottom left of the page. Is there a way to set it to another point like top left so that all new documents open with it set that way. (top left)
Is there a way to automate the conversion of each page in a document into a bitmap before I publish it to PDF? I don't mean exporting each page to bitmap.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to automatically convert each page of a document to bitmap in the process of publishing to PDF? maybe a macro that does this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get my text from my TextBox1 (add text) by pressing my CommandButton1 (okay) to my active page or document?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs a laser engraver I rely on moving the object to engrave to the top Left of the Page before sending to the laser.
In X4 I have an addon program called EngravePro. With this I can use the shortcut H to snap to top left of page.
This addon is not available for X6.
Is there another way to do this with a simple shortcut key?
I often need to convert all outlines to objects in a design before I send it out or when I create a flash base for screen printing. I know how to convert and outline to an object, but my question is:
How do i convert ALL outlines to objects at the same time? Is there a function I'm missing or possibly a macro? Also, I don't want to have to select every outline myself. I'm already doing that and ctrl/shift/Q. Also, If I'm forced/limited to doing it myself manually, there's always the chance that I miss one. I cannot believe that this isn't a native function.
Is the any short cut way to convert all fonts curve in entire document?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been exploring migrating my Design and PrePress departments away from Illustrator & Flexi and transitioning to Corel. Unfortunately I've hit a major stumbling block
Right now I have a team of designers laying out sign designs. They draw each sign and we generate a message schedule for those signs in excel. From there, we've been able to use the print merge function in Corel to transfer all the messages from the data sheet to the signs. The problem is, each sign is placed on a separate page within the Corel file. I know you can then use print imposition to gang those signs for printing...but the problem is we have a laser engraver, rotary engravers and routers that are all being run. I've fairly certain we could "print" to the laser without any issues but I'm not as confident regarding the other machines.
Typically once we have the drawings of every sign created (currently doing this in Flexi), we have programmers that gang all similar components together on files that are used to power the rotary engravers. Because the print merge function in Corel puts each sign on a separate page, I'm not sure how we'd be able to transition without having to copy, paste and place each sign back on to a single page. Our jobs often run into the hundreds of signs so the extra labor required would kill any savings such a transition might bring us.
Is there a way to combine pages post print-merge, to get all the objects on a single page? I had really hoped to be able to gang all objects together on a single page within a single file.
I was just fooling around with it one day and I made 2 guidlines intersect (one at 0 degrees and one at 90). I added a third one at 45 and tried to center it at the intersection of the first 2. It made a tiny tiny microscopic right triangle for some reason.
Also, sometimes the center is off on either the object or on the page. Like when I rotate copies of an object around another object (like making a clock face) the copies don't go perfectly all the way around. I redo it and it works fine.
Is precision an issue in CoreDRAW?
Entire Corel suite freezes on start up - I cannot do anything. Reinstalling also does not work - suddenly buttons on the installer dissapeared - there is no text on them and when I click them nothing happens.
A week ago I have installed service pack 3 and everything worked fine. It has all gone wrong again. And installation of the latest patches does not work anymore.
I am running Windows 7 64-bit and I've got a feeling that is must have something to do with system updates.
We need a macro that will allow you to select a certain color fill inside document and change all to no fill hairlines. It needs to be capable of doing it several times within the same document. Does anything like this exist out there?
We have color replacer. We want it to do this automactically with a static group of colors everytime without any manual maniplulation required.
After using Powertrace to trace a bitmap, I zoom in to the outline and can only see one line.
However when I export as a DXF, my cam program always says it is removing overlapping outlines. Thing is there are quite a few double outlines left (very close to each other but not exactly parallel). Because these remaining outlines did not cross, my cam program did not remove them.
Because of the remaining double outlines, the cam program basically doubles up on the cut path.
If I trace manually with the bezier tool and shape tool, I don't have this problem. It's only when tracing with Powertrace.
I just started using CD X5. I want to buy a cycling skinsuit, similar to this one: URL....
I have a chance to design it myself and send a .cdr file to the company that manufactures it. I have some questions. I drew a basic shape of the suit and split it into 3 objects like this: URL....
Black legs is object 1, middle 2-color part is object 2 and white top is object 3, I wasn't able to fill the middle part with a black-white pattern unless I made it an object. I surely know there is a way to do it all with only 1 object that is divided into 3 sections but how? Smart fill works when you just draw some lines that form a closed contour but regular fill doesn't. Secondly, how to use a pattern fill that doesn't affect outlines? Third question is how to nudge only part of an object, for example if I want to make sleeves longer? Now I'm able to move the whole object only.
I have a problem with importing AI files to CDx6. Everytime i do so, the curves split up. Like if i have a circle that i can fil in adobe and then open it in CD, it breaks it apart so i have to join curvs and what not. This is a huge problem when i import templates and such..
View 1 Replies View RelatedUse merge for standard things like labels.Have a large ongoing project which requires
Lots of Excel data - eg: 6685.excel example.tifcolumns x AZrows x 300 upwards
All rows required to create a book of running information.
If I use a label type approach some rows have less data making the layout uneven (unsuitable for the project)
Is there a way to merge with a fluid result ?
Ie row one takes up 2 lines Row 2 takes up 5 lines Row 3 takes up 1 line etc
0728.excel example.tif
I'm trying to write a script to put printing ticks around the selection. I can get the height and width of the selection, but I cant find anything like "position" or "location" in the methods to get the selections X and Y on the document.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to script the menu item Object/Path/Outline Stroke?I need to cycle through all the Path items in the document and convert them to Outlines.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
I know how to convert a page at a time to blue, but need to be able to do entire documents. Is it possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am attempting to hyperlink from my CorelDraw file to a separate PDF. I want the link to work when I export my CorelDraw page to pdf, and I would like to be able to hyperlink to a different pdf file. A quick google search turned up a file:\ syntax to lead with in the hyperlink but I'm having trouble getting it to work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to lock or protect the image and text in a corel draw when you export as cdr, ai or pds. I need to give a document to a photoshop users but I don't want the person to be able to remove or export the image or copyright text line.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAt the bottom of Create a New Document is a box that says Do not show this dialog again. I checked it and now I don't know how to get it back.
View 7 Replies View Relatedin coreldraw usually on small files having 7 to 8 pages i move pages by dragging its tab on the desired location. but how do i handle large files for eg moving page 49 before 15? the tabs list gets pretty long.
Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM