CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Moving Page 49 Before 15?
Nov 8, 2011
in coreldraw usually on small files having 7 to 8 pages i move pages by dragging its tab on the desired location. but how do i handle large files for eg moving page 49 before 15? the tabs list gets pretty long.
I've been exploring migrating my Design and PrePress departments away from Illustrator & Flexi and transitioning to Corel. Unfortunately I've hit a major stumbling block
Right now I have a team of designers laying out sign designs. They draw each sign and we generate a message schedule for those signs in excel. From there, we've been able to use the print merge function in Corel to transfer all the messages from the data sheet to the signs. The problem is, each sign is placed on a separate page within the Corel file. I know you can then use print imposition to gang those signs for printing...but the problem is we have a laser engraver, rotary engravers and routers that are all being run. I've fairly certain we could "print" to the laser without any issues but I'm not as confident regarding the other machines.
Typically once we have the drawings of every sign created (currently doing this in Flexi), we have programmers that gang all similar components together on files that are used to power the rotary engravers. Because the print merge function in Corel puts each sign on a separate page, I'm not sure how we'd be able to transition without having to copy, paste and place each sign back on to a single page. Our jobs often run into the hundreds of signs so the extra labor required would kill any savings such a transition might bring us.
Is there a way to combine pages post print-merge, to get all the objects on a single page? I had really hoped to be able to gang all objects together on a single page within a single file.
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
I have just had to install Windows 7 64 bit and now find that when I print to my HP Business Inkjet 2300, I can only print 1 page. If I set the quantity to 5, I still get just 1 page. HP won't be updating the driver as they say that the printer is obsolete although they are still selling it.
I would like to export a page I am creating as a jpg. Right now, I have one object on the page, and its a .jpg object. When I export from the File menu, only the jpg is exported. How can I export the entire page? If I add text to the object (which will be a banner). it only exports the jpg, and and the exact space required by the text, not the entire page. I have been unable to find setting for exporting selected objects or entire page. I have another less powerful drawing program that gives options to export object, selection, or page.
If I create a box, and place it on the document, the whole thing will export, but if the pox is larger than the page, then entire box is still exported, where I only want the page dimensions exported so I can eventually arrange objects ont he box that will overlap the page dimesnsions, but only the page area should be exported as a jpg.
Should I be doing this as a powerclip? I haven't used that feature yet in CD. Then export the powerclip object?
We just started using X6 here at work, we were using X3. In X3 I never had a problem with page dimensions, with X6 anytime I go 200" or more in either dimension I get blank PDFs. 199" by 199" works just fine.
when I click on an object from the object manager... then I want it at the top of my drawing
so I hit Shift+PageUp
(or Ctrl+PageUp)
instead of working... it takes me to "Page 1" at the top of the object manager
HOWEVER, if I click on the thing from the canvas, it works...
this is a silly bug... the whole point of me selecting it from the object manager is so I don't have to hunt for it... because it's UNDER some other stuff.
... that's why I want it shifted to the top of the layer.
As far as I know this problem is reproducible... I'm using a circle and it's under a bunch of stuff like rectangles. I can be more specific if necessary, but it's pretty basic.
I have Corel X-5 on one of my computers that uses XP- Pro and I have new computer that is using windows 7 which also has Corel X-5 on it.
I have certain fonts loaded on the Corel X-5 that is using XP and I want to move them to the new computer. There are about 200 fonts and I was wondering the best way to move them into Corel X5 that is using Windows 7
Can I just copy them to a flash drive and then install on the new computer.
The reason I am using two computers with one monitor is one of my Roland Printers will work with windows 7 but the rip software will not work with Windows 7 because there are no Windows 7 drivers for it.
Instead of spending a few thousand dollars for new rip software it is easier to just use Windows XP and even thought it is a bit of a pain to keep switching back and forth from computers for now it works just fine.
Sometimes when I try to copy and paste a logo, that has text around the outside of it, the text will move from its original location. How do I get this to stop? I have attached a file that is currently doing this.
I often need to move (a group of) objects on a page, but with those objects I also need to move the guidelines that belong to this object. Is there a way I can lock guidelines to an object so that if I move the object, these guidelines move with it?
i have been working on this project in corel draw12 for several weeks now, as it is or/was coming to its final stages a few days ago it now only opens a blank page, it is 2.14 gb and it will get bigger as it reaches its final stages.i can still see it in preview. when it was opening it took a very long time to open i realise the reason for this is the size im using very high resolution images and designing and editing, or maybe there is another program that you may recommend that will support the size so i can complete my work.
i found a backup copy but it will not import the size is 1.70 gb seems its still too large to open ,
i don't think it has anything to do with memory , i have a full drive laptop is new. my thoughts are that corel draw will not open a file that size, and you are right about breaking it up i should have worked in several sheets but saved them desperately.
I am designing a book of walks. I want to create a master map cover a large area and extract regions of this onto separate pages. The individual pages will then have additions graphics and text added and edits to the map data may be required.
What is the bast way of copying a region of a document to another.
I am an experienced VBA programmer and could develop utilities to support this process.
I just upgraded to x5 and can no longer export a file as an eps and hold the custom page size. In x4 I could export as an eps to a custom page size of 2.5" by 2.5". Every time I try to upload the file it is seeing it as an 8.5' by 11". I am selecting page size in advanced tab
If I would like to compose a booklet in Corel Draw, how can I insert page numbers ?
I know the use of Master Layer. But contents on it will remain unchanged for all the pages. However the page numbers should auto increase page by page.
Adobe InDesign or pagemaker is useless infront of Corel Draw. But the problem of Footer (page numbering) has to be resolevd. So that Corel Draw will replace InDesign or related book work softwares.
Previously I could choose a large paper size on my printer select fit to page and the document would scale up to printer out on paper large than than the design page. When I try this with X6 the image disappears. Is this a known bug?
I work with CorelDraw X5 and I wonder if there is a way to insert an application of page numbering that is automatic, which automatically update the page when I add or remove a page, as in the word.I got a number through the macros but the problem is the numbers are fixed and not change. And numeracy not appear on new pages.
I use the default page very unusal way by keeping the width & height with max. page size. I need your favour as if i want to A4 page border i am going back again and choose a4 page and double click on the rectangle to achieve it and again i choose by max. page.
create a a4 page border, or any preferred size for executing them using shortcut while keeping my max. page size.
I am currently preparing a brochure and need to have one page (of six) in DIN A3 instead of A4 like the others. But I find no possibility to change just the page I need into A3.
How to put a lined page border around my page. In MS WORD it is very straight forward but I must be missing the obvious here though my 15 year old daughter can't work it out either which makes her old dad feel a little bit better about it.
When I open a new file, my default is an 8.5" x 11" page. When I resize it for an order, the view is staying at the 100% view, yet the same operation in version 11 gives me a view as if I had entered the standard CTRL + F4.
I cant set a hyperlink to any page higher than 10.If I click on "more" a box opens that you could presumably edit to page 11 or higher,but the mouse wont allow the writing of text.Has Corel 13 10 pages as maximum or something?
I am having a horrible time getting the page size to not be a whole number - not 8.5x11. It will not change even going into all the options in set up. Object sizing is doing the same thing. Somehow I have also lost the letter size in the page options - comes up custom. The set up shows that it is 8.5x11, but cannot adjust when a page is open. Things just keep changing in my Corel that I haven't changed.
how to create an image to make it look like its in motion? I am trying to create an image of an arm at 45 degrees that rotates another 45 degrees that shows motion (I know the attached file is not very useful but it is the same style of motion on the butterfly's wings that I am after).
Usually the starting image is a very faint colour and the last should be solid colour but is there a way to blur/blend the colours in between to show where the image originally was and where it is now?