CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Convert Each Page To Bitmap When Publish To PDF?
Oct 23, 2012Is there a way to automatically convert each page of a document to bitmap in the process of publishing to PDF? maybe a macro that does this?
View 2 RepliesIs there a way to automatically convert each page of a document to bitmap in the process of publishing to PDF? maybe a macro that does this?
View 2 RepliesIs there a way to automate the conversion of each page in a document into a bitmap before I publish it to PDF? I don't mean exporting each page to bitmap.
View 8 Replies View RelatedOne page of my drawing just will not export as any type of raster/tiff/bitmap. All the subsequent pages will happily export, but one page just will not. The export option defaults to 2% and 240cm height and width.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn CD, the arrow on the right is the original. Then I applied convert to bitman and got what is on the left.
Why shadow is gone, why the fontain fill (white) become transparency?
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
I try to run this code, but I always get an error like : Method SaveAs failed to run on Object IDrawBitmap ?
Sub Test()
Dim r As Shape, s As ShapeSet r = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, 5, 5) r.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 100, 0, 0, 0 Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(3, 3, 2) s.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 0, 100, 100, 0 Set s = s.ConvertToBitmapEx(cdrRGBColorImage, False, True) s.CreateDropShadow cdrDropShadowFlat, 80, 10, 0.5, -0.5, CreateCMYKColor(0, 50, 50, 50)
r.CreateSelections.Selected = True
If (s.Type = cdrBitmapShape) Then MsgBox "isBitmapShape"
Dim ex As ExportFilter
Set ex = s.Bitmap.SaveAs("c:
ewBMP.bmp", cdrBMP, cdrCompressionRLE_LW)
End Sub
I design t-shirts and one of our biggest customers sells signature shirts. Below is an example of the problem I'm having. The second image is the original and the first one is what happens after I convert to a bitmap and outline trace.
There are always at least 2-3 names with missing letters or filled in letters. I've adjusted the detail etc while tracing but doesn't seem to work. I'm on the verge of losing a very important customer. We've also had to redo several orders because the "glitch" wasn't caught before production.
I made a menu card cover using lens effect...but converting this design to CMYK/ RGB Bitmap show varied color?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to know if there is a way to convert my pdf to two page spread pngs as it is laid out? So far I can only convert it to individual pngs.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there any free macro or any script in this forum to convert all the outlines (in a document or page) to objects .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
sample file (X4)
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
I am using CDR X5 SP1.
Use merge for standard things like labels.Have a large ongoing project which requires
Lots of Excel data - eg: 6685.excel example.tifcolumns x AZrows x 300 upwards
All rows required to create a book of running information.
If I use a label type approach some rows have less data making the layout uneven (unsuitable for the project)
Is there a way to merge with a fluid result ?
Ie row one takes up 2 lines Row 2 takes up 5 lines Row 3 takes up 1 line etc
0728.excel example.tif
I regularly design multi-page design drawings for sign manufacturing, and was operating normally in X3 on a Dell Dual Core up to yesterday, when suddenly app won't successfully publish to PDF. It just spins, or produces a file that has blank pages or some huge empty file that shows it to be over 150MB in size (normally my files are under 8 MB). I tried a complete uninstall/reinstall of program twice now, but only to have same results.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am making a Blurb photo book in CDx4. Everything goes very well. But then I try to publish the result to pdf/x3, as requested by Blurb. The colors of the bitmaps are wrong, dull. I try to publish to acrobat 4. Everything is all right. Other pdf formats seem to do very good as well.
I think it has something to do with rgb and cmyk, but whatever I try to change, it does not work. I converted the bitmaps to cmyk, I changed things in the color management (had things with that in the past -> color management off seems the best), nothing works.
Every time I try to generate a bitmap with 300 dpi in x6, he disappears
View 14 Replies View RelatedWe have just purchased X6 and are having difficulty editing a bitmap. Its unable to be selected.
After reading your posts here we have tried the following which we find quite annoying for a new program.
Surely this is something simple we have missed. All we have done is installed the X6 and run the program , clicked on a bitmap and nothing ??? This has really left a bad experience especially when we just purchased this program and it cant even edit an image. The customer support was terrible , I had to ring back because the person couldn't hear me about 8 times. It was only a search on the web that led me here.
I got a new MAC OS X 10.6.2 last spring and installed the CorelDraw 11 that I've used for several years on my other MACS. When I try to use a bitmap effect from the drop down menu (like 3D effects, art strokes, creative, contour etc...) the boxes do not open. I've tried reinstalling the application and it didn't work. I was always able to use these effects on my other computers. Every other menu item I use works. I wish Corel would make something new for MACs
View 1 Replies View RelatedI managed to get a nice set of different settings to publish a corel file to pdf. Now I would like copy these settings to multiple other pc's in the office. where a can find the file/folder in which these settings are being saved?
Otherwise I would have to set all different pc's individually and I rather spend my time otherwise.
When you print a file from corel you have the option to choose always overprint black, but when I make a pdf with publish to pdf in the advanced tab I have only the option to preserve document overprint, and the black text is knocked out. Is there a solution to that, other then manually setting black text to overprint fill in corel?
View 11 Replies View RelatedMGD 64 lemonade to forum.cdr
This isn't something I am in need of because in the future with this graphic I would just convert the background. Just wondering why it made those odd lines coming off of the words and the black bar (I don't know how the heck you guys can post large things, things with motion, etc. I have to make things miniature to put them on here)
I assume it has something to do with how the original, that came from MillerCoors, has those layers of lines in it. I just don't get why lines would then be visible when I changed it since nothing like that has happened before. Oh, and if you are wondering why I converted it, it's because I knew my rip server wouldn't like all that stuff going on in the original
Contour on a bitmap shape.
I thought this was doable. Today I found it's not, or stopped working.
"The best thing about learning is that it never stops, and the rabbit hole will go as deep as you let it.[URL]
Does exist this macro for X5:
I'm trying it but it doesn't work for x5, and my previous version of Coreldraw is 10,
I've got Service Pack 3 which is the latest and greatest and am still finding that I cannot export to any bitmap format even in PhotoPaint. I can save as a .cpt file in PhotoPaint. Sometimes I send out .jpeg proofs and doesn't matter whether it is X5 Draw or PhotoPaint, it crashes.
I do not have this problem when I export the same thing from X4 Draw or PhotoPaint.
I am running XP on a virtualized Windows environment via Parallels desktop for Mac. I have plenty of RAM and hard drive space so it may be because I am not running Windows 7?
When having photos in CorelDraw, I need to edit them so I right click on the photo and select "Edit Bitmap". I am not too familiar with Photo-Paint, and wonder if I could link to another application (ie photoshop) to make my bitmap changes.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen working in CDX5, PP is used to edit bitmaps in the file. Is it possible to configure CD to use a different bitmap editor so that I do not have to export edit and re import into CD?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMarshall's Burger Logo (Red Background).pdf
I receive a PDF file from my client which is their logo.
The text is suppose to be vector, but they appear as bitmap and I cannot apply fill and outline to it.
I can edit the nodes with the Shape Tool after I converted it to AI or EPS format, but still cannot apply fill and outline.
If I have a bitmap image that has been cropped to an irregular shape (say a star or pear etc) is there any way in CorelDraw to replace the image without having to crop and position the bitmap all over again. I thought It would be as simple as clicking edit bitmap & pasting the new image once in corel photo paint but that does not seem to be the case.
edit: also is it possible to swap the image with a higher resolution version.
I have recently created a macro in coreldraw x6 but after running this macro When I export through Publish to PDF bitmap in the document deleted in PDF file.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I make a bitmap become transparent using CorelDraw and Corel Photo Paint?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to change the color of a bitmap that i hav in the cdr 11.
1st i draw a circle, then fill any color. then i turn that circle to bitmap by click the option "Covert to Bitmap" as RGB with 300dpi. Then i select that image, then i go to " Bitmap - Creative - Scatter". Now the image is show with edges scattered. After all these ladder i want to change the color of that image by right click on mouse from the color palatte. someone says, go back and change the color and do all these ladder. Its very difficult. i had seen this thing when i went to a printing firm near by.
RGB Image.jpg
I'm using X5. I need to recolor the attached image from its current color to CMYK 15, 85, 53, 54. Is there a simple way to do this and retain the light colored styrations throughout the image?