CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Export Pages To Bitmap?
May 20, 2011Does exist this macro for X5:
I'm trying it but it doesn't work for x5, and my previous version of Coreldraw is 10,
Does exist this macro for X5:
I'm trying it but it doesn't work for x5, and my previous version of Coreldraw is 10,
I have a document with multiple pages. I need each page saved as a separate JPEG file.
I can do this by exporting each page individually, but this is painful - I have 29 pages to export.
Is there any way to export all pages in one step? I would like the JPEG files to be created with the page name as the file name.
One page of my drawing just will not export as any type of raster/tiff/bitmap. All the subsequent pages will happily export, but one page just will not. The export option defaults to 2% and 240cm height and width.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to automate the conversion of each page in a document into a bitmap before I publish it to PDF? I don't mean exporting each page to bitmap.
View 8 Replies View Relatedduring a PDF export I get a message that a Bitmap could not be found.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to export a bitmap to PSD format or import a PSD file, the filter list does not show any import or export for Photoshop...what gives?
Corel Draw X5 version 15.20.686
Corel Draw Sign Designer
I am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
sample file (X4)
what's the biggest filesize in terms of pages that you people have handled? I have handled a file with 84 pages, it was 122 mb in filesize. I split it into two parts for smooth working.
Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM
As a long time Adobe user, and now new user of Coreldraw X3, I am trying to figure out why, when I create a new layer on page one, that layer instantly duplicates on page two? Is there a preference that allows me to turn this off?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am just curious if it is possible to take say a 100 page .cdr file and split it up into perhaps five 20 page .cdr files in a more or less automatic manner.
Sure, I can copy/paste the pages individually, but if this is possible it can save valuable time, energy and maybe even my sanity (if that is even possible).
I create a pdf page and save. when i add a second page to the document and save, the second page is not saved in the pdf. how can I get the whole document to save in one pdf file?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've just published to PDF a booklet I created. It will be printed but my client asks me for a screen version to be mailed. The problem is that if I set Acrobat Reader to "facing pages" the front cover (page 1) is displayed with page 2, but I want the cover to be shown alone and then page 2&3, 4&5 and so on until the back cover.
I hope this makes a sense to you.
Is there a way to create such a PDF document from Corel Draw X4?
Is there a way to copy paste more than 5 pages through page sorter view from one file to another. When i try to drag and drop pages from one file to another, coreldraw x4 crashes.
Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM
Does CorelDraw has an option to make a booklet with a right-to-left pages layout? (for Hebrew/Arabic)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have to convert some documents form cdr to Al but ran into a problem. The cdr documents are better then 2 pages long/ big when I try to convert them into AI it tells me that it dose not support more then one page. is there a way to convert all my pages other then one page at a time?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAll editing I make on a page changes all the pages.
I must have changed a setting unknowingly.
Every time I try to generate a bitmap with 300 dpi in x6, he disappears
View 14 Replies View RelatedWe have just purchased X6 and are having difficulty editing a bitmap. Its unable to be selected.
After reading your posts here we have tried the following which we find quite annoying for a new program.
Surely this is something simple we have missed. All we have done is installed the X6 and run the program , clicked on a bitmap and nothing ??? This has really left a bad experience especially when we just purchased this program and it cant even edit an image. The customer support was terrible , I had to ring back because the person couldn't hear me about 8 times. It was only a search on the web that led me here.
I got a new MAC OS X 10.6.2 last spring and installed the CorelDraw 11 that I've used for several years on my other MACS. When I try to use a bitmap effect from the drop down menu (like 3D effects, art strokes, creative, contour etc...) the boxes do not open. I've tried reinstalling the application and it didn't work. I was always able to use these effects on my other computers. Every other menu item I use works. I wish Corel would make something new for MACs
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe problem that has been with me for years is how to print a booklet as a single print job onto a digital printer that has say a colour spread on cover and centre pages... Coreldraw X5
Scenario: A3 12pp bookletI might receive a file in publisher or whatever but colour is generally on most/all pages but the client only wants colour on say cover spread and centre spread pages. I convert this file to a PDF using distiller, then save it as an EPS file to import into Coreldraw. (The step to convert to eps seems very important as I have encountered font and spacing issues when importing PDF into Coreldraw - eps seems to over come this problem)Even saving the PDF in distiller as a Black only file, am still getting the colour click on the printer...
is there any way to isolate say the cover pages and print as colour with other pages as black only I have tried saving eps files as black only but they still register as a colour print on the XeroxWould love to see an option to set properties of individual pages to colour or mono (does it exist?) At present, I have to print all the colour spreads and the black spreads and hand collate together! time comsuming to say the least!
surely there must be others out there with a similar problem? how do you overcome it?If I am designing I can easily ensure pages are black only but not when the arttwork is coming from so many different sources.
How do i spread a picture over two pages in booklet. Options, Layout facing pages has been set already.
The booklet is A5 size that is A4 folded.
When I export a CorelDraw file with multiple pages to an .ai file, the resulting file has only the first page. Is there a way to export all pages of the document to .ai?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI prepared 32 pages for a magazine. They are all prepared as single pages in Corel Draw X6. Now I would like to check the end result like it would look if I would hold the magazine in my hands. That means that the following pages should be displayed at once on the screen:
1 (cover)
2 + 3 (together)
4 + 5 (together)
30 + 31 (together)
32 (back cover)
I am trying to put together a document with about 20 illustrated pages which are created by others in pdf format, They are all A6 size.I wanted to know if Coreldraw x5 can do this (as I have a copy of this) and how - I may need to make some changes to these pdfs, but would be minor editing only (hopefully).
I know this is possible in Indesign - but wanted to do it in Coreldraw as this is the package i have.
Is there any way I can choose some Master layers to be present on selective pages only? For example in a 50 page document I have a master layer having a square and a rectangle. Now this should be available on pages say 1-10, 11-23. The rest of the pages should not have them.
Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM
I have just completed a 25 page document using hundreds of symbols but when I have just tried to publish it to PDF certain symbols do not appear?
I have looked back through the file and found that the ones that do not appear also no longer show the image in the symbol library but when i insert them in to the drawing they show up fine.
It would be useful for me if CorelDraw could do multiple Drawing scales for different pages instead of it being a global thing for the entire document.
3/16 = 1' (page 1) 1/4" = 1' (page two.)
MGD 64 lemonade to forum.cdr
This isn't something I am in need of because in the future with this graphic I would just convert the background. Just wondering why it made those odd lines coming off of the words and the black bar (I don't know how the heck you guys can post large things, things with motion, etc. I have to make things miniature to put them on here)
I assume it has something to do with how the original, that came from MillerCoors, has those layers of lines in it. I just don't get why lines would then be visible when I changed it since nothing like that has happened before. Oh, and if you are wondering why I converted it, it's because I knew my rip server wouldn't like all that stuff going on in the original
Contour on a bitmap shape.
I thought this was doable. Today I found it's not, or stopped working.
"The best thing about learning is that it never stops, and the rabbit hole will go as deep as you let it.[URL]
I've got Service Pack 3 which is the latest and greatest and am still finding that I cannot export to any bitmap format even in PhotoPaint. I can save as a .cpt file in PhotoPaint. Sometimes I send out .jpeg proofs and doesn't matter whether it is X5 Draw or PhotoPaint, it crashes.
I do not have this problem when I export the same thing from X4 Draw or PhotoPaint.
I am running XP on a virtualized Windows environment via Parallels desktop for Mac. I have plenty of RAM and hard drive space so it may be because I am not running Windows 7?
When having photos in CorelDraw, I need to edit them so I right click on the photo and select "Edit Bitmap". I am not too familiar with Photo-Paint, and wonder if I could link to another application (ie photoshop) to make my bitmap changes.
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