CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: PDF Save Multiple Pages
Apr 8, 2013
I create a pdf page and save. when i add a second page to the document and save, the second page is not saved in the pdf. how can I get the whole document to save in one pdf file?
Is there a way to copy paste more than 5 pages through page sorter view from one file to another. When i try to drag and drop pages from one file to another, coreldraw x4 crashes.
When I export a CorelDraw file with multiple pages to an .ai file, the resulting file has only the first page. Is there a way to export all pages of the document to .ai?
I am trying to put together a document with about 20 illustrated pages which are created by others in pdf format, They are all A6 size.I wanted to know if Coreldraw x5 can do this (as I have a copy of this) and how - I may need to make some changes to these pdfs, but would be minor editing only (hopefully).
I know this is possible in Indesign - but wanted to do it in Coreldraw as this is the package i have.
It would be useful for me if CorelDraw could do multiple Drawing scales for different pages instead of it being a global thing for the entire document.
Is it possible in CorelDraw X5 shifting of multiple pages placement at once. For instance if we have a file of 50 pages (1-50) and we require shifting of page nos 41-48 with their contents after page no 8 than how should we proceed to get the resultant.
what's the biggest filesize in terms of pages that you people have handled? I have handled a file with 84 pages, it was 122 mb in filesize. I split it into two parts for smooth working.
As a long time Adobe user, and now new user of Coreldraw X3, I am trying to figure out why, when I create a new layer on page one, that layer instantly duplicates on page two? Is there a preference that allows me to turn this off?
I am just curious if it is possible to take say a 100 page .cdr file and split it up into perhaps five 20 page .cdr files in a more or less automatic manner.
Sure, I can copy/paste the pages individually, but if this is possible it can save valuable time, energy and maybe even my sanity (if that is even possible).
I've just published to PDF a booklet I created. It will be printed but my client asks me for a screen version to be mailed. The problem is that if I set Acrobat Reader to "facing pages" the front cover (page 1) is displayed with page 2, but I want the cover to be shown alone and then page 2&3, 4&5 and so on until the back cover.
I hope this makes a sense to you.
Is there a way to create such a PDF document from Corel Draw X4?
I have to convert some documents form cdr to Al but ran into a problem. The cdr documents are better then 2 pages long/ big when I try to convert them into AI it tells me that it dose not support more then one page. is there a way to convert all my pages other then one page at a time?
The problem that has been with me for years is how to print a booklet as a single print job onto a digital printer that has say a colour spread on cover and centre pages... Coreldraw X5
Scenario: A3 12pp bookletI might receive a file in publisher or whatever but colour is generally on most/all pages but the client only wants colour on say cover spread and centre spread pages. I convert this file to a PDF using distiller, then save it as an EPS file to import into Coreldraw. (The step to convert to eps seems very important as I have encountered font and spacing issues when importing PDF into Coreldraw - eps seems to over come this problem)Even saving the PDF in distiller as a Black only file, am still getting the colour click on the printer...
is there any way to isolate say the cover pages and print as colour with other pages as black only I have tried saving eps files as black only but they still register as a colour print on the XeroxWould love to see an option to set properties of individual pages to colour or mono (does it exist?) At present, I have to print all the colour spreads and the black spreads and hand collate together! time comsuming to say the least!
surely there must be others out there with a similar problem? how do you overcome it?If I am designing I can easily ensure pages are black only but not when the arttwork is coming from so many different sources.
I prepared 32 pages for a magazine. They are all prepared as single pages in Corel Draw X6. Now I would like to check the end result like it would look if I would hold the magazine in my hands. That means that the following pages should be displayed at once on the screen:
Is there any way I can choose some Master layers to be present on selective pages only? For example in a 50 page document I have a master layer having a square and a rectangle. Now this should be available on pages say 1-10, 11-23. The rest of the pages should not have them.
I have just completed a 25 page document using hundreds of symbols but when I have just tried to publish it to PDF certain symbols do not appear?
I have looked back through the file and found that the ones that do not appear also no longer show the image in the symbol library but when i insert them in to the drawing they show up fine.
Is it possible to duplicate pages at a time. For example, I have 4 pages that are divided into titles per district and I need to set up multiple districts ranging from 3 to 12 ( I have already run Districts 1 and 2) So instead of copy/paste each title and enter a new layer, can I duplicate the 4 pages and then edit the district numbers?
I've been exploring migrating my Design and PrePress departments away from Illustrator & Flexi and transitioning to Corel. Unfortunately I've hit a major stumbling block
Right now I have a team of designers laying out sign designs. They draw each sign and we generate a message schedule for those signs in excel. From there, we've been able to use the print merge function in Corel to transfer all the messages from the data sheet to the signs. The problem is, each sign is placed on a separate page within the Corel file. I know you can then use print imposition to gang those signs for printing...but the problem is we have a laser engraver, rotary engravers and routers that are all being run. I've fairly certain we could "print" to the laser without any issues but I'm not as confident regarding the other machines.
Typically once we have the drawings of every sign created (currently doing this in Flexi), we have programmers that gang all similar components together on files that are used to power the rotary engravers. Because the print merge function in Corel puts each sign on a separate page, I'm not sure how we'd be able to transition without having to copy, paste and place each sign back on to a single page. Our jobs often run into the hundreds of signs so the extra labor required would kill any savings such a transition might bring us.
Is there a way to combine pages post print-merge, to get all the objects on a single page? I had really hoped to be able to gang all objects together on a single page within a single file.
I have this script that basically makes a shape expand by adding an outline, conveting the outline to an object, and then welding the whole thing together.
I have the script set to execute with hotkey ctrl+numpad+
The odd thing is, when I run it once, it seems to work fine and only one object is left, but when I hold down ctrl and press numoad+ over and over again, it seems to produce a new copy of the object everytime.
I'm not sure why this is happening, but I need to get it to stop.
Sub Expand() EventsEnabled = False 'Dim vars Dim c1 As New Color Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange Dim OrigColor As Shape Dim width1 As Double Dim height1 As Double Dim minSize As Double Dim Thickness As Double 'copy color of current selection Set OrigColor = ActiveShape If OrigColor Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If OrigColor.Fill.Type <> cdrUniformFill Then Exit Sub c1.CopyAssign OrigColor.Fill.UniformColor 'get thickness to increase by Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange OrigSelection.GetSize width1, height1 If width1 <= height1 Then minSize = width1 If width1 > height1 Then minSize = height1 Thickness = minSize * 0.035 OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0) OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Thickness, ScaleWithShape:=True 'weld Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = OrigSelection(1).Outline.ConvertToObject Dim s2 As Shape Set s2 = s1.Weld(OrigSelection(1), True, True) 'auto reduce 's2.Curve.Nodes.All.AutoReduce 0.001 's2.Fill.ApplyUniformFill c1 'delete remnants OrigSelection.Delete s1.Delete 'OrigColor.Delete EventsEnabled = TrueEnd Sub
I am having trouble with CorelDraw X5 SP3 in Windows 7-64 Professional. When I am in CorelDraw or in PhotoPaint, and try to Export as a JPG or PNG file, I get the dialog box showing the picture and details on the right side. But then when I click OK, NO File is saved. This is frustrating. So I go back and try it again and no file saved. So then I try a PDF save and it does it. Then I go back and try to get my PNG saved and it may or may not save it. Finally, I fiddle with it and I can get the FILE SAVED. What a hassle. What is blocking CorelDraw from saving JPG and PNG to finish their generation?
I have a CDR project I am working on. As I work, I occasionally click the "save" icon to save the work. When I am finished for the time being, I am unable to click on either the "X" or "Exit". The program doesn't respond, and I have to go to the Windows Task Manager to shut down CorelDraw. Because of this, the work is not saved. I have Windows 7, and I also have all of the X5 updates installed.