CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cannot Edit And Then Save CDR
Jan 30, 2012
I have a CDR project I am working on. As I work, I occasionally click the "save" icon to save the work. When I am finished for the time being, I am unable to click on either the "X" or "Exit". The program doesn't respond, and I have to go to the Windows Task Manager to shut down CorelDraw. Because of this, the work is not saved. I have Windows 7, and I also have all of the X5 updates installed.
I am running CorelDraw X6 and I am having a strange issue. I have it installed on a PC with windows 7 64 bit, and CorelDraw is also 64 bit. The issue is that when I have a string of text and I try to edit it via the "edit text" box, it wants to shift the text down a row after closing the box. so if I open and close the edit text box lets say 5 times, the text will be dropped down 5 spaces. This problem does not occur if I use the text tool on the left side toolbox, only if I use the edit text box. Also, I have another PC with almost identical hardware, and it does not have any issues. I have tried installing .NET, C++, and many other tricks to try to fix it. I have reinstalled CorelDraw, and I have up to date drivers for my graphics.
Any success in using Photopaint or Draw to edit PDF's within Acrobat.
I have Acrobat Pro 7.0. When I change the preferences to use PhotoPaint/Draw Acrobat will open the object and I can edit but when saving it wants to save to a new file - not back into the PDF.
We have just purchased X6 and are having difficulty editing a bitmap. Its unable to be selected.
After reading your posts here we have tried the following which we find quite annoying for a new program.
Surely this is something simple we have missed. All we have done is installed the X6 and run the program , clicked on a bitmap and nothing ??? This has really left a bad experience especially when we just purchased this program and it cant even edit an image. The customer support was terrible , I had to ring back because the person couldn't hear me about 8 times. It was only a search on the web that led me here.
Im working on 4 pages and i want to keep the page sizes different on all 4 of them but whenever i change the pages size on 1 page then all the other pages also follow the 1st page.
i went to object manager but i don't know what i should do to stop it.
When having photos in CorelDraw, I need to edit them so I right click on the photo and select "Edit Bitmap". I am not too familiar with Photo-Paint, and wonder if I could link to another application (ie photoshop) to make my bitmap changes.
I am unable to select nodes and edit or delete them when using an envelope. I double-click or click and drag, and nothing happens. What do I need to do?
How to edit user menus? I created several user menus but I can't figure out how to remove items from a user menu or change the position of existing items once placed. Noticed that the user menu dialogue under Tools > Customization > Commands > User Menus looks a real mess?
Whenever I try to enter a value into one of the CorelDRAW X6 toolbar edit fields, then moving the mouse pointer away from the toolbar in order to see what I'm about to enter, CorelDRAW X6 takes the focus away from that edit field.See her for an example to reproduce the problem:
var video_8143bd82692c4abebed036cbf4afd70b = new jeroenwijering.Player(document.getElementById('video_8143bd82-692c-4abe-bed0-36cbf4afd70b'), URL.....
I created a bitmap in draw 15" x 131" then right clicked the image and selected "Edit Bitmap". The image grew to 19" X 131"... I did this again just to verify and got the same results. I resamled the image back to 15". This is a big concern as we process all our printed images this way.
I have just run CC Cleaner and Glary Utilities , which we have been running for years , and every time it removes the Edit Bitmap link menu, in other words it greys out.
How can you edit the bitmap in Photoshop ? And get it the edit Bitmap menu functioning ?
I have recently upgraded from X4 to X5 and while when I first installed it I was able to click on a bitmap and get CorelPhotoPaint to launch - it now says Failure to launch server application. I have tried the F8 tip while opening both Paint & Draw, repairing the installation (from both the hard drive and the disk), and removing and reinstalling. I used to have X4 and even X3 on my system but have removed both of those versions. And yes, I have associated the files although within Corel the ticked boxes do not seem to stay put.
Is there a way to edit the transparency of a dimensioned object? I have many complex objects and sub-objects with transparency fills and all individual parts dynamically dimensioned. I find I cannot edit the transparency of any part that has a dimension. Surely there must be a way to do this...?
My dimensions are color-matched to the fill parts, and the text dimensions and dimension lines are different sizes and weights making it very time-consuming to delete, edit transparency, and then recreate the dimension with all the desired properties.
I am having trouble with CorelDraw X5 SP3 in Windows 7-64 Professional. When I am in CorelDraw or in PhotoPaint, and try to Export as a JPG or PNG file, I get the dialog box showing the picture and details on the right side. But then when I click OK, NO File is saved. This is frustrating. So I go back and try it again and no file saved. So then I try a PDF save and it does it. Then I go back and try to get my PNG saved and it may or may not save it. Finally, I fiddle with it and I can get the FILE SAVED. What a hassle. What is blocking CorelDraw from saving JPG and PNG to finish their generation?
Is it possible to duplicate pages at a time. For example, I have 4 pages that are divided into titles per district and I need to set up multiple districts ranging from 3 to 12 ( I have already run Districts 1 and 2) So instead of copy/paste each title and enter a new layer, can I duplicate the 4 pages and then edit the district numbers?
I need to take a word, and edit each letter individually. This includes changing shape, color, and slanting and twisting a letter. I want the "i" to be one color, and the dot over the "i" to be another color.
In my old drawing program, I converted the text to curves, then ungrouped the set of letters. I can't seem to be able to do this in Corel. Once converted to curves, when I select the text, the option to ungroup is greyed out.
i am posting this only after doing fruitless research online.
When I group a few objects together, and apply drop shadow to the group, I cannot edit the individual object in the group (cannot pick it to move it or resize it etc) without removing the drop shadow.
After applying drop shadow to a text, I find no direct way to edit the text without removing the drop shadow. I've tried the text tool, Ctrl-Click, Alt-Click, Shift-Click, etc, maybe I missed something.
Is there a way to bulk edit photos by pixel size? I'm going through an eBay nightmare where the minimum pixel size on the longest side will need to be 500. I have thousands of images. First: will corel 12 sort images by pixel dimensions? or is there a program somewhere that will? Second: can I then take the smaller images and bulk resample them to 500 pixels on the longest side?
I downloaded Corel 15 trial verson but decided not to purchase. After trial I uninstalled the trial. Now when I use my pre-installed Corel 13 when I try to edit bitmap within Corel draw it open Windows 7 paint instead of Corel 13 Photo Paint. I tried doing a re-install REPAIR but I am having same issue.
I have done something to my X5 or X4 document that has disabled the ability to publish to PDF. What I could have done that would have disabled this? I just have text and graphics, on a poster sized document. it is one page.
I'm using CorelDraw X5 with Windows 7. When I go to save a file often it won't save unless I repeat the save file command several times. Once I do get it saved the file then shows to be locked.
"Save as", "cut" and some other funtions are not available within my CorelDraw. what could be the cause for this behavior and how I could get rid of it.
Running CorelX5 on windows 7 - On my work computer when I have a file open and hit the save button I'm getting the message "can not save, file is open or being used by other program". I have to save as a different name. I assume another program is to blame and is associated with .cdr.