New to Adobe, I have had several issues with consumers images. I can not find how to save as jpeg and keep photo intergrity. Either the processer (local pharmacy, big name store.. etc) is cropping my images badly. I have been told this is my problem when I save in jpeg format. How do i protect my image? Resize with the pixels? P
I have 115 files that I need to create six files respectively from each, a total of 690 files. Each of the batched six files are different sizes and the last two numbers need to change. For example, I start with 781.08, from there I get 781.08_1, 781.08_2. 781.08_3 up to _6.
I made actions in Photoshop, but they did not keep the current file name I was working on such as 782.08, it defaulted back to the file name in which I build the actions in such as 781.08.
This seems easy enough, but not sure what the solution is to both re-size and rename the files in a batch process.
My Canon 7D typically produces a JPG file in the 5B to 12MB range if set to the largest JPG quality. My problem is that if I open for example a 7MB file in Photo Pro X3 and save it again (even if I make no changes) the resulting file is about 2MB. Obviously some compression is happening which I want to avoid/control. Is it possible to set the default compression that X3 uses?
If I use file - export - JPG optimizer I can control things but if I for example want to do a batch process on lots of files. I have used Paint shop Pro since version 5 and love it but I might have to change to another editor if I cannot solve this one.
How to set image size/resolution when opening a raw file in pse 11 editor? win 7 pro; pse 11 settings: edit>preferences>print resolution = 337.596, screen resolution 109 dpi( 27 inch, dell U 2711). Originally print resoltuion was set to 240 dpi but was changed in case this was causeing a problem. CRAW v Camera alpha 65, image size is: 6000x3376 dpi; (83.33x46.88 inch) Problem is: Currently when I edit a RAW file in CRAW and then open in pse editor image size is: 6000x3376 px; 25x14.667 inches at 240 dpi ( by ration this corresponds to:17.773x10 inch at 337.6 dpi)
I am trying to change settings so the raw file opens as: 17.776x10 and anywhere from240 to 337.6 dpi whatever works or is esiest to set.
My settings are for use in creating blue ray dvd movies and with cropping and editing printing high quality pictures for family.
I would like to know what the max image file size is in Organizer? I Have an Epson V600 scanner. I am trying to scan Photos, slides and Neg.s & import the scans into Organizer.
For some unknown reason when I try to open an image file using PSE9 the image opens at 1% resolution instead of full screen. I have to manually enlarge the file to 100% and then enlarge it's window as well. I've already tried re-installing the software but the problem persists. Using Mac OS10.6.8
Have just bought Elements 12. When editing image in raw mode I cannot change size of image using ALT in combination with the mouse scroll button like I could in Elements 8. Clicking plus and minus signs is clumsy and slower
There is a hack of the registry at URL....Does it still apply to PSE 11?Might it also apply to PSE 12? What is the effective limit on the size of an image? I have, for example, a panorama of more than 300 MB.
Win 7 Pro 32 (4 GB RAM) and a second machine WIN 7 Pro 64 (8 GB RAM)
Today I'm working on actions that embody steps that do upsampling, and I'm using some of my panoramic images as test input with Photoshop CS6 x64 on Windows 7 I just calculated how many pixels are in the upsampled images, to get an idea of how stressful these actions will be on systems when people run them...
A 25,659 x 6,069 pixel image is no small thing in itself, at 155 megapixels... But upsampling it to 320% original size in both horizontal and vertical dimensions yielded 82,108 x 19,420 pixels - a 1.5 gigapixel image! And I'm working at 16 bits/channel. I was a bit surprised that I am just regularly chunking through gigapixel sized data. And I'm multitasking all the while - browsing, keeping up with eMail, listening to streaming internet radio...
The take-away from this is that with today's computer power and resources Photoshop just blazes through gigapixel+ sized documents now!Seems to me it wasn't THAT long ago we heard about the world's first gigapixel image, and now we're actually starting to hear about the first terapixel images, which are still challenging to make.
advanced batch image processing. I need the following to happen to a folder of images:
1) All images in the folder are resized with constrained proportion to a width of 250px.
2.) They are then combined into one image file placed above each other in a column (literally, not layers). Each image also needs spacing between the other, about 20px
3.) This is then compressed as an 8 quality jpeg and exported as a new image.
So basically I have a folder of images that I want to convert into a long 'gallery' image with spacing between each.
I've been told that I've got 700 images to process and remove the greyish background from each of them so they appear to be on a completely white background.
I am planning to get a new PC to work on large image files (1-3 GB) in PS CS4 (I work with 8x10 inch view camera and then scan the negatives). I was thinking about Core i7 with Quadro PNY FX1800 and 6GB RAM. Is this a good choice or rather overkill ? Off course I was also thinking about a ProMac, but could not find real advantages over a PC.
1) All images in the folder are resized with constrained proportion to a width of 250px.
2.) They are then combined into one image file placed above each other in a column (literally, not layers). Each image also needs spacing between the other, about 20px
3.) This is then compressed as an 8 quality jpeg and exported as a new image.
So basically I have a folder of images that I want to convert into a long 'gallery' image with spacing between each. I know this isn't explained well, but is it at all possible?
Can not view image at full size when in liquify. e.g. the image is much smaller when you select liquify and when you enlarge it it pixelates. Is there a adjust or is something wrong with my Elements?
I'm in PSE 10 and when I crop a small portion of an image and accept the crop, it remains a small image instead of snapping to a larger image like it did in PSE 6. I know there must be some way to have the small image automatically made larger rather than having to click on the magnifier and "+" and then on the image until it is a size I can work on. I've checked the FAQs and Photoshop Elements 10 but can't find the answer.
I have a background that has 8.5" x 11" external dimensions. In the project bin, I'm also showing a layer (with transparent edges) that I've resized to 1" x 1.5". When I double-click the background to put it on the screen, and then drag the layer onto the screen, why doesn't it look like a small picture on top of a big one? Instead, it's huge, and I have to drag it down to size with the move tool!
And now, the entire story:
Running PSE9 under Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
My project is a montage of stamp-sized images on a letter-size background, as in the attached -- commemorating the woman in the centerpiece. I've stumbled though this kind of effort before with great success. This time the small photos are coming out blurry, and it's because this time I've done one thing differently.
In prior efforts, I recall somehow reducing the outside dimensions of an open file to about 2" x 3" before editing and finally adding it as a layer to the big background (using Move Tool to size it to fit), although during editing I was working with a reasonably-sized image and not a stamp (probably using command +). The images in the final version were all sharp. On this effort, however, cannot remember how to do it the same way, and I ended up working with the original photo, and then when I added it as a layer, I reduced it using the move tool -- very clumsy in view of the fact that the edited layer's image seemed to be larger than the canvas I was building, and the final images were blurry.
I have a white background image with several logos layered on it.I need to increase the size of the white background image to make room for another logo without effecting the layered logos on top.
There's some image processing commands in photoshop, like high pass and blur (i.e. low pass). I want more. Is there a way to achieve frequency doubling, or better yet, frequency x N where N is any number the user can specify?
This may be useful for making coarse skin texture look finer. It can be implemented by diving the selected area into small squares, and then shrink each squares to half their original sizes. This would make the details look finer grain (hence frequency doubling). It would open up gaps between the squares, which can be filled in by taking additional samples and shrinking them to fill the gaps. This is similar to frequency doubling in audio processing.
I am a Retoucher and I have a new client that sends me 150 - 200 Real Estate photos per day. They shoot the photos so that I have 1 ambient exposure (Background Layer) and 1 flash exposure (Layer 1) which I then blend together with a recipe I designed for their look. I need to find a way to speed up the processing and although my action executes the look exactly how I need it in a very efficient manner the real time killer is the opening & layering steps.
I know this a long shot but my ideal solution would be to drag the folder of images which are sorted and/or labelled in the correct order in to a droplet and from there it processes the images one at a time but layering the files (ambient as "Background" and flash as "Layer 1"), running the action, has a stop-action on lens correction, asks me where to save, closes the image and continues to the next image.
I have Elements 8 for the processing the raw files from my Nikon D40. There has been not issue with these files. I just recently picked up a D7100. Now with this camera when i download the raw files to the computer I am receiving a message that Elements does not reconize those raw files and will not open them.
Is there some different setting for the newer camera's?
When transforming I am unable to increase size from original .image is stretched outside box but parts of image is outwith original size and is unseen.