Paint Shop Pro :: Changing Font Size Of Text Objects?
Jan 17, 2013In PSP 8, if I have many text entries within a single vector layer, all with same font size and type, is there a way to change the font size for all of them at once?
View 2 RepliesIn PSP 8, if I have many text entries within a single vector layer, all with same font size and type, is there a way to change the font size for all of them at once?
View 2 RepliesI have added 9pt vector text in multiple places of an image. Now I realize it should have been 8pt. I can add new text as 8pt but cant figure out how to change the point size of vector text that is already on the image. If I select a vector text object and then change the point size on the "Size" drop down menu at the top nothing happens. If I right click the vector object and select Edit Text I can change the actual text but not the font or its size. If I right-click the vector object and select Properties I can change stroke, fill, line style etc but this window does not include font or size. How do I change the font and point size for existing vector text objects?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAll i want to do is create a new image... a black background to be exact which I can do easily enough, then I open a second image (a picture taken by hubble, im creating a new desktop background). I copy that picture, paste it onto the black background. All I want to do now is center the hubble picture on the black background. I can do it manually of course, but when I click on the hubble picture so that it is selected then go to the 'objects' drop down menu I see the 'align' option, it then opens another menu and it has it right there "center in canvas" but it is not selectable, actually the entire 'align' menu is grey meaning I cant select any of the align options.
Also, same project, the hubble picture... I want to but a border around it. Under the 'image' drop down menu is a add border option... but it adds a border around the black background/canvas and not the hubble image that I have selected!?! Why?
In both cases its like the program is not accepting that I have a new image (the hubble image) selected, its only allowing me to alter the initial black background.
I can not use my HP scanner. It looks like the image size is wrong and should be reduced to less than 49999 pixels high x 4999 pixels wide. Where could I change the image size in X4. Using Windows 7 Pro.
View 2 Replies View RelatedPSP X4 wants to be more intelligent then the users and changes the content of my text automatically. I want to enter a text which contains a text like "(R)" and this is changed automatically to a circle with an 'R' inside. I do not want this but cannot find any option to switch that off. Is there a way to switch off automatic text changing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI typed "text" in the help box, did a bunch of reading, but didn't see the answer to this. I have two colored text.....a thin line in one color and an inner color. How do I increase the thickness of the outer line?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want to make a TEXT ONLY LAYER.if i want change a font or size, just click a layer and change a font or size. like-photoshop.but, not same-photoshop. i think layer is make a ONLY ONE.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm placing a copyright on a photo but the smallest text size available- 6 - is still way too large. How can I make this smaller?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just gotten an ASUS Zenbook ultrabook, and I have to say that it runs PS (CS5) beautifully. Just one problem: with the 1920x1080 resolution, the menus, tools, etc. are tiny. Is there any way to change the size of the font in PS itself without changing the resolution on the whole computer?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI found a forum entry about changing the font size of captions in a slide show in PSE9. The fixer said there was no global fix to change the default font size for captions in PSE9. Is there a way to do that in PSE12? When my captions show up on the screen in PSE12, they are so small I can barely read them. I would like them all to be larger.
View 2 Replies View Relatedchanging the font size that's used in the titles and captions of pictures when I create a web gallery.
I'm using LR to create web galleries of my son for my family to see him growing up and I like to use the title and captions to put comments about each picture. Some of the people who view these galleries on-line have poor vision and need to see a BIGGER font. The only font size for titles and captions seems to be embedded in LR and it's mighty small, any way to increase it?
I'm trying to change the size of a certain object in my image. It's a simple clip art that I got off the web and pasted into Photoshop. What I'm trying to do is select it with the select tool and then resize. None of the resize options I'm using seem to do exactly what I want though. Here's what I've tried:
1) Image -> Image Size -> do my adjustments. This changes the size of the whole image, not the selection.
2) Image -> Canvas Size -> do my adjustments. This changes the size of the canvas and has no bearing on the size of any of the objects within it or the entire image.
3) Select -> Modify -> Contract/Expand -> enter the number of pixels. This changes the size of the selection box, but not the contents within it.
4) Select -> Transform Selection -> do my transformations -> hit enter. This changes the size and shape of the selection box, but not the contents within it.
What do I need to do in order to change the size of a particular object within my image?
I scan my pieces in. Trace them with the pencil (love the new version) save my file. Than I save as a svg file. But in some cases it changes the size of these objects and in others it does not. So some place something is different. How do I stop this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow the new text tool functions and lacks the ability to select text and scroll through the fonts and see how that font looks on the text.
I'm still having massive issues trying to figure out what fonts to use, at first I was all for the new method of applying text to the image but now I'm finding it a real pain. I have over 1500 fonts to browse when trying to create text. Without a preview mode where I can scroll through the fonts, the entire process turns into a tedious nightmare.
Is there a plug in or add on... or a undocumented method to get the X2 functionality of being able to scroll through the fonts and see how it looks on the text?
If not, I am uninstalling X3 and either moving to photoshop or going back to X2. Its too much of a pain to keep clicking back and forth font by font - one by one.
I have Paint Shop Pro X4. I File/Open a .PSPIMAGE file and I get a Replace Font window telling me I am missing Font: BETSY.
I went to a download site [URL] and downloaded a Font called BETSY FLANAGAN which appears to be the font I need.
In the dropdown box for the Replace font, I search and find the BETSY FLANAGAN font I downloaded to the FONTS Folder. When I insert it, the text where it is used comes out odd. I have the original jpeg file, so I know the font is not the same. Is BETSY FLANAGAN the same as the missing BETSY font?
URL where I can download the correct font for free?
Some open fonts have extras for some characters and all. How are those accessible in PSP? I found a tutorial for Photoshop but i cannot see where, in PSP, those features can be accessed. Here is the video: URL....
Any way to get those fun extras from Open Fonts when they have them?
Very difficult to change a font in Photoshop CS6: I select the font then go to the dropdown (either the side panel or the options panel at top; same results) and BEGIN TO scroll down to find the font I want to change to. After a couple seconds, the list pops back up to the top. Usually I cannot scroll past the fonts beginning with M or N before it overrides my scrolling and pops back to the top again, If I can select quickly, I can sometimes nab a different font that starts with a B or C, but hardly ever one I am seeking.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have taken pictures for my husbands company, and one of the distributors wants pictures sent to them in jpeg, and stated the pictures must be 500 x 500 pixels and 300 DPI. I have not been able to make the height and width both at 500 pixels. Can this be done? I have PSP X4.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I write a script to change the font sizes of ALL text in a vector layer?
View 10 Replies View Relatedwhy Photoshop keeps changing settings for placing objects, image size etc.?
For example: I create a new Photoshop document:
ppi: 300
Width: 160 mm
Heigth: 160 mm
after clicking "OK", these go to 160,2 mm or less than 160 mm.
The same with the sizes and places of objects etc. I create a 20 x 20 mm circle. One click later it is 19,89 x 19,89. I set it's location to X: 80 mm, Y: 80 mm. One click later: 80,02mm
I made orange letters in a font sized 142. But when I made a new layer and then made white letters to put on top of the orange ones--I also use font size 142, but it was smaller than the orange font. So I couldn't put it one top of the other letters for the 3-D look.
It's close, but not quite close enough to fit as it should. Do the differing colors make a difference in how the font of the same size is different? Or is it using different layers?
Whenever I add text to an image, it is set to Times New Roman Automatically and it works fine.
When i try to change the font, or bolden it, add italics or underline my photoshop crashes.
I have tried reinstalling many times, and have also tried using ctrl + alt + shift while relaunching.
I'm baffled. I do 99.9% of my photo work in Lightroom and then export to jpg. On the rare occasion when I need to remove something from a photo (a fly or leash), I have been using PSP version 9 because I already have it.
However, this morning I opened an 8 Mb jpgs file, did my editing and just saved it (no save as or resizing), and now the file is only 2 Mb.
What the heck? [URL]....
I've just installed Paintshop Prox4 to a computer running Japanese Windows. It appears that it installed the Japanese language version. Is there any way to change the interface to English, as this would make it much easier to do things.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to take my out of camera image, which is at 314ppi at about 9x12 and crop it to 8x10 at 300ppi. But, when I go to the crop tool, and click 8x10 preset, the resolution is set at 72ppi, and i can't see how to change that. So, the preset crop tool gives an outline of the crop area that is very small. The picture itself when it comes up is something like 33 " x 38" at 72ppi. If I go into resize image, it gets time consuming; you'd think I could just select the 8x10 preset at 300ppi and get a file that is about 2400 x 3000 ppi....8x10, 300ppi.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just loaded the box version of X4. I cannot change the file associations. All files are checked and will not change. I removed the whole program and reloaded, still have the same problem.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI don't understand two things about the workspace tabs:
First, if I right click on a file in a file list like Windows Explorer and select "Open in PSPX4", the file opens in the X4 Edit workspace but disappears if I then click on the Adjust tab. Click back on the Edit tab and it is still gone. But if I click on a file in the X4 Organizer the image appears in all three workspaces, Manage, Adjust, and Edit. In X3 I could toggle back and forth between Express Lab and Full editor and the image would appear in both, no matter if it was opened through Explorer or from Organizer. Apparently X4 only want users to open files from its own organizer?
Second, I don't understand why after making edits to an image in one workspace, like Adjust, I cannot then switch to the Edit tab and make further edits without having to first save the changes made in Adjust. If I happen to go back and forth a few times making edits in two work spaces and am forced to save the file each time, don't these multiple file saves degrade JPEG files due to compounded compression? If so I would rather save only once at the end of all edits. Or am I not understanding the meaning of "save" in this context (a likely possibility). And part B, after making an edit and clicking on a different tab, why am I prompted to save when I have Auto save enabled?
Installed the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I put orange gabriola font, 144 size, Bold effect on a canvas--and then try to make it 3-D by adding white. The white is smaller --not the same size as the orange--yet everything else is the same!
I tried measuring them together by putting the white behind the orange (it is smaller!) by going back to a file I'd resized before making the white (in case I did) --same thing. Made new layer, duplicate layer, put the active layer below, above..nothing would make them the same size!
Not that the actual letters are so badly different is size, but the spacing appears to be wider in the orange than in the white--which means that the white doesn't fit on the orange.
I need to get my manuscript published. And after all I've had to do to learn to get as far as I have, I sure don't feel like having to repeat if for one contrary white font!
I just downloaded paint and am giving it a whirl at my company. We're trying to move away from old programs we still somehow use. My question is if I have a piece of line artwork that's 7x 8.5, the standard font size we use is 12. Yet when I type it into the artwork, it looks like it's size 6 comparatively.
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