I can not use my HP scanner. It looks like the image size is wrong and should be reduced to less than 49999 pixels high x 4999 pixels wide. Where could I change the image size in X4. Using Windows 7 Pro.
In PSP 8, if I have many text entries within a single vector layer, all with same font size and type, is there a way to change the font size for all of them at once?
So we've been sent a DWG file for a large site, that includes a massive aerial (TIF) image.
At this point it's too large to even work with so I'd like to scale it down (proportionally, so it will still maintain the same aspect ratio).
For simplicity sake, lets say the image is 15,000 x 15,000 and I want to scale it down to 5,000 x 5,000.
The problem is that AutoCAD seems to use that pixel size to determine the actual scale, so when I updated the new (smaller) image, it was also 3x smaller in the world.
How do I scale down the image independently of the size so it will still maintain the same scale in the CAD world? (I'm a 3D guy so this is akin to scaling down a texture, yet having the plane its projected on maintain its original scale.)
Most of the images I work with need to be saved at screen resolution (in my case that's 72 or 96 dpi).
In past versions, I'd load an image, usually 300 dpi, and when I resize the image (Image -> Resize), the default resolution was always 72 dpi. All I needed to do was set the new pixel dimensions that I wanted, and I was done.
In X5, the resize box is showing the actual current dpi of the picture I'm trying to resize.
Is there a way to set X5 so that the Resize function always defaults to a specific resolution (i.e. 96 dpi)?
Joined the recent webinar on X4 and very impressed with the product. I currently use Photoimpact X3 but looking to change to the new product.
How do I import photos of all different sizes and output to a 800 x 600 photo suitable for import to a digital photoframe? In Photoimpact, I set up a new image that is 800 x 600, make changes to the photo (crop, hue, etc), resize so that the minimum ht or wdth is 600 or 800, right click, copy, move to new image, paste, then move the image about until I am happy with the finished photo and save to a file that will subsequently be copied to a USB pen drive.
it is possible draw objects - rectangles, circles, rounded corners and create text objects - aligned to screen pixels? Photoshop has it - Pixel-Precise Alignment. Result is -- an edges are not blured, example -[URL]
I have started using paint today , how I can increase the pixel size when printing for a better quality impression?
I have started scanning photos and directly loaded photos onto my computer, but can only print "600 pixels, not good quality. My printer generally photocopies and prints good quality photos.
It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.
It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.
It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...
Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?
I have taken pictures for my husbands company, and one of the distributors wants pictures sent to them in jpeg, and stated the pictures must be 500 x 500 pixels and 300 DPI. I have not been able to make the height and width both at 500 pixels. Can this be done? I have PSP X4.
I'm baffled. I do 99.9% of my photo work in Lightroom and then export to jpg. On the rare occasion when I need to remove something from a photo (a fly or leash), I have been using PSP version 9 because I already have it.
However, this morning I opened an 8 Mb jpgs file, did my editing and just saved it (no save as or resizing), and now the file is only 2 Mb.
I've just installed Paintshop Prox4 to a computer running Japanese Windows. It appears that it installed the Japanese language version. Is there any way to change the interface to English, as this would make it much easier to do things.
I want to take my out of camera image, which is at 314ppi at about 9x12 and crop it to 8x10 at 300ppi. But, when I go to the crop tool, and click 8x10 preset, the resolution is set at 72ppi, and i can't see how to change that. So, the preset crop tool gives an outline of the crop area that is very small. The picture itself when it comes up is something like 33 " x 38" at 72ppi. If I go into resize image, it gets time consuming; you'd think I could just select the 8x10 preset at 300ppi and get a file that is about 2400 x 3000 ppi....8x10, 300ppi.
I just loaded the box version of X4. I cannot change the file associations. All files are checked and will not change. I removed the whole program and reloaded, still have the same problem.
I don't understand two things about the workspace tabs:
First, if I right click on a file in a file list like Windows Explorer and select "Open in PSPX4", the file opens in the X4 Edit workspace but disappears if I then click on the Adjust tab. Click back on the Edit tab and it is still gone. But if I click on a file in the X4 Organizer the image appears in all three workspaces, Manage, Adjust, and Edit. In X3 I could toggle back and forth between Express Lab and Full editor and the image would appear in both, no matter if it was opened through Explorer or from Organizer. Apparently X4 only want users to open files from its own organizer?
Second, I don't understand why after making edits to an image in one workspace, like Adjust, I cannot then switch to the Edit tab and make further edits without having to first save the changes made in Adjust. If I happen to go back and forth a few times making edits in two work spaces and am forced to save the file each time, don't these multiple file saves degrade JPEG files due to compounded compression? If so I would rather save only once at the end of all edits. Or am I not understanding the meaning of "save" in this context (a likely possibility). And part B, after making an edit and clicking on a different tab, why am I prompted to save when I have Auto save enabled?
Installed the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.
All i want to do is create a new image... a black background to be exact which I can do easily enough, then I open a second image (a picture taken by hubble, im creating a new desktop background). I copy that picture, paste it onto the black background. All I want to do now is center the hubble picture on the black background. I can do it manually of course, but when I click on the hubble picture so that it is selected then go to the 'objects' drop down menu I see the 'align' option, it then opens another menu and it has it right there "center in canvas" but it is not selectable, actually the entire 'align' menu is grey meaning I cant select any of the align options.
Also, same project, the hubble picture... I want to but a border around it. Under the 'image' drop down menu is a add border option... but it adds a border around the black background/canvas and not the hubble image that I have selected!?! Why?
In both cases its like the program is not accepting that I have a new image (the hubble image) selected, its only allowing me to alter the initial black background.
I have an image with a gray foreground and want to change the colour. With the flood fill tool selected I click on the foreground colour box in the materials palette.I click on the colour frame, the colour momentarily shows but does not alter the colour box.Clicking on the rainbow tab displays a box with black to white gradient in it.This will change the colour box to any shade clicked on.Clicking on the swatches colour tab gives varying shades in the colour box or does not change the colour box.What is going on here and how do I get back to normal so that I can change the foreground colour as before? PSPro X
How to adjust the user interface color (dark to light)? I tried used changing the color working space colors but it didn't seem to make a difference. dark interface hard to read.
PSP X4 wants to be more intelligent then the users and changes the content of my text automatically. I want to enter a text which contains a text like "(R)" and this is changed automatically to a circle with an 'R' inside. I do not want this but cannot find any option to switch that off. Is there a way to switch off automatic text changing?
I typed "text" in the help box, did a bunch of reading, but didn't see the answer to this. I have two colored text.....a thin line in one color and an inner color. How do I increase the thickness of the outer line?
I recently started having this problem with the material palette changing colors back to what I had previously used. I am using windows 8 operating system 64 bit, and PSPX5. I will be working on something and if I change tools then my colors will change.
I've been using PSP for a long time now (fisrtly PSP7 and now PSP9) and I wanted to buy the new version PSPX4. I downloaded the free-trial version and I saw that it is impossible to generate files bigger than 10'000x10'000 pixels. In the canvas size menu, it's impossible to give a higher number. The problem is that a made bigger files with PSP9 and I'd like to keep on working on it without resizing them.
So my question is : Is it only a limitation of the trial version or is it simply impossible to work with bigger images than 10k x 10k ? I hope there is a simple solution because PSP9 encounters some problems with Win7...
I have used PSP since version 2, so have been at it for awhile. Just upgraded to 6, as I was using version 4.
The problem I have is when I am in the edit area, and have a photo on the screen I use my mouse wheel to enlarge or shrink depending on my needs. The old version the windows box around image would also resize with image. I have attached a few images. I normal could fix this in the settings, but for some reason the window will not follow the image size as I enlarge or shrink? It does when I actually resize image, but I need this to do that when I am just using mouse wheel to make bigger or smaller on my screen.