Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Any Way To Switch Off Automatic Text Changing
Jan 31, 2012
PSP X4 wants to be more intelligent then the users and changes the content of my text automatically. I want to enter a text which contains a text like "(R)" and this is changed automatically to a circle with an 'R' inside. I do not want this but cannot find any option to switch that off. Is there a way to switch off automatic text changing?
In PSP 8, if I have many text entries within a single vector layer, all with same font size and type, is there a way to change the font size for all of them at once?
I typed "text" in the help box, did a bunch of reading, but didn't see the answer to this. I have two colored text.....a thin line in one color and an inner color. How do I increase the thickness of the outer line?
I use PaintShopPro to improve on screen captures for an instructional book that I publish. In the past I have used PSP version 9. It Automatically Enhance Contrast does just what I want but I cannot find this feature in version X4
Fortunately I have an older PC with version 9 but switching from one PC to another even with Remote is a pain.
Is there a way to switch between items without closing out an item while in edit? ie: You have two (or more) items open in edit, and you want to cut from one item and paste on another but you don't want to close out the one you just cut on. I tried using the little arrows on top of the edit workspace, thinking these would be the way to switch items, but they don't do anything, at least for me anyway. I tried looking in the user guide but no luck.
I want to work with more then one picture at the same time and I want to be able to open more pictures during my work. With version X3 I could switch between Manager and Edit to open more pictures. Now the program closes all opened pictures if I switch from "Edit" to "Manage". Is that as it should work now?
How can I open the browser inside the Edit area? I could not find a function or Icon to do that. I just found the possibility to use the function 'Dual Monitor'.
If I select the function 'Dual-Monitor' the program changes my selected setting (Thumbnail Mode) to Preview Mode and I cannot change it anymore. Is that as it should be or is it a bug? I want to work with Thumbnail mode and not with Preview Mode.
I have Dual-Monitor switched o and restart the program. Now the two tasks are not opened on my two screens. I currently see the Edit screen and cannot switch to the Manager. Even with the task manager I cannot switch to the Manager of PSP. When I closed the program after switching on Dual-Monitor I had both tasks on different screens and so I would have expected to get it with the next start of the program.
If I open more then one picture I get a task in the taskbar for each opened picture. That seem to be very strange for me. I do not have more then one task of the program. I have several opened pictures in own windows (not tabbed) in one program.
I am using a Nikon D7000 and shooting in RAW format. Recently, I took some time exposures of Niagara Falls at night, to capture the colors and the lighting on the falls.
When I view the files in the media tray, everything looks alright. However, if I select a photograph to look at more closely, , some sort of automatic brightness adjustment is taking place which brightens my foreground and washes out the color on the main part of my image. This process changes the histogram of the photo. When I move to Express Lab or Full Editor and choose "Smart Photo Fix", and reset various settings to "Original", it doesn't bring the photo back to its original appearance, so clearly there are other settings that have been automatically adjusted as well.
I've looked into the Preferences menus, but can't find anything that will turn off this automatic adjustment process.
I have taken pictures for my husbands company, and one of the distributors wants pictures sent to them in jpeg, and stated the pictures must be 500 x 500 pixels and 300 DPI. I have not been able to make the height and width both at 500 pixels. Can this be done? I have PSP X4.
I'm baffled. I do 99.9% of my photo work in Lightroom and then export to jpg. On the rare occasion when I need to remove something from a photo (a fly or leash), I have been using PSP version 9 because I already have it.
However, this morning I opened an 8 Mb jpgs file, did my editing and just saved it (no save as or resizing), and now the file is only 2 Mb.
I can not use my HP scanner. It looks like the image size is wrong and should be reduced to less than 49999 pixels high x 4999 pixels wide. Where could I change the image size in X4. Using Windows 7 Pro.
I've just installed Paintshop Prox4 to a computer running Japanese Windows. It appears that it installed the Japanese language version. Is there any way to change the interface to English, as this would make it much easier to do things.
I want to take my out of camera image, which is at 314ppi at about 9x12 and crop it to 8x10 at 300ppi. But, when I go to the crop tool, and click 8x10 preset, the resolution is set at 72ppi, and i can't see how to change that. So, the preset crop tool gives an outline of the crop area that is very small. The picture itself when it comes up is something like 33 " x 38" at 72ppi. If I go into resize image, it gets time consuming; you'd think I could just select the 8x10 preset at 300ppi and get a file that is about 2400 x 3000 ppi....8x10, 300ppi.
I just loaded the box version of X4. I cannot change the file associations. All files are checked and will not change. I removed the whole program and reloaded, still have the same problem.
I don't understand two things about the workspace tabs:
First, if I right click on a file in a file list like Windows Explorer and select "Open in PSPX4", the file opens in the X4 Edit workspace but disappears if I then click on the Adjust tab. Click back on the Edit tab and it is still gone. But if I click on a file in the X4 Organizer the image appears in all three workspaces, Manage, Adjust, and Edit. In X3 I could toggle back and forth between Express Lab and Full editor and the image would appear in both, no matter if it was opened through Explorer or from Organizer. Apparently X4 only want users to open files from its own organizer?
Second, I don't understand why after making edits to an image in one workspace, like Adjust, I cannot then switch to the Edit tab and make further edits without having to first save the changes made in Adjust. If I happen to go back and forth a few times making edits in two work spaces and am forced to save the file each time, don't these multiple file saves degrade JPEG files due to compounded compression? If so I would rather save only once at the end of all edits. Or am I not understanding the meaning of "save" in this context (a likely possibility). And part B, after making an edit and clicking on a different tab, why am I prompted to save when I have Auto save enabled?
Installed the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.
All i want to do is create a new image... a black background to be exact which I can do easily enough, then I open a second image (a picture taken by hubble, im creating a new desktop background). I copy that picture, paste it onto the black background. All I want to do now is center the hubble picture on the black background. I can do it manually of course, but when I click on the hubble picture so that it is selected then go to the 'objects' drop down menu I see the 'align' option, it then opens another menu and it has it right there "center in canvas" but it is not selectable, actually the entire 'align' menu is grey meaning I cant select any of the align options.
Also, same project, the hubble picture... I want to but a border around it. Under the 'image' drop down menu is a add border option... but it adds a border around the black background/canvas and not the hubble image that I have selected!?! Why?
In both cases its like the program is not accepting that I have a new image (the hubble image) selected, its only allowing me to alter the initial black background.
I have an image with a gray foreground and want to change the colour. With the flood fill tool selected I click on the foreground colour box in the materials palette.I click on the colour frame, the colour momentarily shows but does not alter the colour box.Clicking on the rainbow tab displays a box with black to white gradient in it.This will change the colour box to any shade clicked on.Clicking on the swatches colour tab gives varying shades in the colour box or does not change the colour box.What is going on here and how do I get back to normal so that I can change the foreground colour as before? PSPro X
How to adjust the user interface color (dark to light)? I tried used changing the color working space colors but it didn't seem to make a difference. dark interface hard to read.
I recently started having this problem with the material palette changing colors back to what I had previously used. I am using windows 8 operating system 64 bit, and PSPX5. I will be working on something and if I change tools then my colors will change.
I do a lot of CD designs, and often I have my text centered on the front covers. When I put the text centered, however, PSP is added an extra space to the end of text, so when I center it on the canvas the text is actually off-center to the left. When I go into edit the text, there is no space on the right of the words to delete.
With the text selected this is how it looks: The right edge of the frame should be flush with the right edge of the last 'T'.
Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.
I have a .jpg file with an image, which I copied from the Clipboard. I now want to add text NEXT to the image. That is I now want to type text and position the text after is typed.
When I use the Text Tool, the text cannot be moved.
I would like to create a number wheel with the numbers at 90deg to the circle but I cannot find any way to achieve this and it seems like something that should be doable within the text to curves feature.
Here is an example of what i would like to achieve.
I am trying to find a way to watermark my photos using text for uploading to the net to try and prevent image theft. Canon Zoom Browser adds text but only 1 pic at a time.
I have searched this forum without success and searched the internet without success except for Alamoon which does one pic at a time ok but to do in batches requires you upgrade at a cost of about half the price of upgrading to PSP x5.
I read a comment by a subscriber here dated 2010 referring to PSP x3 but it said that after going to Image->Watermarking->Visible Watermark, you have to load a "pre-made image ..." Where do you get this pre-made image from ? Remember, I only want to add a couple of words of text. Surely this is not beyond the capabilities of Corel? Alamoon does it very easily. It doesn't take numerous windows and dozens of clicks with multiple layers to negotiate etc.