I have an image with a gray foreground and want to change the colour. With the flood fill tool selected I click on the foreground colour box in the materials palette.I click on the colour frame, the colour momentarily shows but does not alter the colour box.Clicking on the rainbow tab displays a box with black to white gradient in it.This will change the colour box to any shade clicked on.Clicking on the swatches colour tab gives varying shades in the colour box or does not change the colour box.What is going on here and how do I get back to normal so that I can change the foreground colour as before? PSPro X
When I want to flood fill -say a cloudy sky with blue, is it possible to use my own colour-that is an image taken of a blue sky instead of using one of the options shown after clicking to get the default colour choices in PSPro X
I am new to the site so not sure if this has been asked yet.
How do you do a flood fill with a transparent background, I can see how i can flood fill with colors and all that fun stuff, but for the life of me i cant find a selection for transparent.
In PSPx2 I used to select an area in an adjustment layer and then use the Flood Fill tool to create a mask. Did it quite often.
In PSPx4 the Flood Fill tool doesn't seem to work on adjustment layers. I can get the desired effect using the Airbrush, but it's a tedious and imprecise technique. Is this a known bug (I searched the forum but couldn't find it) or an intentional change?
I started with a tif image that's a black & white drawing and used the fill tool to fill in some black areas that were supposed to be solid, but weren't. I also did a lot of cutting to get rid of specks on the image. It looked fine when I closed and saved it, but when I went to convert it to a PDF, all my tif's have a black background and white lettering--should be just the opposite. I have gone into the images and they all look that way (apart from the PDF). I'm guessing this is a layer issue, but I'm new to this program and can't figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it. I really don't want to start over. So, to restate, everything that should be black is white and all that should be white is black.
I have copied some colour negatives using my digital camera. What is the best procedure for removing the orange base colour of the film prior to converting them to positives?
I recently switched to coreldraw x5. is there a way to change default guidelines color. and this setting should remain forever.
one more thing i want the green processing filling, which is now present in the background tasks to be visible. ...just like in older versions how can i do it?
I have a scan of a pencil sketch as my background image. What I want to do is convert to colour image then, eventually, lose the pencil lines. For starters I would like to know how to flood fill an area with colour then get rid of the area's boundary line. I guess a valid solution might be along one of the following lines:
1. Flood fill, depositing the colour in one layer but using a boundary line in a different one.
2. Copy the sketch to another layer, fill the areas then somehow delete the lines.
3. Flood fill in one layer then copy the block of colour only, not the surrounding line, and paste into another layer. Any suggestions? As of a week ago I'd never used Photoshop so don't assume I know anything.
I transcribe church registers, due to the poor copies I need to change the background colour as this improves the writing for me to read and transcribe correctly. When I used PSP8 which I am unable to use now I was able to change the colour by using the dropper.
OK so I may be a bit slow, but! I've installed PSPx6. Setup my plugins etc. Even got my workspace to load and work! Only thing now that is bugging me is the background colour in the Edit window. I use the dark grey. In x5 the background to a photo in Edit mode matched the dark grey of the UI. Now in x6 it seems I'm stuck with the dark grey UI and a light grey background.
Am I missing something some where or is this option gone?
Apart from that x6 loads in 5-6 seconds. Good. Everything else 'seems' to be faster. (I'm using 64bit). BUT Adjustment layers are still slow
I produce one outlined and filled alphabet letter per A4 page to create a sign for a shop window, changing the colours every three months. I use Outline Object for the outline. Is there a method by which the outline colour of a previous letter can be changed or must I recreate the letter if I require a different outline colour?
I have a very simple picture in jpeg format. The picture is all in white on an orange background.I would like to use Paint.net to select the white picture and place it on no-colour background.
I want to change the colour of a picture frame (black) around the outside of an image and I am trying to use a (blue) from a 2nd image to do so. The 2nd image is an edited version of the !st image saved under a different name. PSPRo X .This is my work flow :-
1 Open 2nd image 2 Click the dropper tool on the 2nd image-the foreground colour in the met palette changes to that colour(blue) 3 Click on foreground colour box 4 Click on background colour box-wanted colour shows-OK. 5 Select flood fill tool
Then the foreground colour changes to white. Not doing step 4 ends up with white too.
I work with a German version and so I do not know the exact English words of the objects and functions. What I want to do is drawing circles with an outline (I know how to do that) but with a filling (background) colour which has a transparency of for example 50%. Is that possible and how should I do that?
Must I enter the outline and the filling part on two different layers to get the transparency for the filling colour?
I've just started using X4 for the first time and what I'm trying to do is add text to the last frame of a gif. I got the text in and see where the colour changing tools are but for some reason even if I made everything red, the text colour still comes out completely different. It seems to be matching it to the colour scheme of the GIF itself. I just want to text to be red.
I have seen photos where the background is black. Is it possible to do this with Photo Pro X3 Ultimate? If so, how? I'm retired (read as "older" and not as sharp as a younger person) and new at digital photography.
I can't find any preferences for changing the photo editing area background colour. I am not sure what it is called but what I am talking about is the space in the middle of the program where photos open up into (not the workspace option which changes the menu bar colours of which I am using the blue option.) At the moment the centre area is a charcoal colour. When I am editing a photo which is smaller than this space it is surrounded by this colour and it makes it hard for me to see the thin black border which I place around some photos. Can I change the colour of the editing area to white?
PSP X6. In the Manage workspace, in preview mode, the picture on the preview area does not fill the frame but about 3/4 of it leaving the right and bottom ends empty. It is the same with the 64b and 32b vertions.
I'm trying to get a script to use a fill foreground I've selected. I can get it ask me to select the foreground color but it always saves the foreground color used when I save the script. I can't figure out how to get it to use the current foreground color.
I have taken pictures for my husbands company, and one of the distributors wants pictures sent to them in jpeg, and stated the pictures must be 500 x 500 pixels and 300 DPI. I have not been able to make the height and width both at 500 pixels. Can this be done? I have PSP X4.
I'm baffled. I do 99.9% of my photo work in Lightroom and then export to jpg. On the rare occasion when I need to remove something from a photo (a fly or leash), I have been using PSP version 9 because I already have it.
However, this morning I opened an 8 Mb jpgs file, did my editing and just saved it (no save as or resizing), and now the file is only 2 Mb.
I can not use my HP scanner. It looks like the image size is wrong and should be reduced to less than 49999 pixels high x 4999 pixels wide. Where could I change the image size in X4. Using Windows 7 Pro.
I've just installed Paintshop Prox4 to a computer running Japanese Windows. It appears that it installed the Japanese language version. Is there any way to change the interface to English, as this would make it much easier to do things.
I want to take my out of camera image, which is at 314ppi at about 9x12 and crop it to 8x10 at 300ppi. But, when I go to the crop tool, and click 8x10 preset, the resolution is set at 72ppi, and i can't see how to change that. So, the preset crop tool gives an outline of the crop area that is very small. The picture itself when it comes up is something like 33 " x 38" at 72ppi. If I go into resize image, it gets time consuming; you'd think I could just select the 8x10 preset at 300ppi and get a file that is about 2400 x 3000 ppi....8x10, 300ppi.
I just loaded the box version of X4. I cannot change the file associations. All files are checked and will not change. I removed the whole program and reloaded, still have the same problem.
I don't understand two things about the workspace tabs:
First, if I right click on a file in a file list like Windows Explorer and select "Open in PSPX4", the file opens in the X4 Edit workspace but disappears if I then click on the Adjust tab. Click back on the Edit tab and it is still gone. But if I click on a file in the X4 Organizer the image appears in all three workspaces, Manage, Adjust, and Edit. In X3 I could toggle back and forth between Express Lab and Full editor and the image would appear in both, no matter if it was opened through Explorer or from Organizer. Apparently X4 only want users to open files from its own organizer?
Second, I don't understand why after making edits to an image in one workspace, like Adjust, I cannot then switch to the Edit tab and make further edits without having to first save the changes made in Adjust. If I happen to go back and forth a few times making edits in two work spaces and am forced to save the file each time, don't these multiple file saves degrade JPEG files due to compounded compression? If so I would rather save only once at the end of all edits. Or am I not understanding the meaning of "save" in this context (a likely possibility). And part B, after making an edit and clicking on a different tab, why am I prompted to save when I have Auto save enabled?
Installed the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.