Paint Shop Pro :: Fill Script To Use Current Foreground Color
Oct 9, 2011
I'm trying to get a script to use a fill foreground I've selected. I can get it ask me to select the foreground color but it always saves the foreground color used when I save the script. I can't figure out how to get it to use the current foreground color.
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Sep 4, 2012
Watch the following animation to see that a new shape created by first drawing a path then hitting the [Shape] button is not creating a shape of the current Foreground color, but rather apparently of the color of the shape layer below it. This seems odd to me:
I don't think it's document-specific, but just to leave nothing to chance, if you want to try to reproduce it, you can download a copy of the file: [URL] ......
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Dec 7, 2011
I have many photos of the busts/heads of statues that I would like to extract to follow the outline of the head/bust to then use to create a transparent .png file for use in graphics projects. Can PSP do this? How? I see that the default setting for a photograph is a single background layer; do you create a duplicate layer and then what?
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Nov 10, 2012
I am finding that X5 is missing some of the basic Gradients.
For instance, how can I get the foreground/background (Corel_06_029) I often use that gradient
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Jun 24, 2011
It is possible extract foreground from image if I have: 1) exact image of foreground and 2) exact image - foreground + object on it ---> so that I can get object which has fine--aliased borders?
I want exact object - so I do not want use Background Eraser, it is possible somehow mathematically?
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Apr 9, 2013
I'm trying to figure out a way to automate a simple, yet repetative process I do countless times a day. Ideally, I'd like to tie it to a keystroke to speed up my workflow.
I work on line art and colorways for footwear, so the way I'm coloring these shapes and strokes break apart the different materials and pieces of the shoe.
While coloring line art, I work with Pantone spot colors as fills for closed path objects. I then have to manually apply that same color to the stroke, set the stroke to 0.5px weight, convert that spot stroke color to CMYK, and add 15% to the K value.
I found some code in an older post for applying the actively selected object's fill color to the stroke, but I'm having but I'm having trouble with the next step of figuring out how to take that spot stroke color and convert it to a CMYK build that I can then add 15% black to. Is this something that's even possible? I've spent about an hour playing with the script and have only had luck matching the fill color or turning the stroke white.
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Feb 11, 2013
Just lost an important photo.When I open X5, I select a photo. I click on one of the "Instant effects" The photo changes to whatever I selected. The problem. if I don't like it, that's tuf as the go back button does nothing 9 times out of 10 ("revert current editing") so, to get the original back I close X5 expecting to get the message "Save changes to xxxxx. No it seems it has saved it to whatever effect I chose.... no turning back it seems.
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Jun 26, 2012
I am using Paintshop Pro X2. I've created a script that goes something like this.
1. Save original size as jpg in folder 1.
2. Resize 50%
3. Save as jpg in folder 2.
4. Resize 100x77
5. Save as jpg in folder 3.
6. Close file.
Everything works great except for one thing. During the save as operations the script remembers the original file names from when I record the script. Is it possible to replace that old static file name in the script with the file name of the current image?
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Oct 8, 2013
Occasionally I want to improve contrast and sharpness of *.jpgs in my PSP X2. So I created a Script (in sub folder Scripts-trusted) with the following parameters
Brightness= -28
Contrast= 28
Ok, now I assume I set in Brightness/Contrast dialog (=independently from Script) the current values (just for example) to:
Brightess = 35
Contrast = 35
Afterwards I start running my Script. What happens?
The Brightness/Contrast Dialog pops up with the -28/28 values from my script prompting me for a OK confirmation.
After that my Script is performed. Much to my surprise the Script values are now PERMANENTLY set in Brightness/Contrast dialog as new values.
How can I (when running a script):
a) suppress the brightness/contrast dialog
b) Leave the current/old brightness/contrast dialog values untouched by my Script. They should stay at 35/35
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Apr 23, 2012
In Corel PhotoPaint X5, changing the fill color was possible by e.g. double clicking the (left-most) color square, then hitting Edit. Already, I found this was a bit too many clicks. Now in Corel PhotoPaint X6 it's gotten worse -- after hitting Edit, I'm not in the left-most tab "Models", but in the right tab "Palettes"!
My question: Is there any way I can open the Uniform Fill dialog with one click? (The Color Docker doesn't have a big color preview field so it doesn't work well for me when selecting and changing a color.) And is there any chance Corel will fix the bug with the wrong tab being opened?
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Sep 24, 2013
Working on some game development and purchased PSP Ultimate recently right before it changed to version 6 and received email saying account would be deleted if I didn't post, though I normally cut down on uneccessary postings as much as possible to keep clutter down and be as reasponsible as possible I might as well bring up some questions in form of new posts I had forgotten about earlier.
One of them is what is the best way to Split RGBA so I can work with them similiar to Adobe Photoshop in Layers and then Add information to a specific channel such as the Alpha Channel and re-merge back into a single RGBA file all within Paint Shop Pro so if I am needing to put the data in Alpha channel and the engine I'm using requires it to be there it would read it that way?
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Jun 9, 2013
When I want to flood fill -say a cloudy sky with blue, is it possible to use my own colour-that is an image taken of a blue sky instead of using one of the options shown after clicking to get the default colour choices in PSPro X
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May 13, 2013
I am new to the site so not sure if this has been asked yet.
How do you do a flood fill with a transparent background, I can see how i can flood fill with colors and all that fun stuff, but for the life of me i cant find a selection for transparent.
paintshop pro x5 ultimate
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Nov 30, 2013
I have an image with a gray foreground and want to change the colour. With the flood fill tool selected I click on the foreground colour box in the materials palette.I click on the colour frame, the colour momentarily shows but does not alter the colour box.Clicking on the rainbow tab displays a box with black to white gradient in it.This will change the colour box to any shade clicked on.Clicking on the swatches colour tab gives varying shades in the colour box or does not change the colour box.What is going on here and how do I get back to normal so that I can change the foreground colour as before? PSPro X
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Feb 21, 2012
In PSPx2 I used to select an area in an adjustment layer and then use the Flood Fill tool to create a mask. Did it quite often.
In PSPx4 the Flood Fill tool doesn't seem to work on adjustment layers. I can get the desired effect using the Airbrush, but it's a tedious and imprecise technique. Is this a known bug (I searched the forum but couldn't find it) or an intentional change?
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Sep 27, 2012
i would like to set a gradient in a form(exactly a text) from the stroke color to the fill color.
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Oct 26, 2013
PSP X6. In the Manage workspace, in preview mode, the picture on the preview area does not fill the frame but about 3/4 of it leaving the right and bottom ends empty. It is the same with the 64b and 32b vertions.
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm exporting Tiff Prophoto files from Lightroom into PSPX4 for further processing. The images are 1 to 2 stops under exposed when compared to Lightroom's image.I have selected PSPX4 color profile to match LR export color space.
I have tried exporting the Tiffs as sRGB and adode1998 and still the images are under exposed. I have little knowledge about color management and have searched around the web for possible answers, but no luck.
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Oct 18, 2012
For family history purposes, wish to improve the legibility of some hand written 1930 telegrams; the ink has faded with time so I want to change its colour to black. The form printing has not faded.
The user guide draws attention to the fact that the color selected for replacement must be in the image. Using the Dropper tool with sample size 1 pixel I position the dropper where I want it, see the color in the preview window, then right-click and the selected color appears in the background window on the Materials panel. So far, so good. I then place the Dropper tool over black in the swatch on the Materials panel, click and black appears in the Foreground window of the Materials panel. I think I'm set.
When I select the Color Replacer tool the background window immediately reverts to another color, usually white.Incidentally, the user guide suggests you read up on selecting colors with the Dropper; when you do this you learn that its OK to pick colors from the Materials panel.
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Jul 29, 2011
Question #1.
Were can I change the "color saturation" to use for my "color changer"?
Question #2.
When using "point-to-point" or "edge seeker", is there a way to go back one or two steps, without having to start all over again?
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May 15, 2012
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
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May 19, 2012
You know how when you're painting, you can hold ALT and it will pick a colour from the canvas? Well, for some reason, mine still picks up the colour but it sets it to the background colour instead of the foreground colour.
And when I actually select the colour picker tool, it will only select the background colour but when I hold Alt, it selects the foreground colour. Basically it's flipped where it's supposed to select.
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May 12, 2009
I am creating over 300 color swatches using a Pantone PMS system. I need to know a keyboard shortcut for the color library or foreground color, or a way to force photoshop to open the color library or foreground color when I create a new file.
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May 22, 2013
How I choose a color for any new objects I want to create. I've opened the toolbox with ctrl-b, which appears on the left side of the window. If I want to , for example, draw a red rectangle, I use the rectangular selection tool, then the bucket fill, and I don't see how to change the foreground color to red.
I've read elsewhere in the forum that there should be two rectangles somewhere on the screen that show foreground and background color, but I don't see them anywhere.
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Feb 1, 2011
Which tool would be used to draw a small pyramid and fill with a solid color?
How could I rotate this pyramid 45 degrees?
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Aug 19, 2012
I have PSP X4 SP2.
Current color working space: AdobeRGB1998.icc.
I want to take HDR photo. I have 3 pictures JPG in AdobeRGB1998. When I giving HDR/MERGE EXPOSURE program automatically changing color profile of my pictures from AdobeRGB for sRGB. Why does it happen?
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Jan 25, 2012
Just updated from X3 to X4. Spent an hour looking for the workspace color so I could get rid of the huge graphite box. Updated to SP1, found this forum, saw how to change the color in the files menu, and was very disappointed that the menu backgrounds changed, but not the BIG GRAPHITE BOX IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN!!
X3 gave us control of the colors. X4 is a big disappointment.what about the big graphite elephant in the room, the workspace?
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Sep 15, 2011
When I try to print, the print placement dialogue box shows the image in greyscale, and when I click the options tab, the options to print color and CMYK separations are greyed out. Going ahead to print gives me a B&W print. The same file prints perfectly in color in PSP X3. What setting I need to tweak?
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May 17, 2012
the image is attached.I would like to make the pin "blue", without loosing "real" appearance.
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Dec 24, 2013
I understand many of the aspects of color management: gamut, color space, profiles, calibration, and most of the accompanying pieces. The problem is that I don't understand the inter-relationships of the various steps between taking a photo and printing it.
My equipment is not wonderful. If I were serious, I would have spent 10x what I did; but I'm not a pro. I'll settle for the best I can squeeze out of it. My goal, at this point, is to get my prints to look like what's on the screen.
For software I am using PSP X6 and Windows 8.1.
The photos I get come from various sources. As I understand it, those images (primarily JPEG if they come from a camera, presumably RAW if I scan directly into PSP) should have the profile of the capturing device embedded in them. Is that correct?
In the past I've been told that I should always use the color management in my editing application, rather than whatever Windows makes available. Is that still true? So far as I can tell, there is no way to turn off Windows Color Management (WCS).
You can turn off color management in PSP. There is a checkbox for it.I've been reading that I should set my PSP color working space to sRGB. Is that turned on and off by the color management checkbox? Assuming I have a profile for my capture device (camera or scanner), should I use that profile instead?
I have factory supplied profiles for both my monitor and my printer. Supposedly the printer will automatically select one of its various profiles based upon the paper I use, but that's a setting in WCS. (I can force a particular profile if I want.) In PSP's color management, I have to pick the profile manually.
Should I turn off color management in PSP, and set everything up in WCS? WCS has a setting for viewing conditions. The default is "WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditions", the alternative is "WCS profile for ICC viewing conditions". Does that mean that I could (or should) get an ICC profile based upon my work area's lighting, etc.
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Sep 9, 2011
In the X3 version there was a menue setting for the color of the work space where you could change it and not have to use the Graphite color. In the X4 version there is nowhere to select non default color. There should be as not everyone wants to be forced into having it the default"graphite or whatever"color.
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