Paint Shop Pro :: No Flood Fill On Adjustment Layers?
Feb 21, 2012
In PSPx2 I used to select an area in an adjustment layer and then use the Flood Fill tool to create a mask. Did it quite often.
In PSPx4 the Flood Fill tool doesn't seem to work on adjustment layers. I can get the desired effect using the Airbrush, but it's a tedious and imprecise technique. Is this a known bug (I searched the forum but couldn't find it) or an intentional change?
When I want to flood fill -say a cloudy sky with blue, is it possible to use my own colour-that is an image taken of a blue sky instead of using one of the options shown after clicking to get the default colour choices in PSPro X
I am new to the site so not sure if this has been asked yet.
How do you do a flood fill with a transparent background, I can see how i can flood fill with colors and all that fun stuff, but for the life of me i cant find a selection for transparent.
I have an image with a gray foreground and want to change the colour. With the flood fill tool selected I click on the foreground colour box in the materials palette.I click on the colour frame, the colour momentarily shows but does not alter the colour box.Clicking on the rainbow tab displays a box with black to white gradient in it.This will change the colour box to any shade clicked on.Clicking on the swatches colour tab gives varying shades in the colour box or does not change the colour box.What is going on here and how do I get back to normal so that I can change the foreground colour as before? PSPro X
I'm using 3-5 adjustment layers on some of my work. Even though I have larger files, without Adjustment layers, once I add an Adjustment Layer to ANY piece of work things slowdown big time. For example a 'normal' curves application is almost instant. But if I add a curves Adjustment Layer then what took 1-2 second takes 10-15 seconds using an Adjustment Layer.
So is there something that Adjustment Layers are doing that is a computer hog? Or am I overlooking something? Or are they just configured in such away that they are naturally slower? [URL]....
Is there no way to use the eraser (or delete selections) on adjustment layers? I do/did this routinely in X3. I have missed some sort of configuration setting in X4!?
I started with a tif image that's a black & white drawing and used the fill tool to fill in some black areas that were supposed to be solid, but weren't. I also did a lot of cutting to get rid of specks on the image. It looked fine when I closed and saved it, but when I went to convert it to a PDF, all my tif's have a black background and white lettering--should be just the opposite. I have gone into the images and they all look that way (apart from the PDF). I'm guessing this is a layer issue, but I'm new to this program and can't figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it. I really don't want to start over. So, to restate, everything that should be black is white and all that should be white is black.
I have a scan of a pencil sketch as my background image. What I want to do is convert to colour image then, eventually, lose the pencil lines. For starters I would like to know how to flood fill an area with colour then get rid of the area's boundary line. I guess a valid solution might be along one of the following lines:
1. Flood fill, depositing the colour in one layer but using a boundary line in a different one.
2. Copy the sketch to another layer, fill the areas then somehow delete the lines.
3. Flood fill in one layer then copy the block of colour only, not the surrounding line, and paste into another layer. Any suggestions? As of a week ago I'd never used Photoshop so don't assume I know anything.
PSP is and has always been THE best graphics app with a truly intuitive interface and useful set of features & tools.
I have been using it for many, many years... sniffed around other products, but always returned, fully satisfied with what I can achieve. I've also written a suite of scripts to further enhance my use of it alongside my photography hobby.
HOWEVER... since Corel took it over and the start of the X series, there has been a serious and very annoying omission concerning the Crop tool. Previous versions up to v9 allowed the user to grab hold of the edges of the crop box ANYWHERE along ANY side, and drag/extend/reduce the size of the box. This allowed us photographers to zoom in to pixel level and grab any part of the visible box to adjust the crop dimensions very accurately. This is a very important feature for photographers.
The new X interface has changed the crop box to 'vector node handles' only for adjustment, which are not always visible when zoomed in. This means that instead of being able to align the box accurately to an image feature or row of pixels, you have to zoom out until you can find the nearest handle to use, or scroll up/down left/right, which either takes you away from the area you want to work on, or zoom too far out to see the detail you want for alignment.
option/preference to ditch the vector handles and grab the sides as before. I know you may think it a backward step, but you've taken away the very function that photographers need for cropping a composition, which is available in other products.
I bought PSP about a year or so ago, but grew frustrated with it and reverted back to Gimp. Now, however, I think I am ready to jump back.. and I encountered originally back then.
Basically, in some of the adjustment layers (Local Tone Mapping, Fill Light & Clarity) the mask doesn't work. When I click on the mask control the mask color in the dialog switches from white to black, but the screen doesn't revert back to underlying layer.This is very repeatable. It only happens in some AL, others like Layers and Curves work reliably.
Not sure why but, none of my presets on the right-hand side pane is showing up. How do I fix this without (i guess) re-installing PSP? I've included a screen capture below.
Every time I use adjustments like brightness/contrast, PSP seems to remember those settings, because the next time I use them, they start with the same values as I used before. But I do not want that. This way I always have to move all sliders to their zero position before adjusting. Every image needs different values and I always like to start from scratch (zero values).
So, how can I tell PSP not to remember those settings every time?
Another problem, this one since installing Service Pack 1.
The histogram is missing from the histogram adjustment window. Everything is there and works but no histogram. How can you adjust it without histogram? What is up with this? It works in x2.
When I pull up the levels windows both are black. If I reduce the image in the windows, I get a small black square. I have used this feature on various versions for years.
From X3 to X4, Corel added a "Block Size" control to the Local Tone Mapping adjustment. Is it the number of pixels over which the contrast adjustment is being applied? It seems that the smaller block sizes reduce the effect's harshness (when it could be harsh, e.g., with faces).
I found out that there is a way to show clipping areas in Photoshop when adjusting levels via an adjustment layer. While moving the slider, you hold down the ALT key.
I tried this in PSP X3 and it does not work. Any feature for seeing the clipping preview is available in Paint Shop Pro? It's a nice feature.
this worked until yesterday. I didn't install any software on the pc or change any settings that I can think of. I'm using photoshop cs2. I've rebooted the computer several times and I've quit/restarted photoshop several times.
when I create an adjustment layer, I cannot paint black in the mask area. I can fill with black and paint white. if, after filling black and painting white, I press D (to swap foreground/background colors), I can paint, a paintbrush thing shows up in the history, but it won't change. if I press D again, and paint some more white, it shows up in white. likewise, if I choose black another way (eyedropper, setting rgb to 0,0,0), it behaves the same. likewise, if I don't start out by filling black, and I just try to paint black on the white mask, it behaves the same (doesn't work).
if I create a new layer, I can paint black on it. If I switch to the pencil tool rather than the brush tool, I can pencil black into my adjustment layer masks.
any suggestions?
or what info can I get for you so you have a good place to start?
PSP X6. In the Manage workspace, in preview mode, the picture on the preview area does not fill the frame but about 3/4 of it leaving the right and bottom ends empty. It is the same with the 64b and 32b vertions.
I'm trying to get a script to use a fill foreground I've selected. I can get it ask me to select the foreground color but it always saves the foreground color used when I save the script. I can't figure out how to get it to use the current foreground color.
I have a rectangular screen grab (Windows application) that I would like to simply round the corners and add a border. The image is not a photograph, but since I have Paint Shop Pro X3 and like how it works, I thought I would try it . I have spent some time trying to do this with Paint Shop Pro X3 with no luck. None of the pre-defined frames seemed to do what I need. I would also like to create a drop-shadow behind the image. how to do this or a video that I can watch. A list of steps would also be OK.
I'm new to Paint shop. Is it possible to clip an adjustment layer or image to just the layer below it like in Photoshop? Or maybe Paint shop calls it something else?
I haven't really used PSP for doing custom graphics, mostly for working on photos; but before that I was using Adobe Photoshop and I liked (and still do) how it made saving easier than PSP does. Unfortunately Photoshop is horribly expensive so this is a better option.
I can't figure out for the life of me how to save .psd or .eps with the layers? It keeps telling me that due to how I am saving or the file format the alpha layers will be lost and so on.
I have Paint Shop Pro X4 which I am using to try and manipulate images of postage stamps. I scan the stamp using a film/slide scanner and using the cmyk splitter can produce a good images of the watermark and postmark cancellation, which I save separately. On a lot of the older stamps the plate number, from which the stamp is printed, is engraved into the design of the stamp and quite often this number is obliterated by the black cancellation mark. Is there any way using layers, or any other X4 feature, I can lift the cancellation mark from the image to see what is underneath?
I am having trouble adding tools to my layer palette in X4. Previously I use X2 and can perform this action. However it seems to be lacking in X4 and I certainly miss that.
In X2 I could easily add duplicate layer in the layer tab and all I had to do was a single click the tool and I could perform this action, it was convenient keeping in the same area where I could also delete the layer.
I know in X4 I can add the duplicate layers in the top toolbar, however it is not as convenient and seems to be counterintuitive to have it away from the delete layer tool. I also miss the other layer palette customizations.
Is there any other way to add the duplicate layers on the layers palette? Is there a way to perhaps copy the workspace from x2 to x4(probably a silly question).
I'm having an issue with layers not opening properly. I have a file that is a .psd, and when I open it initially, the layers are there. Then, if I save it, it pops up a box saying "because of the limitations of the specified file format (and possibly the save options you have selected), group data will be converted to raster data. Would you like to continue?
If I hit "yes", when I reopen the file, it only has 2 layers. What do I need to do in order to save it with all the layers in tact?
I have just upgraded to W7 and a new computer and now find that when I drag in directly from a folder or open from within X4 the images that are saved as PSD file (originally created in Photo Shop by a friend for me), opens all layers individually rather than one image with all the layers contained to edit. Before the update to W7 I had Vista and the image went in to X4 as expected, contained as one image with editable layers.