AutoCad :: Font Size Relative To Size Of DWG

May 14, 2011

when I create a template, and start dimensioning, the font size are always set to the default (.2) is there a setting to choose to make the font size relative to the size of dwg so that I do not have to increase the size of the fonts each time I do a dimension or any text.?

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Xara :: Change Size Of Text Box Leaving Font Size Same

Feb 24, 2011

I create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.

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Photoshop :: Texts With Same Font And Size But Looks Differently In Size

Jul 25, 2013

I ask someone to design a boxshot in PSD. In the boxshot, there are two text layers. Both text layers use the same font and size. But the actual text looks differently in size in my computer(after installing the required fonts). And the designer said in his computer, these two texts looks in same size.

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AutoCad :: Starch Point Result In Fixed Size Rather Than Relative

Sep 10, 2012

I have annoying problem that happens ones in a while. when starching lines i use to select the blue point, type a number and have the line extend or trim respectively.

For example , line which is 40 and i want it to be 60 ill click the blue dot, move the mouse in the direction i want and type 20.

Right now if i do the same the length of the line become 20.

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Photoshop :: Font Changes Size / Despite Pt Size Set

Feb 20, 2012

We are overlaying a word or two on jpg's.  In the settings bar along the top, the font is set to 8pt.That has worked seamlessly, for some time.  Suddenly, though the pt setting is not changed, the actual text over the photo is larger - much too large to fit.  But changing the pt setting to a lower number still results in something too large.
is the sudden change in outcome, when there has been no change in the setting.  And no ability to get a correct font size.This is in Ps CS4, on Mac 10.6.8.  I have checked the font in Font Book (Myriad Pro), and no corruption appears for the font.

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Photoshop :: Resize Layer Relative To Image Size?

Aug 19, 2013

I'm automating a custom watermark action for a series of photos (1000's) the orignals vary in size so thats my first hurdle to accomodate, the final water mark will comprise of a white stroke offset say -5 mm(but again ideally relative to each images size) and then placing a PDF logo at 20% opacity and placed centrally.
The problem I have is that I want the logo to be at the same scale throughout the sets of images, ideally the stroke too.So my question is can this be achieved in PS, scaling relative to document because all I can seem to do is specify a size or percentage.
A work around I considered is basing the final image size on a set width or height and then using a standard size for the logo and stroke just thought I'd try the hard way first.

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Photoshop :: Scroll Bar Not Showing Relative Size Correctly

Jul 8, 2012

In CS4 when I zoomed in on an image, the bar at the bottom would show the size of the image now on screen relative to the full size. i.e. if I go from 50% to 100% the bar would be half the size indicating that I am only seeing half the image. At least I think that was the case in CS4.
Here's and example from CS6.
Open an image, choose "Command-0" to make it fill the window, and the percentage is 48.16%. The bar at the bottom is not there, but if it was I assume it would fill the width of the window.I select "Command-+" to zoom in, and the percentage goes to 50%. The bar now fills about 30% of the window width indicating that I have zoomed in a whole lot, but I haven't. There is only a little bit of image on either side not visible, the rest is a huge grey area extending left right, and up and down. How do I make the bar indicate the true amount of zoom, and how do I get rid of that grey area?

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Photoshop :: How To Resize Layer In Percentage Relative To Image Size

May 2, 2013

Say I have an image that is 100x100 pixels. And I want to take one of the layers and resize it to 50% of the image size, so that it is 50 pixels. How can I accomplish that?
The reason I ask, is that have multiple images all with different size. But I have a signature (ie. watermark) that is always the same size. I want to be able to place this signature, and then resize it to XX% of the image it was placed on. That way, it should always have the same proportions.

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Photoshop :: Disable Auto-crosshair Around Cursor When Brush Size Very Small Relative To Screen Res?

Feb 22, 2012

when i make my brush size very small (to the point that its only like 4pixels dot on the screen), a crosshair symbol automatically appears around it which makes it hard to see the cursor's surroundings when working on small details without zooming in alot (which would make a 4px cursor appear bigger thus losing the crosshair again). I guess this feature is there for people that might have trouble locating small cursors, but on a large tablet that allows very fast work without having to zoom in much, this makes things harder. Is there a way to disable this or modify some files or "hack" the cursor icons somehow and delete it?
(Tried all possible combinations of the PS prefferences but none of it seemed to be related to the cursor becoming a crosshair once the brush size gets very small relative to screenresolution)

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Photoshop :: Font Is So Small And Its Font Size Is At 72pt

Feb 8, 2006

my font is so small and its font size is at 72pt how can i make it big again

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AutoCAD LT :: Font In Balloon Size In 2008LT

May 7, 2009

The issue is with another users computer with AutoCAD 2008LT, When placing a leader balloon; the font seems to appear larger then the block looks like its rescaling, i explode the block and the font goes to proper size.

I have tried different fonts in 'circle source block' the issue has not gone away, I don't seem to have this issue with 2009lt on my PC.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Font Size For Menu Bar

Apr 14, 2012

I have loaded Autocad 2013 and the the font size for the menubar at the top is very large. When I added 5 of my own menus to it, it now wraps around to another line. The Autocad 2012 let me get my extra menus in because the font size was much smaller.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Font Size

Aug 10, 2012

I noticed just lately, if I update the height of the text in my IDW through Styles Editor, not all the text in the document updates? Why would this be? All the text is under the text style "Instruction Text", but when I update the text height in the Instruction text style, only some of the text updates and I have to manually update all the rest?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Calculate Real Font Size

Nov 13, 2012

I have point (DBPoint) and I want to draw some text in this point by DrawOverrule.It works fine:

Point3d textPosition = ....
wd.Geometry.Text(textPosition, point.Normal, Vector3d.XAxis, myText, true, TextStyle);

But how to draw text in two lines?I can't use MText because it's overruled code (or no?).So it's required to caclulate real font size and move second line to font vert-size.

Point3d textPosition = .... // first line
wd.Geometry.Text(textPosition, point.Normal, Vector3d.XAxis, myTextLine1, true, TextStyle);
textPosition = textPosition.Add(new Vector3d(???)); // second line
wd.Geometry.Text(textPosition, point.Normal,  Vector3d.XAxis, myTextLine1, true, TextStyle);

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AutoCAD LT :: Excel / Table Font Size Correlation?

Apr 11, 2012

Is there a correlation between the font size I use in an Excel spread sheet & the font size on the imported table on the drawing?  My spread sheet font size is 8 point.  I seem to recall that a point is 1/72" so my 8 point text should be 0.111" high on the drawing.  When I import the table I get text that is 0.0556" high - looks like half the height of my spread sheet text.  I tried doubling the spread sheet text to 16 point hoping it would end up half size on my drawing (0.111") but this time it is 0.125" high.  The scaling of imported table text is inconsistent.  I know I can change the properties of the drawing table to get what I want but it would be easier if there was a fixed relationship between Excel & AutoCAD table text height.

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AutoCad :: How To Change Font Size Across Entire Layer At Once

Feb 1, 2012

I have a layer of lables for a drawing that all have 1" text, and I want to change all the text to 1.5", without having to scale them individually. There must be some way to select the layer and do a global adjustment of the text font?

I'm surprised I'm not finding this in the menu's, etc.Since I need each text to scale properly from it's own location, I cannot simply scale everything from one base point.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Change The Font Size?

Nov 21, 2013

In the Autodesk Inventor drawing (.idw) I am unable to change the font size when i dimension a hole and thread. I have tried going into "Edit Hole Note" and "Text" when you right click on the dimension.

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AutoCAD LT :: Title Block Of Layout Template - Font Size

Feb 26, 2013

In the title block of a my layout template I have tables inserted for revisions, drawing type, numbering etc. I have type already inserted in those blocks that I typically click on and then type in what I need it to say. My template works on all my other drawings except a particular one that I am currently working on.

When I click on the type, it automatically increases from 3/16" to 8" and enlarges the box to accommodate the new font size.

I've attached a screen. The top is before I click on the word "type" in the lower right corner and the bottom one is afterward.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Color And Font Size Of RMC Menu

Feb 6, 2012

I have a query. How do I change the color and font size of the RMC menu? I am using Autodesk Inventor 2012 Suite. I find it quite small and hard to see.

I have attached an image of it.

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AutoCad :: Quickly Change All Font Size Across Entire Model Space

Feb 23, 2012

Is there a way to quickly change all text font in model space in autocad electrical 2009 rather than doing it manually for every text block?

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Photoshop :: Can't Set Font Size

Jun 22, 2013

Come across this really irritating bug in Ps CS6 x64 ... I can't set the size of a text layer - it jumps back to the above size. I have quit and reloaded PS CS6 but the same happens.
It was working OK earlier, but this has started happening - On Win 7x64 with latest PS CS6 update.

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Photoshop :: Font Size In UI - CS6?

Jun 21, 2012

I go to Preferences>Interface>Text>UI Font size and change it to Large.  After a PS restart, the UI font is large and readable.  But after a few PS openings and closings it always reverts back to the default Small size.  It never seems to remember my setting. 

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Photoshop :: Font's Size?

Mar 16, 2004

I was making a poster, and I wanted to make the font go from small to big and be very even + clean. (How to make it look like the 2nd poster)

Here is what i did, (you can tell I used indivdual font size to do the change)
My attempt

Here is what I want it to look like, (Is much more Pro Looking)
Good One

You can see how the 2nd one's name fits much better and looks so much better.

I'm using Photoshop Version 7

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Photoshop :: Font Size 0

Sep 17, 2005

I have Adobe Photoshop 8 CS which I've used many times before without a problem. Recently I re-installed Windows XP (which I've also done many times before) and I noticed after re-installing Photoshop I cannot add text to images.

Whenever I try, I am able to select the area where I want to add text but the cursor doesn't appear and the font size is set at 0.01. I try to set the font size higher and it continuously drops back to zero. Oddly though, I am able to add text to images in Image Ready without a problem.

I've tried re-installing Photoshop again, cleaning the registry and temp files between installs and I get nowhere. I've never experienced this problem before and I'm usually the one giving help advice as opposed to getting it but here I seem to have no choice except to swallow my pride and ask. Would it be an issue with the font settings somewhere in Windows or has something perhaps messed up my registry?

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Photoshop :: What Font Size Is Better?

Oct 16, 2002

when put many text(not too much) on your webpage,

what font size is good, 12pt?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Font Size

Aug 4, 2008

When I try to enter type on a Photoshop CS3 doc, the text is humongous. If I set the font size down to 6pt it still is over 200 pixels high. Anything over 20pt is taller than my monitor.

I never installed the beta CS3, did have CS2 prior to upgrading.

PS CS3 10.0.1


3 gb memory

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Paint.NET :: How Font Of Same Size Is Different

Nov 27, 2012

I made orange letters in a font sized 142. But when I made a new layer and then made white letters to put on top of the orange ones--I also use font size 142, but it was smaller than the orange font. So I couldn't put it one top of the other letters for the 3-D look.

It's close, but not quite close enough to fit as it should. Do the differing colors make a difference in how the font of the same size is different? Or is it using different layers?

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3ds Max :: UI Menu And Font Size

Sep 6, 2011

How does one affect the size of fonts and menus so you can see with less eye strain? I just plugged in a couple of Dell 30" monitors to work with this but find all of the menus and dialoges to be very small at the 2600x1900ish res. Windows XP display settings found in the control panel do not seem to affect the 3ds UI at all.

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Photoshop :: Mac Size Of Font Is Always Wrong

Apr 16, 2013

If i write a Text in Photoshop CS 6 on a Mac the size of the Font is always wrong. For example: I write a Text in 6 Point which is bigger than a Text in 12 pt. I allready uninstall Photoshop, but i have still this problem. When i transform a textbloc it´s getting worse, seems like the text is getting bigger but the pt stays at the old size

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Photoshop :: What Is Reconversion In Font Size

Mar 8, 2013

When you Right-click on the font size text box a menu pops-up and what is Reconversion? and also other options.

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Photoshop :: How To Increase Font Size

Jun 20, 2013

How do I increase the font size for menus, icons, etc that show on the screen.  the default size is so small it is barely readable.

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