AutoCAD Inventor :: Printing Per Page Size
Jun 1, 2012Is it possible to setup inventor to print (for example) to BY DEFAULT print A size in letter format, B size in 11x17 ect?
Inventor 2014 PDS
Is it possible to setup inventor to print (for example) to BY DEFAULT print A size in letter format, B size in 11x17 ect?
Inventor 2014 PDS
My CorelMacros.CreateColorSwatch macro has stopped dumping the swatches into whatever blank Letter-sized document I have open (which is how it used to work) and instead it is creating a new document, at 4.25" wide x 7" high, and dumping the swatches into that. Using Pantone Solid Coated, but it's doing this regardless of what palette I choose.
There is no option in the Macro's dialog box to alter or even instantiate a page size, and I cannot find in the code of the macro where to set this variable.
I created a small object using Inventor 2013.
The base of this object is just a cylinder with diameter of 3.599 mm. (see attached image M1).
Now I wanted to 3D print this object. Inventor creates the *.STL-file.
The Inventor 3D print dialog shows a witdh and length of arround 4.12 mm by a scaling of 1.000 !?!
Why it is bigger than what I created? It should be 3.6 mm.
If I upload this to shapeways they show also 0.4 cm width / length. So my object will printed a littlebit larger than I created !?!
Even if I change the resolution inside the STL-dialog it does not change anything. Why the STL-Object is bigger than the model I created?
I am using Inventor professional 2014.
I heard that in this version,
a drawing printing can now be saved so that each time I have a format A to print, it prints format A by default.
Each time I have a format B to print, it prints format B by default.
Now, if i have a drawing format A and another drawing format B to print, i have to change the format prining page each time.
In the past two days, two-page PDFs that I save out of CS6 are printing with the second page upside down. I have tried resaving the documents—didn't work. Tried saving the documents as individual PDFs and combining the PDFs in Acrobat—didn't work. I have had my colleagues print them, and the second page is upside-down too. When I print two-page PDFs that I saved last week or longer ago, I have no problem at all. It just seems to be happening with recently saved PDFs. I didn't update any software on my computer between saving the PDFs that are printing correctly and when this problem began.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to find a setting which allows me to produce pdf copies of AC LT 2014 layouts that do not require rotation to view them in Adobe.
I've searched all through the pdf settings and still I have to rotate the pdf counterclockwise to view it in its correct orientation.
There's a setting which works for MS Office documents in the pdf options section but when this is applied in ACAD it doesn't work and I still have to rotate the view.
I'm really struggling to get my head around "paper space" & "model space". I just made a fairly detailed drawing and printed it in landscape on an A4 sheet. That worked well. But then I changed my mind. I now want to print it in "portrait". Trouble is it needs to be resized, as it keeps missing part of my drawing off the right hand side of the paper.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn Civil 3D 2013, in the Toolbox tab, I go to Report Manager, and select the Points_List, which then creates an HTML file.
I open it up in Chrome and when I print it, part of the point information at the bottom of Page 1 is cut off and shows up at the top of Page 2.
Is there a way to fix this?
I use to use Elements which has a nice feature to print multiple selected files in many different formats on a page. A selection button lets you print each picture only once so that you can, for example, shoot 60 images to the printer and get 20 pages with three 4x6 on a page. The Picture Package automation in Photoshop does something similar but it's a struggle to print each image only once -- you've got to manually set each page up correctly. how to do this more conveniently? Plugins, etc?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing completed but I cannot seem to get the page setup correctly for printing. My drawing is 1:1 and when i go to print preview the page is so much bigger than the drawing. How do I resize this and save the setting. Can I save this setting?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat are the exact A4 dimensions I need to put in Gimp in order for my page to print exactly a4.
I've tried (In Gimp) the a4 dimensions 210 x 297mm but it prints slightly smaller than those dimensions.
CS6, no page setup? I see no option permitting me to choose landscape or portrait view. I'm using mountain lion and a canon mp560. There's nothing under print settings. "layout direction" Is it a compatibility problem between CS6 and my printer? Is there a workaround?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do you set up a document to print 4 up on a 8.5x11 page. It is a pdf file created to print on a 11x17 page. I am using XP Pro.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just had to install Windows 7 64 bit and now find that when I print to my HP Business Inkjet 2300, I can only print 1 page. If I set the quantity to 5, I still get just 1 page. HP won't be updating the driver as they say that the printer is obsolete although they are still selling it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI create a graphic that has the dimensions of a standard piece of paper (8.5in X 11in) and then i savedit on a disc for my friend and he goes to office max to print it out and it comes out with a border... Is there a way to get rid of the border or can printers just not print full page.
View 6 Replies View Relatedtrying to make about 30 bookmarks. I can get one printed on a do I get more? I think 3 can fit!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to print double page spreads where a single image spans both pages.And to complicate things I need to print on the Moab pre-drilled paper for my portfolio.Outside of going into Photoshop and cutting the image in two and printing them out. Is there a way to do it in Lightroom?Also is there a way to keep all of the pages with their layouts and images intact for a later time when I would want to print another portfolio?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have AutoCAD 2007 on my machine.I have made a dll using AutoCAD.NET API which does the task of plotting a DWG harness drawing to a pdf file.I specify the device name and the page size to be plotted in a AutoCAD.NET method SetPlotConfigurationName(ps,"DWG To PDF.pc3",papersize).It works fine as long as I keep on giving default paper sizes.But, when I create a custom paper size using the plot configuration editor which in turn produces a new .pc3 file and when I include the same as the device name in the above mentioned method,it does not work.It throws an exception as eInvalidInput.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe color of the paper space outside of the page layout is a gray-white very bright that would not allow the white lines and white letters to be seen. I have looked at the Options dialog to see if that color can be changed, but I could not find the name of that area outside the per layout ( I have my paper layout to black, which is fine, but I do not know how to change the areas outside the paper). This bright color came with AutoCAD 2012.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI set up a new page thus (I live in a country which uses metric units, so ...):
Drawing Units Setting18-07-2013 9-24-06 AM.jpg
Command: '_limits
Reset Model space limits:
Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>: 0.00,0.00
Specify upper right corner <3.5000,2.7000>: 3.65,2.74
Command: C
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 1000,1000
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: 250
and I get:
Range Problem 18-07-2013 9-36-57 AM.jpg
The circle was centred at x=1000 metres, y=1000 metres, yet it displays right down at the bottom left of my screen. Compare the radius of the circle to the distance from the centre to the origin - it's nothing like 1:4! Look at the coordinates for the cursor!
Zooming in and zooming out has no effect on the huge dimensions indicated by the coordinates.
I know this must be simple because it is not mentioned in any textbook or tutorial I have been able to find. Authors don't seem to think it is important, but it's driving me nuts! The question is this:
How do I set the page size and grid scale to something sane?
I am pretty sure that this scale problem is at the root of many of the other problems I am having. A14 is doing it's job faithfully but the display is so small that I cannot see what is happening !
I am trying to print a full page borderless 11" x 8.5". The long side (11") cuts off about 1/16 of an inch.
I have tried using two different printers using the same 8.5x11" glossy paper.
If it is not the printer, it must be some setting in Photoshop (CS6).
What an I missing.
I recently upgraded to CorelDRAW X5 from X4. I'm having problems printing a landscape page to an Epson Stylus Pro 7880. This is a paper roll feeder. No matter what combination of settings I try it will only print portrait orientation. I had zero problems with X4. I have read as many of the previous forum posts I could find on this issue, so I'll add - I don't have a PPD file and the manufacturer does not either.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn page setup i have setup my page to print 4 business cards on an A4 page. I have customize the labels myself. Then in print preview i have chosen to print the business cards in the center of the page. But the cards are on the bottom left corner and what ever i do it will not change.
maybe i have to change the margins in page setup-customize label? But don't know the inches.
How can i put my 4 business cards in the center of the page to print?
I was playing around with my settings and did something that is keeping me from printing. When I go to print preview, the page is blank. I have tried opening up jobs that I successfully printed before and they also show and print blank. Everything looks normal in the work area. I just can't print.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have just finished putting very many weeks work into Photoshopping a scanned image and now I want to print it with multiple duplicate unaltered images per A4 sheet.
The image is 15cm x 7.3cm, so theoretically I should be able to print 4 of these on an A4 page no problem. However, the solution to how to do this simply and without altering the original image at all complete alludes me. I have tried using google to find a solution and have tried the File -> Automate -> Picture Package option, but besides being overly complicated this also seems to alter the dimensions of your original image. I have also heard about a "long way" of doing things, which involves creating a new A4 sized image and duplicating your image manually 4 times on this page sized image - however I am also quite stumped as to how I should do this without losing any detail of the original image.
I have created an image and would like to print as many copies of it as I can fit onto a single page from my printer (let's say A4 size). (My image is a logo that I am printing to water-slide transparency which is too expensive to waste one sheet per image). I can't seem to easily do this in Paint.Net (the options for contact sheet and wallet don't come out in quite the size I want). So I guess the best option is to save the file in another format (tiff, jpeg, PNG etc) and then copy it multiple times into another app like Word or PowerPoint, and then print from there. However my image has some transparent areas that I need to keep as transparent. How do I do this? Are there some image file formats that will retain the transparency? Likewise do word or PowerPoint support the transparent areas and print as such?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get several different images to print on one page. I have an Imac and Photoshop Elements 9. No matter what I do I can only get the same image mulitiple times on a page. I have tried picture package and just print, neither works. IPhoto makes this very simple but I'd prefer to use Photoshop where I edit most of my photos. print different images on one page and different sizes if possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just started using Photoshop Elements 10 after having worked with Elements 6 for some time. I cannot print the same image more than one time on the same page. It prints out on separate pages. I was able to print the same image several times on the same page with Elements 6..
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