I set up a new page thus (I live in a country which uses metric units, so ...):
Drawing Units Setting18-07-2013 9-24-06 AM.jpg
Command: '_limits
Reset Model space limits:
Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>: 0.00,0.00
Specify upper right corner <3.5000,2.7000>: 3.65,2.74
Command: C
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 1000,1000
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: 250
and I get:
Range Problem 18-07-2013 9-36-57 AM.jpg
The circle was centred at x=1000 metres, y=1000 metres, yet it displays right down at the bottom left of my screen. Compare the radius of the circle to the distance from the centre to the origin - it's nothing like 1:4! Look at the coordinates for the cursor!
Zooming in and zooming out has no effect on the huge dimensions indicated by the coordinates.
I know this must be simple because it is not mentioned in any textbook or tutorial I have been able to find. Authors don't seem to think it is important, but it's driving me nuts! The question is this:
How do I set the page size and grid scale to something sane?
I am pretty sure that this scale problem is at the root of many of the other problems I am having. A14 is doing it's job faithfully but the display is so small that I cannot see what is happening !
I'm drawing something much larger than the paper so I would like to chose paper size A(8.5x11) set the scale then print it out on A(8.5x11) paper. For example: my desk is approximately 65inch x 30inch and I want to draw and print it on A(8.5x11) paper. I want it to print with the drawing being accurate to scale...how do I do this?
how to size the grid and set it to snap to the grid. I work with 96 dpi pixel art and need it to snap to each pixel which is actually 6 pixels at 96dpi.
I use and action to print, save, save to desktop as PDF(using custom preset), close.New acocunt I am working on requests 2 printouts, but cannot record that in the action. If I can edit my actions. Am inexpereinced with this code but my guess is this is the area:
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
I'm looking for an option to adjust the grid size and to snap-to-grid.
For some purposes, you can find a way around this, but it is a pain when working on a project that requires perfect precision.
The topic has been brought up before, but I'm hoping to hear of any news on the possibility of implementing it. I don't assume there has been made any plugins to cater this need since earlier posts on the matter, so I'm hoping to persuade developers to implement the feature in a new version of paint.net instead.
If you need to know more specifically what I'm looking for, then it's basically what you have in Adobe Illustrator or any decent 3D modelling software you will ever come across. It would work pretty much exactly like the grid already in place, except you would not be limited to working only with individual pixels, but rather groups of pixels as you zoom further out. The grid would preferably have thicker lines every 5, 10 or 15 lines, etc. for user to position the various elements.
I want to setup two different page setup for one file. For example, when I type publish command, I want to have option of either selecting pdf or selecting actual printer.
I would like to set the scale so i can visually see where my joists , hangers , tiers, etc go.
How do i set an accurate scale for a drawing such as this?
Setting Scale .porch.dwg
THIS DRAFT is most certainly NOT TO SCALE.
As usual, i am NOT sure i am asking the right question.
I am trying to use the smallest of the squares in GRID to equal "X" amount of inches so the entire drawing will fit. I do NOT need to use grid if it there is an easier way. No contractor...I am the only one using this and its just to make my initial materials list and get a picture of how things will go....
My viewport scale list only has metric and I would like to add a list of imperial scales for general use. So far I can only add, through Annotation Scaling panel and Scale list for an individual drawing so once it is closed I lose the scales.
how do I list my imperial scales permanently for use throughout the program.
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
I just installed autocad architecture 2012. when i opened it to start creating a new drawing/project the unit of measurement was in Millimeters.. i needed the Unit of measurement to be in architectural units, so i used the units command to change it to architectural units. the problem i am having now is that i think the Grid Scale is still in MM. when i tried to draw a line on the grid the line appeared to be tiny. the length of the line was 36'-5". i adjusted the scale to 1/4"=1' but that didnt change anything. in order to see the line that i drew i have to zoom in so much..
How do i adjust the grid scale to be the same as the units?
I created a new settings to print some of our drawings, I changed the page orientation from portrait to landscape and saved to a .pmp file (this is the printer settings file), closed the plotter.
I re-opened the plotter, selected the recent .pmp file, went to the orientation part and saw the portrait is in selection instead of landscape selection.
We are using AutoCad 2012 in Win 7 with OS 64-bit.
Trying to set the scaling of bitmap images and the scaling is stuck in in(chess). As I am working in metric with everything set to metric why is in still in imperial and can this be changed via a setting?
And what happened to the 'fit to gismo' setting? How are you supposed to do this now?
I am using version B.219.3 (UNICODE) of Autocad Civil3d 2008 with service pack 2 loaded.
I am putting together some plan and profile sheets for a civil roadway job.
The annotation scale setting of the text in the profile xref and alignment xref is being ignored in the sheet file viewports. This text should be appearing at 1:40 scale, automatically, same as the viewport scale, but they are appearing very small instead. According to the way annotation scale is supposed to work in Autocad2008, this annotation should be appearing at the correct scale, automatically.
If I try to adjust the annotation scale to a ratio I think will work, it automatically adjusts the viewport scale to match whatever I enter for an annotation scale. What to try next.
Can files become corrupted in AutoCAD? If so, are there utilities to repair corrupt AutoCAD files?
AutoCAD to draw various drawings, my issue to set scale.
1. what are the procedures of setting scale in modal space? say if is 1:1 then how to make 1:2 or how to recognize if someone has set a scale say 1:20 in modal space so that you return it to 1:1?....( here i need the procedures)
2. what is different among the following, one using mm, another using cm and the third one using m when drawing in modal space, do these people face different if they decide to use the same scale in layout to print? say if they us 1:50xp, what will happen, in their output.
I have imported a ISO Shipping container but the scale is to large. How can I scale it down to architecture setting standard not metric. When I try to use the scale option all it does is makes it larger? I have not search yet do to time restrictions.
I have a couple of field book file related questions
1. Can you apply a grid scale factor to measured distances when importing from an fbk file? You can apply using coordinate transformation if importing from csv file but I need to use FBK files to allow the user to make changes to the observation data of the points. As far as I can see the translate survey database command allows you to shift easting, northing, rotation and elevation but not scale. There is mention of a workaround at the following link but I could not locate this on the Civil Community.
"The Survey Data must first be imported from the FBK into the Survey Database, then translated/rotated in the Survey Database using the Survey Addition available from Autodesk Civil Community website, or some other third-party solution."
2. Also on fbk files, I have manually typed in alphnumeric point ID's for the point number in the field (see fbk file attached, file extension changed). When importing the resulting fbk file into Civil 3D the point ID's come in under point name and I cannot determine where it is getting the point number from? Opening the fbk file in notepad I do not see any of the point numbers that are getting assigned to the points in C3D. Where these numbers are coming from? Also is it possible to import alphanumeric strings as point numbers using fbk format?
Using description keys would require manually entering in the point ID as an attribute with each point (it automatically appears if added as point number with incremental identifier). This doesnt seem like a big deal but tI may have up to 10,000 sections to survey with 250 points in each section so it would be time consuming.
The neww line expressions for Grid distance are phenominal. My problem is getting them into curves. All I want to do is apply the grid scale factor to the curve length and radius, but I can't narrow down the parameter. The Drawing Scale conversion links to the annotation scale. I've also noticed people just scripting in the value, but that doesn't work when the majority of the office doesn't operate at that level.
Also, I work in grid and need to convert to ground. I noticed that the system only does ground to grid, so I'm inputting an inverted scale factor to get the results in need in my distances.
What is the advantage/usage of limits command? I know it specify the area where could be filled with Grid command. But is it, its only usage? What other usage could be expected from "limits"?
If we want to make the paper space and model space same (draw in same scale, if we use 1/100 scale in metric system, 1 meter in model space is equal to 1 centimeter in paper space), is it a wise idea to set the model space into A4 or A3 paper size by use of LIMITS?
I think its utmost usage is in combination with "snap". Where you can quickly grab the points you want onscreen without need for coordinate input. Would be happy if there is other usage for GRID
Before, I thought limits will specify the area in model space where I can draw (limit the area of model space). But this is in contrary with the fact that model space is limitless and I can draw as far as I want.
It is really hard to understand that there is no limit for model space like real world.
I haven't understood these issues until I read many threads in CT. Now I have got most of them but I think I need some extra study to understand them 100%.
I have a problem that I cannot seem to solve. I have a drawings with a whole bunch of layout tabs that have a few viewports in each tab. One of these viewports on each layout tab is on the layer VIEWPORT. I did this so it would be easy to filter out the other viewports in the drawings. I am using the code below to change all of the viewports with the layer VIEWPORT to the Custom Scale 0.020833. This works for all of the layout tabs except the first tab. It will not for some odd reason work on the fist tab.
I'm trying to plot a set of drawings that need to be set at 1:1. Every time I pick Custom or 1:1 and set it to 1mm = 1unit, AutoCAD immediately switches it to whatever 1:1_6 is, leaving me with a bunch of empty space around all my viewports.
I'm fairly new at using paper space, and I've never used a plot scale that have underscores in them, so I don't even know what they're representing.
Problem 1: I can't view to scale in page space. Aim: Plot 1:50 at A1 page size.
Notes: I am plotting in page space. The page set up is at an A1 page, . I have created new viewports and tried to change the scale inside the viewport to 1:50 but it blows up the drawing way bigger than 1:50. I have gone through everything I can think of and it does not make a difference.
Problem 2: I can't get it to print the full page layout. Aim: Print to the printer and to PDF as what is seen on the screen
Notes: I am able to print to the printer at A3 with scale 1:100 but only half of it comes out on paper. Every which way I change something like portrait / landscape or new window selection it prints wrongly.PLUS when I plot to PDF it plots perfectly but the scale is slightly off. It prints out at 1:110 or so, slightly off from 1:100.