AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Modifying The Point Size / Text Size Assigned At Particular Annotation Scale
Feb 25, 2013
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
I have created a new point style in a new drawing that I am not familiar with. When I am in model space the points are HUGE, when I am in paper space they are the 2mm that I want them to be.
I think there was a scale setup somewhere but I cannot seem to figure it out again.
I have grasped the basics but since loading up CAD recently drawing lines does not seem to automatically snap to right angles like it had done before. Where abouts do I tweak this?
How to enlarge the annotation text and also limited the decimal points. At the moment i have readings of 0.0000 when 0.00 would suffice.
am in the process of setting up a standard file for all designers to use our local office. This file will have most of the styles created for profiles, alignments, surfaces, profile views, etc... as mostly specified by the customer and industry standards.
I am having trouble maintaining the correct annotation scale in the viewport in paperspace and when plotting.
The attached word document has 3 figures. Fig 1 shows the correct viewport scale and correct annotation scale. Fig 2 shows how the annotation scale abruptly changes during the plotting process. This abrupt annotation scale change sometimes happens during the regen process or when I switch from layout to model space and back to layout.The annotation scale goes from 1:1 to 1:40 just as in the viewport. This change in annotation scale is not supposed to happen because I want to preserve a certain plotting height for my text versus a viewport scale by using various annotation scales.
I have researched the procedures for annotation scale and have not found any info related to this "abrupt change in annotation scale".
Curiously , this abrupt change in annotation scale does not happen if the text does not belong to any styles within Civil 3D. Stand alone text stays at the correct annotation scale and is not affected in the same way.
I am using CAD LT 2005 but also have access to AutoCAD 2005.
I am unsure about the best way of dealing with text in drawings. Originally I used to put my text in model space - which was fine until I started using multiple layouts in paperspace at different scales. The text would come out either to big or too small.
Others in my office say they put the text in paperspace ONLY at the right scale for that layout. This is fine until you realize that if you have to put text in 4 different layouts at 4 different scales 4 different times it takes forever.
So - I looked up about a command called SPACETRANS which seems to offer a way of working out the right scale for the text in paperspace. EG. Working in mm in model space a good text height for me was 1000. By using the spacetrans command in paperspace I worked out that the text height to be used here was 9.2. This basically gave me my text in paperspace at the relatively same height as it looked in model space.
I now realize that although I can scale my text happily to the right size in all my layouts it hasn't negated the need for me to type it all in many times over. Basically, I still have to type the text into paperspace at the right scale - in this example at 9.2.
How you can type your text in once anywhere (probably model space) and then scale it in all the different viewports without having to retype it all in?
What is the best way to insert a c3d point with assigned values. For example, I want to insert a point with the style curb stop, on a certain layer with a certain label. Going through thr insert point tool is not very user friendly for users looking to add points, not assign properties. Can this operation be added to the tool palettes? I am not familar with creating my own.
C3D 2012 or 2014 Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
Is there a way to have VARIABLE text size AND BLOCK SIZE autocad 2012, for different scales sizes? To sum it up I am running 1/8th scale on some of the pages in the set with a 1/4 blow up section. I use addressable devices so it is a lot of work to change all the text Is there anything that will auto-update the text size per scale with out having to go through my drawing and repeat all the text and VPfreeze it?
Any way to get a scale bar/title block text to reflect plotting at half size?
We use the common (24x36) sheet size for all projects, but when plotting we send out half size (12x18) as well. This means the scale bar reading 1"=40' is no longer correct. It should read 1"=20'. I would like to automate this.
We have been processing/adjusting our field control observations in an outside program (Star-net) and then importing the control into our C3D Database through an import event (PNEZD File). Once the control has been imported we import our field data (.fbk file) through an import event as well. The problem that we are having is once you process a .fbk that uses one of those control points it "locks" the control point, so the next day when we get another field download and the control is re-adjusted, we can't update the control points in the C3D Database.
The only way we have found to get our newly adjust control into the C3D Database is too delete all of the "import events" that use the control point and then import our new control. This is a HUGE hassle.
I have created section sheets in C3D 2012. My sections look fine in model space and my template comes in in paper space with my template and the proper viewport (viewport scale is 1:200). My annotation scale in model space is 1:250 and everything looks fine. My problem is, in paper space, the sections themselves looks fine but the annotation is way out to lunch (see attachment). I've tried playing with the scales but can't seem to find a solution.
I am using version B.219.3 (UNICODE) of Autocad Civil3d 2008 with service pack 2 loaded.
I am putting together some plan and profile sheets for a civil roadway job.
The annotation scale setting of the text in the profile xref and alignment xref is being ignored in the sheet file viewports. This text should be appearing at 1:40 scale, automatically, same as the viewport scale, but they are appearing very small instead. According to the way annotation scale is supposed to work in Autocad2008, this annotation should be appearing at the correct scale, automatically.
If I try to adjust the annotation scale to a ratio I think will work, it automatically adjusts the viewport scale to match whatever I enter for an annotation scale. What to try next.
Can files become corrupted in AutoCAD? If so, are there utilities to repair corrupt AutoCAD files?
The properties palatte has both these scales listed. In theory, they can be different.I would love to be able to plot my drawing at 1:1000 with the civil objects & labels scaled to 1:500 so they don't overwhelm the plan. It would seem I should be able to simply set the viewport to have a standard scale of 1:1000 and annotation scale 1:500 and be done. But it doesn't work. It will always scale the annotative objects to the standard scale.
My workaround is to scale my sheet double size and plot it half size, to trick the Civil objects & labels.
I have created a model of an alien, and I wish to rig it upto a biped. The reason I would like to be rigged to a biped opposed from using bones is because I wish to apply motion capture files to the biped from iPi Mocap.
However, the problem I am having at the moment is that because my model is an unorthodox shape, and does not follow the figure of a human, is how do I modify and change the sizes of each individual bone? I've tried using the scale tool on the bones to no avail, as well as searching through the options. Are there values I can change to make them bigger?
In the picture I have attached, you can see that the hip on the biped, is significantly higher than the model, meaning that when it comes time to skin the model, it'll think that the aliens body are part of the legs.
I have added 9pt vector text in multiple places of an image. Now I realize it should have been 8pt. I can add new text as 8pt but cant figure out how to change the point size of vector text that is already on the image. If I select a vector text object and then change the point size on the "Size" drop down menu at the top nothing happens. If I right click the vector object and select Edit Text I can change the actual text but not the font or its size. If I right-click the vector object and select Properties I can change stroke, fill, line style etc but this window does not include font or size. How do I change the font and point size for existing vector text objects?
Unfortunately, a new project we have does not allow us to use annotative objects, so we are back to switching scale by creating several dimstyles with a varying dimscale (eg. Dim96, for 1/8", Dim48 for 1/4" etc.) Now I have created a button on the tool palette that brings in text and it allows me to set the size of the arrow by matching it to the dimstyle, but the text comes in always at the same size - 9" which is 3/32" for a 1/8" plan. The arrow changes but the text does not. I know I have to change the CANNOSCALE, but I can't seem to figure out a way of making it work so that the user will only need to switch the dimstyle from the pull down up at the top right and then be able to use a tool palette button that will bring in a text with leader with it's arrow head and text height matching the dimstyle scale.
When I change the annotation scale for selected text and leaders, most of it shoots into space. I have tried one at a time and many, all with the same result.
The text size looks correct, the leader looks fine, but the text x coordinate changes radically.
Changing from 1:1 to 1:15,000
Does this mean I have to relocate every leader text back to something normal, or am I missing something.
I have some files that are difficult to work with. Every time I try to change the annotation scale of an existing viewport or create a new viewport and set the annotation scale equal to something other than the default 1"=40' the file fatal errors on me.
Oh, Im on Windows XP 64 (8gb Ram and a Xeon) running C3D 2011 (all service packs and updates applied).
I'm trying the trial version of Photoshop CS6, and I'm wondering whether or not it's possible to change the length of a shape with the amount of text entered into it, with the text still being editable? For example, if I had typed in 'hello', the size of the shape should be just big enough for the text to fit inside, without me having to change anything. On the other hand, if I typed in 'good morning', would I be able to make it so the size of the shape would change for the text to fit without having to use the transform tool?
I'm trying to make annotations for a video, and it would be annoying to have to transform to the correct measurements every single time.
I create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.
I'm having a problem with labeling points in Civil 3D 2012.The drawing was originally received in Imperial form from another CAD software.I work in meters or millimeters. Millimeters in this drawing.
I've made them very tiny in Model space but they still end up huge in Layout.
I have 2 viewports, one at 1:1000 and the other at 1:250. They show exactly what I want with respect to the area covered and the zoom factor, BUT the text on all of the survey shots is changing size based upon the different viewport scales.
I need the text on the survey points to remain the same size and not adjust based upon the viewport scale. So the text should be a fixed scale and not associative.
I have looked at the labeling style Composer dialogue and can not see a way to specify a fixed height which does not adjust based upon the viewport scale. I can set the point symbols to a specific size so they do not scale - Can I do the same with the text labels (description, elevation, etc.)?
The label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
This is issue arises when i have been working on a drawing for a while with multiple xref/data shortcuts. The model space text is all the correct size yet once I enter a layout the annotative text relating to 3D elements such as Alignments/Profile Station/Elevation Labels shrink to 1/25 their size. Other annotative objects such as Mtext and Multileaders are not effected. Attached are before and after pictures.
I am working in Civil 3d 2010. I have annotative text and when I apply background mask the width is huge. Is there a system variable or something else that I need to change so the background will only be masked behind the text and not additional width?
When I use a layout size such as A3 in paper space, the section view label text size is the same as it is in model space (when both annotative scales are the same). However, when I choose 11x17 as a layout size, the section view label text size is exetremly small.
I am working on automating page setups in model space and am looking for a way to set the plot scale equal to the annotation scale for scaled drawings with
Setting the plot scale with !A causes the lisp to fail. However, when running each prompt through the command line individually, !A works fine. what is missing?