AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Text Size Control In Viewports

Jun 21, 2013

I have 2 viewports, one at 1:1000 and the other at 1:250.  They show exactly what I want with respect to the area covered and the zoom factor, BUT the text on all of the survey shots is changing size based upon the different viewport scales.

I need the text on the survey points to remain the same size and not adjust based upon the viewport scale.  So the text should be a fixed scale and not associative.

I have looked at the labeling style Composer dialogue and can not see a way to specify a fixed height which does not adjust based upon the viewport scale. I can set the point symbols to a specific size so they do not scale - Can I do the same with the text labels (description, elevation, etc.)?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Control Size Of The Text Box In By Dim Style?

May 1, 2013

Civil 3d 2012 - Is there a way to control the size of the text box in by dim style?  It is way too close to the text.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Modelspace Layer Control Per Viewports?

Nov 19, 2012

Is there an easy way to switch from a viewport in paperspace to modelspace and have the same layer state show up? I typically run with my paperspace set up with the layers showing how they will print (show lightweights and display plot styles) but I would like to be able to switch to model space and only see the layers that are showing in a particular viewport, to minimize manual layer isolation.

I am using C3D 2011.

Civil 3D 2013, HF3.0
Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1

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AutoCAD LT :: Can't Control Size Of Multiline Text Box

May 15, 2013

This has been happening intermittently but now seems to be permanent. When I slect the Multiline tool, click to place the text box, then click to place the other corner the box ignores the size I set and snaps to as wide as the screen and one line high. It does this in several different drawings so it is not native to one. If I enter text and deselect I can adjust the handles and alter the text.

I have attached a screen shot to show. It doesn't matter how close or far I am zoomed in on the drawing.

For what it's worth I do not like the way the ribbon panel controls handle text, it usually takes multiple tries to get it to change the text height. I usually resort to using the Properties flyout but that adds mutltple steps to the process.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Control Text Size Via Styles

Jun 13, 2012

if i have a size indicated in my text style and i change the size from the style controls, updating the style, should all the instances not change to comply? This is how styles work in other software and how I intuit controlling this parameter.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Layer Control In Paperspace Viewports

Dec 17, 2012

How to control existing layers (Freeze On/Off), in an existing viewports  (5 of them in Paperspace) in AutoCad Existing drawing with  I just want to trigger On or Off, different layers in each different viewports.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Block - Unable To Get Text Orientate To Horizontal Position In Viewports

Jul 10, 2012

I made a simple block for a utility pole in plan view. It consisted of a donut with one string of mtext beside it. I had  created it so that the text would orientate itself to be horizontal in each viewport regardless of the ucs angle. I later added a line for a guy wire and made the block dynamic with visibility states. Now I am unable to have the text orientate to a horizontal position in the viewports.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Modifying The Point Size / Text Size Assigned At Particular Annotation Scale

Feb 25, 2013

Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,

I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.

For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Auto Rotate Text And Text Box In Multiple Viewports

Dec 19, 2013

I have used annotative text and selected yes for match orientation to layout for the text.  In the viewport it is rotating automatically with the view, however the boxes around the text do not rotate as well.  Is there anyway to automate this?

The Client requires a key plan which has all the pipe data on it.  The key plan is oriented in one direction.  Then for the plan & profile drawings, the plan is oriented in another direction.  I don't want to have two create two sets of text (one for the key plan and one for the plan/profile drawing).  How can I use one set of text and make it work in the key plan and for all the plan/profile drawings?  Image is attached.

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AutoCad :: Scales And Viewports - Zoom Image To Desired Size

Jul 28, 2011

I've created a viewport, selected it and since gone to zoom the relevant image until it is the desired size within the viewport.

I've done this a million times before without a problem, but am having terrible difficulty at the moment.

Once I've zoomed the image to size and subsequently exited the viewport frame (to view the sheet) my image disappears - I believe it just becomes a microdot.

Incidentally, when I initially go to zoom the image to fit the viewport window, I have to use the zoom, extents, 'select all' (CTRL A) and then significantly enlarge the component of the drawing I wish to have fill the viewport window.

Why is it that the zoomed image fills the viewport window when editing the viewport contents and then disappears (turns back into a microdot) when I've finished editing the respective viewport?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Text Size In Paper Space

Nov 23, 2011

I'm having a problem with labeling points in Civil 3D 2012.The drawing was originally received in Imperial form from another CAD software.I work in meters or millimeters. Millimeters in this drawing.

I've made them very tiny in Model space but they still end up huge in Layout.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Certain Annotative Text Shrinks To 1/25 Its Size In Viewport

Jul 19, 2013

This is issue arises when i have been working on a drawing for a while with multiple xref/data shortcuts. The model space text is all the correct size yet once I enter a layout the annotative text relating to 3D elements such as Alignments/Profile Station/Elevation Labels shrink to 1/25 their size. Other annotative objects such as Mtext and Multileaders are not effected. Attached are before and after pictures.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotative Text Background Mask Size?

Jun 14, 2010

I am working in Civil 3d 2010.  I have annotative text and when I apply background mask the width is huge.  Is there a system variable or something else that I need to change so the background will only be masked behind the text and not additional width?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Labels In Profile - Different Text Size / Color

Oct 16, 2012

Suppose you have an existing structure that you are going to tie into with a proposed pipe.

We label existing structures with smaller text and a different color (as opposed to proposed labels)

Is there any way to label the structure where the one single proposed pipe text is a larger text size with a different color, as shown here?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Section View Label Text Size In Paper Space

Sep 11, 2013

When I use a layout size such as A3 in paper space, the section view label text size is the same as it is in model space (when both annotative scales are the same). However, when I choose 11x17 as a layout size, the section view label text size is exetremly small.

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AutoCAD .NET :: PaletteSet Changed Control Size And Layout

May 27, 2011

The PaletteSet changed control size and layout. It's different from the status in VS.What's the reason?

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Make Text 2.2mm In All Of Viewports

Mar 13, 2013

I'm currently working on a drawing that has three different viewports with the scales of 1-250, 1-500 & 1-1000. I would like the text I've created in model space, to display at the same size (2.2mm) in all of these different viewports.

I'm using metric, and 1 unit in AutoCAD = 1m. I know that most people use 1 unit in AutoCAD = 1mm, but in my profession (working on large architectural site surveys) 1 unit in AutoCAD = 1m is the norm.

So the viewports are set at 4:1 for 1-250, 2:1 for 1-500 & 1:1 for 1-1000. I've set the text to be annotative, and to have the same scales. The annotation scale is currently set at 2:1 in model space.

Firstly, I don't really understand why and when I'd need to change the annotation scale in model space? I've adjusted it in the past to make sure that lintypes display the same in both model space and within viewports. Is it the same thing?

Secondly, by doing the above, all that I've achieved is that currently in model space the text is 1.1m high (which is what I want, and how I'd originally created it). In the viewports it is now coming out at 8.8mm for 1-250 (4 x too big), 4.4mm for 1-500 (2 x too big), and 2.2mm for 1-1000 (the correct size).

When I activate the viewports, it tells me that "annotation scale is not equal to viewport scale" in all but the 1-1000 viewport.

How can I make the text 2.2mm in all of the viewports?

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AutoCad :: Text In Rotated Viewports

Feb 7, 2012

I am working on a project that has around 6 different roads, all at different angles from one another. The problem I have is when I start to create the lay-outs, I use a rotated viewport so that the roadway will be horizontal across the page. I then rotate the text so that it will be horizontal or at 90 º within the viewport. This has worked fine in the past.

With this project I have multiple areas that are sharing 2 or 3 different viewports, therefore, the text alignment for one does not match the other.

Is there a way to associate the alignment of the text to the viewport? Or will I have to copy the drawing multiple times (one for each viewport)?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Style Text Size As Percent Of Screen (model Space)

Jun 17, 2013

I've been tinkering with text sizes in model space and would like to have my point numbers consistent regardless of zoom factor.  I can do this in paper space (viewports) as the annotative scale controls the appearance, but for doing analysis of points at various zooms in model space, it would be nice to be able to Regen and have them all come to a certain text size.

I've made some expressions that are modifications of those I use in paper space, but I can't seem to find a function/variable that I can reference for this purpose.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control View Scale According To Part Size

Oct 18, 2012

Inventor 2013 sp1

i want to control the scales of my idw views based on the parts size.

Heres a short intro to what we do, using design assistant we copy an existing project to a new project folder and start designing using the old project as a "template" for the new job.

So, lets say the project i just copied has a part that is 100" "tall", on my drawing sheet the view scale is set to .05 and the view fits nicely on our 8 1/2x11 portrait layout.

Now, the new project's part is only 24" "tall" and using a scale of .05 is no good at all, i need to scale the view up so it will fit nicely in the same layout. This also applies to the associated detail and section views that are on the same sheet.

OK then, Im thinking there should be a way to say if dimx is >=100 then view scale is x and so on if the part is smaller and i would like to do this with the details/sections.

As the pics show, when i change to a smaller size/dia, the views scale needs to be increased. How can this be done... (we do not use vault)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Control Size Of Dims In IPT Sketch Environment

Mar 12, 2012

Where is the setting to control the size of dims in the IPT sketch environment. The arrow sizes are OK, but the dims are so small they are unreadable to the point of having to double click on the dim to get the actual value.

IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 /
EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel
950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller)
Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82
SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11

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AutoCad :: Viewports Automatically Rescaling When Clicking In Other Viewports - 2012

Sep 4, 2012

I have just installed 2012 and have drawn a 3d model. In paperspace i have a couple of viewports , all nicely set out at 1:5 scale. then i click in another viewport and bam, all the other viewports change scale (zoom out) and orientation. is there some system variable that i have overlooked?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Text Invisible In Viewports

May 7, 2013

I'm running AutoCAD LT 2012.  The text in my drawing becomes invisible when I'm in the layouts.  (The text associated with leaders is still visible).  These drawings are not complicated, but the scale I'm using is 1"=200', so they are large.  Everything in the drawing is on Layer 0.  There are no X-refs.  When I switch back to the model tab, all the text is there.

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Revit :: Tiled Viewports / How To Freeze Size - Orientation

Dec 7, 2011

Getting used to using tiled viewports, and wondering how to keep the viewports from reshuffling/resizing on a temporary basis, so I don't have to keep manually resizing them whnever I, say, maximize one view to work on it.  When done working in one maximized tiled workspace, I'd like to return to the previous orientation of the tiles.  Right now, I have to manually resize/reorient the tiles.  Any suggesitons on how I can return to  a "preferred tile format"?   For instance, I might want a plan view, two elevations, and a 3-D, with some tiles larger than others, to return to reglarly after maximizing one to work in temporarily.

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AutoCad :: Layout With Multiple Viewports To DWG With Viewports Flattened Out

Aug 23, 2011

I have a lot of sheet DWGs with a single layout in each. The layouts have several viewports into model space.

Is there a way to export out the layout tab where the viewport contents have been converted and placed into the layout space?

Ideally, I'm hoping to basically convert the viewport heavy paperspace into a dumb model space layout.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Control Size Of Object Through Parametric Dimensions

Jun 28, 2012

How to set up a dynamic block so I can control the size of an object through parametric dimensions that are linked (somehow) to a lookup table, spreadsheet, list, etc.?

What I'm trying to do (simplified) is place a block of a rectangle, select a size from a dropdown list, and have the block change to be that size - but I don't want to do this through visibility states as there are hundreds of sizes. The whole point is to be able to construct a list, lookup table, excel sheet, etc and link it to parametric dimensions in the block, or at least be able to link a stretch action to parametric dimensions. But the block editor will not allow me to associate a stretch action with a parametric dimension (at least I haven't figured out how to do this.)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Break Size In Drawing View Using ILogic?

Feb 24, 2011

is there any way using iLogic or other method to automatically control the size of the 'break' in a drawing view? I have built a model which uses iLogic to control virtually everything, however the large variations in the length of the product mean that there are some interesting results when it comes to the broken drawing views updating.

it would be nice to locate the break at the absolute center of the view and then size it as a percentage of the view size along one axis or perhaps according to some other length based rule.

Dell Precision M6400 - C2D 2.66 / 8gb / Quadro FX3700M / Win 7 Pro x64

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parametric Assembly - Control Size Of Components And Patterns

Jan 28, 2013

I am currently working on a parametric assembly using i Logic to control the size of the components as well as patterns. However, I have hit a road block in trying to figure out how to write a rule for resizing the last roof sheet in this assembly pictured below to be even with the frame. The rule below is what controls the roof sheet pattern based on the frame length. The problem I am continually running into is how do you modify a part which is in an element within the pattern without having it affect the rest of the parts in the pattern since they all refer to part. I can get since it is hard to find information on i Logic. 

Roof_Pattern_Spacing = Roof_Sheet_Width
Roof_Pattern_Count=Ceil(Parameter("Length")/Parameter("Sheet Metal Roof Section:1", "Roof_Sheet_Width"))

(Note: The red line symbolizes where I would like to have the roof sheet end.)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewports Moving Even When Locked

Mar 28, 2013

I know for a fact that my viewports were in the correct location, at the correct scale and they were locked.  To give you a little background, in my plan sheet drawing I am showing a plan view and profile view and I use 2 xrefs to do this, my master plan drawing and my profile master.  I was switching between the profile master and my plan sheet drawing doing some adjusting to the profile master's profile VC labels and making sure they will fit into the viewports I made in the plans sheets.  As I am doing this editing, I am saving the profile master and reloading the plan sheet drawing.  After I come out of the reload in my plan sheet drawing, every single viewport that shows the master plan xref was reset to a position way out in left field.  This makes absolutely no sense because I wasn't working with the plan view viewports and I am 100% certain they were LOCKED.  How is it even possible that they get moved if they are locked?

I am able to get around this problem by re-aligning my viewports to their correct position, its just annoying having to do this again.  I would really like to know what is causing this so I can prevent it from happening again.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Hollow Blocks In Viewports?

Jul 26, 2012

I am getting hollow blocks in Vieports. When I look in modle space the blocks are filled.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Stationing Still Disappears In Viewports

Feb 25, 2012

Stationing still disappears in viewports.
Centerline alignments are in my BASE file.Got the station labeling to work correctly.Have the BASE file x-ref'd into a working IMP file (for plan & profile sheets).  This is what I plot from, etc.The station labeling appears fine in modelspace in the IMP file.The station labeling disappears in viewports in paperspace in the IMP file.  Will not appear even when I am in MS mode in paperspace and in the viewport itself.All the associated layers are turned on and thawed, even VP-specific settings.  REGENALL does not work. Annotation scale is set to 1"=30' in all files.I always scale my border up to the plot scale in paperspace.  This is a habit that goes back almost two decades in LDD.

Maybe a setting regarding plot/annotation scales is the culprit?  By playing around with the buttons in the lower right corner of the screen I got them to show up once by accident then they disappeared again when I did a simple REDRAW.  I do not remember how I got there, but the process was convoluted and probably not optimal or correct.I am using Civil 3D 2011, btw.
Windows 7-64
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013

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