AutoCAD Inventor :: Control View Scale According To Part Size
Oct 18, 2012
Inventor 2013 sp1
i want to control the scales of my idw views based on the parts size.
Heres a short intro to what we do, using design assistant we copy an existing project to a new project folder and start designing using the old project as a "template" for the new job.
So, lets say the project i just copied has a part that is 100" "tall", on my drawing sheet the view scale is set to .05 and the view fits nicely on our 8 1/2x11 portrait layout.
Now, the new project's part is only 24" "tall" and using a scale of .05 is no good at all, i need to scale the view up so it will fit nicely in the same layout. This also applies to the associated detail and section views that are on the same sheet.
OK then, Im thinking there should be a way to say if dimx is >=100 then view scale is x and so on if the part is smaller and i would like to do this with the details/sections.
As the pics show, when i change to a smaller size/dia, the views scale needs to be increased. How can this be done... (we do not use vault)
is there any way using iLogic or other method to automatically control the size of the 'break' in a drawing view? I have built a model which uses iLogic to control virtually everything, however the large variations in the length of the product mean that there are some interesting results when it comes to the broken drawing views updating.
it would be nice to locate the break at the absolute center of the view and then size it as a percentage of the view size along one axis or perhaps according to some other length based rule.
I can control the size of my main drawing views using ilogic based on the models extents as there is a direct relationship between a parts length and the drawing view width. however, I have several isometric views that I scale according to the model size but in certain configurations of my model the ISO’s are completely the wrong scale for that particular view where the main views are ok.
I have a set area on my drawing sheet for the iso view and it would be more beneficial to control the size of the view rather than the scale of the view. I can read the height and width of a view so why can’t I control the size of a view but the height or width?
I have been using AutoCad for 2009 and had it all set perfect. Just had a computer melt down and trying to establish everything back how I had it all before.
One little tool that was very useful was a drop down box called, VIEWPORT SCALE CONTROL. I had all my scales in there and used to just click the border in paperspace, click the scale from the drop down box and set your scale. How to get this back.
Is it possible to print a view or part of a view to scale for collaboration without first putting the view on a sheet? Thinking about preliminaries, when working with students. Its easy, in autocad, to print anything to scale regardless of whether views are on sheets. Is there a similar capability in Revit? All I can find is zoom scale.
I order not to hide components, i want to make a break sketch and remove a piece from a part from an assembly in the isometric view in a drawing. can i do that?
I am modeling a P&ID piping system. The system has 10 valves of the same exact type. When I generate my parts list I see a valve count of 10 beside the valve callout. Because each valve has a unique tag that relates to its position in the P&ID I need to be able to show each valve with the count of 1 in the parts list. I will add a custom field thta has the valve tag in it. I don't know how to get the parts list to not total the number of each type of valve. In other words I need to show each valve in its own separate field.
AutoCAD 2013 Inventor 2013 Windows Pro 7 x64 Asus Sabertooth X58 Intel Core i7 960 @ 3.2 GHz 24 GB ram
I am trying to control the parameters contained in a part that is not in my assembly. May sound odd, but I am using the multi body part modeling feature to create all of my bodies in a single part file, then making these components/sub assemblies, and pulling them into my assembly. However, I do not want to have the "control part" in my assembly, I just want it to drive the parts. I cannot figure out how to access these parameters without having the part included in the assembly...
I just wondered if can I assign a particular ITEM number to a particular part, instead of relying on order in the assembly.
I unsterstand I can overrite it in BOM but can I have it controlled from the part, so any time I instert it into an assembly, this particular number in ITEM coulmn pops up?
I'm creating a small product configurator using ilogic. It all works fine, but i've i challenge:controlling the visibility of the components in a drawing view
In simple words, every occurrence of my assembly has an custom Ipropertie calles "Positie". there where 4 values (Bodem, Zij, Kop, Deksel and Overig)In a drawing view i only want to see the parts that has a specific value of the ipropertie "Positie".I found a sample code for VBA, but I cann't get it worked in ilogic.:
Sub HideSecond() 'Assumes you have an open drawing 'Assumes that view 1 of the active sheet is an assembly 'Turns off visibility of assembly's second component in open drawing's first view [code]....
hind to turn this into ilogic and add the option to check the ipropertie to turn on the visibility
How do I scale a part? in the old mechanical desktop software, typing scale and then picking the part and entering the fraction worked great. Why is it so difficult to figure out how to do it in Inventor? I don't need the Derive concept, it is not what I am looking for. I just want to scale a part and save it as a new part with no relation to the original.
How do I scale a part down? I made my parts full size but need to scale them down to create a model.
I did some searching and see that the Derive part command will allow me to enter a scale factor... this is great, but I can't edit the part after that. In particular, I need to get to all the sketches contained in this part to make some changes after I scale them down, so the Open Base Component command won't work, as I'm not editing full sized dimensions. A Derived part seems to be locked and reduced to a solid body.
I have a part and I need to scale it in the Z-axis only. It is impossible for me to rework the base geometry directly.
I have made some attempts to figure out how to do this on my own but all have failed:Thicken/OffsetCopy Object + Move Bodies + Combine (wouldn’t let me create a solid with Copy Object)Rectangular Pattern + Combine (works but not the desired result. adds a constant offset to the part, not % based, humongous model size)Derived component (uniform scaling only, prefer to modify the original file for file structure reasons)
Where is the setting to control the size of dims in the IPT sketch environment. The arrow sizes are OK, but the dims are so small they are unreadable to the point of having to double click on the dim to get the actual value.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 / Win7-64 EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel 950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller) Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82 SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
When I try to scale a part in Autodesk Inventor Fusion, it asks to select a solid body, and reference point, but there is no option to change the scaling type to nonuniform. How to do it? I have Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2013.
I am currently working on a parametric assembly using i Logic to control the size of the components as well as patterns. However, I have hit a road block in trying to figure out how to write a rule for resizing the last roof sheet in this assembly pictured below to be even with the frame. The rule below is what controls the roof sheet pattern based on the frame length. The problem I am continually running into is how do you modify a part which is in an element within the pattern without having it affect the rest of the parts in the pattern since they all refer to part. I can get since it is hard to find information on i Logic.
Roof_Pattern_Spacing = Roof_Sheet_Width Roof_Pattern_Count=Ceil(Parameter("Length")/Parameter("Sheet Metal Roof Section:1", "Roof_Sheet_Width"))
(Note: The red line symbolizes where I would like to have the roof sheet end.)
Possible to do mold design with Inventor? I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to scale a part for shrinkage? I know SolidWorks has a scaling feature but where is it in Inventor?
I am trying to get the scale of the base view in my titleblock. I have searched, the conclusion that as of Inventor 2012, this still can not be accomplished without add-ons?
Is there a way (IV2012) to have the drawing view default to 1:1 when inserting a detail into the sheet? Now it tries to select a scale based on who knows what.
I use: oView.scale=oView.scale/2 to half each view scale. It works for base view, projected views like bottom view and left view, but it doesn't work for Isometric view. Which property should I use for Isometric view?
how to create a text field, in an IDW, that will link (look) at the scale factor of a "Base View" in the same IDW? I am trying to create a text field on my title block that will identify the "Base View" scale automatically.
I made the mistake that I came to measure my object as cm but inventor writes it's in as mm, is there a way where I can scale objectet up giving it the right size
Does view rep work in part file. I remember few months before some one wrote saying not in part file and it works only in assembly file. Is it still the case. How to turn off few parts in my drawing.