AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters To Control The Part?

Feb 13, 2013

I have a part made where various parameters in it.

Now I place the part in a assy and from there i want the parameters to control the part.

I do this now by the same parameters from the part to add in the assy by  typing the parameters manually in the assy.

Is there a way that you can define parameters retrieved from the part about the assy without retyping and therefore can make mistakes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Parameters Of A Part That Is Not In An Assembly?

Nov 4, 2011

I am trying to control the parameters contained in a part that is not in my assembly. May sound odd, but I am using the multi body part modeling feature to create all of my bodies in a single part file, then making these components/sub assemblies, and pulling them into my assembly. However, I do not want to have the "control part" in my assembly, I just want it to drive the parts. I cannot figure out how to access these parameters without having the part included in the assembly...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Excel To Control Parameters

Jan 31, 2012

As my Inventor endeavors continue, I would like to take a template of a part I made and use Excel to change the parts dimensions.  Essentially make it so if we need a 20 Tonne Lift Lug, I just punch in the necessary values in Excel and have the part update. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Forms Without Parameters?

Nov 14, 2013

From iLogic i got a lot of information. And i want to configure or display this in a form. 

But without having to make parameters for everything.


Display the stocknumber of an ipart/iassembly.

Configure the parameters from a part in the main assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Subassemblies - Parameters Need To Control Each Not All

Sep 17, 2012

I would like to insert 2 or more of the same subassemblies into an assembly, yet have each subassembly a different size.

When I do this currently when I change the parameter for one of the subassemblies all the subassemblies are changed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Parameters To Control Pattern Features?

Jul 22, 2013

I have entered in all the available sizes and have the outer frame of the louver adjusting nicely.Now where I am running into trouble is setting up the louvers and the louver spacing. I have been playing around with the parameters for awhile now and I just can't wrap my head around some things.

Example one:

in the picture below,

HEIGHT is selected on 18 in

I have created an user parameter called LOUVER_QTY which is set to subtract 1.6 in off HEIGHT = 16.4, then I divide that by 2.05 and the result is supposed to equal 8 but it is showing 3.149606. But when I assign LOUVER = LOUVER_QTY it is showing 8

For the most part this file works fine, but when the Height is changed to 56 in, the last bottom louver runs through the bottom of the frame.

I know that I have to change the spacing from a direct input (2.05) to a equation based on height to fix the spacing, but I can't grasp how these parameters are working, why are they red(errors)

Also I don't know how to set up the parameters to set the correct number of occurrences in the rectangular pattern to control the amount of louvers. Something related to to the spacing of the pattern and the selected height.

Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Part Parameters In An Assembly

Jul 30, 2012

I need to use parameters of a part in an assembly. How to do this? Do i need to define a rule? How is this done?

Can i do it without using an Excel sheet as a parameter source for both the assembly and the part? The target is to have inventor update an array of assets as soon as the width of a part is changed whether in Excel or in the Factory properties of the asset.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reuse Same Part With Different Parameters

Oct 11, 2013

I'm new to Inventor.  Lets say I create a part called Pipe.ipt.  In it I specify the OD, Thk and Length of the pipe.  If I then create an Assembly, and I want to use multiple instances of Pipe.ipt, but each instance has a different set of parameters (i.e. different OD, Thk and Length).  How do I do this?  

I see I can set up iPart, and I could set up tables with the OD and Thickness for various standard pipe sizes.  But this doesn't address the length.  How do I re-use the same Part in an assembly, but each part has it's own set of unique paramenters?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IAssembly - Accessing Part Parameters

Jul 13, 2012

How we can access the part parameters after hitting create iAssembly. do I need to make i parts first and then bring them to an assembly and make an iAssembly??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Part Parameters In Sub-Assembly

Mar 19, 2012

I have design tree like this:

Main Assembly

L Sub Assembly1

L Sub Assembly 2

L Sub Assembly 3

L part 1

in part i have a parameter name ("Panjang")... how to control "Panjang"?. I cannot access a part parameter in Sub-assembly.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Expose Part Parameters In Assembly

Aug 7, 2011

I have the following problem. I design a simple part - an extruded base, so i have a parameter in this part that i can control the extrusion distance - i call this parameter D.

Then i create an assembly and place the part in it. How can i access the parameter D of the part from within the assembly?

I want to place multiple instances of this part in my assembly and control each parameter D of an instance using an excel worksheet that is linked with the assembly. How can i do it ?

My aim is to design a very simple manipulator. Each link has the same shape but a different length. I want to control each length from an excel worksheet and not from an ipart table. I want to have only one worksheet that controls the parameters of my assembly such as constraint  angles , and link lengths.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disable Parameters When Part Is Suppressed

Feb 18, 2013

I have a configurator assembly, which is controlled with an iLogic rule.

one of the parts is being changed in a lot of ways according to the different configurations. But in one of the Configurations the part must be suppressed, which works fine, however next time i run the rule i get an error message from all the other instances where it would change a parameter if the part was active.

I have tried adding if [the configuration that makes the part suppressed] = False then, in the beginning of the the code that fails, to simply prevent it from running, but it still makes an error.

and as you can see i have a lot of lines where the part normally would be configurated.

Error on Line 628 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
Error on Line 629 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
Error on Line 633 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
Error on Line 634 : Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.

I don't understand how to enclose the argument in parentheses.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part Parameters In GeneralNote Object

Mar 28, 2013

In the recent past I've been putting textboxes (General Notes) on drawings, and using part-parameters in these textboxes to display the values stored in these parameters (see attached picture). Is there a way to automatically put a link to these parameters into the notes through the API / VBA so that these values update when the part changes? With the property obj_GeneralNote.Text it's only possible to add plain text.

Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2014, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part Number Driven By Parameters

Dec 7, 2012

I have 2 parameters in a part (a spring), "diameter" and "Length".

I change these parameters with iLogic to build several springs.

Is it possible to update the "Part Number" Each time I change the parameters "diameter" and "length"?

I want to get the following:


Where 65 is the parameter value and 140 is the length value.

I tried with the code below,

iProperties.Value ("Project", "Part Number") = "Spring_Ø-"   Diameter    "_L-"    Length

but that returns: End of statement expected.

Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical
Autodesk Simulation CFD
Windows 7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Basic Part - How Parameters Get Created

Oct 22, 2012

I created a basic part using Inventor and some how something created some parameters out of the blue.  I know that I didn't create the parameters.  The parameters got created automatically some how and I would like to know how this happened so I can do it again, because it would save a lot of time.

Here are some of the parameters that got created. 


I have included the file that this issue occurs in.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Control End Of Part

Sep 16, 2013

Is it possible to control (move) End of Part with iLogic? Let's say to move it before or after a certain feature.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Control Part Count

Oct 5, 2011

I am modeling a P&ID piping system.  The system has 10 valves of the same exact type.  When I generate my parts list I see a valve count of 10 beside the valve callout.  Because each valve has a unique tag that relates to its position in the P&ID I need to be able to show each valve  with the count of 1 in the parts list.  I will add a custom field thta has the valve tag in it.  I don't know how to get the parts list to not total the number of each type of valve.  In other words I need to show each valve in its own separate field. 

AutoCAD 2013
Inventor 2013
Windows Pro 7 x64
Asus Sabertooth X58
Intel Core i7 960 @ 3.2 GHz
24 GB ram

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly To Part File Linked Parameters?

Jan 22, 2013

My goal is to open have people go into a central assembly file, type in their specific parameters and the various part files update within the assembly. I wish to do this without the need for an excel sheet, but when I try to link the parameters from the assembly file to the part files, it will not allow me to insert these parts. I get an error about an "assembly can not be placed into itself."

Iparts will not work as this has an infinite amount of sizes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change User Parameters From A Linked Part

Jul 19, 2013

I made an assembly that adjusted to sized based on some key parameters. These key parameters are controlled by a form in the main assembly. The keys parameters actually adjust the skeleton file, which then drives the frame, then all the parts are adjusted.

after changing these parameters all necessary parts would adjust to size and keep the location constraints. Worked quite well.

The issue now is that, we adopted a new naming convention and this assembly requires all the part files to be renamed. I meticulously saved each part as their new name and then replaced each component in the main assembly. This worked to an extent. The problem that I am facing is that when I saved each part as there new name, the new part retained the linked parameters to the old part. Is there a way to change this link to the newly name skeleton file?

I looked into design assistant for this process as well, but the only changes I think available were to add a prefix or suffix. If worse comes to worse, I can remodel this project but, I am sure there has to be a way to alter this.

attached is a single part with those parameters in the image above.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Part Parameters From Assembly / ILogic

Jun 12, 2013

Is there a standard command or command sequence that allows for the changing of a parameter, say length, of a component from within an assembly. I'm looking to compile a code that allows for a template to be created, then that template will do changes based on text box input and then save out the modified parts with new part numbers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Including User Parameters In Part Description?

Dec 8, 2011

I have some parts with varies User Parameters that allow cusomization of part features.  With numeric user paremeters we can check the export parameter box and then, in the description of the part we can refrence that parameter.  For instance the description could be: =Width <Width>, Height <Height>, etc. Where it would desplay as Discription: width 22in, height 12".  

We also have text User parameters.  Is there a way to add these parameters to the description as well?  They do not have the option of checking the export parameter box in the parameters table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Specific User Parameters To Part File

May 21, 2012

I would like to have a rule that will add specific user parameters to a part file.  These parameters need to be formatted so the width, depth and thickness will control the description of the part.





DESCRIPTION = TS <Width>X<Depth>X<Thickness>

I would like to format each parameter so that the:



Unit string=False

This is what I have so far:


oParameter=oMyParameter.AddByExpression("Width", "TOP_RAIL_WIDTH", UnitsTypeEnum.kInchLengthUnits)


The TOP_RAIL parameters are from a linked file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Derived Part And Include Parameters

Apr 4, 2011

How do I edit a derived part with a part file and include parameters I'm after?

I cant' seem to work out how to get to the reference components parameters to select whats visible and not visible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ITEM Number - Can Control It Through A Part

Apr 30, 2012

I just wondered if can I assign a particular ITEM number to a particular part, instead of relying on order in the assembly.

I unsterstand I can overrite it in BOM but can I have it controlled from the part, so any time I instert it into an assembly, this particular number in ITEM coulmn pops up?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Parameters In Part Occurrence Inside Assembly

Sep 5, 2013

I have an assembly which contains a CComPtr<ComponentOccurrence> pThisCompOcc , and I'd like to do two things.
Get the name of the "base" object, not the display name of the occurence Change the model and user parameter values of the occurrence I suspect that I need to find the function or method which gives me a CComPtr<PartComponentDefinition> pPartCompDef which the occurrence points to for the Q1, but what about Q2?

Presumably the parameters are associated with the Component Occurrence and the "real" name is associated with the Part Component Definition?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Find Dimension In Part Model From Dim (d#) In Parameters Dialog

Jun 10, 2013

Is it possible to search & find where a dimension listed in the parameters dialog occurs in a part model ( in which sketch for example)?

Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Part Dimensions To Parameters For Parts List

Apr 29, 2012

I am finally getting time to do some organizational cleanup and management with our templates and vault settings. Many of the things are items that I am altering for each drawing/model I make and I would like to make them "stick" for the company standards. Things like altering font size in the styles library, adding part dimensions to the parameters for the parts list, and creating a new content central library where our part numbers are already populated for the parts list and the structural shapes have datum planes in the middle rather than just at beginning and end.

Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Text Tool In Sketch Mode Use Part Parameters

May 11, 2004

Wouldn't be nice if you could use part parameters (description, part number, etc...) in the sketch mode text tool?

I'd like to emboss the actual part number on a part without having to retype the part number in manually.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Control View Reps When Placing New Part

Jul 10, 2012

When placing or creating a new part in an assembly it is visible in every view rep which is a huge pain the proverbial. 

Is there a setting to tell Inventor to only make newly inserted/created parts visible in the active view rep. 

I am so tired of having to go through all my view  reps every time I add a new part to an assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control View Scale According To Part Size

Oct 18, 2012

Inventor 2013 sp1

i want to control the scales of my idw views based on the parts size.

Heres a short intro to what we do, using design assistant we copy an existing project to a new project folder and start designing using the old project as a "template" for the new job.

So, lets say the project i just copied has a part that is 100" "tall", on my drawing sheet the view scale is set to .05 and the view fits nicely on our 8 1/2x11 portrait layout.

Now, the new project's part is only 24" "tall" and using a scale of .05 is no good at all, i need to scale the view up so it will fit nicely in the same layout. This also applies to the associated detail and section views that are on the same sheet.

OK then, Im thinking there should be a way to say if dimx is >=100 then view scale is x and so on if the part is smaller and i would like to do this with the details/sections.

As the pics show, when i change to a smaller size/dia, the views scale needs to be increased. How can this be done... (we do not use vault)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exported Parameters Updated Through Ilogic In A A Part Rounding To Whole Number

Oct 28, 2013

I have two user parameters saved in a part template that are tied to the part volume and an overall estimated part weight.  The user parameter Pc_Volume is the volume in cubic feet and calculated by pulling the part mass (in cubic inches) and converting to cubic feet via ilogic rule.  This is then automatically run via event triggers before a file is saved and if the part geometry has changed to keep the volume up to date.  These are exported because they get pulled into iproperties of our drawing files as well as used to create a parts lists showing the volumes and weights. 

I have the property formats of the user parameters set to Number and to unitless and the unit display turned off so it does not show on the parts list, with a precision of 0.000 for Pc_Volume.  The Pc_Weight is set the same way however with a precision rounded to the nearest whole number. 

These are created this way so when we use the part file as the template when we select "Make Components" to separate our parts and tie them to an assembly all the files are then updated and the information saved for exporting. 

The problem is, the Pc_Volume always comes in rounded to a whole number.  The Pc_Weight Does as well, but that doesn't bother me since we want it to do that anyway.  If I would go into the part file after it's created, double check the precision and then re-run the rule the volume will show up with the correct precision in the exported parameters.  I don't want to have to open each partfile however to get this to update.

Attached are images of the parameters, ilogic rule, and exported results. 

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