AutoCAD Inventor :: Change User Parameters From A Linked Part
Jul 19, 2013
I made an assembly that adjusted to sized based on some key parameters. These key parameters are controlled by a form in the main assembly. The keys parameters actually adjust the skeleton file, which then drives the frame, then all the parts are adjusted.
after changing these parameters all necessary parts would adjust to size and keep the location constraints. Worked quite well.
The issue now is that, we adopted a new naming convention and this assembly requires all the part files to be renamed. I meticulously saved each part as their new name and then replaced each component in the main assembly. This worked to an extent. The problem that I am facing is that when I saved each part as there new name, the new part retained the linked parameters to the old part. Is there a way to change this link to the newly name skeleton file?
I looked into design assistant for this process as well, but the only changes I think available were to add a prefix or suffix. If worse comes to worse, I can remodel this project but, I am sure there has to be a way to alter this.
attached is a single part with those parameters in the image above.
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Jan 22, 2013
My goal is to open have people go into a central assembly file, type in their specific parameters and the various part files update within the assembly. I wish to do this without the need for an excel sheet, but when I try to link the parameters from the assembly file to the part files, it will not allow me to insert these parts. I get an error about an "assembly can not be placed into itself."
Iparts will not work as this has an infinite amount of sizes.
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Dec 8, 2011
I have some parts with varies User Parameters that allow cusomization of part features. With numeric user paremeters we can check the export parameter box and then, in the description of the part we can refrence that parameter. For instance the description could be: =Width <Width>, Height <Height>, etc. Where it would desplay as Discription: width 22in, height 12".
We also have text User parameters. Is there a way to add these parameters to the description as well? They do not have the option of checking the export parameter box in the parameters table.
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May 21, 2012
I would like to have a rule that will add specific user parameters to a part file. These parameters need to be formatted so the width, depth and thickness will control the description of the part.
DESCRIPTION = TS <Width>X<Depth>X<Thickness>
I would like to format each parameter so that the:
Unit string=False
This is what I have so far:
oParameter=oMyParameter.AddByExpression("Width", "TOP_RAIL_WIDTH", UnitsTypeEnum.kInchLengthUnits)
The TOP_RAIL parameters are from a linked file.
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Aug 31, 2011
I want to change 'mutil value select" to "custom value input" in ilogic user parameters. something like this:
if condition A then
multivalue.setlist("length", 1,2,3,4,5)
(users can enter any value they want, how can i remove the list first and set it to custom value input?)
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Mar 19, 2012
I have design tree like this:
Main Assembly
L Sub Assembly1
L Sub Assembly 2
L Sub Assembly 3
L part 1
in part i have a parameter name ("Panjang")... how to control "Panjang"?. I cannot access a part parameter in Sub-assembly.
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Sep 5, 2013
I have an assembly which contains a CComPtr<ComponentOccurrence> pThisCompOcc , and I'd like to do two things.
Get the name of the "base" object, not the display name of the occurence Change the model and user parameter values of the occurrence I suspect that I need to find the function or method which gives me a CComPtr<PartComponentDefinition> pPartCompDef which the occurrence points to for the Q1, but what about Q2?
Presumably the parameters are associated with the Component Occurrence and the "real" name is associated with the Part Component Definition?
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Jul 9, 2013
I downloaded a model off a website, it is, (excuse my electrical background ignorance) a jumper for terminal blocks.Our electricians use these and cut them down to size as needed.
Is there a way to use iLogic and a form or message box, to prompt upon opening the part as to how many jumpers are needed for the current assembly> It comes stock with 10, but they sometimes only use 2, 3 4 etc. etc..
I didn't model the part, but I can if it will make the rule easier to write.My idea I suppose was to have the part modeled with 2 jumpers and then use ilogic to create more if necessary.
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Nov 13, 2011
I have lots of files that are linked either by length, height, etc.. Is there an option to delete all linked parameters. I would also like to keep the part history (cuts and extrudes).
I wonder if there is an option to delete all at once like iLogic option-"delete all rules" or should be deleted individually.
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Apr 11, 2010
I can't link parameters properly with xlsx/xls files. At the beginning it works well, but if I change files the parameters can't get updated- all fields get yellow instead. It works only when I relink the file.
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Aug 6, 2013
I'm having problems with the parameter menu. When I don't have a user parameter linked to a dimension in the model the parameter disappears out of the parameter menu.
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Oct 12, 2011
When I add parameters to Excel, the new parameters do not show up in the linked parts. Even when starting
a new part and linking to the same excel file, the original parameters are all that are shown; not the new ones.
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Oct 6, 2012
But I was wondering if it is possible to contol the insertion of dynamic blocks and it user definerable parameters from a excel-text file.
I am surveying a section of pipework and I need to display the brackets that are supporting the pipes. As there are numerous pipes on top of each other I have decided to show the brackets in plan and isometric view.
I think I have made the dynamic block ok and have numerous stretch/move and scale parameters working correctly.
But the only way that I can see of chaging these parameters at the momment is by manually typing them in the properties tool pallete for each individual block.
So I was thinking that if I can store the correct values that I need for each parameter in the dynamic block on our data logger along with the correct E,N,Z insertion point is it possible for this file to change the parameters in the dynamic block for example, If I have the correct insertion point stored and then have 10 parameters stored with that point for simplicity I store as A=5.00,B=8.00,C=0.100 etc and these correspond with the parameters in the dynamic block will this file be able to alter the dynamic block as the values in the excel/Text file are displayed.
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Jan 27, 2012
linked Excel file to Inventor 12 file parameters. Windows 7, Excel MS office professional '10. Linked excel file, here dimensions are driven by parameters which are driven by excel. toggled 'immediate update' Still - i have to open the sketch - it shows the updated number from Excel, but only on opening the sketch will it change the model to use the new dimension value.
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Apr 23, 2012
I need to copy about 15 user parameters from 1 part to about 300 others. I used the DA to copy the iproperties but the user parameters are also needed.
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Jul 18, 2005
Is there a way to create user parameter as TEXT Paramters does not accept the text paramaters . we always have tor create parameters as numbers.
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Feb 25, 2013
Is it possible to add a user parameter into a general table in a drawing?
If I create a multi value text parameter called "Design", and give it two values "open" & "closed". Is there a way to add the chosen value into a general table on the drawing.
Autodesk Product Design Suite 2013
Win 7 Professional 32bit
Intel(R) Xeon(R) W3565 @ 3.2GHz QC
4.0 GB Ram
1GB Nvidia Quadro 2000
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Aug 22, 2011
We are trying to add reference lines to the idw drawing for a sub-assembly. These lines represent centerlines of parts of the main assembly. The main assembly is not the reference file for the drawing. However, the required dimension setting the centerlines is a User Parameter in the sub-assembly. (The centerlines are represented by work planes in the sub-assembly file). Using iLogic, we were able to populate the User Parameter from the sub-assembly into the idw file. We can see it as a User Parameter in the idw file. However, when we go into sketch mode the User Parameter is not an option. In sketch mode, we pull a dimension between the two centerlines (d4). When you look at the parameters d4 does not exist so we cannot set d4 equal to our User Parameter (and we've looked there are no filters on). We need this dimension to be able to adjust as the length of the sub-assembly adjusts for different cases. Each case is unique and done on a job by job basis.
There are several places in our drawings where being able to place reference lines and set their relationship to the part would be very useful.
1. Why are the User Parameters not available for use in sketch mode on a drawing?
2. Why can the dimension IDs (ex. d4) not be seen by looking at the parameters?
3. alternative way of putting reference lines on a drawing?
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Apr 10, 2013
I work with Inventor 2011.
It is possible to sort Parameters (user parameters) by code (simulating a click on column header) ?
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Aug 3, 2011
How can you access user-defined parameters/function defined in the Parameters Manager dialog?
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Feb 25, 2013
I have a large collection of parts that are controlled from an exteranl rule. I need to make slight changes to the external rule, but for the changes to be successful I need two extra user parameters to be added to each of the parts. There are hundreds of parts, so going in and adding the two parameters to each would take days.
Is there a simple way of getting the external rule to add the two parameters?
P.s. My VB skills are pretty limited, but my understanding of iLogic is pretty good.
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a part with very irregular shape created by projecting geometry of other parts.
I wondered if there is any way of calculating area of this extrusion instead of dimensioning the sketch and creating equasions in user parameters?
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May 1, 2013
I have an IPart with about 100 instances in it that is sheet metal. I created a user parameter for the gauge of the sheet metal relating to the thickness and that works fine in the ipart. My dilema is how to get the gauge to show up in my drawing in the general table. Pretty much I woud like the table to list part number, material and then have a column for the gauge of the steel related to the thickness in the Ipart table. I am using Inventor 2011 if that makes a difference.
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Aug 30, 2013
I need import all new params, rules and forms from a new template to older parts. I'm trying to use an external rule to create a new iproperties and import params from xml file but I can't assign these parameters with these iproperties.
I attach the code.
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Nov 21, 2012
I am trying to export a user parameter that is a text string to a custom I property. I am able to export other parameters to custom properties that are numarical values. I export check box is missing on the text user parameter.
Is there a way to acomplish this with I-logic?
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Jan 9, 2012
I have an assembly where I have deleted a component, but it is still linked to the assembly somehow. The part is no longer visible in the model, is missing from the model tree and from the BOM, but it still prompts to save. I have attached screenshots to show what i mean: The file (00017429.ipt) prompting to save, despite not actually being in the assembly (00052857), the parts-only BOM showing that the part is not in the BOM, and the vault tab with the part highlighted.
I don't believe this is vault related because Inventor is prompting to save the 'deleted' file, and pack-and-go also grabs the 'deleted' file.
For the example shown, it is a minor nuisance because it means an extra drawing gets printed when an assembly with this problem gets used. I have just had the same problem happen on another, much more complex assembly and it is causing me major grief.
Inventor Pro 2012 SP1 (Build 190) 64bit
Vault Pro 2012 SP1
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Oct 7, 2012
So I am using Inventor LT 2012 in a small company that makes conveyor rollers. Most of the time we make the same roller with only different values to the variables. So I decided to make a part with the parameters in an Excel sheet:
A customer call us, and they want a roller with x,y,z dimensions, I put in in Excel and the drawing is ready.
But, when I need to make a second drawing of that roller with different dimensions, the first one also change.
Is there any way to keep a drawing fix when it is done ? If possible, only making a dwg for each customer without having to make an ipt and excel sheet for each drawing would be awesome !
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Jul 30, 2012
I need to use parameters of a part in an assembly. How to do this? Do i need to define a rule? How is this done?
Can i do it without using an Excel sheet as a parameter source for both the assembly and the part? The target is to have inventor update an array of assets as soon as the width of a part is changed whether in Excel or in the Factory properties of the asset.
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Oct 11, 2013
I'm new to Inventor. Lets say I create a part called Pipe.ipt. In it I specify the OD, Thk and Length of the pipe. If I then create an Assembly, and I want to use multiple instances of Pipe.ipt, but each instance has a different set of parameters (i.e. different OD, Thk and Length). How do I do this?
I see I can set up iPart, and I could set up tables with the OD and Thickness for various standard pipe sizes. But this doesn't address the length. How do I re-use the same Part in an assembly, but each part has it's own set of unique paramenters?
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Feb 13, 2013
I have a part made where various parameters in it.
Now I place the part in a assy and from there i want the parameters to control the part.
I do this now by the same parameters from the part to add in the assy by typing the parameters manually in the assy.
Is there a way that you can define parameters retrieved from the part about the assy without retyping and therefore can make mistakes?
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Nov 12, 2012
I have several parts which I wish to modify, but, those modifications are only being done to get some prototypes made. I do not want the changed (non-approved part) to be used in current issue drawings, assemblies etc. until I have proven the modifications and am happy with them.
I can do this by doing a save as on the part and could just replace the previous design, but then I lose the history of changes/revisions shown in Vault which is critical to me and part of using vault in the first place.
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