Maya Modeling :: Detaching Curves From NURBs Plane?
Oct 6, 2012
1. I've never worked with nurbs before. I have made a nurbs plane, made it live, and drew some curves on it. Now, whenever I select the nurbs plane the curves are also selected. How do I delete only the nurbs plane without deleting the curves?
2. I am trying to make eyelashes using paintfx. How do I get the paintfx hair (the eyelashes brush) to orient themselves "onto" a surface, like in the attached image?
I have created a NURBS rope with Surfaces>Extrude. I choose NURBS so that I could get nice UVs on the rope automatically, but they are actually all stretched out (see attached shot). Is there a setting in the Extrude process that could get more uniform UVs?
I have converted a NURBS object into Polygon Object, however it has still kept the riginal" NURBS object. How do I take the visibility off the NURBS object?
i was creating a simple character(blobs withen blobs). It was going pretty good until i camme across an issue that i can't seem to fix. I first had his neck as a nurb but i realized to do what i wanted i would need to deleted a couple faces so simple create a polygon the same size and shape. So i draged the nurb over clicked create polygon and i made it. The issues was that i can not seem to get them the same size i went to the channel box and typed in the same numbers for size. It was similiar but, was off the entire object was too big. I tried extruding it to match the same rough height and i got that nurb was on a scale that was about 1.626 times larger this. I forgot to mention that i am running maya 2014 student edition.
I've been modelling in Maya for less than a day so go easy on me!
I'm in the process of making a traffic light and have got a bit stuck on the shade around the light.
I first made a profile curve and revolved it to get a kind of cup shape. The profile curve double backs on itself so the revolve is not completely flat.
Next I projected a curve onto the side of the revolve to get the wavy shape of the light shade, and trimmed the excess off.
Now I have my lovely traffic light shape, but the ends where the revolve was trimmed are not attached. (Because I double backed the profile curve)
I'm rigging a model of a robot and I have wires (nurbs circles extruded along a curve) attaching to two objects that are on different joints. I have it rigged so that when the first joint moves, half of the CVs of all the wires (in a control cluster) move along with the joint (and, in turn, the object they are attached to). This much works fine, the extruded nurb follows the curve and stays the same diameter from start to finish. My problem starts with the rigging of the second joint (the second joint is the parent of the first joint). I've tried many different ways of rigging it, but as I'm only just starting rigging my thought process isn't quite a straight line yet. Basically my problem is when the source curves physically move, the extruded surface goes twice the distance as displayed in the picture below.
I need to know how to get the extruded surface to always be in the same place as the curve with out breaking the connection.
In the "move" tool options, you can set the move manipulator to snap to a plane or to three points; is there an equivalent for rotations? Ultimately I'd like to select three points to establish a construction plane, then have an orthographic camera based on those three points. This way you can make a complex rotation based on some real coordinates. I think the old "Design Studio" used to have this function - you can take a polygon face, snap the plane right to it, and all your movements and rotations are exactly relative to that face.
I'm working with a polygon plane and I've moved the vertices on the edges to where I want them. Now I want to set all the non-edge (interior?) vertices equal distance apart from one another. Is there a function or an easier way to do this or do I have to do it manually?
I am trying to align my model to my image plane. I marquee select the vertices but only the one in the front selects I have checked Back face culling and soft selections and made sure that they are not on but it is still not working.
I am trying to create a flat plane that is on a diagonal. In Max I remember you could zero out using the scale tool with local space orientation. How do I do this in Maya?
In the enclosed image see red arrow. The back/bottom edge of the tail is supposed to be flat. How do I get all vertices to be in one plane?
How to import an Adobe Illustrator Curves In Maya as a single object? Every time I import an .AI file into MAYA, it gets imported as multiple objects. (There is an option with 3DSMAX, while importing .AI files, i.e. * IMPORT AS SINGLE OBJECT / * IMPORT AS MULTIPLE OBJECT.)
I noticed that in 3ds max 2012, when i split an edge or detach a polygon the smoothing at that point changes and seam is visible. I think that in previous versions when i did the same thing the smoothing remained. Is there a way to prevent this?
Is it me or is there no good information on how to use nurbs modeling in 3dsmax? Am trying to fing a video that explains the tools and how they work but i cant seem to find anything, and maybe because i aint looking in the right place?
Was wondering if there is a way or a plugin for 3dsmax to use splines or nurb curves to create "Jura"-like line patters- the exact thick and thin line formation you would see on a dollar bill. To create curves, and contours, around text and shapes.
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Any way to evenly distribute Locators on a motion path along a nurbs circle? Its for a mouth/lips rig. and I need it to be symmetrical with out manually inputting values.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
I understand a bit about using booleans to cut shapes out of a mesh, but how can i use vector shapes I created to cut a custom shape from a plane (for example)??
I am student so still learning.
If not using vectors, another way to cut shapes from mesh?
I have just got Autodesk 3DS Max 2014...I have started off trying some blueprints but can't seem to work out about bitmap and texturing the planes Basically I have made the plane the same dimensions of the image, but it either tiles the image a lot or has a very small size.Is there any way to fix this without changing the size of U & V.
I'm working on a complex closed object shape originally made from a plane and want to do Boolean to it.
So when a plane get Boolean-ed with a sphere, it just turns to plane with a hole. Different when a standard box get Boolean-ed with a sphere, it turns into a box with a 1/2 sphere hole.
My question is, is it possible to turns a plane into solid 3D objects like box, sphere,etc..? So it's able to get Boolean-ed correctly?
I add a picture of simpler analogy p.s. the box and the box-ed plane is an editable poly
I'm using Maya 2013, and any time when I would like to import an image to my workspace, an error show up on the bottom right corner:
# Error: file: E:/Games/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/fromNativePath.mel line 90: (unicode error) 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'xf3' in position 29: ordinal not in range(128) # file -i "C:/Documents and Settings/Maródi Marcell/Asztal/iron_pickaxe.png"
Why the Plane disappear when open New Scene? I try to adjust the Near Clip under Camera, it works but what could have made this happen (I mean Plane/Grid suddenly disappear?)
Not sure if the following would be the reasons: Recently I have tried to open files related the Maya sample file (tutorial disk)but I can't open it directly from the CD. I noticed that there might be some tricks that I have to same the file as an ASCI file and the open in Wordpad, then I could successfully open that. So I try to copy the Tutorial files in the CD to my Harddrive. When I open that from Wordpad, it works!. I am not sure if that could be the causes of my proble (ie. Plane/Grid disappear), or I might have done something which I am not aware of? Also, those axis arrows seems so long and I need to adjust that (I mean the arrows extend outside the Plane/Grid).
getting a weird problem. at first when I had 2 image planes (front and side) every time I saved my scene and restarted, they would both disappear from perspective view. but they were still showing in ortho view. I'd have to delete the image plane and make it again. after adding a back camera with its own image, saving and restarting: it started to have all of them show in perspective, but now front and side dont show in ortho.
edit:: the first issue happens in 2011. the second in 2012. back cam probably has nothing to do with it.
i'm desperately trying to export some curves from maya and import them in mudbox, but i can't get it working. i tried exporting .iges files from maya, because they are supposed to support curves, but mudbox won't import this kind of file. .fbx files don't work, because they do no support curves. How i could achieve importing curves to mudbox?
I am trying to model a plane that will fit a specific pixel ratio (960x640, 800x480, 480x320, 240x240). So I know how to make a plane, that's not the problem, I just want to make the plane fit these aspect ratios without any stretching of the texture I will apply. So when I port this over to Unity I don't have any problems.
I am not in soft select mode. If I go to Soft Select I can see the CV's. But when I right mouse click to select CVs they are invisible. If I drag to select I can grab them, but they are still invisible and it's getting really difficult to manipulate things right now.