Maya Animation :: How To Evenly Distribute Locators On Motion Path Along Nurbs Circle
Jun 11, 2012
Any way to evenly distribute Locators on a motion path along a nurbs circle? Its for a mouth/lips rig. and I need it to be symmetrical with out manually inputting values.
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Mar 22, 2012
Is there a method to evenly distribute objects around a circle? I understand the horizontal and vertical alignment tools, but I'm not sure how to apply them in this situation. Attached are a sample picture of what I want to accomplish and the .xar file (XDP7).
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Apr 28, 2013
I am working on a personal data visualization project but currently stuck and can't go forward. As you can see below in the image, I created all my data bars and tried to distribute them on a 360 degree path myself.
But clearly, I couldnt able to create a perfect 360 path.
All of the bars are each group objects on their own. I am sure there is a way to distribute them perfectly on Illustrator but I cant find it. There is a option on Blend>Replace Spine but it is not active.
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Jan 9, 2013
I've got a Locator attached to a Curve with a Motion Path - the Motion Path is animated so the Locator moves nicely along the Curve. I now want to swap the original Curve with a new one and have the Locator follow it instead.
Is there a way to simply switch curves and tell the Motion Path to use a new Curve while keeping the animated keys in the Motion Path node?
I've tried playing around with the connection editor but cant manage to connect the new Curve to the Motion Path nodes "geometryPath"
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Sep 9, 2013
I'm currently working on a advertisement for a client and I need to creat a kind of ribbon to wrap around like a present. I thought what would be best would be making the ribbon and then using a motion path add it on but also I would add a gravity field to the ribbon so to moved more like a ribbon.
Also with the motion path I have made them and connected my ribbon and for some reason it doesn't move until the last frame and just snaps to that position?
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Nov 6, 2013
When I use "object/blend/replace spine" it will distribute the objects evenly around the circle, but with no rotation. My issue is that I have objects shaped like people and would like them evenly around the circle, but rotated correctly so that their feet are all touching the circular path and their heads are always facing out. How can I achieve this?
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Oct 14, 2012
I am fairly new to Illustrator, currently working on a project involving circular return address lables. On the labels, the address text follows a circular path with bullets between the name, street, and city/state/zip. Now that I've entered all of the text onto the curved path, how do I distribute it evenly along that path? In other words, how do I ensure that the same amount of space exists at the beginning and end of my line of text? Right now, there is "leftover" space at the end of the address.
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Jan 29, 2011
To create an animation similar to the one shown in the page 225, in the tutorial, I created a curve but I am not too sure that was the correct way to create it.
1. Selected the Surfaces Menu.
2. In the font view, using the CV Curve Tool, created the first half.
3. Using Duplicate in the Edit Menu, I created the other half.
4. In the Edit Curves Menu, selected Attach Curves and connected two curves.
5. I, then selected the Animation Menu and created an object to be used as an aircraft and followed the same steps shown in the tutorial and it worked nicely.
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May 13, 2009
I am trying to attach an object to a motion path but when i do the object goes to the beginning of the path but when i move the time slider nothing happens and when i move the object it isn't attached to the path.
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Oct 10, 2011
a few things involving cameras. My assignment was to use our plane that we modeled with poly's and animate it on a motion path(used cv curve tool) and have a camera above it follow it. Now I got that down perfect.
But what I don't have a clue on, is how do I attach a camera on the same motion path as the plane and have a camera angle right behind the spinning propeller? Like a cockpit view.
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Jul 19, 2011
i have been using the drivenTime node to create walkcycles that follow motion path curves where the out time is connected to some attribute via a unitToTimeCOnversion previous version of Maya.
When i try to connect anything to the Out Time of new drivenTime node the connection never works, not even keyframes?
is there a fix or workaround for this?
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Nov 28, 2013
How can I distribute multiple objects without distorting them on a circle path?
I have a few objects that I want to distribute to a circle line. I've tried scatter brush (looked horrible) , pattern brush (what you see here).No matter what I do, those objects are distorted.
Clients may want objects to be as many as 30 or 40, so I hope to avoid switching the objects manually.
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Mar 6, 2012
translate facial motion capturing data (basically 2d point clouds) to blendshape weights. I finished rigging my character and wanted to drive my blendshapes by the relative position of my tracking data, e.g. distance between corners of the mouth drive the "wide" blendshape and so on...
Hope YOU know a solution for this, I believe blendshapes are THE way to create realism in tracked animation but I was not able to find ANY reference to something like that. I'd like it to be customizable and not to expensive, so the imagemetrics faceware service won't do for me
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Nov 29, 2010
Was wondering if there is a way of getting random camera movements? For example, i am doing a fly through of an earthquake scene and as the camera animates along the street it randomly shakes with the earthquake shocks.
I know I could animate it by hand but I wondered if there was a way (perhaps an expression) to make it more simple?
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Sep 29, 2010
I have two models that are identical other than the faces. However, when I apply a blendshape, in addition to morphing between the two faces, motion is created in the legs of the target. These are FBX files exported from MB 2011 into Maya 2011.
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Oct 29, 2012
If I create a facial GUI in maya , is there a way to add motion capture to that? What's the best way to do something like this?
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Jul 7, 2012
I need distributing horizontal strips of images into a 720x480 canvas. The images vary in heights and constant in width= 720 pixels. For example, i get a set of 17 horizontal strips. 10 strips with height of 8 pixels each, and 7 strips with height of 13 pixels each.
I need to figure out a math formula that will give me the spacing in between these horizontal strips that would allow me to put them evenly onto a 720x480 canvas.
they can not overlap.
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm trying to model a cable. I do it with cylinder and EP Curve. I want to set an object motion and Object Flow Path.
I fallow also tutorial but still getting weird result.
My cylinder doesnt fallow the curve along. See attached img.
I set my motion object to normal...also the axis are set so the cylinder moves along curve on time slider good. But when I set Flow Path (latice) the object fallows the curve just with other end.
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Apr 20, 2012
There is no motion in my meshes when using set key or auto key.
So lets say I have a cube and set a keyframe at 1 and move it a little to the right and set a keyframe at 13, between 1 and 13 there's no motion from 1 to 13, just it jumping straight to 13. I hope that makes sense, I've tired going to Animate setkey options and checked current manipulator handle, didn't worked.
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Feb 13, 2010
Trying to find the closest thing to 3dsmax trajectory, I'm using a motion trail. Once deleted the specific controller it was used for becomes very very slugish, with over 20 sec to respond.
I tried deleteing all the connections in hypershade and using the delete command but nothing works.
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May 24, 2012
I'm working in Adobe Illustrator CS6 and neither the Distribute Spaces Option nor Distribute Object Option are working.It doesn't seem to matter if it's a print or web document. Doing the same thing to the same document/graphics in CS5.1 works perfectly.
Copypasteing the correctly distributed objects from CS5.1 to CS6 works ok, and if i then repeat the Distribute spaces option nothing changes and it stays correctly distributed. (read: it doesn't badly distribute like before)
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Apr 29, 2013
I've created a motion path animation. In preview everything works well, I then go to create a AVI/WMV file and it builds the video without any problem. When you view the video it always stops in the same place (about 6 seconds in) but the video keeps running for the full duration of 30seconds.
I've tried this several times with different settings but always the same outcome.
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Dec 13, 2013
I have an animate file that contains many animations and one motion path animation. All animation elements of the animate file are responsive with the exception of the motion path animation which is not for some reason. Why does the motion path animation not repsonsive even though it is L, T, W, H coordinates are set as percentages?
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Feb 13, 2013
I was wondering if there is a way in maya 2013 to import like 20 takes at the same time, work on those 20 takes in one maya file and export them simultaneously just like motion builder and his "export all takes, save one take per file, use take name".
I'm asking this because i am thinking of switching to maya, but this motion builder native feature is just essential to me.
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Dec 3, 2013
how to distribute vector or raster evenly within a specific part of my canvas, i can get it done evenly to the width of the canvas. for example i want about 4 rectangles in just a section of my canvas at the same distance from each other.
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Apr 9, 2011
Once i set up a motion path for my object to follow, it sets the object to follow it over the entire timeline. what if i just want to object to start later on? I want it to raise up, hover over to the path, and then be attached to it.
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Dec 2, 2012
I have an animation which I want to drive a plexus system in AE. I've used a script allowing me to export an obj sequence to drive the plexus but I can not have any noise effects on an obj sequence without getting massive hemerraging in the animation. I was hopeing to attached locators to points on the character within maya and bake in their movement and export them out with a cam to after effects.
I can get the locators and cam across just fine like you might do if you wanted to get cam tracking across into after effects. My issue is that the nulls come out static and I was needing to use those to attach points to drive the plexus which would give me a "static" plexus and allow for smoother noise manipulation. All in all I need the locators "nulls" to still have there animation data transfer.
My only other solution I've come up with thus far is animating the individual points manually to a playblast of the character using a 3d cam track a basic guide.
There must be a way to export out locators that will move into after effects and retain there movement!
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Feb 19, 2014
I'm having trouble getting a precise value out of the distance tool between two locators.
I can definately move the upper locator and the value will change, but I'm having trouble making it very precise. I'd like to change the distance to exactly 2.10000. I've been scouring the web, and coming up with nothing unfortunately.
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May 9, 2013
how to create a NURBS circle in AutoCAD?
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Dec 15, 2012
When I assign an object to a path using the default setting the object sits nicely on the first point of the cv curve in the path. And moves fine going in one direction but as it goes around a corner it is offset from the curve but continues along with this new offset until the end.
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Nov 23, 2010
I'm new to Maya 2011 and simply put, I need to know the basics of animating a camera around a scene, along a path, slowing down and speeding up, how to move the point of interest, that type of thing.
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