Maya :: 32 Bit Images Floating Point Won't Load?
May 23, 2011
know why is not possible to load 32 bit images in Maya? I´ve loaded the plugins (tiffFloatReader, OpenEXRLoader) for this but I still receive an error message when I try to load 32 bit image (tiff, exr, hdri).
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May 25, 2013
Is there a way to have the new NEX tools window undocked when starting up Maya? I can undock it after Maya 2014 starts. But I'd like to have it this way on launch. Currently it reverts back.
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Apr 30, 2012
does number->string have format options? What is the equivalent of "printf" in gimp tinyscheme?
I am scripting adding axes to an image and need to control of format of floating point numbers that will be passed to gimps text generation functions.
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Oct 31, 2011
I'm having a lot of problems trying to load a model I animated using Trax.
First I modeled and rigged a character in Maya and saved it as model.mb.
Next I created an empty file and referenced my model file into in. In the new file I created a character set based on all the rig handles. Next I spent a few hours animating some simple walk cycles and jumps, putting each animation into a separate Trax track. I also created a few character poses.
Last night, everything was working fine. I could select poses and apply them. I could enable single Trax tracks and play them and everything went smoothly. I saved and closed my file.
Today when I opened the file and tried to continue, none of the Trax animations I saved were working. When I try to assume a pose, the rigging moves seemingly random directions. When I enable a Trax clip and play it, the animation is all messed up.
I experimented today with a simple test file. I created a new empty file, referenced in my model, created a character set and a few character poses. Everything was working fine. I could select the bind poses in the visor and assume whatever pose I wanted without error. Then I saved the file and closed it. When I reopened the file and tried to assume the same poses, my character's limbs shot off in all sorts of weird directions.
What's going on? Have I lost my work? How am I supposed to use Trax is if this happens if I simply save, close and reopen Maya?
(The rigging was all nurbs curves with a little bit of Set Driven Keys for the fingers and feet. I also hid and locked attributes of the nurbs I wasn't using. The rigging mostly done using constraints, although I also used straight parenting for some IK handles.)
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May 3, 2011
I was working on setup up several camera animations in a file. I saved the file, and put the settings in for all 4 cameras to render. I started Batch Render running, it saved, began rendering the first frame and then Maya crashed. It was able to save a .mb version as it was closing. I have since been unable to get either file to open correctly.
If I try to directly open the files, they load 100%, the status bar immediately switches to "Writing <username>.20110503.<time>.ma" and the Crash Reporter appears before the viewport can even update and show the model.
If I try importing either file into a new document, it will load completely, and a dialog window pops up with: Could not save file"/var/folders/FL/FLo7J2o4H4OV9SDiREDU4U+++TI/-Tmp-/".
If you click OK, Maya crashes without the Crash Reporter opening.
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Feb 4, 2014
Suddenly Maya's import/export/open file dialogue box has become extremely slow, taking forever to browse thru folders, freezing in the process.
This is independently of file/scene size. Specs are Ok. CPU i7-4930k, 16gb RAm, Geforce GTX 780, running windows 8.1 with a Kingston SSD and a second 3tb Caviar Green HD.
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Apr 28, 2011
Im using a mel script to automate basic scene parameters. For some reason though, after I run a setAttr on defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer, I cant apply a loaded preset until after I manually open the renderGlobals and select one of the mentalray tabs. Im running "loadNodePresets "basicSet";" as the last line of my scene builder script. What is the proper way to load the preset without manually opening the renderGlobals window?
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May 28, 2012
while i am trying to load my point cloud files the points appeared in the model but not all points
i entered to the setting of the point cloud from the toolspace toolbar , i found that there are about 32 million points but only 700000 points are displayed in the drawing. Is there a way to display all the loaded points in my drawing to show all the points since i need to render a high resolution pictures for my lots.
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Sep 12, 2012
How to apply point load & udl to structure work? How to apply load from cg of equipment's which are mounted on base frame?
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Mar 25, 2013
I just installed the latest 2013.5 Extension release. When trying to perform a load saved weights from the Muscle menu, I receive the following error when switching the Load By type to World Pos.
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013.5/scripts/muscle/cMuscleSaveWeights.mel line 663: Object 'tfTol' not found. //
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May 6, 2008
I had to re install Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extend but now every time I try to start it, it errors out withe the following:
"Could not load the user measurement data point presets file because the file name was not valid."
and "Could not load the user measurement scale presets file because the file name was not valid."
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Aug 20, 2013
We are just trying out Maya on the OSX Platform.
In the tutorial that we are going through, we are asked to select 2 curves, center the pivot point, and then hit the 'Insert' key to allow us to move the pivot point, and then holding down the 'C' key we should be able to move the pivot point along the curve.
Looking around we found that if you hit the 'fn + left arrow' keys you are meant to get the same as using the 'insert' key on the PC, but this is not right, and also when you try to hold down the 'C' key it does not allow the pivot point to be constrained to the curve.
So where is the 'Insert' key on the Mac?
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Jul 29, 2012
I am puzzled about how to zero out rotation my object's pivot point when I rotate said pivot point using the "insert" key (on a pc). Furthermore, any subsequent object I make after that has its pivot point off just like the first object when I rotate its pivot point. In fact, even when I start a whole new scene, the pivot point rotation of any object is off just like the first time I rotated the first object's pivot point in a previous scene.
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Mar 29, 2013
How to find the center point in auto desk Maya...I know use the center point but i can't find the to find the exact coordinate of the 3d object created using auto desk Maya? [URL]...
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Jun 26, 2013
How I can move pivot that camera rotate around?
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Apr 20, 2012
I need to export FBX file with point cache but everytime I try it is the same error
"The FBX plug-in cannot export the Geometry Cache for the following reason(s): No set is selected for geometry cache export, the selected set is empty, or the selection set is applied to the shape node of the object instead of its transform node"
before that , I create my cache , and my set with all the geometry but after selecting and saving it as a presset my set just disapear. i need to do it on maya ... I have done it already on MAX and works fine.
PD: I have attached two images to explain better my problem, because my english is still poor.
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Sep 7, 2011
I m trying to find some intelligent way to drawing a 5 point star in Maya, but don't using complex commands togheter and using some thing like a primitive comand ( maybe distorting some curve , etc ).
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Jul 14, 2009
I have just recently run into a problem with my CS3 Photoshop. When I try to go through File> Open and choose a .jpg .gif and even .psd file I get an error message saying: ' could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document.' When I open in Illustrator there is no issue. Or when I go directly to the file and use Open with, then direct it to Photoshop it opens fine. However, if I need to open another image file I get the error message again.
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May 21, 2008
I'm unable to load PNG images using Photoshop CS3. Whenever I attempt to do so, I get a message saying, "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document."
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Jun 11, 2012
I am using photoshop cs5 extended on windows 7, Unable to load camera raw images into photoshop directly or via adobe bridge.
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May 15, 2013
If I want to load images into the bridge, if I put a stick to the pc it always connects me to Lightroom. What can I set that the windows appears that I can choose if I want to open it with bridge. I use a PC
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Mar 2, 2012
sometimes when I try and load an image it won't actually appear int he workspace. I can see it in the Navigator thumbnail and it's got a check next to the filename in the Window dropdown, but I cannot see it anywhere nor can I seem to be able to make it appear. Am I missing something or is there a shortcut key to force the image to the center of the screen/workspace? I have the latest Nvidia drivers installed and I've even downgraded to PS running in 32-bit mode, with no better luck. I finally disabled OpenGL which seems to fix the issue.
I'm on a MacBook Pro, 2.66 Ghz Core i7, 10.7.3, 8 GB of RAM
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Jul 26, 2012
I was wondering if there is a way to create a group of vertices, edges or faces and somehow create a reference point or attach them to some kind of locator so they can be referenced at a later point. I want to be able to select a group of edges, model them and then move on to another task within Maya and have some kind of reference point so I can go back to the original group and not have to select them individually every time I want to work on that group of edges, faces or vertices, is this possible? I will post a picture shortly to this post so you can see an example of a specific group of edges that I would like to set a reference point or locater for.
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Oct 27, 2012
I have an issue with the student version of Maya 2013. This issue is reproducible in my environment when I try to align an edge to a snap point pressing the V key and move the edge with the move tool. May 2013 hang then and I have to close it ending the task in the task manager.Many times I deleted the Maya folder in my documents folder in order to start from the scratch, but it hangs again if I try the procedure i described above. Some times it take more time until Maya hang, some times after a few moves.I have installed Maya 2013 many times from the scratch, deleting before all the directories in the different locations (as described in an Autodesk paper).I have to run Maya 2013 while I need to export my files with an exporter which just work in the 32bit version of Maya.
In the Event log viewer from Windows 7 x64 there are two records during this hang:
Fault bucket 50, type 5
Event Name: AppHangB1
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0
Problem signature:
P1: maya.exe
P3: 4f44e75c
P4: 6ca2
P5: 2048
Attached files:
These files may be available here:
Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 382b88ab-2041-11e2-82ba-3860770f5418
Report Status: 0
The second one:
The program maya.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
Process ID: 18a8
Start Time: 01cdb44cd78b5da1
Termination Time: 65
Application Path: D:PROGRAMSMaya2013inmaya.exe
Report Id:
Installed Maya on three different hard disks (one is a SSD)but no difference.Below my hardware:
HP HPE H8 Desktop Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM, 64bit Windows 7, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti with 4MB RAM.
I know that my graphic card is not in the hardware compatibility list and I will replace them with an ATI V5900 which is on the list.
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Oct 14, 2013
I'm having a problem with Maya's vertex/point snapping function. This is a simple thing to do normally but in the 2014 student version (which is full functionality other than having a prompt saying it is a student version upon saving the file), it isn't working.
Basically the process is making a selection of vertices and with the transform tool active, MMB dragging the manipulator to snap the selection to a destination vertex. The pivot point/manipulator of the selection is moving and snapping to the destination vertex on it's own when I hold 'V' and MMB drag, rather than the whole selection moving with the transform manipulator and snapping to the destination vertex. This problem is also happening with the modelling toolkit which is really annoying. I have checked that i'm not in edit pivot mode etc.
The point snapping is working however for objects, but not in component mode as above.
I am running Windows 7, Maya SP2.
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Feb 10, 2012
Have developed a problem trying to load some TIF images into Photoshop. I have a large number of images archived over a decade or more. At this point it may some of the older files that exhibit the problem.
Now all these files were edited and stored using the Photoshop versions during the complete time period. The files are always saved with no compression. Have tried to load from Photoshop and clicking on the file in a file list. Photoshop just hangs and I get the message Program not responding. I can take these same files and load them into the ROXIO photo editor with no problem. Stranger yet is if I simply load the file into the ROXIO editor then "save as" back into the same folder (overwrite) the file can then be brought into Photoshop with no problem!
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Jun 20, 2012
I am using Photoshop cs5 extended on windows 7, Unable to load camera raw images into photoshop directly or via adobe bridge. I download all the Camera Raw file ready, but still not working..I open my CS 5 Extended and open with the CR2 file, it pop out "Could Not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of camera Raw, Â
I current using Canon 600D .
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Nov 6, 2012
There are 4 jpgs that launch automatically when I launch photoshop PS6. They are beinf stored somewhere else and have been renamed by the system. On a new MacPro 3.2 Quad, running 10.7.5.
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Jun 14, 2012
How to import the AI EPS image (files done & saved on Adobe Illustrator) to Ventura 8 using a script? Basically, unlike EPS / TIFF / or JPEG images, the AI EPS images could be loaded in Ventura using script, but the script has a different behavior. It flawlessly loads & imports the AI EPS (you could see the AI EPS files in Ventura publication chapter file navigator), but the image does not load in the publication template.
In order for these AI EPS images to get loaded & appear in the template, they need to be imported as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) using the Filter Type option (attached image for reference).
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Jul 17, 2013
I'm trying to import a .tif image into autocad 2013 this image I clipped in ArcMap 10.1 and reprojected. The size of the image that I can't import is 36.6 mb, but I can import a MrSIDs image size is 611 mb into AutoCAD this is the error message that I get when I try an import the smaller image. "this file is an unknown format or invalid for images"
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Apr 3, 2009
how to import or load batches of images into a single psd file, which each image would be loaded into a layer.
I've been working with the place option.. but its kind of long considering i have over 500 images to load.... which means 500 layers....
(its for editing an animation.)
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