Photoshop :: How To Load Camera Raw Images
Jun 11, 2012I am using photoshop cs5 extended on windows 7, Unable to load camera raw images into photoshop directly or via adobe bridge.
View 19 RepliesI am using photoshop cs5 extended on windows 7, Unable to load camera raw images into photoshop directly or via adobe bridge.
View 19 RepliesI am using Photoshop cs5 extended on windows 7, Unable to load camera raw images into photoshop directly or via adobe bridge. I download all the Camera Raw file ready, but still not working..I open my CS 5 Extended and open with the CR2 file, it pop out "Could Not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of camera Raw, Â
I current using Canon 600D .
When I transfer images from my camera to Elements 8 they load in batches to multiple folders - how do I do stop this happening?
View 8 Replies View RelatedUsing LR v5.3 and Windows 8.1
For my particular workflow, I find that loading thumbnails as step 1 of the import process to not be of much value for me.
I would prefer to load all images from the camera CF card directly into my "Import" folder in Lightroom without having to first view and select images for import.
Step 2 for me would then distribute the images into other named folders in LR prior to the development, skipping the thumbnail phase of the process.
So, the Q: Is there any setting that allows importation into a selected folder in LR without first going through the thumbnail process?
I just purchased a Nikon D7100 and after taking some pictures I tried to load them on Photoshop Elements 11. When doing so I got an error message stating "Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected for importing did not contain any supported file types ot the files are already in this catalog" (they aren't already in the catalog.
View 2 Replies View Relatedunable to load photos into PSE 6 (Mac) from camera or HD.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded the trail version of CS5 however it did not load my scanner/camera/and filters that I have on my CS3 version will I need to reinstall them or will they load after I pay for it? I am using xp as the os
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to load new pictures on my hp with my cannon camara, but now it states "wait, locating device", what has happend within the last several days to prevent from loading new photos.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't load my MOV files from my Drift camera. I get the "file format mismatch". is there a patch for VS 11?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have googled this found some posts about putting it under the Users folder. However I don't have a library under my username it comes under a folder called Shared.I'm using a Mac computer
I placed my custom profiles in there , however it still won't work.
I'm using both Lightroom 3.5 and Photoshop CS5 on a 64-bit Windowx XP-Pro system with 8GB of RAM and plenty of disk space.
I use an X-rite color checker to generate custom camera profiles whenever I do portraits or other color critical photo sessions. The camera profile is generally placed in the "Documents and Settings...{user...}Application DataAdobeCameraRawCameraProfiles " folder.
When I try to apply a profile in either lightroom or ACR the newely created profile is not visible in the camera profile drop-down box. When I check to see if the profile exists in the appropriate folder, it does.
I've used color profiles before and have always been able to create and select a profile. Now I'm no longer able to do this. I would prefer to not re-install all my Adobe software since then I'd have to reinstall all the updates and plug-ins.
How can I get lightroom and ACR to see these profiles and use them?
Can I load a specific camera/lens profile into LR and if so how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just recently run into a problem with my CS3 Photoshop. When I try to go through File> Open and choose a .jpg .gif and even .psd file I get an error message saying: ' could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document.' When I open in Illustrator there is no issue. Or when I go directly to the file and use Open with, then direct it to Photoshop it opens fine. However, if I need to open another image file I get the error message again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm unable to load PNG images using Photoshop CS3. Whenever I attempt to do so, I get a message saying, "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document."
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I want to load images into the bridge, if I put a stick to the pc it always connects me to Lightroom. What can I set that the windows appears that I can choose if I want to open it with bridge. I use a PC
View 2 Replies View Relatedsometimes when I try and load an image it won't actually appear int he workspace. I can see it in the Navigator thumbnail and it's got a check next to the filename in the Window dropdown, but I cannot see it anywhere nor can I seem to be able to make it appear. Am I missing something or is there a shortcut key to force the image to the center of the screen/workspace? I have the latest Nvidia drivers installed and I've even downgraded to PS running in 32-bit mode, with no better luck. I finally disabled OpenGL which seems to fix the issue.
I'm on a MacBook Pro, 2.66 Ghz Core i7, 10.7.3, 8 GB of RAM
Have developed a problem trying to load some TIF images into Photoshop. I have a large number of images archived over a decade or more. At this point it may some of the older files that exhibit the problem.
Now all these files were edited and stored using the Photoshop versions during the complete time period. The files are always saved with no compression. Have tried to load from Photoshop and clicking on the file in a file list. Photoshop just hangs and I get the message Program not responding. I can take these same files and load them into the ROXIO photo editor with no problem. Stranger yet is if I simply load the file into the ROXIO editor then "save as" back into the same folder (overwrite) the file can then be brought into Photoshop with no problem!
There are 4 jpgs that launch automatically when I launch photoshop PS6. They are beinf stored somewhere else and have been renamed by the system. On a new MacPro 3.2 Quad, running 10.7.5.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to import or load batches of images into a single psd file, which each image would be loaded into a layer.
I've been working with the place option.. but its kind of long considering i have over 500 images to load.... which means 500 layers....
(its for editing an animation.)
im just getting used to using PS and IR together although ive been using PS for a while and i wanted to know if one of the ways to have a faster loading image was to save it for web and lower its res or to actually create more slices and have the HTML generator create a table to load the image faster?
im trying to get the best load times for a 28.8Kbps modem load (setting the bar low to get best results).
Consistently when opening images in Photoshop CS3 the image as viewed in PS and LR 3.6 is considerably redder than in Camera Raw 4.6 and the Save-for-Web image displayed in Firefox.
I principally want my images to be suitable for print media but want then to display properly on the web.
Various screenshots attached.
My proof setup is set to the monitor icc file. Monitor is a LaCuie 321 calibrated using LaCie Blue Eye. What do I trust?
I've just loaded for trial Photoshop CC 64 bits but unable to open astrophotography images from my CCD camera with FITS extension as in other PS version even in adding Fitsplug file in the plug-ins directory. Is it an Apps for these files specific to Astronomy?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy images open in 8 bit from camera raw. I want 16 bit.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow I can open .bmp files within the Camera Raw adjustment panel when you open images from within Bridge?
I'd like to work on some old images and am pretty certain i can tweak them the way that I would like within the controls there.
when opening images in camera raw sometimes the image does not appear but the information does.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased an Olympus EM1 digital camera. I have PSCS5: however I cannot open my camera raw imagesin PSCS5. Photoshop updated the camera raw to 6.1.
I understand I need version camera raw plug in 8.3 to be compatible with my Olympus EM1.what steps to take to make the program and the camera raw plug in compatible?
Even though I've been a professional photographer for over 25 years, I finally decided it was time to go digital. Little did I know how overwhelming and frustrating the learning process would be, especially for an old timer like me. Well, the 10 day return period on the digital equipment and software purchase is up, so I have no choice but to move forward in the learning process. :)
Actually, I'm excited about all the photographic possibilities that digital has to offer over film.
The first batch of photos were taken with a new Canon 40-D in Raw + JPEG. When I open my picture folder (containing those photos) in Bridge, a CR2 icon appears next to each thumbnail image that was loaded from the camera flash card. The Bridge program is part of Photoshop CS3 that I purchased, and the 40-D has the latest firmware. (If relevant, the computer is a PC using Vista Home Edition.)
Problem: When I double click on a JPEG image, I am able to load that image into Photoshop. When I double click on the CR2 icon, however, I get a message that says, "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document." What am I overlooking?
Also, shouldn't a thumbnail Raw image appear along with its corresponding JPEG thumbnail when the content of the picture folder is opened in Bridge? As it stands now, I get only a CR2 icon next to the JPEG thumbnails.
Since I downloaded & installed camera raw 4.6 to deal with raw images from my Nikon D90 I have had the following problem with Photoshop cs4 (on XP + SP3). Any images I open from within bridge or Picasa or directly from windows explorer get opened in Adobe Raw 4.6. From their I have to open image to get it into photoshop. This applies to all images, jpg, gif, tiff, psd etc.I've looked at the file associations & made sure photoshop is selected & I've tried open with & browsed to the photoshop directory & selecting the photoshop.exe file but always they open with the adobe raw. How do I get this set back to default so that all regular images open in photoshop & raw images open in camera raw? Lastly I tried deleting thus ressetting my prefferances, no good.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI just got a new digital camera today (Canon Powershot Pro1). source that explains print resoultion?
My camera is 8 megapixel and I'd like to be able to print some of my images after doing some minor adjustments to the images. I have never had to print from photoshop and want the best quality possibe.
I'm trying to open RAW images in CS2. When I try to do it, an error box pops up saying that it's an unknown file type(.nef). I've even tried using the software that my camera came with, but that won't let me either.
Also, the image RAW dialog box doesn't even come up when I try to open a raw image...
I am editing in camera raw from Bridge, I edit, then save. At first the thumbnail remains the same then shortly it becomes 2 half images. Very frustrating!!! I just started this new workflow giving bridge a try and I was very excited about it .. until now! I have resaved some of the images with the same problem 600 more to go! I am using CS5
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