Lightroom :: How To Print Full Bleed Images To 3880 Epson Printer From 4.1
Oct 1, 2012
I've been trying to print full bleed images to 3880 epson printer from LR 4.1 and for some reason won't let me make 8.5 x11 borderless prints to printer. both the left and right side of image has white borders and top and bottom has none.
both page grids sides go as low as 1 and cell size reads properly of 11.00in x 8.50in. but when you look at image in print mode in LR- it shows white borders on both sides of picture.
been on phone for 3 hrs with adobe and 30 min with epson tech to no avail?
Just got an epson 3880 printer. Printing on epson paper is fine. But printing on Ilford or Moab or other papers from lightroom and photoshop have a terrible magenta color cast. WHen I print the same image from Preview, with the same print driver settings, it looks fine. So somehow the adobe apps (or my settings) are messing up the color sync. I used to have an espon 2400 which worked just fine.
I have Mac OSX-10.9.1. Monitor is calibrated. (Prints to epson paper with their profiles look's just other profiles that are really bad).
Using LR 4 print module, 4x6 works fine, but changing to 8x10 still gives me a small print either in the middle of an 8.5x11 sheet or in the upper right corner.
I am using the 8x10 template so the cell shows 8x10, and in page settings I am using US letter (8.5x11) paper, zoom to fill. The image is cropped, but that shouldn't matter, right? It looks fine on screen.
It printed correctly when I printed with PS Elements, but I want to use LR.
Tried attaching a screen shot but that didn't work either.
I can't seem to figure out a problem I'm having trying to print using ABW mode on my Epson 3880 from LR5.3 - it is greyed out an inaccessible. I'm familiar with the safety net that precludes double color management when LR is set to print with a profile. But even when I have output set to "Managed By Printer" I still can't access ABW. It's grayed out. What am I missing here?
latest updates installed correctly... cs5 and cc6 installed on same machine... now the problem... when sending an image to the printer in cc the program crashes.... but it does not crash when the image is sent using cs5 .
I am running Mac 10.6.8 and recently upgraded to PS6. I can no longer print to my Epson 3880 nor can I open NEF files. I have applied all udates from Apple, Epson and Adobe.
I have a document which is sized for full bleed printing. I would also like to make PDF prints of this document, but if I simply print, then everything will be off by a little. Is there a non-destructive way to 'crop' the document back to the paper size?
I have an Epson 1400, and it was working fine this morning. I usually go to Print Settings to select my glossy paper. But just now, when I went to print, and tried to click the Print settings... button, nothing happens. I have tried using Software Update and installed the latest Epson Printer Software, and tested several other applications, and the printer is connected and working fine in those.
windows7 Epson 2880 printer I can print in Lightroom with no problem. CS6 was printing okay. Now when I try printing it says proceeding , but nothing happens. Cs6 does not crash. Just won 't print. My printer dialog box says error printing then recover file , but when i try again nothing. everything else seems okay. I restarted CS6 and rebooted computer , still no printing. What am Idoing wrong. Is does CS6 haveto be re instalked ?
Why can't I get my Epson Printer to print the colors on the monitor> First time this is happening. Printer is okay...and history with the printer has been okay. Took some photo's heron, picking up a fish in a pond. Water is blue...heron is grey and white and has other yellowish and maroon coloring as well. The fish he caught was a gold fish. The colors on the monitor are wonderful.
The photo's were cropped severely. But are still clear. Now the water is pink...and the heron is a disgusting color of grey green. Have chosen ICM...chosen Adobe color profile. Used premium glossy white papers, Epson inks.
Tried printing it out without ICM and with different papers....still the same...Either everything is hot pink, or dull gray brown. This was my first ever heron photo that had any merit, and I so want to print it out for everyone to see. I was so lucky to catch the fishing capture. Does the cropping have anything to do with the printing of the photo?
I am having problems printing from Photoshop CS6 to an Epson Pro 3880 in paper sizes 13x19 and 17x22. I have not had this problem several weeks ago, but it has shown up in the past week.
I worked with Epson Tech support and we were able to determine that the problem was with Photoshop which took several days working with tech support. We downloaded new drivers several times and reset the printer to factory settings. Then we tried printing and still had the same problems a small print in the lower left hand corner of these larger papers. The printer prints fine on 8.5x11 paper. We then tried printing from Lightroom 4 and it did fine. So next we uninstalled Photoshop CS6 and reinstalled and still found the exact same problem.
printing on my new 3880 through Photoshop CS5 on an iMac 10.6.8. Using Photoshop CS5 as 'color handling'-- the color mode is greyed out (can't change it) in the print settings. How can I change the color modes? Mostly turn off color management so I can use ICC printer profiles?
I've been noticing for a while that my Epson 3880 "keeps printing" after the image has been printed. I loaded some paper that is a little wider than 11x14 (12x14) but I print on it as if it's 11x14. I printed an image (only 8x10 on the page) and now that a wider paper is in the tray I see that a black line is being printed down the side of the page. It's a line that is actually being printed down the entire sheet. When the paper isn't wider than what I've specified the print head just goes past the paper and "thinks" it's printing on the paper.
The printer is an Epson 3880 with current drivers and I'm using the current version of Photoshop CS5.
how to print A3 size borderless portriat using Epson R1500W. I've got this printer 2 days ago and still can not figure aout how to do it. I've got few mm blank in either side of lenght wise.
I'm using LR4 current version on a Lion machine (also current version) - IMAC 27" (also current version) with an Epson 9880 printer. Currently trying this with the Lion driver and version 6.1.2 Epson profiles. I've also tried this with the most recent Snow Leopard driver with the same results. The profiles are not showing up in the "other" dialog within LR4. They do show up in printer setup. I also have a 4800 here and that is working fine. I notice that the Color Sync utility is not displaying them. I've tried downloading and reinstalling, restarting, etc. - no change. I don't recall this being a problem with LR3.
I have been using the Snow Leopard profiles because of the problems associated with the shaded color/BW print dialog in the Lion printer dialogs, for what that's worth, and I thought everything was fine but now,
Wondering how to best format prints for printer to avoid visible edge loss in printing. I have color borders on the photos, H & V.Do I subtract a 1/4th inch from each side while formatting? Order with "border" and cut the border?
Prints will be mounted on standzard 16 x20 backboard.
I'm trying to extend the edges of a number of images to give myself extra bleed room for print. The images have bits that are a little too near the edge and I need more room. The effect I'm looking for is repeating the final edge row of pixels for 1/8 of an inch beyond the original image on all side.
The obvious solution, manually repeating the row of pixels is too time consuming for the number of images I need to format.
The solution would have been simple if the imbeciles at adobe hadn't moved the "extend edges" option to the Oh-So-Useful auto lens correction tab in the lens correction filter. (how I HATE thee, Adobe)... Alas, I'm using CS5 and need an alternative solution.
I want to print custom size photo with LR4 and my Epson R2880, Epson driver v8.27, on OS X 10.8.4. In LR4 Print Module I set the cell size slightly smaller than an 8x10 (same aspect ratio but smaller by about 0.5 inch on both sides) on a Letter size paper. In the Epson driver I have tried all sort of options but no matter what I try, the print always come out exactly 8x10.
The subtitle should be "How do I choose the best profile without wasting a lot of time and paper?"
I have an Epson R3000 using Epson premium glossy paper. I am printing from Lightroom (and Photoshop). My understanding has been that the best color match would come from using the Epson appropriate paper profile and letting LR manage the color. However, my output, especially for skin tones had a distinct magenta color cast and really looked terrible. I spent a few hours rechecking settings and making test prints to confirm settings such as turning off color management in the printer. Finally, I called Adobe support. They were very useful and by changing the printer profile from Epson 'spr premium glossy' to my monitor (which is calibrated) profile, I actually get output that matches my screen pretty well. The bothersome part is that I came away with a new understanding that I now have to experiment with profiles when printing.
This is contrary to my earlier understanding that Epson and LR do all the experimentation and that by using the Epson printer, paper and matching profiles I can get reliable color matched output from LR. There must be a reason that printer and paper manufacturers go to the trouble of developing profiles. how to choose the appropriate profile when printing? There is the further question of the best output to send to a professional printer. Should I just set to sRGB?
Was printing 4x6" from LR 5.3 fine. To an Epson 3880. Then went to Page Settings (MAC) changed paper size to 8.5x11". The preview responded with a larger page. I scaled the image up to 8x10 via lightroom cell size. But when I printed to the Letter size paper, LR printed only a close to 4x6" top left corner. This was not a full image like the 4x6. It was just a corner.
Exported to PS and printed fine.Can not figure why the print will not print the full image?
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 and an Epson Stylus Photo R800. This printer is capable of printing very high quality pictures, as I know by using it for almost 5 years. I have bought Lightroom about 6 month ago. I have tried anything I can think off to get those fabulus pictures out of my Epson printer. I alterd color managment settings, changed print resolutions, downloaded new printerdriver, ... Nothing works. Print quality when printing from Lightroom is very poor. Bad colors (dark), stripes over the whole image, it looks like nothing realy. One of the things that I noticed is that the maximum resolution for printing in LR is 720 ppi. My Epson is capable of 1550 ppi. I see a lot of discussion going about print quality with lightroom... I think however this is a more basic problem. My print qualiti is realy very very bad...
Note, When I export a picture to .jpg format (I shoot in RAW only), and print this directly from Windows, I do get the perfect picture a was used to... I cannot believe that Lightroom is unable to do the same.
How to print A3 size borderless portrait using Epson R1500W. I've got this printer 2 days ago and still can not figure aout how to do it. I've got few mm blank in either side of length wise.
When printing, does the printer follows the bleed dimensions or my original dimension?
So if it follows the bleed dimension, (For example.) I want my name card to be 85mm x 45mm with 3mm bleed, my inital dimension (when being created) have to be 79mm x 39mm (due to minusing off 6mm on both sides)? Am I right to say that?
.I've just finished a poster and I need to send it over to the printer in jpeg format. I would like them to have a full bleed on the poster, how do I achieve this? I
I'm about to buy a new inkjet printer. I currently have an epson R1900 which I have liked, but I have been abusing this printer for years and it just stops working I'm thinking about the epson 3880 or R2000? but I wonder what some of you might recommend.
I'm a graphic and web designer. Would 3880 have more efficient way to print - in terms of ink usage?
I am unable to uncheck papersize ISO full bleed B1 in DWG to PDF.pc3 in filter papersizes in AutoCAD 2010. All other papersizes can be unchecked just fine.
I am cleaning it all up because the huge amount of printers and plotters, and all of their papersizes, makes it difficult for the people here to find the right choice to plot.
I would like to be able to uncheck this papersize too and have it all working well. I read this is a bug.