Photoshop :: Epson R1900 Printer Will Not Print Color Green - All Inks Are Full
Oct 15, 2013My epson R1900 printer will not print the color green- all inks are full
View 3 RepliesMy epson R1900 printer will not print the color green- all inks are full
View 3 RepliesI am not able to print images in Photoshop cs6 accurately using my Epson r1900 printer. This seems to have become an issue only since installing cs6. The images look dark and murky. I am using osx 10.7
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to print full bleed images to 3880 epson printer from LR 4.1 and for some reason won't let me make 8.5 x11 borderless prints to printer. both the left and right side of image has white borders and top and bottom has none.
both page grids sides go as low as 1 and cell size reads properly of 11.00in x 8.50in. but when you look at image in print mode in LR- it shows white borders on both sides of picture.
been on phone for 3 hrs with adobe and 30 min with epson tech to no avail?
On my MacBook OSX 10. 8.2 I can't print with my Epson printer. Yet I can print with Photoshop CS 5.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an Epson 1400, and it was working fine this morning. I usually go to Print Settings to select my glossy paper. But just now, when I went to print, and tried to click the Print settings... button, nothing happens. I have tried using Software Update and installed the latest Epson Printer Software, and tested several other applications, and the printer is connected and working fine in those.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwindows7 Epson 2880 printer I can print in Lightroom with no problem. CS6 was printing okay. Now when I try printing it says proceeding , but nothing happens. Cs6 does not crash. Just won 't print. My printer dialog box says error printing then recover file , but when i try again nothing. everything else seems okay. I restarted CS6 and rebooted computer , still no printing. What am Idoing wrong. Is does CS6 haveto be re instalked ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't print to my Epson R3000 printer from the Photoshop Elements 10 I have installed on a Mac OS 1.7.5
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy can't I get my Epson Printer to print the colors on the monitor> First time this is happening. Printer is okay...and history with the printer has been okay. Took some photo's heron, picking up a fish in a pond. Water is blue...heron is grey and white and has other yellowish and maroon coloring as well. The fish he caught was a gold fish. The colors on the monitor are wonderful.
The photo's were cropped severely. But are still clear. Now the water is pink...and the heron is a disgusting color of grey green. Have chosen ICM...chosen Adobe color profile. Used premium glossy white papers, Epson inks.
Tried printing it out without ICM and with different papers....still the same...Either everything is hot pink, or dull gray brown. This was my first ever heron photo that had any merit, and I so want to print it out for everyone to see. I was so lucky to catch the fishing capture. Does the cropping have anything to do with the printing of the photo?
I am trying to print from Photoshop CS6 to an Epson PictureMate color printer and an Epson PictureMate 225 printer. In both cases I want to let Photoshop manage color. I am finding no color profile for Epson in the list of profiles provided by Photoshop. The best I can do is choose “display” as my profile. Still my color prints do not match what I see on my screen in Photoshop. They are flat and washed out. How can I obtain print profiles for my Epson Printers to be used with Photoshop 6?
View 2 Replies View RelatedA friend who is new to gimp asked if gimp can recognize epson printer color profiles? He told me that when he uses photoshop, it allows him to choose papers and color settings? Can gimp do the same thing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got an epson 3880 printer. Printing on epson paper is fine. But printing on Ilford or Moab or other papers from lightroom and photoshop have a terrible magenta color cast. WHen I print the same image from Preview, with the same print driver settings, it looks fine. So somehow the adobe apps (or my settings) are messing up the color sync. I used to have an espon 2400 which worked just fine.
I have Mac OSX-10.9.1. Monitor is calibrated. (Prints to epson paper with their profiles look's just other profiles that are really bad).
Wondering how to best format prints for printer to avoid visible edge loss in printing. I have color borders on the photos, H & V.Do I subtract a 1/4th inch from each side while formatting? Order with "border" and cut the border?
Prints will be mounted on standzard 16 x20 backboard.
I have recently upgraded my system to Vista 64 and PS CS4 from Windows XP and PS CS3. Now when I print my photos have a severe green cast. I have tried turning off CM at the printer, in PS, both and on in each place and both, nothing seems to work. I have DL'd the paper profiles as well, still doesn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and Epson 3880 Printer version 8.64 incompatability issues -
can't print with printer driver, can't get 'Printer Settings'.
I want to buy and Epson 4000 printer for my art photos - I've always done film but I'm switching to digital finally and got 2-3 years worth of stuff scanned. I want to make nice, high-quality, archival prints. Should I buy the regular 4000 printer or the Pro? There is something about Post RIP devices in the Pro - I don't use InDesign, at least not yet, but I have heard that the colors and color targets are better with the Pro. I am still learning the all about digital stuff so I am a little uncertain but I have been doing photography for a long time and I want to make excellent prints. Is it worth the extra $350 or so?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI work with a large number of Illustrator files daily that all use the Pantone Solid Coated library for their swatch color scheme. This color library will be used whether customers provide the art pieces or if I design the pieces for them.
However, I have found that in order to best match our digital press we must to convert the inks to the Pantone Color Bridge CMYK PC library before printing.
Basically the same color number just the different library (eg PMS 200C would convert to PMS 200PC if outputing in-house to the digital press).
My question - is it possible to create a script that would swap out all the colors in a document (that are in a specific library) with the same colors from a different library?
*More specifically what I am wanting to do is if I have a document that has a dozen solid coated colors swap them for their same numerical equivelant in the Color Bridge CMYK PC library.
Well the printer, 2400 Epson, used to print ok with CS, but I'm clicking print and nothing is happening. I know the printer and cables are ok becuase it's printing fine with Image Print rip.
View 6 Replies View RelatedUsing my Espon R2000 with Photoshop CS5 and Windows 7 (32 bit), I have to re-select the printer every time I print a copy, resetting the paper type, orientation and printer profile.
Sometimes, mostly when I'm only doing my 2nd or 3rd copy, I can just click on the printer properties to make the selections, but most often when I do that I get the error message "because the printer does not exist". I've installed the most recent updates for Photoshop (ver. 12.0.4).
I just bought a new 4000 printer and the prints come out a little darker and with a little more magenta than what appears on my monitor.
The monitor has been calibrated using the spider software several times and each time it comes out the the same and I think that part of the process is good.
I have set my color workspace in Photoshop to US press defelts (Adobe 1998) and all seems well there.
The images have been scanned to 8000dpi using a High quality scanner from an outside source.
I open the image and convert to working space RGB, and do my correction to the image which includes more color saturation.
I go to print the image using Adobe1998 as source and the printer paper ICC as the output. I go to advanced options and make sure color correction are turned OFF and print.
The images on my printer always come out darker and with more magenta that what I see on the screen no matter what Icc profile I use for every kind of paper.
The softproof does not look that way.
When I print using same as source as the output with color correction sliders set to 0 the print will be much closer but still not quite like whats on the screen.
When I do it the correct way(the first way I discribed) why is my print comming out too dark and too much magenta?
I have asked Epson and gotten no response so I though I would try somewhere else. I have an Epson RX595 printer that can print to DVD's and CD's my question is ...
Is there a way to print a DVD/CD directly from Adobe Photoshop.? Is there a template that I can download and open in photoshop and it will be configures properly to print to this printer?
I can not find a way to print out a poster 1000 mm x 1500 mm.There is no such function in Xara X9.
how to print out a poster on a color laser printer A4 size?
What I mean is to use a Tiles or something that professional programs have.
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to print to my Epson PRO 3800, asking Photoshop to handle colors, this printer profiles are not available. I have this printer for years and have always used PS CS3 to print (and handle colors).
Now I have PS CS5 but continue to use 3 for printing to the 3800, because the Epson profiles disappeared from CS5. Now they have disappeared from CS3 too.
Have been working with Epson tech support to get colors to match the CS5 colors to no avail. Have claibrated my monitor usingHuey calibration unit and no matter what I try cannot get the correct colors.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI still use Photoshop CS2 and recently I downloaded the driver for my new Epson NX430 printer. Since then Photoshop won't open. I uninstalled the entire CS2 Suite and reinstalled. Photoshop still won't work though the rest of the programs do. I am using Mac OS X 10.4.11.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to import a scan from a Epson Workforce 545 printer. Program only shows "Frame from Video" Using a Mac on 10.8.3
View 1 Replies View Relatedlatest updates installed correctly... cs5 and cc6 installed on same machine... now the problem... when sending an image to the printer in cc the program crashes.... but it does not crash when the image is sent using cs5 .
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the Printer Settings drop down menu both Color Mode and Print Mode are grayed-out. This just happened I cannot think of anything I've done differently.
I'm using OS 10.6.8 and the latest Epson drivers for the 3880. I have re-installed both PS and the Epson drivers. If I print from Acrobat Reader everything seems to work fine, this only is happening in Photoshop CS5.
how to print A3 size borderless portriat using Epson R1500W. I've got this printer 2 days ago and still can not figure aout how to do it. I've got few mm blank in either side of lenght wise.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using LR4 current version on a Lion machine (also current version) - IMAC 27" (also current version) with an Epson 9880 printer. Currently trying this with the Lion driver and version 6.1.2 Epson profiles. I've also tried this with the most recent Snow Leopard driver with the same results. The profiles are not showing up in the "other" dialog within LR4. They do show up in printer setup. I also have a 4800 here and that is working fine. I notice that the Color Sync utility is not displaying them. I've tried downloading and reinstalling, restarting, etc. - no change. I don't recall this being a problem with LR3.
I have been using the Snow Leopard profiles because of the problems associated with the shaded color/BW print dialog in the Lion printer dialogs, for what that's worth, and I thought everything was fine but now,
Will Illustrator CS5 files print on a standard inkjet printer or is some sort of RIP software required? I'm considering an Epson WF-7520.
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