Photoshop :: Epson Stylus Photo 2200 Now Prints Green
May 18, 2009
I have recently upgraded my system to Vista 64 and PS CS4 from Windows XP and PS CS3. Now when I print my photos have a severe green cast. I have tried turning off CM at the printer, in PS, both and on in each place and both, nothing seems to work. I have DL'd the paper profiles as well, still doesn't work.
When I try to print a photo thru Photoshop to Epson stylus photo 2200, I get a meassge: paper out or not loaded correctly. Photoshop will print to another printer and the Epson will print from other appllications such as Word. It seem Photoshop and Epson are not communicating properly. The p[rintilng gliltch followed on the heels of Epson printing several images that were nowhere close to the images in Photoshop. recently, I added somw upadtes — a driver and at least one program update. I un;installed and reinstalled the CS 5, but the problem persists.
Is anyone using the Epson Stylus Photo 890 with Vista 64 bit? I cannot find drivers or profiles for that combination of OS and Printer. I have searched everywhere on the web.I need drivers or this printer is history ( yes it already is history but still works fine otherwise).
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 and an Epson Stylus Photo R800. This printer is capable of printing very high quality pictures, as I know by using it for almost 5 years. I have bought Lightroom about 6 month ago. I have tried anything I can think off to get those fabulus pictures out of my Epson printer. I alterd color managment settings, changed print resolutions, downloaded new printerdriver, ... Nothing works. Print quality when printing from Lightroom is very poor. Bad colors (dark), stripes over the whole image, it looks like nothing realy. One of the things that I noticed is that the maximum resolution for printing in LR is 720 ppi. My Epson is capable of 1550 ppi. I see a lot of discussion going about print quality with lightroom... I think however this is a more basic problem. My print qualiti is realy very very bad...
Note, When I export a picture to .jpg format (I shoot in RAW only), and print this directly from Windows, I do get the perfect picture a was used to... I cannot believe that Lightroom is unable to do the same.
I have a iMac 27" Mac with OSX Lion running Photoshop CS5...When i print to my Epson Stylus 1400 color printer I get the following error message...Disc Not Available...All other printing works
I recently upgraded to CorelDRAW X5 from X4. I'm having problems printing a landscape page to an Epson Stylus Pro 7880. This is a paper roll feeder. No matter what combination of settings I try it will only print portrait orientation. I had zero problems with X4. I have read as many of the previous forum posts I could find on this issue, so I'll add - I don't have a PPD file and the manufacturer does not either.
I've been printing for years with PS 5.5, 7, CS, & now CS3.
I've always allowed Photoshop to manage colors,; No color Management selected in Printer Driver, correct paper choice as provided by media Co., correct profile as provided by media Co., in Print Dialog.
In the past, what I saw on screen was extremely close to the printed results.
I just started printing again, with CS3, and though the prints look fine on the monitor, when viewed in CS3's Print Dialog with "Match Print Colors" / Soft Proof selected, the image not only turns much darker, but there is absolutely no hint of highlight "pop" left----Even the effect of sharpening disappears. The white borders even turn to a dull, bluish gray & the entire image assumes a dark, flat, dull appearance, and that's the way it prints!
This occurs with image files that have printed fine previously, and have not been altered in any way.
In CS3 I am having trouble getting my prints to match the image on my MacBookPro Monitor.
AT first the prints were coming out to green, so I calibrated my disply/monitor on my MacBook Pro. It seem to make a slight improvement and I used the Apple calibrating profile. Tricky to use.
I made some prints with my Epson 3800 Printer using PS to manage the printing. Still to green. Then I went over the color settings in my Preferances and followed the guide lines i read in my CS3 for Dummies book. I made some prints which came out 2-3 stops darker, but no green. So then I tried making the prints through the Epson profiles and not photoshop and they came out lighter but way to green.
The printer settngs in Photoshop are: Photoshop manages color; Adobe RGB printer profile, perceptual rendering intent, black point compensation on, color management set to off.
I'm using North American Prepress 2 color setting. I did not have this problem in the past, but I also did not know how often one shold czalibrate their monitor. Should I try reinstalling Photoshop or do I need to download any update drivers or profiles?
Prints from 2400 look good, but darker (about a stop darker) and bit more saturated that seeing on my calibrated Sony Artisan Monitor.
I can get good prints, but I now have to add an adjustment layer to files and lighten them all up, a real hassle. I don't remember this issue ever before.
I have an Imac with Mountain Lion, CS5 and have just replaced my Epson R2400 with an R3000. Now the white background round the image is covered in small cyan and light grey dots. If the image fills the paper, then the margin is affected. But when trying to proof colours I am going through loads of paper as I cannot now print a smaller image on a larger piece of paper, then re-feed the same sheet through with another small image as the paper is now pale blue.
The R2400 was fine for proofing, as the image alone would print and then the printer fed through the remainder of the sheet without printing, leaving the rest of the paper white. I understood from that , that it was most likely a Photoshop issue and some sort of conflict with the Paper profiles. But, I have checked the profiles on my Mac and they are all version 2 profiles. I note that the few profiles that do work without the blue colour do have 'bkpt' in their profiling and that the ones for the paper I actually do use and in fact the majority of the profiles, do not contain 'bkpt'.
I am trying to print an US Letter sized print, no matter what I do in the page setup and print settings, it still comes slightly off center, top and bottom are goo, but the print area is offset about 1/8" to the left?
I upgraded to win 8 64 bit and neither Canon nor Ilford have updated their software but I dont know whether that is causing red/orange to be printed as green.
I'm using phoroshop cs6, windows 7 and an Epson 3880. When I go to print, the print preview looks good, the paper size is correct but only the lower 1/2 -2/3 of the photo prints.
having problems with his Epson Perfection 3200 Photo scanner. He is using Photoshop 7.0. With Photoshop open he goes to 'import' and then clicks on 'Epson 3200 Photo' and he gets the following message
"Could not complete the import command because of a problem with the acqusition module interface"
and then it closes Photoshop. I have uninstalled all of the scanner software and reinstalled it and the same with the Photoshop 7.0 software but I still get the same error message.
I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. My PC runs Windows 7 Professional (64 bit). For years, I have produced high quality prints with my Epson Stylus Photo R280 printer. Not so recently.
The printer began depositing a colored stripe at the top and bottom of my photos (portrait orientation). And, horizontal streaking began appearing evenly spaced from top to bottom.
I called Epson tech support. The techie put me through many troubleshooting steps. The nozzle check pattern was fine, so she had me print using Photoshop Elements 7 and using Windows Picture Viewer. Both prints had the same issues - horizontal striping from top to bottom and wider stripes at the top of the page and bottom. She concluded that the problem is Elements!
how Elements 7 could be the culprit and what I can do to fix it. I love the printer and Elements but I cannot continue throwing money at paper and ink to test the printer.
I'm using CS4 in Windows 7. Our products have green text screenprinted on them. In the photos of some of them, the green is washed out or is yellowish. How can I adjust just the green text without affecting the rest of the photo?
How do i get rid of the green screen in a photo of mine? Trying not to delete the person in the picture or mess with her flowing hair. I have photoshop element 12.
How can I access my Epson Perfection 2400 Photo scanner after upgrading from PS CS4 to CS6? There is no Photoshop File/Export/Epson scanner listed anymore. I downloaded a TWAIN plug-in and loaded it in the PS Plug-in folder.
I am unable to link my Epson 3200 photo scanner to PS Elements 11 on my new iMac. I have tried downloading the software from the Epson website, but when I load it the nothing shows up. I moved the the Optional Plug-ins > Import Modules TWAIN plug in to the Plug-ins. That had no affect at Photoshop Elements 11>Support Files>Import.
On my old iMac I could link and download files from the Scanner.
I have a Monaco EZ color Optix color calibration system. The unit has a sensor that is used to calibrate your monitor and comes with a 4x6 color print that (with the help of the users scanner) can be used to calibrate your inkjet printer.
I've used this system for a year and it works quite well. Lately, I've been using Sams club photo center for my prints. The prints are a close match to my screen, but not perfect.
To get perfect prints, I have done the following (kluge) which works, but is very time consuming. I'm looking for the correct way to "Calibrate the Sams club photo printer".
I pretend Sams club photo center is a printer. I had them make a 8x10 photo of the Monaco printer calibration file. I then followed the printer calibration proceedure as if the Sams club photo center were my printer. This results in an ICC profile for the Sams club photo center.
Now in Photoshop, I print my images using this ICC profile to the "Adobe distiller printer" that I have, which makes a .pdf file, with the corrected print in it. I then "extract" a .jpg or .tif file from the .pdf file, and send the resulting file to Sams for printing.
As I said above, this works but is very combersum. Is there a way to do this directly in Photoshop. All I am doing is applying an ICC profile to the RGB of an existing file to create a new file.
I am printing from Elements 8 using an HP6500 printer and the lead edge prints right to the edge of the photo paper (4x6 or 5x7). This did not use to happen. I have looked for a place where the settings are causing this but cannot find it. The top and bottom margins look OK.
I just upgraded from Photoshop Elements 6 to Elements 11 on a brand new iMac running OS X 10.8.2, but Elements 11 will not recognize my Epson Perfection 4990 PHOTO Scanner as an option to import from when I click on "File" then "Import." Is there a Plug-In that may be missing for this to operate as it used to in Elements 6 running on an older G5 Non-Intel processor? I don't have the new Elements 11 Disk to copy anything from, since I downloaded the program directly from Adobe.
I've attached a leaf image. We'd like to "Autumnize" the leaf even more and remove the green from the leaf. I've tried playing with the various options in the Color drop down (Color Balance, Hue Saturation, Colorize, Brightness-Contrast, Threshold, Levels, Curves), but I can't seem to do it.