I'm using CS4 in Windows 7. Our products have green text screenprinted on them. In the photos of some of them, the green is washed out or is yellowish. How can I adjust just the green text without affecting the rest of the photo?
How do i get rid of the green screen in a photo of mine? Trying not to delete the person in the picture or mess with her flowing hair. I have photoshop element 12.
I have recently upgraded my system to Vista 64 and PS CS4 from Windows XP and PS CS3. Now when I print my photos have a severe green cast. I have tried turning off CM at the printer, in PS, both and on in each place and both, nothing seems to work. I have DL'd the paper profiles as well, still doesn't work.
I have several shots like this and of course the flash is entirely too bright, and an awful red background to boot. I just caught my dog under the covers so I really didn't have much choice in lightning. It was this or solid darkness.
I've played with brightness/hues/levels and I just can't figure out how to make these turn out decent.
I am printing from Elements 8 using an HP6500 printer and the lead edge prints right to the edge of the photo paper (4x6 or 5x7). This did not use to happen. I have looked for a place where the settings are causing this but cannot find it. The top and bottom margins look OK.
The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?
I am trying to move a layer with photo or adjust and then I get to see this sign. What am I doing wrong?Can you explain to me what I should do differently.
So how do you get the little green guide text bigger in illustrator? You know.. that little green "center" that appears when you mouse over the middle of the art board? If there isn't a way, I think I know why. It would have to be a conspiracy by Adobe to make everyone lose their eyesight so nobody can see well enough to design anymore, rendering the world without illustration. As a computer science major at a large university, I find it hard to believe that nobody can change the code to make this a user defined function in a menu. I miss my old desktop resolution.
I've attached a leaf image. We'd like to "Autumnize" the leaf even more and remove the green from the leaf. I've tried playing with the various options in the Color drop down (Color Balance, Hue Saturation, Colorize, Brightness-Contrast, Threshold, Levels, Curves), but I can't seem to do it.
PSE doesn't show the user all the text formatting capabilities available in PhotoShop, but this script can alter the tracking (character spacing) of the text on a layer.
Here are the steps to use the script:
Open Notepad.Copy this text and paste it into Notepad:/*<javascriptresource><name>Character Tracking</name><enableinfo>true</enableinfo><menu>automate</menu><about>Adjust the kerning.</about><category>Typography</category></javascriptresource>*/var targettext = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.textItemtargettext.tracking = 30
Use "Save As" with the File Type of "All Files" to save it asCharacter tracking.jsxin the C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop Elements 10PresetsScriptsdirectory.Keep the .JSX file open in Notepad.Start PSE. You'll have a new menu item: File...Automation Tools...Character Tracking.Create a document in PSE with some text on a text layer.With a text layer selected, run the Character Tracking script.To adjust the tracking, simply switch to Notepad and change the numeric value after the equals sign, save the file and re-run it in PSE. (No need to close and re-open PSE.)
You can use negative values, too -- any number between -1000 and 10000 is OK.
I've been trying the new 2.8 version of Gimp and find I don't like it. Is there a way to disable some of the new features. For example I don't like the use of group layers. I've gotten used to just seeing all of my layers in a single list and being able to move each one independantly if necessary. Is there a way to disable this feature? Second, I really don't like the need to "export" just because I need to change the file type. I'd rather just save in the file name I need it to be in as it has been done in past versions, this ads extra steps for simply saving a file. Can this also be a disabled feature so that I only have to click save and tell gimp what file to save it as? Third I don't like that the text box shows the font, size etc when on the workspace. It gets in the way when I'm trying to adjust the location of the text. I rather it just have the box and control the font size,color etc from the tool box. Is this a feature that can be disabled as well? In otherwords is it at all possible to revert those features to what it was in 2.6 as far as UI. If not I think I'll have to reinstall 2.6 until I have no choice but to update it and just live with these features despite the fact that they actually make what I do problematic.
Is there any way to adjust width of attribute text so that it is not out of contained block. The attribute is set at left alignment and width factor <=1.
I have a logo that i need to edit. I need to adjust the name in the same font and the remove some text from it. While maintaining the look of it. How do i go about doing that.
Having problems importing spreadsheet. The scaling of the table is off. The table comes in really small. I tried adjusting the scaling but the text didn't follow.
when i add a text to and make it full justify, it leaves lot of spacing and some lines have more spacing between words than other in short it does not look good , how can i make it proper looking
I am constructing a photo book with some text boxes. On a couple of the pages the line spacing seems to go haywire and hence the second line partially types over the first line. How do I adjust the line spacing ?
I have a text layer with width given at its creation. When I later open text editor and enter some wider text, it is wrapped to second line. So I would like to enhance the width of the layer to prevent this. When I add width to the layer using "Layer Boundary Size" menu item, text layer gets converted into standard bitmap layer . I don't understand the logic why a text layer isn't preserved on change of its size .
Is there a way how I can adjust size of text layer without its conversion to a bitmap?
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
Why can't I adjust the scale of my text by clicking and dragging the corner boxes? Why I have the text selected, all it does it let me highlight it to change font, size, etc, OR all I can do is move it throughout the artboard. Why can I click and drag the corner box to adjust?
Several times, we generate a drawing, and the text widths in the columns vary greatly. Some have text that is ten characters long, and others have thirty-plus characters.
Is there a way to be able to select the table (or perform the command to all tables in the current layout) and have each of the columns expand to the appropriate width, that depends on the longest string of text in that column, for each column. The problem I see, is that some tables have two columns, some have six, and of course other with any number in between. The same is also true for the amount of rows.
When attempting to add text to a photo, the typed text is not visible on the layer in the "Layers Box" until exiting the Text Tool. Text nexer is visible on the photo Background image. If the edited image is saved, the added typed text is not saved; only the original Background image. How do I reset the Text Tool so it will be functional?
recently the PSE screen goes red (transparent) when I attempt to use text on the photo and the text is unusable. I have tried numerous suggestions to get rid of it but to no avail...