Lightroom :: Cannot Print Custom Size With LR4 And Epson R2880
Feb 16, 2014
I want to print custom size photo with LR4 and my Epson R2880, Epson driver v8.27, on OS X 10.8.4. In LR4 Print Module I set the cell size slightly smaller than an 8x10 (same aspect ratio but smaller by about 0.5 inch on both sides) on a Letter size paper. In the Epson driver I have tried all sort of options but no matter what I try, the print always come out exactly 8x10.
When I print 11 x 17 paper on Epson R2880 in LR the image begins printing before the leading edge of the paper reaches the printerhead (not prininting borderless.) Only happens in LR and not PS. I am using the LR paper standards for borders.
How to print A3 size borderless portrait using Epson R1500W. I've got this printer 2 days ago and still can not figure aout how to do it. I've got few mm blank in either side of length wise.
I am having a very difficult time getting color matched prints with CS4 and my R2880 Epson printer. I had no issues with CS3. I have tried every combination available to me and I get very drab almost browinsh prints. I have the latest drivers and also have upgraded to Vista, no change there at all. I am using the proper ICC profiles as well.
Using LR 4 print module, 4x6 works fine, but changing to 8x10 still gives me a small print either in the middle of an 8.5x11 sheet or in the upper right corner.
I am using the 8x10 template so the cell shows 8x10, and in page settings I am using US letter (8.5x11) paper, zoom to fill. The image is cropped, but that shouldn't matter, right? It looks fine on screen.
It printed correctly when I printed with PS Elements, but I want to use LR.
Tried attaching a screen shot but that didn't work either.
I can't seem to figure out a problem I'm having trying to print using ABW mode on my Epson 3880 from LR5.3 - it is greyed out an inaccessible. I'm familiar with the safety net that precludes double color management when LR is set to print with a profile. But even when I have output set to "Managed By Printer" I still can't access ABW. It's grayed out. What am I missing here?
The subtitle should be "How do I choose the best profile without wasting a lot of time and paper?"
I have an Epson R3000 using Epson premium glossy paper. I am printing from Lightroom (and Photoshop). My understanding has been that the best color match would come from using the Epson appropriate paper profile and letting LR manage the color. However, my output, especially for skin tones had a distinct magenta color cast and really looked terrible. I spent a few hours rechecking settings and making test prints to confirm settings such as turning off color management in the printer. Finally, I called Adobe support. They were very useful and by changing the printer profile from Epson 'spr premium glossy' to my monitor (which is calibrated) profile, I actually get output that matches my screen pretty well. The bothersome part is that I came away with a new understanding that I now have to experiment with profiles when printing.
This is contrary to my earlier understanding that Epson and LR do all the experimentation and that by using the Epson printer, paper and matching profiles I can get reliable color matched output from LR. There must be a reason that printer and paper manufacturers go to the trouble of developing profiles. how to choose the appropriate profile when printing? There is the further question of the best output to send to a professional printer. Should I just set to sRGB?
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 and an Epson Stylus Photo R800. This printer is capable of printing very high quality pictures, as I know by using it for almost 5 years. I have bought Lightroom about 6 month ago. I have tried anything I can think off to get those fabulus pictures out of my Epson printer. I alterd color managment settings, changed print resolutions, downloaded new printerdriver, ... Nothing works. Print quality when printing from Lightroom is very poor. Bad colors (dark), stripes over the whole image, it looks like nothing realy. One of the things that I noticed is that the maximum resolution for printing in LR is 720 ppi. My Epson is capable of 1550 ppi. I see a lot of discussion going about print quality with lightroom... I think however this is a more basic problem. My print qualiti is realy very very bad...
Note, When I export a picture to .jpg format (I shoot in RAW only), and print this directly from Windows, I do get the perfect picture a was used to... I cannot believe that Lightroom is unable to do the same.
I've been trying to print full bleed images to 3880 epson printer from LR 4.1 and for some reason won't let me make 8.5 x11 borderless prints to printer. both the left and right side of image has white borders and top and bottom has none.
both page grids sides go as low as 1 and cell size reads properly of 11.00in x 8.50in. but when you look at image in print mode in LR- it shows white borders on both sides of picture.
been on phone for 3 hrs with adobe and 30 min with epson tech to no avail?
I have an HP 6500A Plus, and it should be capable of printing edge to edge, even on custom sizes. After contacting both Apple (I am running MacOS 10.8 Mountain Lion) and HP for answers, I burned a lot of time with Adobe either just plain not getting an answer because I didn't buy it or being given the run-around. I need to know what Photoshop is doing to block the available capabilities from working.
In both my Indesign and Illustrator (CS6), I can set up the document as tabloid size but when I try to print there is no Tabloid or custom size available under paper size of print setup and it will only print smaller. I need to print a page that is 8.5X14 as 11X17 with marks and bleeds. Urgent (for work).
I have just bought and installed Lightroom 5 and need to set my print size to A3 and in the future even bigger. I do not have the facility at home and need to have them sized correctly for the print shop so they do not have to waste time resizing them. I am at a loss how to do this. I cant find any settings for this size print. A3 is roughly 42 x 29.7 cm.
I am useing a Canon Pro 9000 MKII and when I try to print 11x14 paper, it will not alow custom paper size. The Canon printer driver does have custom size but it does not show up in printer settings.
Custom profiles created for printing to the Epson 3800's ABW (Advanced B&W) mode do not appear in the print dialog target dropdown. I'm forced to print out of PS 12 to use this feature.
If I select "Black" instead of ABW in the print driver dialog, I get my selection of ABW profiles in the dropdown, but I need this to work with the ABW setting.
I am trying to add custom profiles to the Print Module. I have never used outside labs before and want to do this now, , but when I enter custom, the pop up windows only gives me my installed printer profiles with no ability to add. I am using a MAC and the printer that I want to use this time is a Noritsu 311. I have the profiles, but can't seem to get them in to Lightroom.
I am trying to print a 22"x40" print on canvas using CS5 with the Epson 7600. The image prints fine until about 2/3 of the way thru and then it just stops. This has happened 3Xs now.
On first attempt the resolution was set at 300dpi and the file was about 400+mb.I've flattened the image and reduced the resolution to 200 making the file about 120mb. Same problem!
I printed the same image (at the larger size) on paper without any problem.
I'm replacing my "standard" end marks with my own logo for when clients are in the studio to view image. What is a good general size for them that isn't too large? How many pixels wide (and yes i know it depends partially on how wide I have the panels set, but for the default settings on the program on a 23" moniter) is best to start with?
I am still stuck with dimension size in LR4. If I would like to crop a picture to a certain dimension.
I need to have my pictures cropped to 4600 x 3000 - so what I am doing is I enter the dimension in custom ratio, then in export I choose image file and enter 4600 x 3000 in dimension size. and then - my picture turns out with 4600 x 2990?
I have managed to get the right size before but for the love of god I can just not remember what I did different then..
I am unable to print from Photoshop CS6 to two different Epson printers - an Epson 9800 and an Epson 7880. I have tried to print from three different computers (OS 10.6 and OS 10.8) and have also tried three different USB cables. Each time I get the same results - the computer acts like it sends the data to the printer, but the printer never prints anything. I am not getting any error messages. I am attepting to print a 3960x2160, 720 DPI RGB TIF image. I tried printing from Preview as a test but that didn't work either.
I have tried reinstalling drivers, turning the computer and printers on and off, cleared my caches and repaired permissions, but so far no luck.However there is ONE situation in which I am able to print - if I save the image as PDF and print it from from Acrobat, specifically with "Acrobat Color Management" selected, it WILL print. If I try to print from Acrobat with "Printer Manages Colors" selected, it will not print.
My new MacBookPro using Photoshop CS4 prints just fine to my Epson 2400 and 1900 however when using my new 4900 I click "print" and the printer icon bounces once in the dock and then disappears. The printer then gyrates and makes noise but puts out no image.
I can print documents and images from Preview and Pages and the web on the 4900 so I know the printer can print. I have reloaded CS4 several times from my disc and the Epson driver several times to no avail.
The Epson tech guy says what appears obvious, that the printer is working fine but that PS cannot communicate with the 4900.
It does, however, print happily to a USB Epson 2200 plugged into the same machine. All other apps on this Mountain Lion Mac Mini, including CS4 Illustrator, print fine to the 4900. I have tried both a USB and a network connection to the printer with the same result. There is *some* small output to the printer (just a flash on the print monitor), but no output results.
Photoshop will not print on my epson 837 but will print on other printers and other apps can print on this 837.
I do get an error message that I should reset the Printer's color management in the Printer's dialog box, but when I click Print to get to the dialog, it just disappears.
PS - I have uninstalled and reinstalled the printer on the mac; then again after downloading a fresh driver from epson...though this is unlikely to be the problem since I have now confirmed that every other app prints just fine.
I deleted all of my paper presets and tried making new ones... I keep getting this error msg and don't know what it means or how to correct the color sync:
ColorSync color matching may produce different results than printer color management. Either Photoshop color management or printer color management is recommended.
I have a problem with CS3... When I want to print a 100x300cm or longer banner with Epson 9800 the print preview of Epson doesn't show the complete document. A1 to B0 jobs has no problem. At the print preview 1/3 or 1/4 of the banner is blank...With CS2 there is no problem.
I install the updates for CS3 but problem is still on.
I sellected the PDF printer as default.(I read this in a forum)
I have 2 9800, 1 9880 and 5 4800 on a network...
With CS3: If I save the banner in PSD, PDF, JPEG, TIF format doesn't matter. Same problem.
I try the job on Corel X3 as JPEG it doesn't read anything on some PC's, the print preview is blank. Some PC's read the document with Corel X3.
I'd like to prepare a multiple pages package in the Print Module. I need to view each single page, as because every time I add new page the cells become smaller and it's hard to arrange the images well.