Illustrator :: How To Crop (to PDF Print) Full Bleed Document
Mar 14, 2013
I have a document which is sized for full bleed printing. I would also like to make PDF prints of this document, but if I simply print, then everything will be off by a little. Is there a non-destructive way to 'crop' the document back to the paper size?
I've been trying to print full bleed images to 3880 epson printer from LR 4.1 and for some reason won't let me make 8.5 x11 borderless prints to printer. both the left and right side of image has white borders and top and bottom has none.
both page grids sides go as low as 1 and cell size reads properly of 11.00in x 8.50in. but when you look at image in print mode in LR- it shows white borders on both sides of picture.
been on phone for 3 hrs with adobe and 30 min with epson tech to no avail?
I can't get my document to save a PDF with the bleed area, it shows the cropmarks but not bleed area. Also in my Object tab I do not have the option of Crop area.
In PS CS4 Mac, I used to be able to print the full document info that appears in the title bar, including the currently selected layer/group. This would print at the top of my document and might look like:
File Name.psd 100% (layer name, RGB/8)
I always thought this was a function of selecting "Label" in the Output window of the print dialogue box. However, it does not seem to be working anymore, and now it simply prints the file name, like this:
File Name.psd
How can I turn this feature back on so that I get the entire document window? Or another method to accomplish something similar? I am printing individual layers from a single document and having them automatically "labeled" is useful.
I need publishing a PDF from a Word document full of diagrams created with Adobe Illustrator CS6. My diagrams are all vector. I am free to export them anyway I like. My Word doc has many cross-references, footnotes and Endnote references and a large table of contents. It is a few hundred pages long, with around 50 diagrams. I would like to preserve the original quality of the vector art and the intra-document clickable links.
Each step in the process has multiple possible paths, and each path often many options. There are 3 steps:
1) Export from Illustrator to: .ai, .pdf, .eps, .wmf, .emf optional 1b) Convert (eg. use Acrobat to convert .ai to .doc, .eps or .ps)
2) Import to Word: drap and drop, file cut and paste, insert picture, insert object, insert object linked to file, PDF Reflow (Word 2013). I tried them all.
3) Publish to PDF from Word. Many different paths... - Print to PDF: I have AdobePDF, PDFCreator, NovaPDF printers installed - Save as... : Save as->AdobePDF or Save as->PDF or XPS - Plugin toolbars: Acrobat->CreatePDF, NovaPDF->Save as PDF, PDF Architect->Convert or - Save as .doc and convert with Adobe Acrobat.
I have tried many different permutations. There are 4 possible errors: E1 - The diagrams are converted into bitmaps. E2 - The diagrams are 'linearised' - curves are converted into chains of linear sections E3 - The diagrams are corrupted - text missing, characters changed, dotted lines become solid lines etc. E4 - Hyperlinks are lost.
Here are some results of my tests. I see no difference so far between Word 2007 and Word 2013. Results below stand for both.There is no difference between Word->Acrobat->CreatePDF and Acrobat->Convert Word to PDF.Illustrator -> AI -> Acrobat -> Word almost works, but diagrams are corrupted in various ways (eg. dashed lines become solid).When export from Illustrator as EPS level 2, EPS level 3, EMF, WMF and PDF and get different results depending on the path to PDF:
No links preserved: Word->Print to AdobePDF: Good: eps2, eps3, emf Bad: PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Print to PDFArchitect: Good: eps2, eps3, emf Bad: PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Print to PDFCreator: Good: eps2, eps3, emf Bad: PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Print to NovaPDF: Good: - Bad: eps2 (E2), eps3 (E2/E3), emf (E3), PDF (E1), wmf (E2) Word->Toolbar->PDFArchitect: Simply prints with current postscript printer. One of above.
So, only the "Word->Print to PDF" pathways provide good quality vector diagrams, but none of these preserve intra-document links.
I have: - Adobe Creative Cloud CS6 (Illustrator, Acrobat etc. all latest versions) - Word 2007 (latest version (SP3 12.0.6683.5002)) - Word 2013 (Office 365 latest version) - Access to a Mac with Word 2011.
.I've just finished a poster and I need to send it over to the printer in jpeg format. I would like them to have a full bleed on the poster, how do I achieve this? I
I recently u[graded from a very old Illustrator version to CS6 and I noticed the crop tool is missing. It used to be really easy in the old version to drag the crop tool around the area in question and crop marks would be generated automatically. Then I could save and print just that area only. Now this tool is gone and I am having trouble with finding a way to define the area I want to save or print. When i generate crop marks and then save, all i get is a file with plenty of white around it that also shows the crop marks....
I am unable to uncheck papersize ISO full bleed B1 in DWG to PDF.pc3 in filter papersizes in AutoCAD 2010. All other papersizes can be unchecked just fine.
I am cleaning it all up because the huge amount of printers and plotters, and all of their papersizes, makes it difficult for the people here to find the right choice to plot.
I would like to be able to uncheck this papersize too and have it all working well. I read this is a bug.
I have 2 issues to deal with. I have a poster I've created in 11x17 but I want to make sure that I get a full bleed when I send it over to the print shop, how would I do this?
issue#2: I will need to reduce the size of the 11x17 to a 5.6in width 7in height. How do I do this? The reason for the size reduction is because I need it for newspaper printing so I need to make sure to keep my 11x17.
Gimp 2.7 now offers the ability to add crop marks to print outs.
However, where can I find the setting for how far they should appear from the picture's edge. I want to adjust the width of the bleed, which is 0 (zero) at the moment (which is completely pointless of course).
I am using InDesign CS5 and Photoshop CS5 and have scanned full color illustrations into Photoshop. I am preparing 7x10 saddle stitch and casebound books with the illustrations which need at a 1/8" bleed area. My problem is the illustrations have key elements right up to the edge of them. I need to add complementary colors to fill in the bleed area around them so I don't lose any of the originals. What is the best way to do this? Also, I need to copy colors from the illustrations and make separate pages of the colors to import into InDesign. What is the best method to do this? The colored pages will be the background with story text on them and reside opposite to the illustrations.
Unable to print document on windows CS6.6..Not enough memory was available or an object was too complex. Reducing the size of this document window may work. Document was created on mac book pro CS 16.2.1.
I need to print a document with partial UV-spots, and cannot figure out how to make my Illustrator document ready for print!
The online print center guides me to: create a 'seperate print channel' for the specific elements in my document i want covered, with either a '5th color or a special color' set for 'over-print and 100% color'.
There is a new plug-in for Illustrator from Onyx for banner print preparation:[URL]
Is there any macro or external program with similar functions for the preparation of banner print (Bleed, grommets, marks - see attachment) for CorelDraw?
I'm trying to extend the edges of a number of images to give myself extra bleed room for print. The images have bits that are a little too near the edge and I need more room. The effect I'm looking for is repeating the final edge row of pixels for 1/8 of an inch beyond the original image on all side.
The obvious solution, manually repeating the row of pixels is too time consuming for the number of images I need to format.
The solution would have been simple if the imbeciles at adobe hadn't moved the "extend edges" option to the Oh-So-Useful auto lens correction tab in the lens correction filter. (how I HATE thee, Adobe)... Alas, I'm using CS5 and need an alternative solution.
Was printing 4x6" from LR 5.3 fine. To an Epson 3880. Then went to Page Settings (MAC) changed paper size to 8.5x11". The preview responded with a larger page. I scaled the image up to 8x10 via lightroom cell size. But when I printed to the Letter size paper, LR printed only a close to 4x6" top left corner. This was not a full image like the 4x6. It was just a corner.
Exported to PS and printed fine.Can not figure why the print will not print the full image?
I create a graphic that has the dimensions of a standard piece of paper (8.5in X 11in) and then i savedit on a disc for my friend and he goes to office max to print it out and it comes out with a border... Is there a way to get rid of the border or can printers just not print full page.
when I expand the document window in the client area of the user interface, the window expands completely to cover the whole screen, including the surrounding panels, menus, etc. The only thing shown is the full document window. I'm not sure if this is something that can be configured in the preferences or not. I've tried all the interface settings and nothing works.
I was under the impression that when hovering my mouse over the document title bar, I would see a tooltip showing the full file name, including the path. This isn't happening and I'm wondering if there is a way to do this. I know I can click File > Save As, or Ctrl+Shift-S to see the full path, but hovering over the title bar would be easier. (What I am seeing now in the tool tip is the file name, % magnification and which layer I have selected. Basically, the tool tip is just showing what's in the title bar without hovering.)
I've designed 2 artboards (basically two halves of one image) for a competition entry. Pieces can only be submitted in jpeg or png at 5mb max and using only one file. I've designed it at actual size (approx 4000x1000 mm). I have managed to reduce it and save the whole image as a png file (with a white gap dividng the two panels) I'm now thinking this is amateurish and the required bleed setting may have been lost. So,
1. The correct way to crop artwork to each artboard and export artboards to one jpeg or png file. 2. Maintain bleed settings around each artboard.
I'm designing a simple flyer that will be printed (I have little experience in the print world) and it might need to bleed to the edges, though I'm waiting to hear back from the person I'm designing it for.
If it does bleed to the edges, do I only need to make sure that the artwork on my artboard touches the edges of my artboard? OR is there something else that needs to be done?