AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Uncheck Papersize ISO Full Bleed B1 In DWG To PDF
Jul 8, 2010
I am unable to uncheck papersize ISO full bleed B1 in DWG to PDF.pc3 in filter papersizes in AutoCAD 2010. All other papersizes can be unchecked just fine.
I am cleaning it all up because the huge amount of printers and plotters, and all of their papersizes, makes it difficult for the people here to find the right choice to plot.
I would like to be able to uncheck this papersize too and have it all working well. I read this is a bug.
.I've just finished a poster and I need to send it over to the printer in jpeg format. I would like them to have a full bleed on the poster, how do I achieve this? I
I have a document which is sized for full bleed printing. I would also like to make PDF prints of this document, but if I simply print, then everything will be off by a little. Is there a non-destructive way to 'crop' the document back to the paper size?
I have 2 issues to deal with. I have a poster I've created in 11x17 but I want to make sure that I get a full bleed when I send it over to the print shop, how would I do this?
issue#2: I will need to reduce the size of the 11x17 to a 5.6in width 7in height. How do I do this? The reason for the size reduction is because I need it for newspaper printing so I need to make sure to keep my 11x17.
I've been trying to print full bleed images to 3880 epson printer from LR 4.1 and for some reason won't let me make 8.5 x11 borderless prints to printer. both the left and right side of image has white borders and top and bottom has none.
both page grids sides go as low as 1 and cell size reads properly of 11.00in x 8.50in. but when you look at image in print mode in LR- it shows white borders on both sides of picture.
been on phone for 3 hrs with adobe and 30 min with epson tech to no avail?
I am using InDesign CS5 and Photoshop CS5 and have scanned full color illustrations into Photoshop. I am preparing 7x10 saddle stitch and casebound books with the illustrations which need at a 1/8" bleed area. My problem is the illustrations have key elements right up to the edge of them. I need to add complementary colors to fill in the bleed area around them so I don't lose any of the originals. What is the best way to do this? Also, I need to copy colors from the illustrations and make separate pages of the colors to import into InDesign. What is the best method to do this? The colored pages will be the background with story text on them and reside opposite to the illustrations.
How I can check/uncheck the override text model check box in tolerance dialog (for a dimension in a .idw document), in a DLL add in. Is possible, or inventor api not include this possibility.
Why is my command-bar limited to just 80 characters, when by the looks of it, it could easily fit 200 characters in before having to use a second line of text?
I often want to copy the filepath of the current .dwg and paste it into explorer, but it only pastes the first line of text!
See attached .jpg or text below
Your current drawing filepath is M:196493-CADOPV 3-Entwurf 5 PVModelLAG_AUS_1989_0000_LAGEP_BAUP_XXXXXXXX_MS001_20130321-Synthesis-Plan-Of- pipelines_AB.dwg. command:)
I cannot get the Full-Screen Tracking Vector to display. I toggle the button in Options>Drafting and hit apply, but nothing. Help says that the Track path System Variable should be = 1, but when the button is on, the Variable = 0. If I set the Variable = 1, it shuts the button off.
When I try to do a full back up my catalog in PSE 11, I get the error message "Your system is low on disk space, and Elements Organiser cannot perform this operation". My catalog is 9GB, and my C drive has 94GB free, and my external D drive 204GB. I run under Windows 8.
Any variables that would cause my XREF paths to change from Full Path to Relative Path when I save a drawing?
This is something that just started happening recently and has me completely at a loss. I haven't installed any patches or hot fixes recently and nothing else has changed that I'm aware of.
I try to load AutoCAD 2010 on windows 7 but it keeps on failing Language Pack - English failed installation aborted, Result 1624 so it rolls back and doesn't install.
When I put photo's from my camara (Olympus C5060) on my computer, they have a doc. dimension of about 22" in Width and about 17" in Height, at 72dpi.
Then, if I want to change it to 300dpi for printing, the size will go to about 5" and 4", and I can accept that. But should I Uncheck Resample Image to keep the quality?
New user of Elements 10. I am trying to change an image size but NOT keep the current height/width ratio.
When I go into the Image Size option box, the Constrain proportions box is ticked, so when I change the width, the height automatically alters to a new figure (say 100 x 50 becomes 200 x 100)
What I need to do is to have different sizes (say 100 x 50 to become 200 x 160). I realise that the image will look wrong, but this is not a problem, in fact it is what I am trying to achieve.
What do I have to do to be able to uncheck this option within the Image Resize dialogue box.
In a previous version of Photoshop, that I had access to, this was achieved by simply un-ticking the option.
my default process is Adobe RGB. If I save a RAW image (Nikon D200) as a jpeg after adjustments in PS5.5, and I uncheck the "save as Adobe RGB" box, will the image be saved as an sRGB jpeg?
I want to keep the width pixel size the same but change the height of the background layer (canvas). When I unchecked constrain proportions and choose reshape, of course the proportions are off on the layers within and when I try to resize each of those layers, they become blurry.
I have many drawings that were created with the xref's as full path and I need them to be relative path. I would just go in and reatch them as relative path but the drawings are complete and there are different layers frozen in each one.
I have found a way to convert FULL to RELATIVE using XRP2004.lsp but not the other way round. Main reason I want to do this is to change the Relative to Full, move the drawing and then revert them back to Relative.
I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
Has any experienced a situation where they were unable to explode a block created with the cut & paste command?
My block "A$C58A67B84" which is an anonymous name created by AutoCAD is a floor plan from a customer in which we need to make changes or additions to however this block acts like when it was created the "Allow Exploding" box was un-checked. I know that was not the case though, since all I did was a regular "Cut & Paste".