AutoCAD 2010 :: XREF Changes From Full To Relative Path After Saving Drawing
Feb 29, 2012
Any variables that would cause my XREF paths to change from Full Path to Relative Path when I save a drawing?
This is something that just started happening recently and has me completely at a loss. I haven't installed any patches or hot fixes recently and nothing else has changed that I'm aware of.
I have many drawings that were created with the xref's as full path and I need them to be relative path. I would just go in and reatch them as relative path but the drawings are complete and there are different layers frozen in each one.
I have found a way to convert FULL to RELATIVE using XRP2004.lsp but not the other way round. Main reason I want to do this is to change the Relative to Full, move the drawing and then revert them back to Relative.
Problem with lost Xref path when attaching a file using relative pathing? We are using Autocad 2010 and Windows 7. If we attach the same file using Windows XP the problem does not happen.
I wanted to attach an image as Xref to my drawing. I like to set my Xref's relative but in this occasion I get the error "Relative path cannot be assigned".
How do I get the full Xref Path name instead of Xref.dwg? I'm scratching my head is this totally under my nose... cause I don't see where the property is stored. I'm getting EV_BDR.dwg instead of C:folderEV_BDR.dwg
I have a lot of drawings that someone inserted the Xref's, but the Xref's are "Attached, and Full Path"; however, I need to change them to "Overlay, and Relative Path".
Periodically, when I try to create an XREF using the Relative Path option, C3D will tell me that it can't use the relative path. But if I then close the drawing and reopen it, the command works just fine. why C3D sometimes fails to do this, or why closing and reopening the drawing fixes the problem.
Is there a way to make sure whenever I x-ref a file it is not saved as "full path"? I prefer that be the default as I never x-ref outside of the folder I am working in.
I am using autocad 2011. I am trying to attach a drawing as a xreg with a relative path. It keeps giving me relative path can not be assigned. I have tried saving the dwg. I have even started a new drawing and tried again but it keeps giving me the same error. All my drawing are in the same folder on a network drive. Another employee can open the drawing file from his computer and attach the same file fine. when He does it I can see the relative path. Is there a setting that I am missing?
When I choose Open Drawing and the window pops up, it would be nice if the full path name of the file showed up on the bar where it shows the file name (see attachment). As it is I can't tell if this file is on my c drive or my back-up drive.
The individual drawings show the full path name once they're open, can the same be achieved with the Open Drawing window?
In Civil 3D 2012, if you enable the option of "Display full path in title" under the Options --> Open and Save --> File Open area, the active drawing name and path displayed in the Tittlebar is not correct?
I've noticed this when the drawing window is maximized, didn't check when restored. Win7 (x64), EVGA 790i, 8GB RAM, EVGA 8800GT, 250 GB iSSHDD, & RAID 0/1
A co-worker asked how to display the full drawing path in the window header. He said that it used to, now doesn't. I have never seen the full path of the drawing in the header before. Mine just says "AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 (Drawing File Name) [Project Folder]"
I am building a plugin which needs to change the xref path within a drawing without opening it.
here is my. I am new to .Net c#
[CommandMethod("refremap")] public void refremap() // This method can have any name { //Get the document Document Doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = Doc.Editor;
My computer is not searching for the xrefs correctly. Whenever I switch to another job and try to load an xref, the computer searches under the last job I worked on and nothing else. I have several folders listed as search paths but it just seems to be ignoring them. We never used to have this problem and I cannot figure out what has changed.
We have a procedure of detaching Xref's from any drawing on our project to minimize Navisworks load time.
Is there a way to save a list of xref’s that are in your drawing so the next time I go back to that drawing I can just pick on the saved list and it will pull up all those xref’s??
We load a composite of over 2000 models. The drawings that contain xref's in them increase load time so we have to detach all xref's from the drawings before we save to minimize this load time.
I'm attempting to bind an xref into a drawing. I keep getting an error message: "Some objects in the specified xref failed to bind." Any reason why some objects couldn't bind? I've thawed all layers in the drawings..
Is there a setting that would cause a xref to detach itself when the drawing is closed? I have an existing model, went through the time to relocate all the attachments.
Once everything is attached I save my work close it out and move to another area, when I open up the model I was working on before with all the attachments that I had located, the xrefs are no longer attached and I must redo all the work that was done previously.
I am trying to bind an Xref into my working drawing. Whenever I try to perform this command, an error message appears that says "Some objects in the specified Xref(s) failed to bind." No list of objects has been provided. I have tried exploding, purging and auditing both the Xref and the working drawing to make sure there are no extranneous objects in the files, but the message keeps appearing.
For new drawings, is there a way to program Autocad to always load Xrefs relative? We pretty much use xrefs everywhere, and it seems like it would save a lot of time if I didn't have to open the External References and change each xref to relative.
Also, if you have an existing drawing and need to change the xref from absolute to relative path, is there a way to have it automatically do that? I'm assuming there isn't, but thought I'd ask.
When I either attach or overlay my Xrefs they always appear dark in my drawing; is this normal? If I open the file (that I am xreferencing in) it is very clear.
I have a drawing where I have placed all of my natural gas piping. I have all of the annotative blocks set to 3/32"=1'-0" and 1/32"=1'-0" scales. They are both correctly displayed in this drawing.
When I xref this drawing into another about half of the 1/32" blocks show up correctly. The other half are shifted to the right off of the plan. All of the 3/32" blocks show up correctly.
Whenever I use "attachimage" within a drawing, I specify relative path. I would assume that if I open the file on another computer, AutoCAD would be able to find the image as long as it is in the same folder as the DWG file. This is never the case. I always get an error message stating that the reference is missing and it asks if I want to update its location. What good is specifying a relative path then? I'm using AutoCAD 2010.
I am attaching a File as a xRef. At the time of Attachment, I select attach as attachment, and No Path in Path.
Now if I try to fetch detail of this file using MdiActiveDocument.Database and BlockTableRecord, I gets only file name not the path. However, In AutoCAD we can see the file path under "Found At". Can we read / fetch this using C#.
In case of Full Path or relative Path, I gets full path in btr.PathName
Here is my code and I am using AutoCAD 2013
Database db = acadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database; using (Transaction Trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { BlockTable BlkTbl = (BlockTable)Trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead,false,true); db.ResolveXrefs(false, false);
I am trying to write a standard scrpit file for a data extraction using -EATTEXT. I plan for others to use this script file on different computers, so I will not be able to put in a full file path; it will need to remain relative. Unfortunately, AutoCAD will not recognize a relative file path entered into the command line for -EATTEXT.
I'm trying to specify the image source for ribbon images using relative syntax but having no luck.
If I use this:
button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"c:\folderA\folderB\image.png") );
it works just fine. But it relies on absolute syntax, which is daft since it forces the code to be installed in a specific directory (or the images).
I've tried
button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"images\image.png", UriKind.Relative) ); and button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"images/image.png", UriKind.Relative) );
and I've tried placing the images subdirectory with the png file relative to the assembly, to the project source folder and even relative to AutoCAD itself - and in none of the cases do I get an image. I'd like the images subfolder to be relative to the compiled assembly.