Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Do A Full Back Up Catalog In 11
Sep 30, 2013
When I try to do a full back up my catalog in PSE 11, I get the error message "Your system is low on disk space, and Elements Organiser cannot perform this operation". My catalog is 9GB, and my C drive has 94GB free, and my external D drive 204GB. I run under Windows 8.
when I go to quit LR and backup the catalog I am getting a message that reads "Lightroom was unable to back up the catalog named .... Please check your folder permissions, and make sure that you have available space on your backup drive and main catalog's drive." I backed up the catalog as recently as 11/12 (it is 11/16) without incident, as I have been doing for my catalog for many years. The drive to which I back up and which has the main catalog has sufficient space to backup. Folder permissions all seem to be in order. I have tried to backup on 3 different drives and get the same message each time. I have a Mac Pro Tower running OS 10.7.5. I am using LR 4.4.
I have version 11 of PSE and it has been operating great with one exception. Whenever I attempt to do a full back-up it goes through the regular process including reconnecting missing data but then at the end when it should start backing-up it stops responding.
My PSE 12 download and the Catalog worked fine for two days but something changed and it now only opens videos, not photos. I've tried "reconnecting" with no change. I suspect I need to replace the catalog. I have full backups with TLY and BUC files on external hard drives but I'm past my skill level to proceed.
After installing PSE 11, it asks to do a Full Catalog Backup. After selecting and starting the backup it goes to 92% complete and then hangs and the application crashes. Tried several times, same result.
I have installed it in my desktop running WIN 8 Release Preview Eval copy (Build8400) 64 bit.
Going through the process PSE11 tells me I will need 16 DVDs. After the first one or two (sometimes three) I receive an error message, asking to update the firmware of my DVD burner. I have the latest firmware installed, and do not have any issues burning multiple DVDs with other software (Nero; Version 12). I have tried Fuji as well as TDK media and tried burning @ 8x (My drive and the media are both rated @ 16x). I have also tried turning off Media analysis. As a last resort, I uninstalled and re-installed PSE11. All with no success.
I am able to back up this catalogue to an external hard drive as well as an internal hard drive, but want to back up to a more stable media (DVD).
Win 7 (64-bit) with all updates and all drivers are the latest versions.
C for the programs, D for the photos and F for the backup photos
With the upgrade to Elements 12, C is nearly maxed out
Except for "C" there are multiple catalogs on each drive, C should have none
I do not see an ability to convert the most recent catalog on each drive?
When a catalog is converted - does it reside on the same drive as the catalog?
If a catalog ends up on the wrong drive, for example C - can I just move/drag it to another drive?
Your catalogs end up under something called "breeze data" and are very diffcult to find, why are they called this?
This conversion appears to have placed the converted photographs in 'C", is that possible, since they were not there at the start?
When I tried a conversion earlier this evening, it only did the most recent photographs I had accessed, how do I ensure it gets them all?
Since it did a partial conversion, will the rest of the conversion land in the same catalogue or in a completely new one?
When a file is converted, and I return to the drive, how will the icon be changed so that I know it has been converted?
For the previous elements 10, can I just drag it from Drive C to D (that way I can still use it with the pictures I have not converted), and have it still operate or must it reside in a program files folder?
As I type this I wonder if I might not be better off with just leaving the photographs as they are on 10 and starting afresh on elements 12
I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?
My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list.
The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2. It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer. But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager. The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8). I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice. This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog. How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog?
When building the first catalog, is there a way to prevent Lightroom from scanning everything connected to the computer?
I want it to scan ONE folder, something without a few hundred thousand TIFF and RAW image files (along with various copies of each of them in full and low res versions of JPG & PNG).
I have signed up for CC. If I import my LR4 catalog into LR5 and 6 months down the line decide to cancel the cloud and go back to LR4, can I import the LR5 catalog back into LR4?
My daughter turned off my MAC mid-session edit and now I can't load any pictures from any session let alone that session I was working on. I even tried to close out and back up and it won't back up the catalog..way to get my images back.
I am trying to open a Lightroom catalog that I have on a back up hard drive (I have the original files on the back up too). However, when I try to open I get the message "The Lightoom catalog cannot be used because the parent folder 'name' does not allow files to be created within it."
How I can get access to the images without going back to the machine I used to create the catalog?
I just mistakenly deleted all my 5000 dng files, and some xmp files are in the trash too. How do I get them back in the catalog? My last backup says it was after I had deleted them (apparently I set it to auto backup?) My only excuse is that I was in an accident 2 days ago. Maybe shouldn't be doing much in Lightroom~!
I am working on a group of about 20,000 pictures. It is the stored photos of multiple users on a network drive. My job is to organize the pictures in LR. When I am done, several users will be sharing the catalog. The workflow the group wants to use involves downloading the catalog from a shared site on the network to their desktop. The users would then upload the latest catalog back to the network when they are finished. They are used to the communication this involves and share other work this way.
I am working from my home computer. (The VPN was too slow) I have the pictures at home on a portable external drive. The catalog is on my internal drive. When I have a section done, I export it as a catalog onto the external drive. I import it to the latest version of the master catalog on a desktop at work. The work computer security does not allow me to directly work from my portable external drive so I have to copy and past the import catalog on to the desktop before I import it. When I import it to the master catalog, I move the pictures to the network drive.
My main question is can the users back-up the catalog on the network drive? As part of their workflow, they would automatically back-up the catalog to the network. The next users would then download the back-up to their desktop to use. Once a week, we would clear old back-ups.
Also, are we losing information from the catalog when we copy it back and forth?
I am losing print presets (and import presets) as I test this. When I test the process on two computers at home, this does not happen. I wonder if it is the work computer security? Part of my workflow is to create a pdf contact sheet to send to the user. I use the form pdf wizard to make it interactive so the user can fill in whether to discard the picture and identify people/add text. I e-mail them the contact sheet. They e-mail it back completed. The preset can be recreated but it is tempermental. I want something I can leave for the users.
Going back to look for photos in LR is very tedious due to this error. I fully expect this error to occur multiple times while locating a past photo. I have to do it in steps by closing LR often, and reopening it so I don't have to start at the beginning of the search when this error occurs. LR does not write a current position to disk until closed (it should write current), which means it forgets where I was after this error.
My photos are in directories by year/date. Expanding a year to find a photo is like fully expecting this error to occur. My preferred import arrangement is year/date (to minimize the length of any one physical file list based in the way I shoot). I don't know if it's the arrangement, but this errors a LOT. I am on V4.4, and this error has been occurring for as long as I can remember. The product testers are obviously not running into this error since it isn't getting fixed. I don't think they test the left pane very well for the various directory schemes that a user can come up with.
My catalog previews were recently rebuilt. The catalog is around 5gb and contains all my photos. I am using SSDs for the LR user files, catalog, raw cache, and previews. Only the actual photos are on spinners.
I am unable to uncheck papersize ISO full bleed B1 in DWG to PDF.pc3 in filter papersizes in AutoCAD 2010. All other papersizes can be unchecked just fine.
I am cleaning it all up because the huge amount of printers and plotters, and all of their papersizes, makes it difficult for the people here to find the right choice to plot.
I would like to be able to uncheck this papersize too and have it all working well. I read this is a bug.
Lightroom occasionally displays a dialog indicating it can't find the default catalog when starting, yet when I choose the default catalog in the dialog it opens as expected.
I installed my upgrade to LR5 last night but it keeps giving me an error when I try to upgrade my LR4 catalog. It goes through the initial steps, stays at "preparing new searchable data" for a long time, then eventually stops and pops up the error message: "Unable to upgrade catalog. Lightroom encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom". I tried upgrading a smaller catalog that I don't use anymore and it worked fine. how I can get this catalog converted? Its my main catalog with all of my current years' images. For the time being LR 4 is working fine but I'd love to get 5 up and running.
When I run the backup command when exiting LIghtroom 4.2 I get an error that Lightroom was unable to back up my catalog. I have tried many options if unchecking the optomize and and test integrity. And different backup loctions on different drives. I have searched for this issuse and I do not seem to be finding an answer that will solve my problem. I am using a iMac.
For some reason I am no longer able to backup my LR catalog. I have folders in two separate external hard drives but when I attempt backup I get a message: "Lightroom was unable to backup the catalog named Lightroom 4 Catalog. Please check folder permissions...." Could it be that the catalog has become too large as I have well over 200,000 images in it? I don't understand what "folder permissions" I need to check.
Sometimes my fingers slips on certain shortcuts, but this one changed my background and paper to all white. And I can't change it back to paper being white and background being dark grey. I make a new document and it is still all white but now it shows the paper border.
I have an issue where videos aren’t importing into my catalog, but the videos play fine on the machine. Forums suggest that there might be an issue with the video cache, and some threads suggest I try to purge the cache. I go to Preferences > File Handling > Video Cache Settings > Purge Cache, and I get the dialog:
The Video cache is being purged. This message with be dismissed when the purge is finished.
I’ve let that message appear for 24+ hours, and it still doesn’t go away.
My questions: Where videos don’t import? How to manually purge the video cache through some other method than the Preferences UI? .
Edited a corridor section. Hit some button (not sure what) now I can't get back to my regular view. If I select the "Top" view, now all that shows up is one contour, and the top of one cross section, like it's only showing stuff that is at one elevation.
Since this morning, I'm unable to import photos or create a new catalog in LR 4.2 on Mac OS X 10.8.2. When I choose "File -> Import Photo or Video" nothing happens. The same happens when I choose "Create new catalog". Also when I insert a CF card into my cardreader, there is no import dialog popping up.
I have updated to 4.2 a while ago but never tried to import new photos so I wasn't aware of that issue.
I tried to reinstall LR and I also optimized the catalog but that did not solve the problem either.
I used Photoshop Album and Photoshop Elements then to place thousands of tags on nearly 15,000 digital photos. I bought Photoshop CS5 few months ago and I find no way to use my information without going through my catalogs Photoshop Elements. Does that mean that thousands of my information will be useless if, in addition to Photoshop, I do not buy Photoshop Elements? I'd be willing to update my Albums Elements but why buy when I have the full version?