PSE users have posted questions about removing deleted folders from the PSE catalog since version 5 or 6. Back in 2009, the recommendation was to delete only in PSE. However, I manage my folders, backups, and archives in Windows, because I prefer the interface and use other tools. This causes me to have many grayed-out folders in the PSE catalog. As each new version comes out, I hope this will get fixed, with no luck so far. Are there any new features in version 11 that make this possible? Is there any hope that a future versions will allow the user to clean up the catalog, or synchronize automatically to the real folder structure?
I have upgreaded to Elements 10 and when doing the catalog conversion many of the folders in the new catalog are missing the files(photos). When I right-click on those folders and try to add the files I can see the missing files attempting to transfer but on completion I receive this: :The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this folder"-BUT-the files are NOt in the folder in the catalog. They are in the folder on my computer as I am able to access them easily-They simply did not end up in the catalog's respective folders. I am using Windows XP Pro and all my Folders and Files are on an external drive and are saved there when I download the photos from my camera. I have not had this issue before--How might I get these files into the folder in the catalog?-I tried setting up a new catalog and attempted to convert again with the same results.
We are new to Adobe Photo Elements (version 8) and are having trouble bringing files into our catalog. When we go to Files> Get Photos and Videos> From Files and Folders, we can select a folder in the root, but then it disappears from view and we can't navigate down to a subfolder.
We anticipated that the folder pane, which looks a lot like Windows Explorer, would allow us to navigate the folder hierarchy until we found the folder or file we wanted to import or open. Apparently, this is not how it works. In our case, we do not want to catalog the whole folder hierarchy, but one of the subfolders.
When I try to do a full back up my catalog in PSE 11, I get the error message "Your system is low on disk space, and Elements Organiser cannot perform this operation". My catalog is 9GB, and my C drive has 94GB free, and my external D drive 204GB. I run under Windows 8.
Old PC Windows XP with PSE8. New PC Windows 8 with PSE11.I did a backup and restore operation. After the restore, there was a large list of files that could not be restored. I also noticed that there were a large number of thumbnails with a question mark attached.
I did a reconnect using FindAll missing files. Instead of placing the recovered files in their original path and folder location, they ended up in an entirely different path in the Folders View. I tried to drag the folders back to their original location, but got the message: folder with that name already exists at the requested location, even though it wasn't visible. In addition some of the folders involved were no longer visible in either path structure.
I checked in the My Folders View, and it showed that the folders involved in the reconnect were still intact. I opened one or two and found they contained the original missing images.How can I get the folders and their images back to their correct places in the original path structure?
why all of a sudden all my images and folders are not in alphabetical order. everytime you re-name or add a file to photoshop it detects and goes in order. now ive got to search to see where that file is.
Is there a way to have the organizer folders set up the same was as Windows Explorer? I have a main folder called Family with sub folders for all the years and in each of the subfolders there could be other subfolders. It wouldn't allow me to click on main folder and get all sub folders. I had to open main folder and then it shows all folders and sub folders separately. They are no longer nested.
Along the same lines, I wanted to create an album of Family with all subfolders, but that doesn't work.that is definitely a short coming which is why I never have used the organizer program, but just PSE for editing.
I've run Lightroom from the beginning and love it. For some reason, I developed multiple catalogs. I remedied that today with a master catalog which seems to have worked fine with one exception: On my hard disk my photos are arranged in Date Folders as subject subfolders. (e.g., 2010>familytrip20091225>email [or Phanfare, or black/white, etc.]) Now, however, the folders are gone and everything arranged alphabetically by first subfolder order (in the foregoing example, familytrip20091225 would fall under "f" rather than as a subfolder under 2010. The folder 2010 does not appear.
I have more than 10,000 pictures in this catalog and hunting for them this way is counter productive.chronological.I run LR4.1 in Windows 7 on a new HP desktop with plenty of RAM and memory.
1. When creating a subclip from the source sequence, I then go to edit the name of the new subclip in the Media Library. After doing this, the sequence timeline switches to what looks like a viewer, and won't switch out of that mode until I double-click a sequence in the Media Library. This appears to happen when I create a new folder and drag the subclip into it.
2. Clips in the Medial Library within Folders are in sorted order. Please allow the editor to place clips, folders and sequences in whatever order they want, via drag and drop placement.
3. Shift-/ (play in-out) does not appear to work.
4. Names in the Media Library that are too long only show the end of the name. Standard Mac behavior is to show the beginning, then an ellipsis, and finally the end.
5. When viewing a source "timeline" (which rocks, BTW), please remove the name of the source from the timeline track. It gets in the way of audio waveforms, and in this case, is redundant since there's only the one clip anyway.
I've been using LR for 18 months or so now, and do pretty well with it. But my organization, I think, is lacking. I'm not sure when I would want to start a new catalog, or why. It seems to be a pain to go from one catalog to another, just to access different folders of pics that I've worked on in LR. I now have dozens of folders that I can access in my current catalog, and I'm wondering if it's getting to be too many. I shoot lots of events, from weddings to dance performances, so many of my folders might have 1,000 images or more.
Are there any links to information or instructional videos that really explain the organizational process of LR? What I've seen so far gets me started in LR. It hasn't really explained how long you can stay in one catalog, or how many pictures can be in there, before LR's performance starts tailing off. I am a member of Kelby Training, NAPP, and I use a Mac Pro on a SSD, 32 gigs of RAM, so I should have plenty of comp power. Not really facing doggish problems right now, but just curious about LR's optimal organization.
Prior to 2011 I was using Bridge/Photoshop and organized the files by client.
In 2011 I started using LR and let it import new sessions using the year/yyyy-mm-dd folder structure. I now use LR exclusively 99% of the time, and would like to "re-import" my older images into the year/yyyy-mm-dd structure and do away with my haphazard prior organization for those images. Is there a way to get LR to reorganize the files (i.e. move all the old images into year/yyyy-mm-dd folders) while keeping all other catalog/editing metadata intact?
How does this sound for an approach:
Synchronize to make sure the catalog is up to dateSave Metadata so that all metadata is written to sidecar files or into the image files for formats that support itIn LR "remove" the foldersImport the folders with the "Move" option but disable renaming.
All of my folders in my Lightroom 4.3 catalog vanished, though you can still see the folder/file structure when using my Mac Finder. So clearly the folder structure exists, but the program can no longer view them or reads them.
I have right clicked on catalog and none of the choices return the tree view of my folders. I did back up my catalog last time I used Lightroom (it and the ircat and ircat alias files are on an external drive) to another external drive. How to return all my folders that apparently are not viewable? Might the Carbon Copy Cloner software I used (recommended as being good for Lightroom 4.3 by several) have messed up the folder view.
Is it possible to use "Locate missing folders" feature for MANY folders which were just physically moved from one drive to another? I'm talking about HUNDERDS of folders which were moved from fast internal drive to slower external drives for archiving, however occassional access to the pictures is needed.
I imported pictures into LR from three different SD cards. On one of the cards, I inadvertantly created it in a subfolder. I have been working for several days to correct the problem, but just seem to keep making it worse.
I renamed the 2013 subfolder and drug it into the 2013 parent.
I renamed the May folder as Maay1 and drug into the 2013 folder and that took care of it, but I can't get the Apr folder fixed. I renamed it Apr1 and drug it into the parent Apr folder and ended up with
I have been trying to move the Apr1 images into the Apr parent folder, but get the message that "there is already a folder named "Apr" and a fail. The two Apr folders seem to contain the same images, so could probably delete the subfolder Apr, but a little afraid to. I have spent a lot of time editing the images, and would have to reimport them as originals from the backup.
We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?
I typically import my photo's from my camera and reorganize the photos by date.
However I just had several thousand old printed photographs scanned.
I have: 1. Imported the photographs into a seperate new catalog2. Labeled all the photographs with keywords 3. Metadata->Edit Capture Time so that the capture time is now the correct date
Now I would like to reorganize the photo's into folders by date the usaual yyyy/yyyy-mm/yyyy-mm-dd by the capture time date.
I have tried to import them into another catalog either by either "Import Photo's and Video" or by "Import from another catalog" either way the new catalog has the folders by date that the photographs were scanned not by the capture time that I changed.
How do I do this change the folders to be by capture date?
My problem is that when I'm importing photos from my folders on the computer to my catalog in Lightroom 4, Lightroom doesn't import all photos from my folders. It imports the first 3-4 photos rom my folder.
I keep all my image folders in one Master Catalog on one disk.
My system of filing is to have a main folder, say "Airshows", with sub folders named "Original-RAW Files" and "Finished Files".
Each sub folder is then further sub divided into "Show 1", "Show 2", "Show 3", etc.
This system also enable me to duplicate my files in such a way that they can be accessed by programmes other than Lightroom.
I also like to make Collections of specific planes which appear and therefore the Collections can include images taken at any number of individual shows but as LR3 keeps the Folders and the Collections in different sections, this entails looking in two different locations for any images taken at Airshows.Another disadvantage is that I believe LR Collections cannot be accessed by other third party programmes should I wish to change from Adobe.
I would like maintain my current filing system (which suits my purposes), but wish to find a way to file say,"Spitfire" Collection as "AirshowFinished FilesSpitfire" so that all files are kept together.
Is there a way to achieve this without resorting to making duplicate image files ?
How can I EXCLUDE particular folders/files from being included in the Lightroom 5 catalog?
I want to be able to specify paths and/or filename patterns that should NEVER be indexed in the catalog: not that they don't show up under certain circumstances, just that they are NOT THERE (in the catalog) to begin with!!
I also do NOT want to have to respecify these criteria when "synching" the catalog; criteria should be PERMANENT (or at least 'til they're changed in LR preferences).
I just upgraded my external hard drive and named the new drive with the exact same name as the original, lets call this HD-1. My entire LR gallery is on this drive. After doing a complete backup to the new drive I opened LR and all Folders and Collects were in their place as they should be.
The Problem -
When I imputed new photos, a new duplicate hard drive appeared with the exact same name HD-1 and holding the newly imported images (which were placed in a subfolder at time of import)
- So now my Catalog shows two hard drives called HD-1. For sake of this discussion I will label them HD-1a and HD-1b. HD-1a has the original photos and HD-1b has the newly imported photos.
- I tried draging the new subfolder of photos for HD-1b to HD-1a but I get a message that the folder already exists, even though it doesn't show in the HD-1a folder structure.
- I created a new sub-folder in HD-1a and was able to drag the photos into it. I then deleted the empty folder on HD-1b. As soon as this was done the duplicate hard drive, HD-1b disapeared.
- I thought this solved the problem but as I was working on images by opening them from LR into Photoshop, the HD-1b drive reappered in my catalog with the PS created files in them.
- So it looks like LR will put any newly created or improted photo file into HD-1b. I can't seem to find a way around this. For some reason LR doesn't want to write new files into HD-1a even though it recognizes it and has no problem reading the existing files.
My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list.
The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2. It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer. But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager. The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8). I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice. This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog. How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog?
I am having trouble trying to select certain lines in order to delete them.I am using AutoCAD 2009.
I am needing to import my map to a program to use.When I import the map the program is only showing the useable portion of the map in the top right corner because there are some invisible objects hidden at the edge of the .dwg file. When i hit cntrl+a, these show up but otherwise I can't select them. I would like to know how to make these items selectable so i can delete them.
I just purcgased an iMac (and installed LR3) after running LR3 on a MacBook for several months. Is there a straightforward way to copy all of my content (folders, collections and catalog) from the laptop to the desktop? I'm essentially trying to duplicate what's in my laptop LR3 on my desktop LR3.
when I go to quit LR and backup the catalog I am getting a message that reads "Lightroom was unable to back up the catalog named .... Please check your folder permissions, and make sure that you have available space on your backup drive and main catalog's drive." I backed up the catalog as recently as 11/12 (it is 11/16) without incident, as I have been doing for my catalog for many years. The drive to which I back up and which has the main catalog has sufficient space to backup. Folder permissions all seem to be in order. I have tried to backup on 3 different drives and get the same message each time. I have a Mac Pro Tower running OS 10.7.5. I am using LR 4.4.
I have signed up for CC. If I import my LR4 catalog into LR5 and 6 months down the line decide to cancel the cloud and go back to LR4, can I import the LR5 catalog back into LR4?