AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Remove ISO B1 Full Bleed From Plot Config File?
Jan 9, 2013Why I cannot remove the ISO b1 full bleed from this plot config file?
I never print metric so there is no need to for it.
Why I cannot remove the ISO b1 full bleed from this plot config file?
I never print metric so there is no need to for it.
I am unable to uncheck papersize ISO full bleed B1 in DWG to PDF.pc3 in filter papersizes in AutoCAD 2010. All other papersizes can be unchecked just fine.
I am cleaning it all up because the huge amount of printers and plotters, and all of their papersizes, makes it difficult for the people here to find the right choice to plot.
I would like to be able to uncheck this papersize too and have it all working well. I read this is a bug.
The Pagesetup isn't showing up in the Pagesetup dialog.
But when I close the drawing and open it up it's visible.
What am I missing here? Still new with this transaction concept...
<CommandMethod("aps")> _Public Sub AddPlotSetting() 'TODO: Finish Cleaning Print Function Dim s_PlotSettingsFile As String = "c: est.dwg Dim s_PageSetupName As String = "catdog" Dim s_MediaName As String = "11 x 17"
I'm facing a problem that is when i'm doing view plot in AutoCad 2010, around my drawing there are few words : produced by an autodesk educational product .
This words come to 4 sides of my drawing which up,down,left and right. How to remove those words and make my drawing clear?
i''ve a problem. After i had removed photoshop CS4 on windows 8. It's still in my config screen.When i push 'remove' i get a message that 'the installationfile is corrupt'. This is also the message when i try to re-installphotoshop 4. I removed all adobefiles in the regedit and msconfig
View 1 Replies View Related.I've just finished a poster and I need to send it over to the printer in jpeg format. I would like them to have a full bleed on the poster, how do I achieve this? I
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a document which is sized for full bleed printing. I would also like to make PDF prints of this document, but if I simply print, then everything will be off by a little. Is there a non-destructive way to 'crop' the document back to the paper size?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to designate a full bleed print or a smaller bottom margin than .56in in the print module. How?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have 2 issues to deal with. I have a poster I've created in 11x17 but I want to make sure that I get a full bleed when I send it over to the print shop, how would I do this?
issue#2: I will need to reduce the size of the 11x17 to a 5.6in width 7in height. How do I do this? The reason for the size reduction is because I need it for newspaper printing so I need to make sure to keep my 11x17.
I've been trying to print full bleed images to 3880 epson printer from LR 4.1 and for some reason won't let me make 8.5 x11 borderless prints to printer. both the left and right side of image has white borders and top and bottom has none.
both page grids sides go as low as 1 and cell size reads properly of 11.00in x 8.50in. but when you look at image in print mode in LR- it shows white borders on both sides of picture.
been on phone for 3 hrs with adobe and 30 min with epson tech to no avail?
I am using InDesign CS5 and Photoshop CS5 and have scanned full color illustrations into Photoshop. I am preparing 7x10 saddle stitch and casebound books with the illustrations which need at a 1/8" bleed area. My problem is the illustrations have key elements right up to the edge of them. I need to add complementary colors to fill in the bleed area around them so I don't lose any of the originals. What is the best way to do this? Also, I need to copy colors from the illustrations and make separate pages of the colors to import into InDesign. What is the best method to do this? The colored pages will be the background with story text on them and reside opposite to the illustrations.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDWG configuration? I keep trying different configurations but none are acceptable to our quality department.
What I need is for dimensions to retain associativeness(not exploded), and for the dimensions to retain their fit (i.e. look like they do in the idw)
What the heck? Brand new machine and new autocad 2012 MEP install.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to plot (draw) the xy data saved in a CSV file?
I’m not sure if there is an enhanced workflow to plot the xy coordinates saved in an CSV file in the AutoCAD 2012.
I found the approach below in the web
1.Open the Excel file.
2. Save it as a .CSV file (comma separated values).
3. Open the .CSV file in notepad, add two lines at the top:
4. Then save this file with a .SCR file extension.
5. In AutoCAD run the ._Script command, and pick the .SCR file above.
My office is running into a printing issue, when different people are plotting off the same drawing file.
I've checked the .CTB file, all of us are using the same file, all .CTB parameters are identical, and no line weights have been set up within the layers, all are set to default, and no transparency has been used.
One man prints the file from AutoCAD2013, on a Windows 7-32bit computer, to our HP Laser Jet 8150N and his drawing comes out light.
I print the same drawing file from AutoCAD2012, on a Windows 7-32bit computer to the same printer with the same .CTB file and my drawing file prints dark. Much darker than his does.
We're having the same issue with other computers here in the office all printing to the same printer using exactly the same .CTB file. I've checked all the versions of Windows, and we're all using Windows 7 32-bit.
The only thing I can think of is that maybe we have different graphics cards as the computers have been purchased at different times.
how to remove following message which appears when i open new / file existing file. This also changes my settings and autocad does not work properly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know that you can create a Custom dictionary for spell checking in AutoCad, I us one for adding new words daily. What i need to know, is there a way to remove suggested words from the Main DCT file? i.e. word is suppose to be "REFEED", but autocad wants to change it to "REEFED". These are totally different means, the latter not appropriate for client drawings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a problem to plot thin lines and dots when Plot Transparency option is On in the Plot dialog box.
The lineweight is a half of the original. I think i have tried everything.
It shows correctly in the Plot Preview but when printed there are no dotted hatches and lines are much thinner.
AutoCAD - Why does the Normal plot style plot in color? Black seems to make a lot more sense. Almost everyone in Architecture uses black prints most frequently so that should be the default. And you can't adjust Normal to all black. So what was AutoDesk's reasoning?
View 9 Replies View RelatedGhost in the machine or something:
- HP T110044 plotter.
- All drawings in this project (oops did a saveas and now I screwed).
- All Windows 7-64bit
- AutoCAD 2013
- drawings have Revit AutoCAD dumps X-referenced to them
- Title block is x-refed and created same way as above
- drawing scale is Unitles as well as insert units
- plot preview shows a drawing at 100%
- Drawings will plot fine to 50% scale and 100% scale to PDF but NOT100% to the HP plotter.
- when ploting to 100% size, plotter progress bar in AutoCAD takes awhile, hangs, then dissapears and a new bar appears and jumps across and spits out a blank sheet.
-I have the "plot paperspace last" checkbox checked.
- Could my plotter driver be corrupted?
- Tried on several machines and same thing happend.
I have just switched over to 2014 and i cannot for the life of me get my batch plot to plot PDF's to a single file! Instead, it's printing all 37 layouts separate. I tried switching between multi-file & single file in the publish options, but nothing!
i know that it took me a while to perfect my settings the last time i set up a new version, but i am struggling to work it out now.
2004 and how to turn "plot to file" off? Any time they go to plot the plot to file is already set and grayed out. It has been way too long since 2004 and I don't know where to have them look although I assume it is in Options somewhere.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am plotting a file that has a pdf referenced into it. The quality of the plot is degraded only at the inserted pdf. The rest of the AutoCAD file looks fine. The inserted pdf is a printed AutoCAD file which looks clear and even has embedded layers and linework I can snap to (which seems to indicate that there is vector information present when it is in Autocad.
I have attached an image with 4 zoomed-in screen shots to show what I'm describing.
how to find out using the .NET API if a plot device requires a file name when ploting?
E.g. choosing the plot to PDF device would require a file name.
How to turn plot and publish log file off? (see attached pic)
I found out how to turn the one off under plot stamp settings, but I would like this box to be unchecked also and I want to do it automatically for all my users.
Civil3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional - 64-bit
HP Z400
Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz
24GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
Using someone elses template. When I plot to PDF the layout sheet name is not the PDF plot file name, it uses the drawing file name (and hence the same file name for all plots, not what I want). When I plot in paper space, my layout sheet name is the output file name, is there a way to change this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWe recently made the switch from R14 to 2000. In the LONG process of trying to figure out plotting in 2000, I ended up having a lot of plotter names to select from when I go to plot. We have 2 HP 450C plotters and 2 printers (HP5000N & HP 1220C) and I only have one pc3 file for each on the server. I want to nknow how to remove some of the plotter names from ACAD and have only the 2 plotters and 2 printers to choose from when you go to plot.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to plot a 3D object but can't remove the hidden lines. On typing "hide" they are removed and appear removed in the plot preview but they still appear in the hard copy.
View 1 Replies View Relatedusing acad 2010.
i want to remove all the printers i don't use from the plot > printerlist (also system printers). how can i do it?
Our supplier sent us some wierd size pdfs that are not full size or half size. I am trying to resize them to full size pdfs (Arch D) but am unable to figure this out in Acrobat.
My work-around is to insert them in AutoCAD and scale them based on known dimensions, then print to pdf. Unfortunately the resulting file is collosal and the quality degraded.
I was wondering if there was an option to set Inventor to display the full file path for the current file open ? At present I am only seeing a short description of the name of the active file - I wish to see it's full file path similar to what AutoCAD displays.
Cad Manager/Senior Designer
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)