AutoCad :: Remove Unused Printers From Plot Dialog?
Oct 24, 2012using acad 2010.
i want to remove all the printers i don't use from the plot > printerlist (also system printers). how can i do it?
using acad 2010.
i want to remove all the printers i don't use from the plot > printerlist (also system printers). how can i do it?
I am using AutoCAD 2006. I have a set of road plans that is 25 pages long. This means that I have 1 model space tab and 25 paperspace layouts. Each paperspace layout contains 1 viewport that shows a specific piece of my model space drawing. I need to be able to print these 25 layouts to multiple printers at multiple sizes. Specifically, I want to be able to print 11x17 sheets on printer #1, 11x17 sheets on printer #2, and 22x36 sheets on printer #2. I know how to create named page setups so that I can just pick which one I want to use to print.
Problem #1 - When I change from printer #1 to printer #2, keeping the same size (11x17) sheet, the paper moves slightly relative to my viewport that is on the page. Therefore, I have to move 25 viewports (1 on each page) every time I want to print my plans.
Problem #2 - When I change the size of page I want to print, the viewport does not size to the page. Therefore, I have to resize the 25 viewports and re-zoom their contents every time I change the size of paper I'm printing on.
Problem #3 - When I want to change the printer or size of sheet that I am using, I have to go to every layout tab and select the individual plot setup that I want to use. Is there a way to apply 1 named page setup to all layouts at once?
Ideally, there would be some way to link the viewport to dynamically change with changes in the paper location and size, but I'm not sure that's possible.
Again, I am using AutoCAD 2006.
I cannot get my program to print to any of our network printers. I am using Autocad 2013 LT with FusionWare and Windows 7 on a Macpro OSX Lion. This started being a problem a few weeks ago and the only way I can get anything printed is to make a pdf and and then print the pdf from Acrobat.
Today I brought in a HP 940c printer from home and connected it to my desktop printer. I spent an hour uninstalling and installing the drivers. I can now print from Acrobat on both the PC and Mac sides of the computer, but when I try it from Autocad I get Error_Printing in the HP printer window. No info as to what the error might be. I tried this several times, tried renaming the file with a shorter name but since the driver puts in the entire path that was a futile gesture.
So I have confirmed that the printer is functioning correctly, just not with Autocad. I realize that i do have a working workaround but it is tedius and unnecessay to keep making all those pdfs.
how to create page setups for multiple printers in a network environment?
Here is the problem:
We have 2 offices with 3-7 printers per office and each printer with different capabilities (black and white, color, 11x17, wide format, etc.). I have CAD users who know little about setting up layouts so I want to create preconfigured layouts that they can import from a template via Design Center or other means.
I know I could set up a layout for each printer, page size, plot scale, and plot style table, but that gets to be so many layout permutations that it becomes overwhelming to manage and use. Up until now I had set up PC3 files for a few commonly used printers (wide format plotter, laser, pdf) and gave them generic names with the intent that I could simply direct the output to any printer by assigning it to one of the generic PC3 files. The problem I've encountered is that over time we've acquired new printers and old printers sometimes go offline or out of service and many of the printers have incompatible printable areas and page sizes to each other, so for example a page setup that calls for an 11x17 sheet for one printer does not have an equivalent size when a different printer is assigned to the layout.
Are we stuck with having to configure setups for each and every printer and permutation?
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
Coworker is setting up a new Win7 (64bit) machine but we don't have the ability to upgrade CAD at this time. So running AutoCAD Mechanical 2007. (Yes we know they don't always play nice) Two other workstations here are running the same OS & CAD and print without issues. This new machine AutoCAD does not see any system printers. Have made sure the "Hide System Printers" is not checked under options. I can add a plotter file for each system printer and that workaround is OK, but why this one machine can't see the system printers. They are Xerox workstations on the network - not local. We have already restarted AutoCAD and restarted the PC.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere else do they keep this setting? I only have found it in Active Layout in extended dada
(entget (vlax-vla-object->ename(vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))) '("*"))
The last pice of extended data is:
When i change it to 1
(setq layout(vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object))))
(vla-getXdata layout "PLOTTRANSPARENCY" 'type 'data)
(vlax-safearray-fill data '("PLOTTRANSPARENCY" 1))
(vla-setXdata layout type data)
it stays there (extended data), but the setting in Plot dialog box doesn't change!!! And it still prints no transparency.
It takes to save the drawing and reopen it again to see the change.
The command -PLOT does not have this setting as well, so my options back to VBA or Lisp, but HOW?
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I tried to activate "show the layer edges", but it does not account for the layer style/drop shadow I've placed and also it goes away when you start to use the crop tool itself. So this doesn't really work.
Is there another way to do this? Other than eyeballing it? I want the image too be cropped as tightly as possible, but I do not want to tight too tight and cut of the drop shadow.
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I have recently started working on a project in metric and have a weird (to me) issue when I try to plot. There are literally hundreds, of scale options in the Scale popup, most of which make no sense to me. I know that I need 1:25, or 1:100 to fit on the page I am printing to. How do I remove or filter out all of the others such as 1:100 3_1_1_1_1_1? I don't even know what that notation means.
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Doesn't this mean that my dwg is already a color dependent plot style dwg? I have successfully copied and used this ctb file somewhere else yesterday, and feel I am doing the exact same thing, so very frustrated and lost. I really need to get these dwgs out!
Among about a dozen ACAD users in my office, one is missing the "Arch D (landscape)" paper size that accompanies the PC3 file we generally use. I have checked that the roll size and other settings in the machine in question and all of that looks good. I don't want to edit this PC3 as it works for everyone else and don't want to create a new PC3 for this one user.
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I have discovered something that is a bit of annoyance to me. when adding text to an image, I get the following dialog box over where I want to put the text.
I have set it to use editor under the text tool, but it doesn't remove the on-screen floating dialog box, also selecting use editor doesn't seem to stick, and it reverts back to being unticked upon restarting the program.
is it possible to remove this dialog box, as well as make the use editor method the default?
I'm facing a problem that is when i'm doing view plot in AutoCad 2010, around my drawing there are few words : produced by an autodesk educational product .
This words come to 4 sides of my drawing which up,down,left and right. How to remove those words and make my drawing clear?
Why I cannot remove the ISO b1 full bleed from this plot config file?
I never print metric so there is no need to for it.
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
I'm on autocad 2006. I'm not sure what caused it, but about a week ago, my autocad got rid of most of the printers/plotters that showed up in the plot dialogue box. And on the ones it did keep, it added .pc3 to the end. How can I get it to find the actual printers again and not just the .pc3 files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy drawings typically have 5-10 pages(layouts). The page setup on the layouts have the printer name set to my printer in my office. So I can pulish all layouts and print them all at once. I would like to be able to send these drawings to others with different printers and have them be able to print all layouts at once without going and and changing page setups or anything like that, its mostly non autocad people. How can I set this up?
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sometimes i can't delete an unused layer, why? if there's a causal factor, can i ignore and just DELETE it?
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But what is the 9600?
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