AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Plotting To Different Printers And Different Size Papers
Mar 13, 2013
I am using AutoCAD 2006. I have a set of road plans that is 25 pages long. This means that I have 1 model space tab and 25 paperspace layouts. Each paperspace layout contains 1 viewport that shows a specific piece of my model space drawing. I need to be able to print these 25 layouts to multiple printers at multiple sizes. Specifically, I want to be able to print 11x17 sheets on printer #1, 11x17 sheets on printer #2, and 22x36 sheets on printer #2. I know how to create named page setups so that I can just pick which one I want to use to print.
Problem #1 - When I change from printer #1 to printer #2, keeping the same size (11x17) sheet, the paper moves slightly relative to my viewport that is on the page. Therefore, I have to move 25 viewports (1 on each page) every time I want to print my plans.
Problem #2 - When I change the size of page I want to print, the viewport does not size to the page. Therefore, I have to resize the 25 viewports and re-zoom their contents every time I change the size of paper I'm printing on.
Problem #3 - When I want to change the printer or size of sheet that I am using, I have to go to every layout tab and select the individual plot setup that I want to use. Is there a way to apply 1 named page setup to all layouts at once?
Ideally, there would be some way to link the viewport to dynamically change with changes in the paper location and size, but I'm not sure that's possible.
Again, I am using AutoCAD 2006.
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Oct 8, 2013
This is an issue for which no one in my office has any solution. We create all of our plan sets on E1 size paper. However, when we plot them for redlines we print to C-size to save paper. I know you can "publish selected layouts" to plot numerous tabs at a time. However, I am unable to figure out how to make them plot to a smaller size paper than what the page is set up for. Is there a way to plot all of the tabs at a smaller scale without plotting each tab individually?
We just recently upgraded to AutoCad 2014.
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Aug 5, 2013
I cannot get my program to print to any of our network printers. I am using Autocad 2013 LT with FusionWare and Windows 7 on a Macpro OSX Lion. This started being a problem a few weeks ago and the only way I can get anything printed is to make a pdf and and then print the pdf from Acrobat.
Today I brought in a HP 940c printer from home and connected it to my desktop printer. I spent an hour uninstalling and installing the drivers. I can now print from Acrobat on both the PC and Mac sides of the computer, but when I try it from Autocad I get Error_Printing in the HP printer window. No info as to what the error might be. I tried this several times, tried renaming the file with a shorter name but since the driver puts in the entire path that was a futile gesture.
So I have confirmed that the printer is functioning correctly, just not with Autocad. I realize that i do have a working workaround but it is tedius and unnecessay to keep making all those pdfs.
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May 8, 2012
how to create page setups for multiple printers in a network environment?
Here is the problem:
We have 2 offices with 3-7 printers per office and each printer with different capabilities (black and white, color, 11x17, wide format, etc.). I have CAD users who know little about setting up layouts so I want to create preconfigured layouts that they can import from a template via Design Center or other means.
I know I could set up a layout for each printer, page size, plot scale, and plot style table, but that gets to be so many layout permutations that it becomes overwhelming to manage and use. Up until now I had set up PC3 files for a few commonly used printers (wide format plotter, laser, pdf) and gave them generic names with the intent that I could simply direct the output to any printer by assigning it to one of the generic PC3 files. The problem I've encountered is that over time we've acquired new printers and old printers sometimes go offline or out of service and many of the printers have incompatible printable areas and page sizes to each other, so for example a page setup that calls for an 11x17 sheet for one printer does not have an equivalent size when a different printer is assigned to the layout.
Are we stuck with having to configure setups for each and every printer and permutation?
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
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Nov 28, 2012
Coworker is setting up a new Win7 (64bit) machine but we don't have the ability to upgrade CAD at this time. So running AutoCAD Mechanical 2007. (Yes we know they don't always play nice) Two other workstations here are running the same OS & CAD and print without issues. This new machine AutoCAD does not see any system printers. Have made sure the "Hide System Printers" is not checked under options. I can add a plotter file for each system printer and that workaround is OK, but why this one machine can't see the system printers. They are Xerox workstations on the network - not local. We have already restarted AutoCAD and restarted the PC.
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May 25, 2011
So I have the educational version of ACAD 2012 and this is my first time using that version. My model is done and I formatted my layout with a border and the model to scale in the viewport. When I go to plot to PDF, all I see is the border. I've tried fiddling with colors and viewports but neither of those did anything.
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Sep 27, 2011
Ive got a A3 drawing all set up to plot to my printer and it works fine.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said when I use the _exportpdf command (or the PDF function in the ribbon):-
- If I export using the current layout then the top and bottom of my title block are chopped off.
- If I change the paper size to A3fullbleed then it does plot the whole drawing, but not to scale (even though its still set to 1:1
- Changing to the other A3 options goes back to chopping off the top and bottom.
From my limited knowledge It appears that the columns need adjusting, trouble is, i'm not sure how?
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Jun 1, 2012
Is there a way to set the Dwg to Pdf.pc3 so that when I hit plot, it "knows" to save the pdf in the bloody folder that the source .dwg file is located....I can see how to set it to 1 single default folder in Options ( i.e. my main Clients folder) but really, how to get to to plot to the source folder..... has got to be less than 1/2 hours worth of coding....I get pretty tired of browsing/scrolling etc to where I want the pdf to end up.
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Dec 9, 2011
My computer crashed. Fixed it, but when I use "Cutewriter" now, it doesn't show
the different line weights.
it seems that it doesn't pick up the different weights.
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May 7, 2012
am using ACAD2008 on windows XP. I have just started having this problem that if I choose to plot from a window the plot dialogue box locks up after the window is selected and the command line is still asking for the corners of the window to be selected. But everything plots ok if I use extents.
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Sep 21, 2011
We use several different printers at our company, and one thing that I find really bugging is that I have to change the plot settings on each sheet, if the file has been worked on by someone else.
Is it possible (for example) if I've got 7 sheets set up, they all have an A3 drawing set up (correct extents, pen settings etc), for me to highlight all of the tabs and just change the printer? Rather than going into each sheet and manually changing them?
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Apr 30, 2013
We've got an HP Designjet 455C attached to an SBS 2003 computer.
From Autocad, I can print when I set the page size to A4 - as expect, it prints a nice A4 sized plot on the A1 width roll. But if I try to print full size plots, nothing happens; the document spools, but the printer does nothing.
It must be something to do with paper size or orientation, but I can't find what. I wondered if there was anything well known I should try (I'm not that familiar with Autocad - yet).
Part of the problem was inconsistency.. sometimes test documents would print, and then they wouldn't! I also got one which seemed to print at the right size, but was only printing part of the file content. These are existing Autocad files, with a printer that has been working in the past.
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Apr 22, 2013
Two of our computers have windows 7 and we are unable to publish or if we plot we have to wait until that page is completed before sending another page otherwise only some the information shows up when printed (ie. no dimensions or no title block). This does not happen on the other computer in the office which still has windows XP.
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Jun 18, 2007
I am finding that my DWF files sent to the plotter are plotting with the linework being heavier than the same file sent directly to our plotter. These are just lines that should plot with a narrow width (ie walls on a floor plan) but they seem to be about twice the width and hence look "darker". Is there a setting that I am missing or some other way to get the lines to plot out thinner? Also, TTF fonts plot thicker in DWF. I've tried the various options in the DWF viewer when sending to the plotter, but none seem to work.
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Jan 28, 2013
I have an issue with plotting line thickness, when I use the company setup using a d-size B&W.pc3 and mono chrome.ctb files, i can't seem to get the plotter to show line thickness. But using the same setup with a customer border, I can get the line thickness.
Also I not sure if this makes a difference, but the company plots from model space and where most of our customers use paper space.
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Oct 3, 2011
Years ago, there was a program of routine that would plot files to a sheet resembling a photographer’s contact sheet. You would tell it which folder to use and it would print the entire folder. You could tell it how many rows and columns and it would fill up the 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 sheet with little images of the files.
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Jun 9, 2013
I am trying to plot a layout sheet 24'' W x 18" H. The frame on my sheet is 22''W x 16''L (inside the dash lines limits we see on the layout). I believe I prepare the print correctly:
- Select the printer (HP DESIGN JET PS)
- I use the window fonction to select the printable area ( left upper corner and then the opposite corner).
- Select Paper size Arch C (landscape)
- Paper orientation: Lansdcape
The preview shows that the upper and bottom lines of my frame will not print, and they do not, even if I try (see the attachement below).
Is this a driver problem?
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Jan 3, 2012
I have a Dell 515 plotter printer connected to a network computer. I can print to it from other programs, but as of this evening, when I select the printer, the screen goes white and autocad dies. I can print to a pdf or even select another printer that is not even turned on. This also happens when the 515 is set as the default and I select print to default system printer.
this has happened before and It seemed like a lucky fluke that i got it to stop. something about the order of change scale, preview, change plotter etc, but no luck this time.
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Nov 8, 2013
Normally I plot in paper space and everything works well. when I plot in paper space all the lines ae much, much lighter and almost invisible, whereas if I plot the same drawing in model space the plot comes out perfectly, though not in scale. I must have pushed a wrong button somewhere but wnat button is beyond me.
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Aug 27, 2013
I have a bunch of pdf underlays in model space with four viewports referencing them in one paperspace layout. The viewports are on their own non-plot layer and the pdf underlays are on a plottable layer. This isn't an issue on the original dwg that I copied them from.
-Everything appears fine in paperspace (see FIG. 1)
-When I go to plot, only the viewport on the right shows up. (see FIG. 2)
-If I move the viewports on the left to the right side, they plot.(see FIG 3)
-When I move the original right viewport to the left side it no longer plots. (NOT SHOWN)
-If I toggle each viewport in the original layout and draw a random line in model space all four of them plot(see FIG. 4)
-I've checked the vp and pdf underlay layers and properties-all are good
-I've tried creating new vp's and still have same issues
-tried creating a new dwg, copied in the pdf underlays and still have same issue
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Mar 21, 2012
I've been working on some wiring schematics lately and I noticed that when I plot to PDF (using both Adobe and the ACAD PDF plotter) my plots are coming out fuzzy. It looks like I have a shadow around my text and lines. In the attached graphic, the plot on the left was drawn about a year ago, the one on the right was done within the last two months. I recently went in and changed the PDF plot setting to High quality print. Ultimately,I didn't have this issue last year and as far as I can remember, I haven't made any changes to my plot settings.
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Mar 3, 2013
when I try and plot drawings from autocad I only get half the drawing, sometimes just a strip of blank paper. This is for standard A0 drawings and custom oversized drawings. Plot preview is fine, the same drawings can be plotted by my 2 collegues. We all have the same computer specs, same program, same drivers, as a department we had new computers about 3 months ago. We use 2013LT. I can plot the drawings but it means using True View to open and plot the drawings (same computer, same drivers, but it works) I repeatedly asked our IT department and finally got them to look at the computer, the answer was "yeah, your right it doesn't work".
Autocad 2013LT
Windows 7 professional
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Sep 12, 2013
I have a 3D drawing I created in AutoCAD 2014 64bit that is not printing properly. When you look at a print preview everything shows up and looks like it should print properly. However, when I print parts of lines are missing. Example, I have a rectangle and only half of it prints. Only two sheets out of eight do not print properly and all started as the same template. I have tried everything as follows:
Checked the layers were set to plot. Made sure the lines were not on defpoints. Moved all the items that do not print properly to the front. I am not using a ctb or stb file.
I have purged. I have audited. I have tried copying to a new drawing and creating my viewports again. I tried changing the quality from Normal to Maximum. I tried printing to a printer, to Adobe PDF, to CutePDF, to DWGtoPDF.pc3, and to PDF995. All of which gave me slightly different areas missing.
Lenovo 7518D7U
Intel Core i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
4GB installed memory (3.83GB usable)
64bit system
Windows 7 Professional
Intel HD Graphics 2000
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Mar 15, 2012
I've just replaced all the color carts in an HP DesignJet 510 42-inch inkjet plotter. I drew some parallel lines in ACAD 2012 to test the colors, and I'm getting weird results. The most noticeable errors are: Yellow prints out at a very pale green and Blue prints at purple. Red and Cyan seem to be ok, as well as Orange... I ran a color calibration on the plotter itself and the yellow prints out a very bright, correct yellow.
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Aug 16, 2001
what is a system verible for plotting plylines width.
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Feb 18, 2013
We have a T790 44in, with 42" roll paper installed.
The thing I'm having trouble with, is getting it to act like it has roll paper. I can set custom paper sizes in the printer drives all day (such as 42" x 42") but this is only half way accurate, and can waste a lot of paper.
Is there a particular way to set the printer to use the roll paper?
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May 15, 2012
Im having an issue with drawings plotting too light in AutoCAD 2013. Polylines with a specified thickness of 1/32" will print dark, but the rest of the drawing is almost unreadable because it is too light. "Plot with Plotstyles" is selected
I can use 2009 to print, which is also installed on my machine, and the drawing will print as intended.Using the same plot style, same settings in both.
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May 27, 2011
I have a list of drawings which i want to batch plot using dwg to png plotter. I want the page setup file to use sun high res, plot scale fit to paper, plot area extents, plot offset center the plot for the model space
When in batch plot, the page setup shows default, however this is not my pagesetup settings as it shows default none, how do i make it see the page setup i want?
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Jan 13, 2013
I'm using a HP DesignJet T1100 (non postscript). I have inserted a screen capture of a google map into a sheet as a area/aerial location map for the project. Unfortunately, the jpeg is plotting out as solid black. I have tried inserting it in different ways but same result when plotting. I understand the difference between PS and nonPS plotters/drivers but I was under the impression that there was a setting to plot images in nonPS plotter dialouge box. I did find various incarnations of my question but nothing that directly speaks to it.
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Oct 25, 2011
when I select the printer/name: Adobe PDF
under Paper size: the standard Arch sizes are not there...
2013 Civil 3D
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May 26, 2011
When we try to plot a drawing with an attached PDF, the quality if extremely bad. It also processes for 5-10 minutes for each file before it will plot. The processing takes place in the plotter and not AutoCAD.
I have attached a portion of an example. Everything shown is apart of the PDF itself. Everything else created in AutoCAD comes out with great quality.
Civil 3D 2013
Windows 7 64-bit
Xeon W3550 3.07 GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
12.0 GB RAM
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