Illustrator :: How To Bend A Set Of Panoramic Photos Around A Circle
Mar 4, 2014
I'm trying to bend a set of panoramic photos around a circle. Most of the discussions I see in this forum are about doing this with text using the Type on a path tool. I'd like to achieve the essentially same thing with a photograph. The warp tool in photoshop seems much too clumsy for my needs. Here is an example of the layout i'm talking about, with black boxes instead of images.
My still camera facilitates the taking of multiple panoramic shots than can be later stitched into one large file - a narrow, long image (about 5 Mb in my case). I can access this photo as with any other photo. However, if I zoom into it with the intent of panning from left to right so the full height of the image fills the screen, the quality goes way down. It is not the photo file itself because I can bring that up in the Windows photo gallery and it zooms up wonderfully. Also, if I zoom any regular photo to the same extent (about 400x) that image remains pretty good and does not have the same drop off in quality. I looked at all of the options I could find, but saw nothing I could do to improve the quality.
How to pan manually from one photo to another, instead of using the panoramic pic? I tried this using the overlay track but of course the overlay photo covers up the main track.
I am facing problems while 'stitching' the panoramic photos that i shot. basically, Photoshop's File>Automate>Photomerge and Edit>Auto Align/Blend Layers works good, but FAIL on the LENS DISTORTION.
i had tried to correct it with Filter>Lens Correction, but still not getting perfect result. see the attached image for the results, were you can see the building looks bent. check/download the source images from [URL]......
This is a photoshop request. I have a set of scenic photos I'd like stitched/blended together. The idea is to get the one panoramic image, and then make it into a poster.
I have made this planet and I want its ring to look as it's spinning around it, So the upper of the ring should go behind the actual planet! How can I do that? Also how can I add some volume to the ring to make it look a bit more realistic?
I have a series of objects that I have created - 8 in all that I want to wrap around a circle shape.I have tries creating an art brush but the shapes gets badly distorted.
Whenever I click to add text to this path, it starts the text at a different point on the path instead of directly where I clicked. If you can see it, towards the left side of the circle where it says "path" in green. Thats where I clicked, but as you can see the actual text would start a little further on the right side
How can I change this...Also I will add. Once I do type my text it is no longer selectable. After typing I switch up to my direct select tool, and as I hover over the text nothing happens. I cant select it, I can only select the blue bars on the sides of it. I want to be able to select my text also. Shouldnt the blue bars be at the end and the beginning of the text, not so far away from it
I am trying to make a circle logo and some of my vectors are half in and half out of my circle shape, what i want is for anything outside the shape to be cropped/not visible in the finished project.
I've been looking for an easy way to make text round a circle go outward, like in this picture: [URL] It would be best if the text on the right side would go inward actually, but this would be a start.
Is there an easy way in Illustrator to do this in which I can also add text afterwards?
Let's say I've cut a circle in half, and then placed both halves on either side of the art board. Is there a way I can align them back right next to each other so that they appear as a circle once again?
None of the tools in the "align" window allow me to do that.
A client brought in a family "forest" as she calls it, and requests us to recreate it for her. She wants us to update it every two years so I'm hoping there's an easy way to do this.
I need to have each generation in its individual "textbox" so that I can edit leading. If I combine each generation under one main name (1st gen through 5th gen) then the original leading would be impossible to recreate.
Using Adobe Illustrator 10 for Windows 98 (no kidding).I'm designing a spot logo for a Charity.What I want to do is:
1. Create a black circle (not filled, just the outline) 2. Have a word on top (in this case, International) follow the path of the curve. 3. Have the words "Awareness Fund" on the bottom, right-side up
Here is the issue:
1. I can make the path for the circle but I cannot make it any given color, it just disappears when I click off of it. How do I do this? 2. I can get the word on the top to follow the curve, but I cannot break out of it.. I don't know the term. I cannot get the text tool to 'let go' of the previous word and start new ones. 3. When I try to put the words "Awareness Fund" on the bottom not only do I have the problem that it is still attached to the first word on top but the letters are upside down.. how do I convert them to be right-side up?
See image attached. I have tried everything to get this text effect. Flaring type around a circle. Not text on a path. How do you do this in Illustrator or InDesign? There is a way to do it with the Polar Grid Tool in Illustrator but there's got to be an easier way. With the Polar Grid Tool it would be hard to make edits and delete lines without having to remake the whole thing.
I'm trying to make a circle with the radius of 200*sqrt(3). Is this even possible? Or will illustrator round the equation to the thousandths? If illustrator will just round the equation to the thousandths, I can enter the number myself, but I was hoping it could find the point.
Say I have a circle. I want to grab I assume the top anchor point, and drag it down. The resulting shape would roughly be a fat U, or maybe like a mushroom head turned upside down. I thought it was hold spacebar and click but it doesn't seem to be.
I'm a beginner with Illustrator and I've got a problem with distributing objects around a circle in Illustrator cs6. What I'm trying to do is to have these acrhed lines (as per the top three curves you can see below) go around a circle, surrounding it (don't know if i explain myself good...). I was using both blend tool and rotate tool and it doesnt work for me the way I want it. All the time its sort of upside down at the bottom of the cirle and totaly twisted on the left and right...
I have a circle and a text as shown below. If i try to align the text and the cirlce, they are not aligning exactly. There is some difference in it as shown below in the first alignment. If i convert the text to outline and align, its perfect. Is there any way to align the text with circle exactly?
I'm curious if there is a quick and clean way to get text to extend out from around a circle. Meaning, the first letter of each text word is closest to the center of the circle, and the last letter of each word is farthest away from the center of the circle.
I know that I could simply type each word out and manually rotate it with a moved centerpoint, and even step+repeat, but is there no way of drawing a circle and then have the text come out from it?
I cannot turn on a circle or other shape in Illustrator CS. I can select the tool box and draw a rectangle and there is no additional choices for shapes.
I'm designing a 1.25" diameter lapel pin. Around the border of the pin I've created six stars. How can I get the stars to follow a .75 circular path so they all align properly? Rather than try to do something freehand, I suppose I could use a font with a star character in it and align the font to path.
i tried to use polar coordinates, but as you get to the outer part of the circle, you see that the picture spreads and you get that blur to it. i want to know how you make it go out from the center and not get that side effect.
How to use a 360 panoramic image as a background in 3ds max. Each time I have tried it, the background image appears too close to the camera, making my objects look small. No matter how big the image is in pixel dimensions, it always appear too large in the viewport; there's no setting in 3ds max to scale it back so that it looks farther away from the camera. I seen ones that use a background image and use camera matching to line up the camera, but I need to have the background setup so that it does not matter where the camera is pointing.
I was wondering the best way to draw a circle that passes through an endpoint of a line and then is tangent to another circle above it? I need to create a radius of 3.5 between the two points.