Illustrator :: Text On Bottom Of Circle?
Jul 13, 2009I have a circle that I added text to and it goes from left to right works fine.
The issue is adding text to the bottom to the circle. I have an Illustrator book but this is not covered.
I have a circle that I added text to and it goes from left to right works fine.
The issue is adding text to the bottom to the circle. I have an Illustrator book but this is not covered.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to make a circle split in half with the top half black and the bottom white. I've made a circle with a 37 pt black stroke, now I just need to make half of it white.
View 18 Replies View RelatedUsing illustrator CC, I want to curve the bottom line of my text upwards, but not have the top or sides move at all. Imagine of the text was something squishy, and I pushed it down onto the top of an arc. I've only been working with Adobe CC for about a week now. I've seen lots of examples of having the text follow a curved path, but they all curve the entire thing, whereas I only want the bottom of the text to curve.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to extract all the texts in a illustrator file to a txt file. which could be done like this:
var docObj=app.activeDocument;
var tfObj=docObj.textFrames;
var myTextFrames = [];
for(var m=0; m < tfObj.length; m++){
But since the text frames were extracted by create order, not by layout, I want to ajust the oder from top left to bottom right first, then export.
I thought it could be done by selecting all the text frames first, then sorting the selection orders by loop. But I don't know how to select all the text frames, and not sure whether this is the right way...
I am making an adjustment to my "LOGO" for business. I am trying to recolor the bottom half of a circle, that has a thick border, split in half by TWO colors.
When I enlarge picture to 2400%< i see all kinds of "shades" of colors that line be more "Definitive" ..I am guessing?
When i try changing the color fron a "TAN" color to a "DARK RED" , then Zoom out, the lines are VERY CHOPPY and "SQUARED".
Is there a way to create a PERFECT LINES on a circle, by using a specific tool, or i have to do a lot guessing and do "FILL-IN" colors to get the line more definitive?
I am a rookie at
Whenever I click to add text to this path, it starts the text at a different point on the path instead of directly where I clicked. If you can see it, towards the left side of the circle where it says "path" in green. Thats where I clicked, but as you can see the actual text would start a little further on the right side
How can I change this...Also I will add. Once I do type my text it is no longer selectable. After typing I switch up to my direct select tool, and as I hover over the text nothing happens. I cant select it, I can only select the blue bars on the sides of it. I want to be able to select my text also. Shouldnt the blue bars be at the end and the beginning of the text, not so far away from it
I've been looking for an easy way to make text round a circle go outward, like in this picture: [URL] It would be best if the text on the right side would go inward actually, but this would be a start.
Is there an easy way in Illustrator to do this in which I can also add text afterwards?
In PS CS4, my path turns into a selection using the dashed circle at the bottom of the paths palette; however, it is the inverse of the path. How do I have the default be the selection sams as the path?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSee image attached. I have tried everything to get this text effect. Flaring type around a circle. Not text on a path. How do you do this in Illustrator or InDesign? There is a way to do it with the Polar Grid Tool in Illustrator but there's got to be an easier way. With the Polar Grid Tool it would be hard to make edits and delete lines without having to remake the whole thing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a circle and a text as shown below. If i try to align the text and the cirlce, they are not aligning exactly. There is some difference in it as shown below in the first alignment. If i convert the text to outline and align, its perfect. Is there any way to align the text with circle exactly?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm curious if there is a quick and clean way to get text to extend out from around a circle. Meaning, the first letter of each text word is closest to the center of the circle, and the last letter of each word is farthest away from the center of the circle.
I know that I could simply type each word out and manually rotate it with a moved centerpoint, and even step+repeat, but is there no way of drawing a circle and then have the text come out from it?
I am desperately looking for the function in Coreldraw that allows me to cut one object based on the intersection of another object. Essentially I am looking for the "Trim" function that exists in Autocad.
Example... draw a circle...then draw a line that crosses the center of the circle. I want to be able to remove the bottom half of the circle below the intersection line.
draw and long narrow ellipse...then draw a circle on top of the ellipse I want to remove the ends of the ellipse outside circle..In autocad this takes exactly 3 keystrokes and less than 2 seconds...I have tried everything in Coreldraw and cannot find away to make this happen...
How can I repeat text several times and put it into a circle with the words continuously repeated into the circle if that makes sense.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am designing a logo in a circle form. I have written the lettering on top of the circle and now would like to write underneath the circle.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have made this planet and I want its ring to look as it's spinning around it, So the upper of the ring should go behind the actual planet! How can I do that? Also how can I add some volume to the ring to make it look a bit more realistic?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a calendar page - each day is a box. I need the text I put in to be written at the bottom of the box.
View 4 Replies View Relatedis there any possibility in GIMP to align a text not vertically at the bottom of a text box (there are options for left, right, center and fill but that's only the horizontal alignment). The motivation is, that I change a text in an image quite often and it whould "align itself" if it whould always be aligned at the bottom of the textbox.
View 3 Replies View RelatedNow, with that task simplified, I'm not sure how to change the color of the text created using this tool.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing: Xara Photo & Graphic Design 6
AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor 3.10 GHz
2.00GB (1.75 GB usable) RAM
64-bit OS
I follow the tutorial in the Xara Help, but cannot get the results shown. I draw the circle, compose the text, and set it to the middle Select both circle and text Arrange/Fit Text to Curve....the text appears around the lower, right side of the cirle After all this I am unable to manipulate the text (It's a piece of cake to do this in Publisher 2010, but it has some minor problems in appearance)
I'm trying to fade text from top to bottom using a path I have always followed, but isn't working now:
1. Select the layer the text is on
2. Create Fill or Adjustment Layer > select Gradient from the drop-down menu
3. Click on the Gradient bar to bring up the options
4. Adjust opacity, direction, colour > OK
When I create the Fill or Adjustment layer and select Gradient, the gradient is applied to the whole document rather than just the text on the layer I've selected.
My text is white against a blue background..I have tried selecting the gradient "Foreground to Transparent", but can't get past the stage where that is applied to the whole document.
Just started using Gimp 2.6.11. I like it for cutting and pasting into new files but I'm having trouble learning the method of adding captions at the bottom of pictures where I'd like to place text of the names of the people above. I get text in black but the background stays the same as previous in the picture so most of the time it can't be seen. I really need to get this going in the next week or so as I'm preparing for an event where the pictures will be on display.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a series of sheets, each with two viewports to show two plan views of a long road alignment. I arranged them to read bottom to top, as it goes up stationing, as we do with cross section sheets, but have been told by an outside reviewer that the sheets are confusing and should read top down.
How would you arrange them?
I am creating a brochure in X3 and when I try to edit text in the text box, I can't get to the last line.
The window for editing won't go all the way down. I have tried expanding the window and when I am
expanding it, I can see the bottom line of text but when I let go of the corner it reverts back to showing everything but the bottom line.
I would like to decrease the gap between the bottom of text and the line added when using the underline (%%U) command. Any way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to take some text and modify the color of it toward the bottom of the text. This is to only change text color- not background. I've found several docs including here saying
"In the toolbox at the bottom of the text tool option click "Path from text" ".
As well as the following Instruction:
It seem with this information I should be able to do it but I can't find Path from Text anywhere. then there is the idea of blend vs gradient.. which is which?
I have received an image from someone which has text all over it. I'd like to strip out a little of the text at the bottom of the image. The background is kind of a grainy, paper-looking beige texture. And, in a perfect world, I'd be able to select only text and delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to get rid off margins (spare space) on top and bottom as per attached screenshot?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I make my text curved on the bottom and flat on top? I have used the fit to path feature for the bottom curve, but I need the top of the word to stay flat.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to place text in the bottom right of a series of images. The problem is not all images are the same size. Some are verticle and some are horizontal and even those arent all the same size. However, 99% are 768 high. How do I specify a certain margin from right and bottom so I can use the text action on all images regardless of image width?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD 2012
Border lines print okay but zone numbers/letters get cut off. This should be A on the right and 1 on the bottom
Prints to printer okay but print to pdf is messed up.
If I move one of the text boxes lower or to theright, that box gets cut off but the rest then print okay.