Photoshop Elements :: How To Place Text On Bottom Of Circle
View 2 RepliesI have a circle that I added text to and it goes from left to right works fine.
The issue is adding text to the bottom to the circle. I have an Illustrator book but this is not covered.
It is my understanding that in Photoshop Elements I am able to place a circle around a moving object or person and have that circle stay with/track the moving object or person as the video plays? Is this correct??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm aware that you can print text along a line. I was just wondering if I missed an even easier option for when I want to print around in a circle.
I'm trying to prepare a picture to print onto a DVD. Since the picture was for a cruise around Australia I thought it might be an idea to just print in a circle? Perhaps have text arch up at top & down at bottom?
In PS CS4, my path turns into a selection using the dashed circle at the bottom of the paths palette; however, it is the inverse of the path. How do I have the default be the selection sams as the path?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using pse 11 right now. I've got a decent handle on text on shape tool. But I can't figure out how to get text inside a circle. (as opposed to around the outside) I've seen a couple tutorials that reference a little black arrow to move selections (I think within the Text tool menu) , and change orientation of text. I can't see this anywhere. I'm sure there is a simple solution, but I can't figure this one out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn Elements 7, how do I fade the image so that I can place text over.?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to edit text around a circle after it has been consolidated (saved as jpg) and decomposed again in layers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am making an adjustment to my "LOGO" for business. I am trying to recolor the bottom half of a circle, that has a thick border, split in half by TWO colors.
When I enlarge picture to 2400%< i see all kinds of "shades" of colors that line be more "Definitive" ..I am guessing?
When i try changing the color fron a "TAN" color to a "DARK RED" , then Zoom out, the lines are VERY CHOPPY and "SQUARED".
Is there a way to create a PERFECT LINES on a circle, by using a specific tool, or i have to do a lot guessing and do "FILL-IN" colors to get the line more definitive?
I am a rookie at
using imageready for this task and of course imageready has been integrated into Photoshop CS4.
What I want to do is evenly distribute layers around a circle, each layer must be evenly spaced.
This image is just a very quick and dirty example of what I want (aside from the fact that it isnt evenly distributed and I just painted dots around). What I want to do is evenly place these dots around the circle, each dot must be the same distance from the one beside it and across from it.
how to make a circle split in half with the top half black and the bottom white. I've made a circle with a 37 pt black stroke, now I just need to make half of it white.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI am desperately looking for the function in Coreldraw that allows me to cut one object based on the intersection of another object. Essentially I am looking for the "Trim" function that exists in Autocad.
Example... draw a circle...then draw a line that crosses the center of the circle. I want to be able to remove the bottom half of the circle below the intersection line.
draw and long narrow ellipse...then draw a circle on top of the ellipse I want to remove the ends of the ellipse outside circle..In autocad this takes exactly 3 keystrokes and less than 2 seconds...I have tried everything in Coreldraw and cannot find away to make this happen...
You have a dwg with multiple sets of different blocks and a circle you want to place on the insert point of each set blocks.
You select the circle then select one of the blocks in the set and the circle is placed on the insert point of each of the blocks in that set. It would save time from doing it manually and save on mistakes.
I'm creating a calendar page - each day is a box. I need the text I put in to be written at the bottom of the box.
View 4 Replies View Relatedis there any possibility in GIMP to align a text not vertically at the bottom of a text box (there are options for left, right, center and fill but that's only the horizontal alignment). The motivation is, that I change a text in an image quite often and it whould "align itself" if it whould always be aligned at the bottom of the textbox.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to fade text from top to bottom using a path I have always followed, but isn't working now:
1. Select the layer the text is on
2. Create Fill or Adjustment Layer > select Gradient from the drop-down menu
3. Click on the Gradient bar to bring up the options
4. Adjust opacity, direction, colour > OK
When I create the Fill or Adjustment layer and select Gradient, the gradient is applied to the whole document rather than just the text on the layer I've selected.
My text is white against a blue background..I have tried selecting the gradient "Foreground to Transparent", but can't get past the stage where that is applied to the whole document.
I want to place text in the bottom right of a series of images. The problem is not all images are the same size. Some are verticle and some are horizontal and even those arent all the same size. However, 99% are 768 high. How do I specify a certain margin from right and bottom so I can use the text action on all images regardless of image width?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I print from Elements 11, I get a small white border on bottom and right of picture (should be borderless).If I print from another source e.g. iPhone, I do not get this border. How can I eliminate border in Elements 11?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need step by step gradient text instructions for Photoshop WITH TWO CUSTOM COLORS GOING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
How do I (instead of using the preset color choices) make a custom gradient? I am trying to create text with a top to bottom gradient of green (#228B22) down to aqua (#40E0D0).
Move the tool options from being displayed on the bottom of my workspace to the top (like a bar across the top).
I can't seem to find anything to "drag" it or move it.
Win 7 Elements 11
I use Adobe Elements 12 Organizer on Macbook Pro. When I open Organizer, the window is too large, and the top and bottom are hidden behind the Mac menus so they are not accessible. I can´t reach the top menu, and can´t resize the window, or move it around on the screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to open Elements 10 it opens on the bottom menu bar but not on full screen. I think last time it happemed it was something to do with preferences
View 2 Replies View RelatedAt the bottom of the Organizer screens it always says "972 items dated etc". But then depending on something I do, possibly with tags, it sometimes shows "36 items not shown" for a total of 1008. Note the View does not show any hidden files. One thing I noticed is when I put just one photo in an album and click on the album it will say "1 item found 1007 items not found for a total of 1008.
What concerns me most is that I have 36 photos floating around somewhere that I can't see.
Lost the action bar on bottom of the screen totally and the information that used to oocupy a column on the left. This situation makes it impossible to switch to the Editor.
When I start from the Editor screen all is normal. I already re-installed the program without resolving the problem.
Assistance is needed to restorew to the original installation
Why is it when i drag one image from the bottom panel over to another picture(solid color) i will only get 50% of the image and not the full image. Same thing when i copy and paste that image over the gray solid colored image also i will get only 50% of the image. The original image of the cat(full view) is about 24.79% and picture is 11.733 x 15.644 in size. the other image (solid color) is at 43.63% or 6.667 x 8.889". size is in inches. Do i have to resize the images and if so how as i am a stupie in this matter. The images are aligned side by side on the main panel or display.I am trying to place the cat over the gray background image and with a layer mask delete the present baackground of the cat to uncover the gray of the bottom layer.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't view RAW thumbnails when I go into the open dialog (not organizer) just regular file/open in PSE10. (win 7 x64). (Sony alpha 33)
Is there a cache issue?
Can I clear it?
I can see a preview of the file on the bottom of the window, but no thumbnails.
.jpg images from wither the same camera or another camera display fine.
Now, with that task simplified, I'm not sure how to change the color of the text created using this tool.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing: Xara Photo & Graphic Design 6
AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor 3.10 GHz
2.00GB (1.75 GB usable) RAM
64-bit OS
I follow the tutorial in the Xara Help, but cannot get the results shown. I draw the circle, compose the text, and set it to the middle Select both circle and text Arrange/Fit Text to Curve....the text appears around the lower, right side of the cirle After all this I am unable to manipulate the text (It's a piece of cake to do this in Publisher 2010, but it has some minor problems in appearance)
Just started using Gimp 2.6.11. I like it for cutting and pasting into new files but I'm having trouble learning the method of adding captions at the bottom of pictures where I'd like to place text of the names of the people above. I get text in black but the background stays the same as previous in the picture so most of the time it can't be seen. I really need to get this going in the next week or so as I'm preparing for an event where the pictures will be on display.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a series of sheets, each with two viewports to show two plan views of a long road alignment. I arranged them to read bottom to top, as it goes up stationing, as we do with cross section sheets, but have been told by an outside reviewer that the sheets are confusing and should read top down.
How would you arrange them?
I want to place text along an arc as shown in example dwg, how do this using array or other method?
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