GIMP :: How To Stitch Multiple Photos Together To Form Panoramic Picture (2011)
Apr 22, 2011I'm new to using Linux based software and do not know how to stitch multi photos together to form a panoramic picture?
View 4 RepliesI'm new to using Linux based software and do not know how to stitch multi photos together to form a panoramic picture?
View 4 RepliesThis is a photoshop request. I have a set of scenic photos I'd like stitched/blended together. The idea is to get the one panoramic image, and then make it into a poster.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a question about using Panoramic. I shot a quick 3 pics I wanted to stitch together. I was wondering if there is a manual way to stitch them together?
I used Bridge>Tools> Photshop.PhotoMerge>Reposition and Auto ~ Ended up with this. (see pic) I would like to stitch these together if possible. I am practicing for making Environment layers in After Effects.
I am try to stitch portrait style shots on a panoramic view but it always set up as a landscape image I have used LR4 and bridge with no success. All my landscape style images are ok with no issues. Is it how im taking the pictures or is there a setting to use to set for landscape or portrait.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on a form (global) and have added a picture with a parameter and a picture folder underneath. So that the picture displayed on my form will change depending on the parameter value.Here comes the trick. Only text parameters can be used!On the form editor only 'Text parameter' can be selected to drive the picture selection. I actually need an integer, so that i can use my User/Excel parameters from Inventor.
I can work this around with an iLogic rule to equal the value of my string Picture Parameter with the relevant integer Inventor parameter, but the rules need to be run before the pic and the form updates (by pressing the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the form and then the assy updates too. So this takes a couple of minutes)... whereas if it was an option on the form editor then the update would be instant without waiting for everything to update...
Is there a particular reason why the Picture Parameter only can be a text parameter?
I'm trying to stitch 3 photos vertically-shot photos together (Photoshop CS5 extended), hoping the end results would be horizontal, but the following occurs:
The photo that it puts on the top should actually be the right-most photo in the pano. I tried photo merging the exact same three photos with a darker exposure, and it turned out perfectly.
I'd like to orient a picture of a book so that it's on a 45 degree angle and then "cut out" the area around the "book" to that when you view the picture is looks like a book on a 45 degree angle with no area around it. I'm sure GIMP can do that but the question is whether I can put that same photo on a website and have it look like it's a book on a45 degree angle.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been given a circa 2006 Photo frame that works very well except the system on it is set for DOS 16 bit and my more modern photos refuse to work.
I can save the photos but is errors on them. How do I save the photos in a form that this device can use?
How to stitch photos in Lightroom?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to be able to stitch 2 or 3 photos together in photomerge, but no longer. How does one does this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have spent all afternoon trying to stitch 2 photos together, so far no success! Oh for a return to XP, it did it without hassle, quickly and well.
Having installed Fuji camera software and Epson V500 scanner software, which wont do anything, I have now installed a licensed version of Photoshop Elements 9. Being a W8.1 32-bit system I had to download and install several drivers from the Adobe site.
I start PSE, I click Edit, then File>Open and find and open 2 photos. I then go to the Help documentation which tells me to click File>Photoshop Panorama, and everytime I do, the error message is:-
Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly ....... etc etc
I have Paint Shop Pro X which can do the job slowly, using manual methods to align the photos - should I use this, or will something else do the job simply, quickly and properly?
how do you stitch together photos in elements?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I stitch two photos together on elements 11?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been tasked with creating a time lapse video of a building being built. I have been supplied with the time lapse pictures that go back over 18 months so there are a large number of files.
The problem I have is the pictures were taken by a motorized web cam - basically it took a picture to the left, move about 40 degrees take a picture straight then another 40 degrees and took a picture right to fit the whol building in. 3 shots were taken a minute so for every minute there is the whole building.
When initially looking at the 3 seperate shots it looks like it would be fine for them to line up BUT there is a problem. The left and middle pictures have a small amount of overlap and can be automatically stiched together BUT the picture on the right will but up but has no overlap, is there anyway I can automate 2 different functions on the 3 pictures or do a 2 step automation that would firstly stitch the left and middle pic then but up the right pic to the joined images already stitched.
I have a panoramic picture made up of three photos and i need some tips on how to get rid of the faint lines visible from where the three photos join.
you can see this in the attached image. under the big rock and in the sky on the right.
I've recently installed GIMP. It is a bit daunting for me at this stage but I'm getting there. My main interest is enhancing photos.
Is there a way to stitch two images together? I can't find any reference to this.
Also, is there an index type search facility to find information on a specific topic? The manual is good but a key word search facility would be very useful. Again I can't find one..
My still camera facilitates the taking of multiple panoramic shots than can be later stitched into one large file - a narrow, long image (about 5 Mb in my case). I can access this photo as with any other photo. However, if I zoom into it with the intent of panning from left to right so the full height of the image fills the screen, the quality goes way down. It is not the photo file itself because I can bring that up in the Windows photo gallery and it zooms up wonderfully. Also, if I zoom any regular photo to the same extent (about 400x) that image remains pretty good and does not have the same drop off in quality. I looked at all of the options I could find, but saw nothing I could do to improve the quality.
How to pan manually from one photo to another, instead of using the panoramic pic? I tried this using the overlay track but of course the overlay photo covers up the main track.
I'm trying to bend a set of panoramic photos around a circle. Most of the discussions I see in this forum are about doing this with text using the Type on a path tool. I'd like to achieve the essentially same thing with a photograph. The warp tool in photoshop seems much too clumsy for my needs. Here is an example of the layout i'm talking about, with black boxes instead of images.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to blend two pictures using layer masks and the gradient tool. I have seen a tutorial from photoshop which enables you to place one picture on the top of the other and using the gradient tool blend and expose the background from all corners of the picture, in fact any part of the picture. However when I try to do multiple blends in GIMP, the first blend works OK but when I go to do the second one, the first one is deleted. The photoshop example showed a ladies face with forest scene and waterfall as a background. In that example with the face in the foreground, it was possible to blend from a number of places from all sides and each time a blend was done, it would remain there even after more blends were done. Does GIMP have the same capability for doing this as photoshop?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am facing problems while 'stitching' the panoramic photos that i shot. basically, Photoshop's File>Automate>Photomerge and Edit>Auto Align/Blend Layers works good, but FAIL on the LENS DISTORTION.
i had tried to correct it with Filter>Lens Correction, but still not getting perfect result. see the attached image for the results, were you can see the building looks bent. check/download the source images from [URL]......
I've been trying to make a banner for Etsy using a couple of my own photos but I can't seem to get more than one photo to cooperate.
Here's the tutorial I've been using: How to Produce an Etsy Shop Banner in GIMP
I'm able to get the first photo situated but when I try to add more, the image won't scale down correctly like the first one did. Am I doing something wrong? Can I even add multiple photos to the same banner using this method?
I have a long and complicated road trip timelapse photo set I'm converting to an animation. That i've managed to sort out. However I also have some panoramas that i took here and there. I'm trying to take these panoramas (about 11 of them) into their component images,but with an overlap so that they will be in the animation appearing as a pan.
So I have about a dozen of these fairly wide images (2096 x 544 for one of them), and each of these i want to split into about ten images with a reasonable "overlap".
Given the amount of potential images, and my desire to have a smooth pan, making composite images manually wouldn't really work.
I've been using ifranview to bulk crop and resize images but i couldn't work out a way to do this so I switched to GIMP, which I'm not great with.
I've grabbed the guidelines every x pixels script and guillotine into layers plugin, hoping I could guillotine across multiple guideline "units" but all it's given me is dozens of vertical slices of the image.
I could merge and duplicate them but that would take ages.
At the moment I'm thinking my best option is to put the guidelines on and use selections to snap to guidelines and paste as seperate layers, then save all the layers as seperate files. However that still seems very slow and clunky and i'm wondering if there's a better way.
How do I take still pictures from Photoshop 10 videos?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have pictures of my son that I want to erase the background from. What is the best way to do this in adobe photoshop cs4 extended?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want to use pictures with my forms and was wondering if i can use them like the way i showed in attached image.
the CaseA image is the one i can currently use and CaseB is the way i want to use. My reason to do this is, i have alot of parameters to change and having both the picture and a menu below/above takes alot of space which also seems redundant.
Every time I open a multi-page pdf in illustrator, it only opens the first page.. Why is this, and is there an option to change it? CS5
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if it is possible to make a form with multiple forms, depending on the selection a could build a rectangle, or a cilynder or a cone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn lr4 when I import photos in portrait form they are displayed in landscape. This didn't happen in lr3. Is there a solutionn to this problem other than manually rotating them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been working on this code for a bit now and I've got a Windows Form with a numeric up down box which is designed to determine how many Layouts (PaperSpace) that a user would like generated.
I've got the form to pass the value as to the function as an argument but an not sure how to get the function to automatically generate "x" amount of Layouts based on the value of "int x". Right now i've just got a few "if" statements controlling the system, but i'm looking for a more elegant solution than a sea of "if" statements.
namespace CHPaperSpace
public class PaperSpace
// This will be the function associated with my command
public void CHPAPERSPACECOMMAND(int x)
Is there a facility that can group all my photos (from multiple device downloads) in a calender form - the way it does on a map when you have a location saved on the photo?
It would be cool if you can select "calender view" and all the photos with the same date are stacked together.
How can I drag-select muliple vertex points form a polyline, a workaround I found is:
-select object
-shift select first vertex, shift select next vertex, etc
But this workaround is limited because I want to delete those vertexes, I cannot find the remove vertex command when I have multiple vertexes selected.