Photoshop :: Stitching Panoramic Photos - Lens Distortion
Mar 31, 2013
I am facing problems while 'stitching' the panoramic photos that i shot. basically, Photoshop's File>Automate>Photomerge and Edit>Auto Align/Blend Layers works good, but FAIL on the LENS DISTORTION.
i had tried to correct it with Filter>Lens Correction, but still not getting perfect result. see the attached image for the results, were you can see the building looks bent. check/download the source images from [URL]......
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Mar 11, 2006
how to correct the lens distortion from a wide angle lens that makes buildings lean in as they go up.
I only have PS6,
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Jul 17, 2009
I remember seeing a video tutorial on fixing lens distortion but I don't remember that video is and who did it. how to fix lens distortion in Photoshop CS4? I shot the photo with a widen angel 24mm Nikon lens. The picture looks somehow distorted.
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Oct 23, 2008
With any lens, there is an inherent distortion. I've seen grids at in their lens reviews. If possible, I want to use Photoshop to create the same distortion my lens would create. For example, if I photograph a sheet of graph paper, the result would be a distorted grid. Can I get photoshop to take an UN-distorted grid, and distort it in the same manner? How complicated is this, if possible?
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Jun 13, 2012
Lens correction, and therefore vingette does not apper in my distort filter drop down menu in cs5? can I put this in to this filter or is it somewhere else.
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Jul 9, 2013
Starting yesterday afternoon, every image that I adjust for size or lens distortion (as seen below) has a pattern appear.
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Feb 12, 2014
I need to add barrel distortion to a 3ds max camera.
using 2014
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Mar 6, 2013
I'm trying to correct the distortion caused by a wide-angle lens in Premiere CS6. From what I can tell, there is no filter or transform / distort feature within Premiere itself. I followed the steps in this tutorial to open the MPEG4 in Photoshop, apply the lens correction filter, and then export the video again to be re-imported to Premiere. URL....
However this tutorial is for CS5. I am seeing no adjustment or filter layer in my layers panel, as it appears in the tutorial. When I go to export the video, it seems the Adaptive Wide Angle filter or the Lens Correction filter has only applied to a single frame of the whole clip. Bummer.
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Apr 3, 2011
I need to correct distortion from my 18-200 mm lens for my Nikon D80.
I can experiment with the controls until I get what looks reasonable,but it would be easier if I could find recommendations for settings of the lens distortion filter at different focal lengths for the lens.
I used to use a Panorama Tools plugin for gimp for which I found such recommendations, but I can't get that plugin to work with recent versions of gimp.
Of course I can experiment by photographing a grid at different focal lengths and different subject distances and using trial and error, and create my own tables.
Finally, where can I find a description of the the algorithm that the filter uses. If I had that, it might simplify things. Usually these algorithms apply a polynomial (usually cubic) correction based on the radial distance from the center of the image. The parameters set the coefficients of the polynomial.
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Apr 18, 2011
There used to be a pnorama tools plugin which allowed one to entercorrections for specific lenses which I was able to find on the web.That worked very well. But I haven't been able to find that plugin forrecent versions of gimp.
There is a lens distortion filter, but you have to use it by trial anderror. I haven't found any specific recommendations to use forspecific lenses anywhere. And in some cases, nothing I try works. Iattach an example below. It was taken, I believe with a Nikon 18-55 mmlens at 18 mm. You will notice that there is no distortion at thesides but significant barrel distortion as you move in from the sides.No combination of major and edge correction that I've tried does anygood.
P.S. I understand that ahd I shot raw with my Nikon, I might havebeen able to do the correction more easily using ufraw. Also, it mightbe possible using hugin to correct the distortion. But I would like tobe able to do it with gimp if I can.
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Apr 22, 2014
Lens distortion removal folder is missing completely. Perhaps there is a way to download those presets separately?
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May 29, 2012
I'm having trouble stitching photos together in CS4.I am stitching together photos from microscopic flourescence images. I am trying to get a single image of the entire specimen but every time I try photomerge it leaves one of the images in the corner. It does a great job of adding all of the other images together but every time it refuses to add the last image (it could be the first, the point is that it is an image on one of the ends).
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Apr 29, 2009
I just need to know a few things before trying to stitch some photos I took:1. Do the pictures need to be in JPEG or RAW?2. How many pictures, at most, can I stitch? I have tried about 6 photos in RAW as it came from the camera and I think it was to much.
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Jun 4, 2013
My lens profiles in the distortion correction list are small. I looked at the official list and mine is not right. I only have one Tamron lens profile. Nikon and Canon only have about 6 lenses each. What gives?
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Jan 13, 2012
Can't see the grid lines in the crop lens distortion correction overlays?
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Jun 15, 2007
I am trying to stitch together a sequence of wake boarding shots and put them into one picture. I have done it semi-successfully only once and would love to learn how to re-create this awesome effect every time. This is the one photo I did get to work... although i cant get any others to work.
I am pretty sure I didn't do this correctly but it was the only way I could figure out how. Here goes... I started by bringing in all the images into separate layers into cs3 I then selected all of them and chose Auto-Align. Once it got all of the frames onto the canvas I arranged them from left to right in to layers palette then chose the top image in to layers palette and chose create mask.
I then used the eraser tool and brought the next image through so that i could see it. Once I could see it I would move onto the second layer in the layer palette and create layer mask and do the same for all the layers.
Once done I would choose Auto-Blend and it usually leaves a few of the frames out of the picture. This is what the unsuccessful ones looked like
I have also tried not doing any of the clipping masks, by just bringing in the pictures and then going straight to AutoBlend after I did AutoAlign this is the result that yielded.
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Mar 8, 2012
Can't see the grid lines in the crop lens distortion correction overlays?
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Mar 4, 2012
This is a photoshop request. I have a set of scenic photos I'd like stitched/blended together. The idea is to get the one panoramic image, and then make it into a poster.
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Jun 15, 2012
Is it possible to do panoramas and stitching photos together with PSPPX3?
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Dec 22, 2010
My still camera facilitates the taking of multiple panoramic shots than can be later stitched into one large file - a narrow, long image (about 5 Mb in my case). I can access this photo as with any other photo. However, if I zoom into it with the intent of panning from left to right so the full height of the image fills the screen, the quality goes way down. It is not the photo file itself because I can bring that up in the Windows photo gallery and it zooms up wonderfully. Also, if I zoom any regular photo to the same extent (about 400x) that image remains pretty good and does not have the same drop off in quality. I looked at all of the options I could find, but saw nothing I could do to improve the quality.
How to pan manually from one photo to another, instead of using the panoramic pic? I tried this using the overlay track but of course the overlay photo covers up the main track.
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Mar 4, 2014
I'm trying to bend a set of panoramic photos around a circle. Most of the discussions I see in this forum are about doing this with text using the Type on a path tool. I'd like to achieve the essentially same thing with a photograph. The warp tool in photoshop seems much too clumsy for my needs. Here is an example of the layout i'm talking about, with black boxes instead of images.
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Apr 22, 2011
I'm new to using Linux based software and do not know how to stitch multi photos together to form a panoramic picture?
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Jun 24, 2013
Is there a plug in needed or how does one get the photos from Canon EOS camera into Lightroom? My come through looking distorted and noisy.
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Dec 30, 2011
I'm trying to recreate some vintage packaging artwork in CorelDraw. I've imported my reference material to a bottom layer and am recreating the text and graphics on layers above it. The reference photos I have been supplied with have a number of problems and most I have been able to fix in PhotoPaint. (Horizontal and vertical shear distortion). However, the 'fish-eye' distortion created by the camera lens is proving difficult to surmount. I have tried using the Mesh Warp tool but the ridiculously small workspace window it generates makes it impossible to render accurate changes to the image. Is there a way to coax PhotoPaint to create a larger working space to increase its accuracy.
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Nov 3, 2012
I noticed some of my final jpeg photos were losing the lens info and others weren't. So I tried a couple things and revised all my workflow only to find out the following:
I use Capture NX2 to save TIFF images out of the RAW and then I open them on PS (CS6).
The original RAWs all have the <aux:Lens> tag in them. I checked with Photoshop and Bridge that they are there.
If I open the file with Capture and save it to two different files:
One TIFF and a second one Jpeg, both of them will continue to show the tag <aux:Lens> with the Lens type (again, checked with Bridge and PS).
But here comes the tricky part: if I open these files with photoshop and SAVE AS jpeg (in the same way), the one that originated from a TIFF will strip the "<aux:Lens>" tag on the final picture, while the one that originated from a jpeg will not.
There seems to be a problem on how Photoshop interprets the Exif info while saving from an original TIFF file.
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Oct 29, 2011
how do I search for all photos taken with a certain lens?
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Apr 15, 2013
LightRoom and Camera Raw have profiles for Lens Correction and all the current available lens are in the list for the Canon 6D raw files. BUT the Filter/Lens Correction when in Photoshop CS6 only have 2 Tamron lens listed. Odd that there are lens profiles for the Canon 6D raw files in Lightroom and Camera RAW but not CS6 Filter/Lens Correction.
Camera RAW, LR and PS are up to date..... NOTE: I have a Canon 7D, G11 and 1D Mark II N and all their files work as expected. It's only RAW files created by the Canon 6D.
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Jul 19, 2012
Why won't the Lens Correction filter recognize my camera and lens, which is shown in the metadata below the correction window? I had been using the venerable Canon 5D Mk II and now the Mk III. For images taken with the III it doesn't even list Canon in the Camera drop down -- too new? Even with the II, I had to choose the camera manually and then choose the lens from a very tedious list, and had no indication if it was using the focal length in the case of a zoom, or the aperture.
I do strongly prefer to do this correction in Camera Raw or Lightroom, and realize it needs to be done on an uncropped image to be accurate. why even present it as an auto correction if it can't use the metadata? Why not just limit it to the manual correction?
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Jun 24, 2012
I can't find my lens in the Lens Correction menu. Is there a way to add it?
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Nov 27, 2011
Using LR 3.5.1. When applying Lens Corrections/Profile/Enable in Default, my Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 actual lens is being corrected by the profile for a Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 lens. I can tell it's the wrong correction because the barrel distortion after using the default profile is not corrected, and when I manually select the 4-5.6 lens the correction is perfect. So I know the right data is embedded in the LR correction data bank but is not being used.
I found that when I set the profile Setup selector to "Auto" the correct lens is selected and the correction it makes is "correct." But then moving to the next photo it switches to Default again, selecting the wrong lens, and so has to be set to Auto for each photo. This action doesn't seem to me to me an expected result called "Setup." I need this for my home interior photography, and with hundreds of photos a week I don't want to manually operate this. This didn't happen until v.3.4 or 3.5, I think.
So, how do I get it to select the right lens as the Default, or get the Auto setting to stick? Either would do. (Seems to me they logically are the same thing).
In addition, why isn't it possible to have the profile itself enabled as a default perhaps in a preset - or is that possible and I don't know how to do it? In other words, once it's working right, why not make it an import preset for that lens?
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Mar 7, 2014
I'm trying out the new Sigma 24-105 DG lens with my 5D M II. The lens profile is not yet in the list of Sigma lenses. I checked and my LR is up to date with the latest version 5.3. Is there a way to find the lens profile to import for LR lens correction function? Or do I just need to wait until LR updates for new lenses?
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