Photoshop :: JPEG Photos Losing Lens Info From EXIF
Nov 3, 2012
I noticed some of my final jpeg photos were losing the lens info and others weren't. So I tried a couple things and revised all my workflow only to find out the following:
I use Capture NX2 to save TIFF images out of the RAW and then I open them on PS (CS6).
The original RAWs all have the <aux:Lens> tag in them. I checked with Photoshop and Bridge that they are there.
If I open the file with Capture and save it to two different files:
One TIFF and a second one Jpeg, both of them will continue to show the tag <aux:Lens> with the Lens type (again, checked with Bridge and PS).
But here comes the tricky part: if I open these files with photoshop and SAVE AS jpeg (in the same way), the one that originated from a TIFF will strip the "<aux:Lens>" tag on the final picture, while the one that originated from a jpeg will not.
There seems to be a problem on how Photoshop interprets the Exif info while saving from an original TIFF file.
I am currently using PE6 in an old XP PC and want to use the same PE6 software in my new Windows 7 PC. The sheer number of photos (>12K) make it nearly impossible to reorganize and retag everything from scratch!! If a newer PE version would avoid these problems, I would consider upgrading. I can't believe the Adobe hasn't been asked this question before, but I have been unable to locate any relevant information on their website.
I've been playing around with Exif orientation data, and CS4 always shows the orientation as "Normal" in File -> File Info. However, looking at the same EXIF information with other programs (e.g. Picasa), I see the appropriate rotation information, which is consistent with how I took the photos. Is this a bug in Photoshop CS4? I took the photos with an iPhone 4, by the way.
When i shoot " portrait " mode photos with my Nikon D70, PS shows them " upright", although the windows explorer shows them " landscape style ". I guess that PS reads te exif info from the jpg's, and uses this to show me the photos in a usable way. I want PS to show me the photos just like the windows explorer does, so i know wich one to " turn upright ".
I have a Metadata preset for my copyright info and eversince I created it, it has been stripping the capture infor from the image (ie Focal Length, ISO, F-Stop, etc), the preset does not delete this info from the image upon import?
Is there a way to export jpegs with some exif info (creation date and tile) which should be saved directly on the image. Like the showing of the timestamp on the picture which can be turned on on some cameras.
Reasoin is: I want to use those pics on a digital image frame and I want to show some image data as well. As there are no options in the software of the digiframe to display exifs I have to integrate them in the pictures...
if it is not possible with lightroom then probably you can tell me another way (bridge, photoshop, ...) - just not manually...
Is there a way to view exif info of each photo on the LR 4.2 import screen. I'd like to view Exif data before making the decision to import the capture but can't figure out how to do this. Ideally it would appear as a 'tooltip' when hovering over the image in gridview, or, when looking at a single image it using the "I" key should display image info like it does in other modules of LR4. Are there any plugins that could do that?
I shoot in raw, I import into lightroom by doing a sync folder. Then I edit my picture using photoshop cs6. I save it as a jpeg. Finally I export this image as a jpeg to a sub folder called Publish, which means its ready for the web. problem is when i look at image in lightroom on the right side the histogram has no details, it wont show iso, fstop or anything. if I look at my original RAW file i can see the exif info in the histogram but on my final exported image its all gone.
furthmore it looses all its tags and meta data, I have to copy the metadata back to this file. it would be nice if lightroom would reinsert the meta info and exif once its reimported into lightroom.
I'm looking for a solution about the omission of lens brand in the Exif data generated by Lightroom (even 4.2 version).
I know there is some discussions about this topic, but I didn't find anything specific with brands of lenses.
When I export with Aperture, correct Lens ID appears in the Exif data:
Eg Lens Model: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
But when I export the same CR2 file in Lightroom, "Canon" is omitted, I got:
Lens Model: EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Same thing with pictures taked with my Sigma and Canon family.
In my case this is a "problem". I need Exif tags containing lens brand for an accurate process with others softwares, for example with PTGUI to generate spherical panoramic.
I have a number of unchipped manual focus lenses (Zeiss and Nikon). As a result, no lens information is recorded in the EXIF/Metadata file. How am I able to update this information? What applications are available to use if not by Adobe. Note: I do use LR3 and PS CS5.
Currently under the library table and Metadata filter these unchipped lenses read "0.0mm f/0.0". Note I do use the set up in my camera menu to notify the camera's focal length. So when I move the cursor over the photo is will indicate the focal length. Its just this information can't be used as a filter or for search.
I keep having this problem where my bevel and emboss effects and other effects disappear when i merge layers or save as a jpeg. Why would that be and how can i prevent it?
I use lightroom 4.1 on win 7 64bit. I i have a NEF file with all the details, iso, shutter speed, etc. I click on file and tell it to edit with photoshop cs6.
I edit my file, make adjustments, etc then I save for web and put i in subfolder where the NEF file was originally. Now I go back to lightroom and tell to sync the folder where i saved the file.
The problem is the JPEG file has all the exif data wiped out.
I routinely always edit my images in photoshop as i find it much more powerful than using lightroom but what bums me out is when saving it as a jpeg it stripped of all data, and I'm wondering is this caused my lightroom or photoshop.
So to inspect further i open file in windows explorer do file properties and theres no info on it. yet the NEF file has everything on it. So maybe photoshop is somehow removing all this.
I've narrowed a problem down to LR 4.2 RC's geotagging: once I tag an image with gps values via the map module in LR I compress/optimise with a tool called Riot [URL] .... but this is reporting the following error with any gps-touched files from LR:
JPEG error: Exif: Suspicious offset of first IFD value
No files have this unless LR tries to gps-tag them. After that happens, my blu-ray player spends 10-15 seconds loading these images to display on a tv, yet if LR hasn't touched them they appears almost instantly. Clearly LR 4.2 RC is doing something to the files (corrupting?)
The picture below is a (sadly), .jpeg and I would like to be able to change its dimensions from 800X600 to 958x198However, when I use Ctrl + T to change the size (of course), the sun (most of all) becomes an ellipse.Is there a way that I can change the dimensions of this image without losing the perspective?
Like maybe a way to extend the clouds? I've read about the Clone tool but it leaves seams and aside from that it looks like the image belongs on Santas island of misfit images . Any way, maybe what I am asking is not possible at all but I thought I would ask nonetheless. I've tried keywords up the wahzoo in the FAQ's & forum but have come up empty handed.
I run Lightroom 4.4 under Apple OS X10.4.4..When I export files Exif Tool (in Graphic Converter) under ICC header shows for Jpeg "Primary Platform = Microsoft and for = Tiff Apple; and under ICC Profile Color profile for Jpeg = HP but Adobe 1998 for Tiff. I can see that there is a difference between the profile for Jpeg and Tiff (eg sRgb and Adobe1998) but don't follow why the Primary platform differs and shows Microsoft for Jpeg and that the jpeg profile is HP
does anyone has idea about removing date and time from photos taken by digital camera.I've tried using the clone and crop tools in photoshop but its tedious and has problem of data loss.I would appreciate if someone suggest an action or other method to remove date and time from photos.
i've been trying to find a way on how to save a file in jpeg without losing attributes, specifically the color quality, here is a sample of my work that i saved in jpeg, the one in the left is the output when i save it which it should not be like that, the one in the right is what it should really look like,,
I add comments to various trip photos in the EXIF/Comment box. After processing LR, the comments are no longer there in the output photos. Is there any way to keep the comments when using LR?
I am using PSE 12. When I delete photos the program is moving automatically to the bottom or top of my catalog rather than staying in place. So if I am deleting photos 1000 - 1005 it will reload at the bottom or top of my catalog. This is a huge annoyance given I have 12K photos. Other times it simply freezes and crashes.
in LR3 custom package did not support photo info. Has this changed in LR4 - is there a way to add a caption to a jpeg file generated via the custom package?
I would like to prepare some photos for Retina display screens (not for printing) and was told that in order to do this, I need to increase the resolution of my images from 72dpi to 240dpi.
Many of my original photos are 3000 x 1875 pixel size at 72dpi resolution. What I wanted to know is that if I uncheck 'resample image' in the 'image size' dialogue box and increase the resolution from 72dpi to 240dpi, will my image suddenly be Retina ready without ANY loss of quality?
I find it hard to get my head around the fact that you can simply raise the resolution of an image in this way with no adverse affect to the quality.
Since today I'm using "Lightroom 5.3 RC for Windows". When I export to jpg the Exif meta data contain a Exif tag "Software", the value is "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)". Why doesn't this tag show the version number "5.3" (or "5.3 RC")?This behaviour has been at all prior Lightroom versions I know.
I am facing problems while 'stitching' the panoramic photos that i shot. basically, Photoshop's File>Automate>Photomerge and Edit>Auto Align/Blend Layers works good, but FAIL on the LENS DISTORTION.
i had tried to correct it with Filter>Lens Correction, but still not getting perfect result. see the attached image for the results, were you can see the building looks bent. check/download the source images from [URL]......
I have to migrate from a windows pc to a mac. I have already installed Lightroom 4.4 on the new mac book pro. How can I manage the migration without loosing all my Catalogs, photos, templates, and all the work done on my photos with Lightroom? Which files do I have to paste and copy in my new mac? Do I have to do some other operations before (backup or other?)