Photoshop :: Cropping And EXIF Info
Nov 3, 2004I want to crop one of my photos saved as a jpeg, but I also want to retain the EXIF information in the cropped image, how can I achieve this?
View 6 RepliesI want to crop one of my photos saved as a jpeg, but I also want to retain the EXIF information in the cropped image, how can I achieve this?
View 6 RepliesI've been playing around with Exif orientation data, and CS4 always shows the orientation as "Normal" in File -> File Info. However, looking at the same EXIF information with other programs (e.g. Picasa), I see the appropriate rotation information, which is consistent with how I took the photos. Is this a bug in Photoshop CS4? I took the photos with an iPhone 4, by the way.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI noticed some of my final jpeg photos were losing the lens info and others weren't. So I tried a couple things and revised all my workflow only to find out the following:
I use Capture NX2 to save TIFF images out of the RAW and then I open them on PS (CS6).
The original RAWs all have the <aux:Lens> tag in them. I checked with Photoshop and Bridge that they are there.
If I open the file with Capture and save it to two different files:
One TIFF and a second one Jpeg, both of them will continue to show the tag <aux:Lens> with the Lens type (again, checked with Bridge and PS).
But here comes the tricky part: if I open these files with photoshop and SAVE AS jpeg (in the same way), the one that originated from a TIFF will strip the "<aux:Lens>" tag on the final picture, while the one that originated from a jpeg will not.
There seems to be a problem on how Photoshop interprets the Exif info while saving from an original TIFF file.
In Photoshop CS4, my File>Info window is now blank (empty) and modal, i.e., I must close Photoshop via Task Manager (Windows 7).
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i shoot " portrait " mode photos with my Nikon D70, PS shows them " upright", although the windows explorer shows them " landscape style ". I guess that PS reads te exif info from the jpg's, and uses this to show me the photos in a usable way. I want PS to show me the photos just like the windows explorer does, so i know wich one to " turn upright ".
How do i solve this little problem?
I have a Metadata preset for my copyright info and eversince I created it, it has been stripping the capture infor from the image (ie Focal Length, ISO, F-Stop, etc), the preset does not delete this info from the image upon import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to export jpegs with some exif info (creation date and tile) which should be saved directly on the image. Like the showing of the timestamp on the picture which can be turned on on some cameras.
Reasoin is: I want to use those pics on a digital image frame and I want to show some image data as well. As there are no options in the software of the digiframe to display exifs I have to integrate them in the pictures...
if it is not possible with lightroom then probably you can tell me another way (bridge, photoshop, ...) - just not manually...
Does the current 4.?? (or 5) provide a way of including selected EXIF info as text on the image at export ?
I want to place lens and exposure info on each image as plain text. Morgrify suggested but that no longer works.
Is there a way to view exif info of each photo on the LR 4.2 import screen. I'd like to view Exif data before making the decision to import the capture but can't figure out how to do this. Ideally it would appear as a 'tooltip' when hovering over the image in gridview, or, when looking at a single image it using the "I" key should display image info like it does in other modules of LR4. Are there any plugins that could do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI shoot in raw, I import into lightroom by doing a sync folder. Then I edit my picture using photoshop cs6. I save it as a jpeg. Finally I export this image as a jpeg to a sub folder called Publish, which means its ready for the web. problem is when i look at image in lightroom on the right side the histogram has no details, it wont show iso, fstop or anything. if I look at my original RAW file i can see the exif info in the histogram but on my final exported image its all gone.
furthmore it looses all its tags and meta data, I have to copy the metadata back to this file. it would be nice if lightroom would reinsert the meta info and exif once its reimported into lightroom.
How do I search by EXIF info, specifically lens ? The online help says it's possible but doesn't provide any examples.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince today I'm using "Lightroom 5.3 RC for Windows". When I export to jpg the Exif meta data contain a Exif tag "Software", the value is "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)". Why doesn't this tag show the version number "5.3" (or "5.3 RC")?This behaviour has been at all prior Lightroom versions I know.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anyone help me with the following problem. I use Adobe Photoshop to manipulate digital images from my camera. When I make a CD and try to play in on my DVD player to view on TV, I have a problem. My DVD play requires the exif format. I have been told that Photoshop drops the exif tag and thus I cannot view my images on my TV.
Is there a way to keep all the exif information and still use Photoshop?
Any good script or action to put the exif date on a photo? I have looking on internet and find scripts but the don't working in Photoshop cs6 dutch.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI can't figure out what this preference is doing. I opened and saved images with it on and off, and nothing seems different in the Exif data.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedEverytime I "save for web" my EXIF data is stripped when using CS3.
I have been told to "save as", instead, but that function doesn't allow me to "save as" jpg's. I assume I must be doing something wrong or have an incorrect preference set.
If I am unable to save my EXIF in jpg's using CS3, can I do so, if I upgrade to CS4?
In Photoshop 7 where it shows the information about the photo being worked on there is a list of EXIF tag numbers with values. What are these and what do they mean?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcs6 doesn't save the focus distance in the exif data (Canon 7D) like cs5, is there a fix for this?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a plugin or app that I can use to either edit or erase the Exif camera data in Mac.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can i get my Photoshop to erase all the exif data associated with a file? And also prevent Photoshop from saving to "Photoshop CS6" to the "program name"
exif data included that i want to be removed is shutter speed, GPRS location, lighting, time, etc. I would like to get ALL of the data removed.
When I upload jpg files that have been saved in photoshop CS3 to my account on Flickr, an excessive amount of information appears in the exif data. In particular, there is a list of every time that I have edited and saved the file. How can I eliminate this information?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm using PSCS4 and i'm trying to delete the "history" portion that was originally saved in my XMP data. i've gone to the "file info"->"advanced" window pane (tab) and deleted the "history" folder (like you suggested in your article a photoshop history lesson"), but the folder continues to reappear with all the initial history data. it appears like i delete the history folder, but then when opening up the "file info" window again, all the history is there like it was before i attempted to delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI participate in an online photography challenge group. In order for your photo to be legal you have to be able to submit the original file, with unaltered exif, as proof that the photo was taken during the right dates, and that the editing steps you took were legal.
I have never had an issue, however there is now some debate amongst a few people.
A certain photog claims that she shot a photo in jpg, used PS (it might have been elements though) to edit the photo, then used "save as" to save it as a different file name. When she had to submit the original file, the exif was changed and she was dq'd. She is blaming PS for changing the original file even though she never saved over the original.
My own stance is that she must hae used the "import photos" command to get the pics from her camera to her HD, and that is likely what changed the exif on the original. (I always use a copy and paste into a new folder on my HD)
So my question is... who is correct? Does PS Or PS Elements change your original file just by opening it, even if you do not ever "save", and only use "save as"? Or am I correct in saying the only way that could happen is during an "import from camera" command?
Please let me know so we can put this issue to rest. It is causing the whole jpg vs raw thing to flare up again, since you cannot save to a camera propriatary raw file.
When adding the © copyright symbol to EXIF in PS it displays ok, however, all other Exif viewers that I've tried render the photo Exif data input by PS as ©, I've searched and can't find anything. I've tried two computers and always get the‚ preceeding the © in the photos Exif.
Any ideas how I can fix this?
How to get data exif on a photo
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am new to Photoshop Elements. How can I see the exif data of a photo?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs I understand it, the EXIF that the camera captures has all of the details about when the picture was taken. Including time picture taken, camera settings & model number, if flash fired or not etc,etc. Some cameras have much more data than others & this can include GPS location & perhaps even more that I'm unaware of.
When I use PSE & add tags I have the option of having the EXIF data on each individual photo file overwritten or added to what it had originally. Is this correct?
What if any other programs read this data, Windows perhaps? And & if so how is this done? Can any other programs make use of this data? For instance if I were to export a reduced size copy of one of my picture & emailed it to someone are they likely to be able to see this data?
I'm trying to get photos (JPG files) I've edited in Photoshop and placed on an SD card to display on a Panasonic plasma television (TC-P42X1). The televison will only recognize JPG files with DCF or EXIF standards in tact. I'm assuming photos taken with a digital camera (unedited) already build in these stanards, as those photos view just fine. I'm also assuming that Photoshop strips the JPG file of these standards since the error I'm getting is "Cannot Read" with edited images.
Of course Panasonic says, "It's an Adobe issue." Adobe would probably tell me "It's a Panasonic issue." Using Photoshop, I've opened an image, gone to File/File Info (given the photo a description), selected "OK" and saved the image as a JPG file (did not use the "Save for Web" path). This has gotten me a step closer. Now I can see a thumbnail image on the television when in menu view, but it still says, "Cannon Read" when trying to view the images with the slide show option. What is the trick is using Photoshop to correct this issue? I'm open to other options as well.
I've got a template file, which has my photo stored as Smart Object. There are some filters performed on it, and some groups of filters I select to match the image. It works great. However, the only caveat is that the EXIF data is stored from original image. Photoshop doesn't read the EXIF from the most recently imported file. Â
View 3 Replies View RelatedI often produce product images for clients that they then supply to their distributors and I prefer that my camera EXIF data not be included (none of their business). I use various actions to produce a variety of sizes and colourspaces (sRGB and CMYK) from the original PSDs. Unfortunately Photoshop seems to lack the ability to strip the camera EXIF data from a PSD file other than by copying the image to a new document. This is fine for a few images. But when you have 50-100 images it's not very practical.
Here's an action that would work:
Note: Image layers are not supported and the colourspace is lost so you will need to make note of the colourspace of the originals.
Action 1 : Open (flatten) and save the RGB or CMYK PSD files as Scitex Format (SCT).
Action 2: Open .SCT files, assign the now missing colourspace tag, re-save as PSD.
I can then add any metatags that should be embedded in these images.
But does anyone know of a plugin or post-processing utility that will strip selective metadata (ie: camera info only, not the metatags with the company info, copyright etc..) from RGB and CMYK 'Photoshop format' images?
I am not sure about the etiquette of this as I asked the question at NAPP and have as yet gotten nothing. Of course that could be because I'm impatient and more so after I realized I stood a better chance of not just an answer but several variations on the theme.
For years I have stored my images in a folder that is named for the day they were offloaded into the Windows OS computer. I have accepted Nikon, Canon,and Olympus' name for the individual image. So an image would be E:Images20041107DSC_8765.nef.
I wish to go to my files and rename the files with the date ( the image was) actually taken by the camera. I think this is in the EXIF data but how can I access it?
What I want to end up with would have the same format up to the actual image name but the renamed image would be yyyymmdd[taken]DSC_#####.nef where the ##### would be a sequential number generated by the batch or even me.