Photoshop :: File Info (Exif) Window Empty And Locks CS4
Nov 17, 2012In Photoshop CS4, my File>Info window is now blank (empty) and modal, i.e., I must close Photoshop via Task Manager (Windows 7).
View 2 RepliesIn Photoshop CS4, my File>Info window is now blank (empty) and modal, i.e., I must close Photoshop via Task Manager (Windows 7).
View 2 RepliesI've been playing around with Exif orientation data, and CS4 always shows the orientation as "Normal" in File -> File Info. However, looking at the same EXIF information with other programs (e.g. Picasa), I see the appropriate rotation information, which is consistent with how I took the photos. Is this a bug in Photoshop CS4? I took the photos with an iPhone 4, by the way.
View 6 Replies View Relatedfile info in Photoshop shows only an empty box yet works in bridge.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was trying to change the copyright information on a few photos in PS, but every time I open the File Info dialog (ctrl-alt-shift-i) the dialog comes up empty and hangs photoshop. Even if I open PS with a new document and try to open File Info, it still hangs.
Here's my version:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
I have actions in CS1 to open :
"Levels" window so I can individually adjust & save
"File info" window so I can individually add text & save
The former window I can move & all following windows will open in new position.The latter I can move but next image always opens centrally again. Any way to make "File info" window open off to one side?
Among my many complaints with CS4 is the inability to cut and paste within the file info entry window in Bridge in CS4. I was able to in CS3. My expectations for Adobe are very low these days, but no longer having the cut and paste function is ridiculous. Practically every piece of software out there allows it. When I'm having to enter a lengthy caption with difficult to spell foreign locations, cut and paste used to make data entry a lot easier. Why was the feature deleted from CS4?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to crop one of my photos saved as a jpeg, but I also want to retain the EXIF information in the cropped image, how can I achieve this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI noticed some of my final jpeg photos were losing the lens info and others weren't. So I tried a couple things and revised all my workflow only to find out the following:
I use Capture NX2 to save TIFF images out of the RAW and then I open them on PS (CS6).
The original RAWs all have the <aux:Lens> tag in them. I checked with Photoshop and Bridge that they are there.
If I open the file with Capture and save it to two different files:
One TIFF and a second one Jpeg, both of them will continue to show the tag <aux:Lens> with the Lens type (again, checked with Bridge and PS).
But here comes the tricky part: if I open these files with photoshop and SAVE AS jpeg (in the same way), the one that originated from a TIFF will strip the "<aux:Lens>" tag on the final picture, while the one that originated from a jpeg will not.
There seems to be a problem on how Photoshop interprets the Exif info while saving from an original TIFF file.
When i shoot " portrait " mode photos with my Nikon D70, PS shows them " upright", although the windows explorer shows them " landscape style ". I guess that PS reads te exif info from the jpg's, and uses this to show me the photos in a usable way. I want PS to show me the photos just like the windows explorer does, so i know wich one to " turn upright ".
How do i solve this little problem?
I have a Metadata preset for my copyright info and eversince I created it, it has been stripping the capture infor from the image (ie Focal Length, ISO, F-Stop, etc), the preset does not delete this info from the image upon import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to export jpegs with some exif info (creation date and tile) which should be saved directly on the image. Like the showing of the timestamp on the picture which can be turned on on some cameras.
Reasoin is: I want to use those pics on a digital image frame and I want to show some image data as well. As there are no options in the software of the digiframe to display exifs I have to integrate them in the pictures...
if it is not possible with lightroom then probably you can tell me another way (bridge, photoshop, ...) - just not manually...
Does the current 4.?? (or 5) provide a way of including selected EXIF info as text on the image at export ?
I want to place lens and exposure info on each image as plain text. Morgrify suggested but that no longer works.
Is there a way to view exif info of each photo on the LR 4.2 import screen. I'd like to view Exif data before making the decision to import the capture but can't figure out how to do this. Ideally it would appear as a 'tooltip' when hovering over the image in gridview, or, when looking at a single image it using the "I" key should display image info like it does in other modules of LR4. Are there any plugins that could do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI shoot in raw, I import into lightroom by doing a sync folder. Then I edit my picture using photoshop cs6. I save it as a jpeg. Finally I export this image as a jpeg to a sub folder called Publish, which means its ready for the web. problem is when i look at image in lightroom on the right side the histogram has no details, it wont show iso, fstop or anything. if I look at my original RAW file i can see the exif info in the histogram but on my final exported image its all gone.
furthmore it looses all its tags and meta data, I have to copy the metadata back to this file. it would be nice if lightroom would reinsert the meta info and exif once its reimported into lightroom.
How do I search by EXIF info, specifically lens ? The online help says it's possible but doesn't provide any examples.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnd several related questions. This is new to me in Ps CS6 (Mac OS 10.7x, dual displays). Image files always appear in a second window but will open no larger than will fit into this first window. Once open I can open my image window to extend beyond the original empty window. If I have images open and I close this empty window my images close too. How did I become so unfortunate and how do I become fortunate again?
Related questions:
In Ps CS5 I used to be able to move the image edge to well within its window to facilitate work at or near an edge. This is not possible for me in Ps CS6 and I can find no way to change it.
Why is there a default empty window when you open the app on Mac? All previous versions let you view your desktop if you don't have an open project. Is there a preference setting to get rid of this?
View 4 Replies View Relatedevery time i try to draw a marquee or draw a shape in ps6, a small info box appears next to my curser. it is incredibly distracting, and i cannot figure out how to get rid of it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn creating an action that will be passed on to others I'm looking for a way to include a 'help window' that can be left open (with additional info they will want to refer to) until the user is finished with the action.
The 'stop' segment within an action does not contain enough space and closes when the user continues to the next segment of the action. I'm trying to figure out how to get an 'info window' to stay open during the entire action- if the user needs to refer back to it.
I don't think that my PSP X5 (or X4) is presenting the images the way the tab had intended. I've done several complete re-installs and the remainder of the program seems to be working, except for the Manage tab. I can see the images displayed in the tray portion of the window and the highlighted image name shows above the large preview window, however there is no image in the preview window.
The area becomes populated with images if I switch to the Thumbnail view, but the small preview window palette is blank. If, while in the Preview mode if I click on one of the effects, the effect is created in the tray. Another thing that I've noticed is if I use the Magnifier tool in the empty area (where the preview should be) I can actually see the magnified image in the tool.
I made a prompted entry, for example, in a sketched symbol,again, for example.
Now i edit the text and want to write a static text, not a prompted entry and none from that list, but i cannot get the empty, white, window, like in the picture, and like when i start a new text.
I am forced to choose only from the list.
Here is a strange problem since this morning. The text wrapping window is totally empty! I don't have any setting options anymore.
Yesterday, everything was OK but not today. I don't understand why and I don't know what to dot. I restarted InDesign and the computer but nothing changed. The other setting windows are OK.
My Material Editor Appearance preview window is empty as you can see on attached picture.
All read only and custom libraries are represented in this way.
CS6 locks up when I open a RAW file. Doesn't matter how I open the file. Other files open fine. This just started happening and I haven't changed anything on my PC. I'm running Windows 7 and have plenty of RAM.
View 4 Replies View Relatedan image number date and time has appeared on my photos in the top left hand corner while i'm in develop / lightroom.
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to open a DNG or a NEF file causes ACR to lock completely. The only way to quit is to Force Quit. I am a MAC user, Mavericks, long time PSCC user. This problem just occurred. It is not a plug-in conflict.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i get my Photoshop to erase all the exif data associated with a file? And also prevent Photoshop from saving to "Photoshop CS6" to the "program name"
exif data included that i want to be removed is shutter speed, GPRS location, lighting, time, etc. I would like to get ALL of the data removed.
i'm using PSCS4 and i'm trying to delete the "history" portion that was originally saved in my XMP data. i've gone to the "file info"->"advanced" window pane (tab) and deleted the "history" folder (like you suggested in your article a photoshop history lesson"), but the folder continues to reappear with all the initial history data. it appears like i delete the history folder, but then when opening up the "file info" window again, all the history is there like it was before i attempted to delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI participate in an online photography challenge group. In order for your photo to be legal you have to be able to submit the original file, with unaltered exif, as proof that the photo was taken during the right dates, and that the editing steps you took were legal.
I have never had an issue, however there is now some debate amongst a few people.
A certain photog claims that she shot a photo in jpg, used PS (it might have been elements though) to edit the photo, then used "save as" to save it as a different file name. When she had to submit the original file, the exif was changed and she was dq'd. She is blaming PS for changing the original file even though she never saved over the original.
My own stance is that she must hae used the "import photos" command to get the pics from her camera to her HD, and that is likely what changed the exif on the original. (I always use a copy and paste into a new folder on my HD)
So my question is... who is correct? Does PS Or PS Elements change your original file just by opening it, even if you do not ever "save", and only use "save as"? Or am I correct in saying the only way that could happen is during an "import from camera" command?
Please let me know so we can put this issue to rest. It is causing the whole jpg vs raw thing to flare up again, since you cannot save to a camera propriatary raw file.
Since today I'm using "Lightroom 5.3 RC for Windows". When I export to jpg the Exif meta data contain a Exif tag "Software", the value is "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)". Why doesn't this tag show the version number "5.3" (or "5.3 RC")?This behaviour has been at all prior Lightroom versions I know.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get photos (JPG files) I've edited in Photoshop and placed on an SD card to display on a Panasonic plasma television (TC-P42X1). The televison will only recognize JPG files with DCF or EXIF standards in tact. I'm assuming photos taken with a digital camera (unedited) already build in these stanards, as those photos view just fine. I'm also assuming that Photoshop strips the JPG file of these standards since the error I'm getting is "Cannot Read" with edited images.
Of course Panasonic says, "It's an Adobe issue." Adobe would probably tell me "It's a Panasonic issue." Using Photoshop, I've opened an image, gone to File/File Info (given the photo a description), selected "OK" and saved the image as a JPG file (did not use the "Save for Web" path). This has gotten me a step closer. Now I can see a thumbnail image on the television when in menu view, but it still says, "Cannon Read" when trying to view the images with the slide show option. What is the trick is using Photoshop to correct this issue? I'm open to other options as well.